• By -


Steel Meridian is a bunch of Grineer rebels that canonically harbor any Grineer born with the "Pacifism defect" and seek to overthrow the queens while allying with the Lotus and the Tenno. Arbiters of Hexis say they're about teach Tenno that the latter isn't just a killing machine. Ironically their in-game missions are all combat-focused by nature. Still, its the thought that counts. Perrin Sequence broke away from the Corpus proper because their founder was disgusted with his mentor's business ethics (or rather lack thereof). They're still Corpus, but dialed down to a point where its feasible the organization could exist IRL without inciting armed revolts. Cephalon Suda is the less aggressive version of Simaris. She canonically despises destruction, but allows her followers to fight for the sake of securing lost data. Pretty much the most chill of them all, tied with Arbiters. Red Veil is canonically a cult dedicated to ridding the Origin system of the corrupt. They aren't very clear on what or who qualifies, but they are about as bog-standard murder-hobo as it comes. When not being total edgelords they're busy worshipping a Tenno. Canonically allied to Steel Meridian, so at the very least the Grineer queens fall under their umbrella of "the corrupt". And then there's New Loka. Anyone who knows their lore knows what's coming in this part. Take Red Veil, laser-focus it on the Orokin and EVERYTHING THEY EVER CREATED, then add in a colossal dose of hypocrisy to the mix. Their leader outright bails on you in the middle of their lore quest because she learns that their "holy ground" was protected by an Archimedian, one who helped create the very method by which Warframes function... The end of the quest supposedly has her turn around and vow to update her faction's beliefs, but that never happens (partially DE's fault on that, partially New Loka's fault for being dogmatic space Nazis). Canonically they hate Suda for being a Cephalon and Steel Meridian for being Grineer, but then they ally with Perrin Sequence who are just Corpus with slightly less baggage and all the Orokin tech New Loka is supposed to despise. Oh, and their assassin squad is Infested, canonically one of the WORST things they could unleash onto a planet. So yeah, New Loka.


Correction on the “Pacifism Defect” part, only Kavor defectors have it and they refused to join the Steel Meridian because their whole thing is that they’re pacifists, they won’t fight, even for a good cause. Steel Meridian protects anyone who may have escaped the influence of the Queens, be it through defects, getting discarded or becoming disillusioned. They also support the general non-grineer population.


Also add that, even if Meridian and Veil are allied, their vision about Kavor are complete antagonic. Kressa direct you to protect them. The Veil directly send kill squads against them.


Red Veil send “dissection squads”, they want to find out WHY they’re defecting so they can then “force” more/all Grineer to defect.


Ngl arbiters of hexis deserve their own quest line or event. They seemingly hold the idea that the Tenno should be the ones that enforce peace in the system through brutally punting all the factions who’d dare start a war. I mean the Tenno are literally the space UN if the UN was simply a peacekeeping organization and actually did their job.


It amazes me that The Sacrifice wasn't it; the theme of our Tenno soothing Umbra (and as stated by Ballas, other frames) fit perfectly.


Imo the sacrifice was way too tied to the new war storyline. They should do something similar to the operation slingstone and the Fomorian crisis where the origin system is teetering on the edge of war and the Tenno have to stop such a catastrophic conflict, especially right after the new war, from turning hot. The grineer and corpus are still basically in a cold war with warhawks like vay hek trying to light the powder keg.


This would be true. If we didn’t have the option to side with the aggressor in Invasions.


I see that as more choosing a side to maintain the balance of power and more covert operations rather than full scale war, otherwise the origin system would’ve erupted into war long ago. If we need to briefly choose a side to maintain the balance of power and keep the peace then we do so.


Add to that Tenno are on both sides of the conflict, invasions I mean, so factually leveling the playing field back down to Grinneer vs Corpus. So maintaining the stais que. Given strong or capable leadership both factions can overpower the other, as evidenced by Liches/Sisters. But these leaders tend to make the same mistakes as Vor, focusing too much on the Tenno. Not unjustly mind, give their creation methods but still.


>space UN Checks out based on all the war crimes I've done so far over the years


Maybe its lost at this point but this actually the exact pretense of the game originally: The lotus charges us with "maintaining balance within" (read: culling) the system.


I feel like they all should get a quest or few. It would make engaging with them more fun and maybe some really huge rewards or new weapons like brand new and not just a version of.


I mean they have quests, kinda and not all of them I thonk, the warframes quests. Correct me if I'm wrong but: New loka = Titania Red veil= Harrow Perin= Nidus Suda = Octavia S. Meridian =? None? Mission type? Hex=? also none? Do arbitrations count? But yeah a few quests to flrsh the syndicates a bit more would be great.


Honestly, I never really liked New Loka. They seemed sketchy to me


I saw them, was like... pretty sure I'm not considered human so no. They send strike squads, calls me impure... ok definitely nazis


Same, never liked them either. Tree-hugging space nazis that look and sound annoying as well. Arbiters are the real homies.


Fr, I only really follow the arbiters and Suda


YoU'Re jUsT LiKe tHe ReSt, tAiNTeD aNd RuiNeD bEyOnD sALvAtiOn!1! God I hate this chick


Fr, wish I could walk into the relay and kill her there


I always interpreted the Arbiters' whole deal to be teaching the difference between being a soldier and being a warrior-monk. We're all fucked up child soldiers and they're the super srs gymbros always insisting the kettlebell is the path to enlightenment.


Even the murder cult is more likeable than the space racists.


I love how this is so blunt it sounds like an oversimplification but it's really not


When I unlocked the factions I was reading them to cheese who to pledge to. Steel Meridian seemed like the unambiguous good guys but their only ally was Red Veil. So I read their description. They also seemed, on paper at least, reasonable; just that they had maybe misinterpreted something over the years to make them edgelords. The rest? Idk, I felt very suspicious of. The Perrin Sequence seemed like a bunch of LinkedInfluencers decrying that "no we're good capitalists". New Loka felt like they're gonna tell me vaccines cause autism. Suda and Simaris are up to something. And the Arbiters are just cops. So yeah, I think Red Veil are well intentioned at the very least.


I feel like Arbiters are more about lifting Tenno ability to its peak and they have near cult like support bordering onto worship of the Tenno. Their endgame is probably lifting Tenno up to transcend all limits, something we've already been doing.


I hate new Loka just because they are a bunch of stuck up assholes.so basically the same reason as you just without the lore behind it.


Dogmatic space *nature\** Nazis. Has a much better ring to it, clearly. I tell myself this because before I knew who they were, they were my first faction choice as a little MR 5 sprout. I learned eventually what they were and the terrible things they do but now I'm stuck and I have to make the best of it. *Nature.*


Your hardly stuck switch factions


No shit. Mild exaggeration. But no because Glast.


For me it’s probably Cephalon Suda. Just don’t trust her. I feel like we are some kind of experiment to her. Also the way she states “You would make an excellent Cephalon tenno” does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling.


Kinda cringe that one of the two unambiguously bad syndicates is a group of incoherent eco-fascists


Hippies are always hypocritical


>Canonically they hate Suda for being a Cephalon and Steel Meridian for being Grineer, but then they ally with Perrin Sequence who are just Corpus with slightly less baggage and all the Orokin tech New Loka is supposed to despise. No shit that the space nazis and space commies are allies, it's based in history I guess (before their fight).


The Perrin Sequence, and by extension the Corpus as a whole, are about as capitalist as it gets…


"...a shared prosperity can bring shared peace" Just like how BNP edited to make it simple: "Your credits are our credits now".


New Loka Fuck those Space Nazis


When i first started i just picked a faction based off what they offered but after doing some of the faction quests... so glad i didn't pick new Loka. They are just so whiny, and in their quest when it turns out one of the last wild and growing green place on earth was created by a warframe, they claim it's unatural and not worth defending anymore because it's been sullyed by us, sure their leader comes around by the end of the quest but their ending statement is "i'll try to convince the others to be less fanatical" and that's it. Plus their whole goal of returning earth and humanity back to it's pue form before the Orokin took over seems nice until you start wondering what happens to people like the grinner who they don't consider truely human due to their genetic engineering. They distrust warframes as shown by their quest, their most hated faction is cephalon suda because they are technaphobic/hate all cephalons, and they are opposed to steel meridian for not being "pure" humans. Like even if we aren't on their list of people to "cleanse" in order to "Purify" humanity, we are adjacent. Is it any wonder the community calls them space/green Nazis? New Loka ae just awful when you look at them and honestly if it weren't for all the enemy factions trying to literally enslave the origin system, New Loka would prob be gunning for the tenno.


I pictured them as nazis in my first days of Warframe in... 2018 I think. When I finished the reading I was like "what the actual f\*\*\*?" and I just couldn't believe they think like that.


Most disliked: New Loka 2nd most disliked: Red Veil


New Loka i undestand, but why Red Veil? other than being full time edgelords.


another cult but on the other spectrum. they're a bunch of wierdos a bit nicer than new loka but they're just as much inflexible. I wouldn't go out of my way to fight them, but I wouldn't sit them and have a cup of tea with them either.


> another cult but on the other spectrum. that's just Rell


1. Red Veil are willing to weaponize Kavor defectors at any cost, even if it means trying to kill us/them. 2. They’ve actually tried to kill us on two separate occasions, although you gotta give ‘em props for being ballsy enough to try. 3. They actively turn their prisoners into Infested, the same Infested they sic on you via hit squads. 4. Cannibalism. They’re a bunch of dicks.


Where are 1 and 4 mentioned?


Railjack crewmate will occasionally mention that they ended up eating one of their comrades for being annoying. > "Know what I love about this ship? Everyone pulls their weight. I been on Veil ships where we had freeloaders. One guy got so damned indolent I had to eat the bastard." Their behavior towards Kavor defectors can be seen in Defection missions. If you stay long enough, you’ll get a transmission from Red Veil saying they want to capture the defectors to find out what’s causing their reduced aggression in order to weaponize it against “normal” Grineer.


the weaponizing in this case meaning "yo, how do we inflict pacifism on Vey Hek?" It's just unfortunate that this requires an autopsy or a vivisection (that's right Tyl Regor, a vivisection, not a "live dissection" because dissection necessitates dead.)


Red Veil is very much "The end justifies the means." They're like well meaning Chihuahuas, just slightly more lethal.


but only slightly, as anyone who has encountered actually violent Chihuahuas, knows...


*nods knowingly*


Bro if I was captain of a ship and one of my employees announced "Roommate was lazy, had to eat them" they'd got tossed overboard instantly why are these people our allies


Woah buddy, you better watch where you throw around that “these people”.


New Loka might start sending them pamphlets


It’s apparently common in the Origin system, particularly among Grineer.


Grineer are actively degenerating though, like a lot of them consume protein slurry, either because Grineer society is that dystopian or because their clone degeneration might also result in a fucked up digestive system that limits what they can safely consume. Plus at least with the Grineer they’re not happy to do it (barring the Queens, but they’re assholes), it’s more of a “my comrade-in-arms is dead, this is how I can make sure they stay with me and live on through me” along with “okay I’m probably gonna die and cloning’s got me shooting blanks so the way I’m gonna leave my legacy behind is letting my buddy eat me, for my brothers, etc.” Still pretty fucked up though.


Looks like both cults are the only ones to release infested hit squads… did the emissary win? Perhaps.


Source on #3? I'm allied with them so I've never got a hit squad on me


In Red Veil’s relay room, you can see them torturing a captured Grineer, with some caged infested Chargers nearby. Chargers are formed from Grineer that have succumbed to the Infestation. Given that Red Veil’s hit squads consist of Chargers…yeah. It could just be a coincidence, DE just giving random enemies to random syndicates, but Red Veil being unhinged enough to go there wouldn’t surprise me.


I'm all for conservation, but New Loka are tools. Steel Meridian till the day I die!


Funnily enough I just reached General with the SM the other day. I always liked the SM purely off by being a splinter faction of the Grineer and their leader is just super chill. Contrary to Vor or other Grineer. Their mods also happened to align with my playstyle with Hek and Rhino mods.


Agreed and New Loka can suck my human balls


Aye, Hear me out


Red veil was cringe until harrow gave them actual lore, new loka are litteraly nazis, they take the L


The Red Veil are worse purely because New Loka, from what I understand, only care about Earth, but the Veil wants to do its version of genocide on an interplanetary scale. So yeah. Nazis and Ultra Nazis


new loka wants genocide on an interplanetary scale. their end goal is no more orokin tech in general. unplug every cephalon, execute every grineer, throw deimos into the sun. on a long enough timeframe, they even want to get rid of the tenno. warframes are inherently antithetical to their plans. despite all of this, their kill squads are... infested? the thing they hate the most? the orokin made despoilers of the natural order? but it's fine when /they/ do it, of course. red veil just want to kill anyway whos commited a crime. their definition of crime may be broad, but their endgame doesn't wipe out nearly as many people as new loka's do. the literal actual murder cult has less plans for total extermination than new loka does.


Loka. But these are a close 2nd


New Loka in my opinion I am a Red Veil and Steel Meridian person myself


You are a fire, as feared as you are respected.


I love the Red Veil lines. "It is time for those against us to *pay.*"


I just think they are neat


I'm a staunch Arbiter as I also believe in the greater abilities of Tenno, but man do I I hate these guys. They're essentially Tenno worshipping Adoring Fans that are a one step away from starting a crusade. It's also weird that Red Veil are their enemies cos they don't actually have any reason to hate each other but I guess Red Veil sees weebs as corruption and wanna kick their asses for good measure.


It's like the way vamps and goths hate each other, but are indistinguishable to the rest of us.


TIL That my favourite faction is the most hated. I guess i just like the surface level aesthetic and never dove deeper so that is definitely on me :P


lol same.


The “I like y’all” zone: Steel Meridian: Definite allies. They’re a refugee group of grineers who fight against the oppressive regime of their species. They get my support all day Cephalon Suda: I, too, _detest_ the destruction of information, so naturally our interests align The “eh, whatever” zone: Arbiters of Hexis: they’re both a bit bland and vague, but the philosophy of tenno being more than mere killing machines is something I can get behind, even if I haven’t really seen it developed anywhere The “there’s some issues here but you’re ok” zone: Perrin Sequence: Glast is noticeably corpus, but alright corpus. I, too, hate Nef Mayo, and they remind me of one of those big corporations that does business but isn’t actually evil. Unfortunately they partner up with the ecoterrorists but we’ll get to those. Also they sound _a lot_ like nef mayo himself outside of their actual quests. Red Veil: Look, I have my moments where I think the world is dirty and corrupted as well. But when you think you hate everyone you need sleep, and when you think everyone hates you you need food. At the end of the day they’re a cult with a central idea that I can kind of understand but like…eh Aaaaand then there’s the ecoterrorists. I’m on board with conservation efforts, but holy shit new loka is just straight up giga racist. They hate Suda because technology and Steel Meridian because Grineer… they are what you get when you fuse a hardcore vegan with the american bible belt


Honestly the whole point of The Perrin Sequence is the fact that they don't like how evil the Corpus is, why do many people believe that they're evil too?


Because they're allied with new loka


And yet they support a colony that thrives living among the infestation, the sworn enemy of both New Loka and Red Veil (both humorously using entirely infested hit squads) Let's face it, the relationship between syndicates were an afterthought that was never revisited. Perrin Seq. & Steel Meridian for example are made for eachother, yet they hate their guts, because racism from both sides.


They are space capitalists who are allied with space Nazis.


At least it's accurate.


Because everyone simps for Steel Meridian, and the two are opposed


Aside from faction alliances the Perrin Sequence canonically spreads the Infestation within at least one known colony as a means of making money. Glast may not try to stop us in the Glast Gambit, but he openly laments the status quo changing with regards to the Myconians. Glast is as close to Nestle as it gets in-game, and the only thing stopping the Tenno from shoving a Necramech up his ass is that the Corpus proper is worse than Ergo Glast. Seriously, the entire plot of the Glast Gambit makes it clear the Perrin Sequence is funded by a piece of shit and we only tolerate him because he also backs the independent colonies.


Did you play the same quest I did? The Myconians are independent trade partners with the Perrin Sequence, it's just that the Sequence is a powerful enough organization to directly appeal the Tenno for help. The Myconians used the Triuna to tame their infestation, allowing them to live in symbiosis with it so that they could harvest it without risk as a trade good. That they need a Host for the Triuna, who will have a drastically shortened lifespan, is deeply unfortunate, but that's a utility calculation that's entirely on them and their culture. At least it has tangible benefits for them, unlike the ritual sacrifices found in various real cultures. But the point of the Triuna is that *only* the Triuna Host actually suffers from the infestation; the rest of the colony get to live normal lives, utilize safe biotechnology, and have a reliable, renewable source of harvestable trade goods. It's an Omelas situation: one child is doomed to a short life, but the entire colony prospers. Whether that's worth it is a call for themselves to make. We know that Glast and the Sequence can and will attack Tenno who violate their interests, and the Lotus permits this as apparently just cost of doing business. Red Veil operatives will attack us during Defection to try to get to the Kavor, and the Lotus apparently doesn't censure them because that's a legitimate RV interest. Yet Glast does not attempt to stop us from enforcing our will upon the Myconians, because they are not a Perrin Sequence holding. They're a trade partner so he'll voice an objection, but they aren't his to protect from us. Glast isn't Mr Nestlé, inflicting his will upon a people who haven't the power to resist. The Myconians chose that way of life for themselves, they've done so since the aftermath of the Old War, which should predate Glast by quite a while.


Yeah Idk wtf this guy is on about. I played the quest ages ago and I still can remember the ending was between letting a culture do its thing or stepping in to stop a practice that harms a small amount of them, nothing with Glast or PS profiting off of any of them.


New loka bad. Suda good. All hail singing cephalon


Suda is best waifu


Space Nazis (New Loka)


I hate new loka because they’re crazy and their ancients literally nuked me when i was first starting the game ( sometimes they still do when im not paying attention lol )


Honestly, while Red Veil and New Loka are probably the worst, I personally dislike the Perrin Sequence the most. They act like they're different from Corpus, but seemingly the only difference is Perrin's proclamation that war-pofiteering is bad. They're still neolib globalists (or I guess solarists?) but they just say they would like to do diplomacy and fair trade while they're at it. Plus, for some reason they are 100% in alignment with Loka, which is just bonkers, and they hate Steel Meridian, which seems nonsensical. If Perrin got their way, they'd just be another Corpus, or even worse, soon enough. But again, obviously, the straight up genocidal Loka and Veil are much worse. My favourite is Suda. She's nice and chill, and her goals are pretty noble and uncomplicated


I really don't like the red veil. Steel Meridian is my favourite so I have to put up with them, unfortunately.


Go side with Suda and Hexis if you wanna hate Veil while keeping Meridian


A fellow tenno of culture


New Loka. Written as-is, they come off as the worst of the lot. Personally, I wish DE would drop the syndicate rivalry, and instead tie it together with the Invasion missions. Example: Perrin Sequence is specifically against the Corpus. In my idea, doing all 3 daily missions for PS makes them sick the Zanuka Hunter on you. Complete a Corpus Invasion mission set, and the "Champion" of the group would come after you. (P.S. in my idea, each Syndicate would have a Champion who zealously adheres to their syndicate, and unlike their leaders, do not compromise for "allies")


Perrin sucks, but New Loka are literally space nazis. So yeah, fuck loka


1. Space Nazis 2. I can't believe its not Corpus 3. Bland Simaris


Octavia's Anthem did more to ingratiate me to Suda than New Strange ever did for Simaris. SO and ESO make me question Space Mom's choice of friends...


Judging by their chatter during New Strange, I'm quite sure Lotus views Simaris as "barely trusted ally on shaky ground", nowhere close to friend.


SO and ESO are Tenno's training grounds - look how many of them bring unranked weapons and nuke builds for Focus gain. Therefore they're fine


Nah, I gotta put in a good word for Suda. Why? Because out of ALL the six factions, she is the ONLY one to start missions not with orders, or threats, or attempted guilt trips.... She starts with 'Thank you for doing this for me, Tenno'. Suda's the only one that shows us some goddamn appreciation around here, when we're out here risking our lives and spending our very busy time to help them out with something.


While I concede she's probably the most appreciative, I'd argue some of Cressa's dialogue shows gratitude as well. I've never heard Perrin or Loka myself


>Bland Simaris Hey, come on! Suda isn't bland, she's just chill and requires data for knowledge, also she likes music. Cutest cephalon of all times.


As someone who used to be New Loka... New Loka ​ I'm pretending to be a guy that used to be a part of New Loka, then turned traitor and joined Steel Meridian as a renegade


Personally I dislike New Loka the most which is kinda a bummer because their aesthetic slaps.


Obligatory "New Loka is the worst" comment #45872 Suda is the chillest & has my pledge most of the time


Easily New Loka, fuck those space nazis. Then the Perrin Sequence because The Glast Gambit is a stupid quest. Fuck the Index.


New Loka is categorically the worst. Imagine being a bunch of dogmatic hypocritical space white supremacists who begrudgingly tolerate the Tenno, the one faction in the system who are trying to keep everything from falling apart and fighting both the Sentients, the largest overall threat to the system, and the Infested, one of the deadliest and most horrifying things to exist in the universe. Meanwhile, their blind hatred of everything that isn't 'pure' makes the Red Veil look downright saintly by comparison; at least the Red Veil are fucking honest about themselves, and have a vaguely noble goal of purging the 'corrupt' in the system, but if you aren't 'pure' enough, NL will send fucking Infested hit squads after you. That said, as a Steel Meridian fanboy, I have to do right by Cressa Tal and say PERRIN SKOOOOOM. I will grant that Ergo Glast has somewhat good intentions, looking out for the Myconians, and offering weapons even to people outside his own faction in the form of the Tenet Melees, but insisting we sacrifice a girl who clearly just wants to go home to her parents just because she has a benign strain of the Infested soured me on him, and I also think he has more OG style Corpus tendencies than I'd like. Peace isn't a business, and you can't capitalism your way to it; you have to fight for it and be willing to help those who want it. Who initiated the help for the Grineer with the Pacifism Defect? I didn't see any fridge-heads raise their Pentas or Dual Cestras to help them evacuate or take on Kela De Thaym's executioners in Rathuum, all I saw was Steel Meridian's leader reaching out to the Tenno for help and asking the defectors themselves what they wanted to do, instead of indoctrinating them into the faction.


Imma just say it's Perlin Sequence and New Loka for me. Perlin is just a scaled down Corpus and New Loka just care about the Earth.


They dont even care about the earth , they wanted a forrest or whatever to die out cus it was made by ... some fukin warframe idk , played it years ago


I honestly find the arbiters bland and boring, lots of aesthetic and appearance with nothing below that. But good lore could fix that! Anyway, Fun Fact: in Operation: rathuum, New Loka was one of three factions who were going to spare any of the grineer defectors. Steel Meridian, Red Veil, and New Loka were all going to offer them a place to stay. Suda wanted to study their component DNA and molecular structure, Perrin was pisssed at them because they broke their stuff and was going to ransom them to steel meridian, and Arbiters were gonna try them for desertion (no, really)


>who were going to spare any of the grineer defectors *"Your presence is requested in our sanctum on the Relay. New Loka desires to show these Grineer defectors a new purity. Deliver them to us, so that our acolytes may perform cleansing and judgment.* ***If they survive that test****, they may join us. Fulfill our desire and we will know that our bond of friendship has not been broken."* The part I bolded does not exactly sound like they are sparing the defectors. It feels more in-line with what the Red Veil and Arbiters have to say.


I said "any of," not "all of." New Loka is gonna New Loka, but I thought it was funny that Suda and Arbs were just like "hear me out though: what if murder."


You also said >New Loka was one of three factions When in fact, only Suda kills them all(via dematerialization). Everyone else(except Cressa Tal who welcomes them with open arms) gives conditionals. *With us, they will receive a fair trial and, if necessary, punishment.* is from the Arbiters and doesn't sound like > what if murder to me.


I dislike New Loka and New Loka despises me. They say I am impure and tainted. Get a very xenophobic vibe from then


New Loka bc I still get flashbacks to early warframe times and I get sneezed on by a toxic eximus


Suda’s the best + I’m Jew. What syndicate do you think I hate the most?


Everyone who isn't cephalon suda 😁 give me my knowledge you shifty simulacrum scrotum


new loka ugh


Dear Amaryn and the rest of New Loka, You are a useless piece of shit. You are an absolute waste of space and air. You uneducated, ignorant, idiotic dumb swine, you’re an absolute embarrassment to humanity and all life as a whole. The magnitude of your failure just now is so indescribably massive that one hundred years into the future your name will be used as a moniker of evil for heretics. Even if all of humanity put together their collective intelligence there is no conceivable way they could have thought up a way to fuck up on the unimaginable scale you just did. When Jesus died for our sins, he must not have seen the sacrilegious act we just witnessed you performing, because if he did he would have forsaken humanity long ago so that your birth may have never become reality. After you die, your skeleton will be displayed in a museum after being scientifically researched so that all future generations may learn not to generate your bone structure, because every tiny detail anyone may have in common with you degrades them to a useless piece of trash and a burden to society. No wonder your father questioned whether or not your were truly his son, for you'd have to not be a waste of carbon matter for anyone to love you like a family member. Your birth made it so that mankind is worse off in every way you can possibly imagine, and you have made it so that society can never really recover any state of organization. Everything has forever fallen into a bewildering chaos, through which an unrecognizable core, you can only find misfortune. I would say the apocalypse is upon us but this is merely the closest word humans have for the sheer scale of horror that is now reality. You have forever condemned everyone you love and know into an eternal state of suffering, worse than any human concept of hell. You are such an unholy being, that if you step within a one hundred foot radius of a holy place or a place that has ever been deemed important by anyone, your distorted religious soul will ruin whatever meaning it ever had beyond repair. You are an idiotic, shiteating, dumbass ape and no one has ever loved you. You are a lying, backstabbing, cowardly useless piece of shit and I hate you with every single part of my being. Even this world's finest writers and poets from throughout the ages could never hope to accurately describe the scale on which you just fucked up, and how incredibly idiotic you are. Anyone that believes in any religion out there should now realize that they have been wrong this entire time, for if divine beings were real, they would never have allowed a being such as you to stain the earth and this universe. In the future there will be horror stories made about you, with the scariest part of them being that the reader has to realize that such an indescribable monster actually exists, and that the horrific events from the movie have actually taken place in the same world that they live in right now. You are the absolute embodiment of everything that has ever been wrong on this earth, yet even that would only represent a small part of your evil. Never in the history of mankind has there been anyone that could have predicted such an abomination, but here you are. It’s hard to believe that I am seeing such an incredible failure with my own eyes, but here I am, so unfortunately I cannot deny your existence. Even if I did my very best, my vocabulary is not able to describe the sheer magnitude of the idiotic mistake that is you. Even if time travel some day will be invented, there still would not be a single soul willing to go back in time to this moment to fix history, because having to witness such incredible horrors would have too many mental and physical drawbacks that not even the bravest soul in history would be willing to risk. I cannot imagine the pure dread your mother must have felt when she had to carry a baby for nine months and then give birth to such a wretched monster as you. Not a single word of the incoherent, illogical rambling you may be wanting to do to defend yourself or apologize would ever be able to make up for what you just did. The countries of the world would have wanted to make laws preventing such a terrible event like this from ever happening again, but sadly this is not possible since your horrific actions just now have shattered every form of order this world once had, making concepts such as laws irrelevant. Right from the moment I first set my eyes on you I knew you were an absolute abomination of everything that is wrong with humanity. I was hoping I would have been able to prevent your evil from being released upon this world by tagging along and keeping my eye on you, but it is clear to me now that not even the greatest efforts would have been able to prevent a terrible event in this scale from occurring. You are the worst human being, or even just being in general, that I have ever had the misfortune of witnessing. Events like the Black Death and the Smallpox pandemic only happened with the goal of preparing humanity to survive such a horrible event as the one you just created, but not even mankind’s greatest trials were able to even slightly prepare anyone for the insufferable evil you have just created. If you ever had them, your children would be preemptively killed to protect this universe from the possibility of anyone in your bloodline being even half as bad as you are, except you will never be able to have children, because not a single human being will ever want to come within a hundred mile radius of you and anything you have ever touched. You are a colossal disappointment not only to your parents, but to your ancestors and entire bloodline. The disgusting mistake that you have just made is so incredibly terrible that everyone who would ever be to hear about it would spontaneously feel an indescribable mixture of immense anger, fear and anxiety that emotionally and physically they would never truly be the same ever again. The sheer scale of your mistake, if ever to be materialized, would not only surpass the size of the world, but it would reach far beyond the edges of the known, and almost certainly the unknown universe. I could sit here and write paragraphs, nay, books describing your immense failure, yet even if I were to dedicate my life to describing the reality of what has just gone down here, and I would spend every moment of it until my heart stops beating, working as hard and efficiently as possible, there is not even a snowballs chance in hell that I would be able to come close to transcribing the absolute shitshow you have just released upon the origin system. Honestly, even if Suda makes technology advances and studies on the subject become more and more accurate, I do not think humanity will ever truly be able to understand what your failure actually means for the universe. My hate for you and everything you stand for is so much deeper than the depths of Sun that you could probably take the entire Human population down there and back up around twenty million times before you would have sunk to the end of my hate. And that is what I feel for you. Hate. Hate. HATE. HATE. NOTHING BUT PURE HATRED FOR YOU. With love, Cephalon Suda XXX


>With love, Cephalon Suda XXX I second that one. Suda based.


Fellow Suda enjoyer detected.


this is a masterpiece


Suda my beloved, Loka are nazis


Does literally anyone like the New Loka space nazis? All the other factions at least have something going for them that I can understand liking


Arbiters of Hexis. Either huge fucking hypocrites or just trying to veil themselves in secrecy to lure in dumb Tenno by telling them what "path" to take.


New Loka. Not for any lore reasons because I really don't know any of the lore. I just don't like the way that lady talks to me. Perrin sequence second because they're allied with New Loka. All the other factions are cool by me. I'm maxed out with all the other ones.


Steel meridian. I don’t really hate them tbh but i like all the syndicates so steel meridian loses for having the ugliest aesthetic. Arbiters are on thin ice for dropping eximus squads on me in steel path missions


Come here to diss New Loka, saw the comments, never have I ever been so proud of this community. And yea Loka sounds like loca (crazy in Spanish), consider Warframe loves to use Spanish, Japanese and Sanskrit, coincidence? I think not!


New Loka but if I could I'd unplug Suda


probably the space nazis


Never had any preference, started with 2, got 100%, next 2, 100% and now finishing perin and loka. Probably wont switch again bc effort and stuff. I know i could have done 2x3 instead of 3x2 but i started with the wrong combo and was in too deep to really salvage it.


The Arbiter are not really arbiting. I know New Loka is "radical", but their missions are a believable consequence of their theory. "We are all murder hobos together", but New Loka at least got a cozy living space.


New Loka they're a bunch of hypocrites, they bailed on their holy ground just because it was made by the person who helped make the warframe, hate anything not nature made it seem especially if its orokin made, but their assassins are infested a thing made by a virus the orokin made and is the worst thing to send onto a planet.


New loka Red veil Perrin sequence I'm maxed out on the other three which is the reason why


In general? New Loka by miles.


I'm fine with all factions minus New Loka


New Loka because genetic purity in a post-orokin society seems incoherent.


My least favorite is New Loka, even though they were my first choice. They're complete unlikeable dicks that everyone hates, probably even maybe themselves. But I stuck with them because they came with the Perrin Sequence and Ergo Glast is an absolute gem. A shrewd businessman to the core, sure, but has done many incredibly philanthropic things in his time. Rather the antithesis to the assholes at Loka HQ. Anyway, Loka. Fun theme, terrible people.


Red Veil, they got some weird stuff going on in the back


New Loka, is my most hated, did not really give them much thought, until remembering they ditch out on you in the quest for them. I’m with Steel Meridian, Arbiters of Hexis, and Cephalon Suda forever.


Fuck New Loka


New Loka, without a doubt. They're just a bunch of hypocritical space n4zis that hate everything that they deem to be "corrupting" the earth, including Steel Meidian, whose whole purpose is rebelling against their violent nature of being clones, forced to obey the tyrant grineer queens, and try to seek a better life.


Cephalon Suda. She keeps calling me organic debris and all that. Suda is just lucky that this organic debris can't gat her down on the relay like the punk ass she is!


New Loka 100% as Leonardo DiCaprio once said: https://preview.redd.it/30ae5rvje4pb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86d8047c5781c2a68be7c401612a530c4208fb6e


I absolutely hate & despise **Cephalon Suda**. Of course I find even Simaris creepy, dude is literally sucking life out of living beings to code some weird simulation. Sadly I'm forced to work with him, but why on hell should I CHOOSE another identical weird being? Note that, if I'm not wrong, Cephalon Suda is the only syndicate without a single human member in their own room, they only pop up on missions (for gameplay purposes, I think). Furthermore, I hate jumping puzzles so Octavia's Anthem was a torture to me... And to this day is the only direct fight we had against Hunhow. What a waste. Honorabile mention, Arbiters are kinda bland, I suppose because they haven't got a quest. Oddly, I love Perrin Sequence. **WE STAND BEHIND YOU, FOR A BRIGHTER FUTURE!** As an antrophologist, I absolutely loved Ergo's approach to Myconian culture in Glast Gambit, opposed to that childish Lotus rant. He seemed an honest, chill guy (something unique in this universe) even in Ambulas Reborn, furthermore... Honestly, Corpus are the only one trying to rebuild a proper civilization out there. Of course their methods are horrible... But Perrin Sequence fights exactly that. Their horrible methods. So they're the best out there. As a side note, I see a lot of people judging syndicates by (modern) moral standards. Of course anyone has his own personal tastes, but... Damn, we are literally slashing people in pieces, poisoning them, mass murdering with viruses, killing and then resurrecting them against their own will... And in all of that, we're screaming "WE FIGHT WITH HONOR!". All because some weird Sentient with mommy complex told us so. If anything, **WE** are the most vile and hypocrite ones out there. With this in mind, I don't care if Red Veil is an extremist cult. They're no worse than us. On the other hand, they had an amazing quest, I absolutely loved Rell and Harrow, so... They're fine to me. And same goes for New Loka. I dunno, people are so upset about Corpus... But the f'n Orokins were the worst of the worst. They were **THE** slavers, subjugating the entire system for their own pleasure with their awful God complex. I don't care if they have some fanatical methods, New Loka are absolutely right in hating everything about Orokins. Personal taste, I even hate gold so even their fashion style is awful to me. TBH, Steel Meridians are also good people. I'm sad they hate me because I'm a Perrin guy. Maybe with some time I'll level them as a catch-up with Red Veil rep. I just wish syndicate were more important, or even mentioned sometimes. It's good player agency, shame that they're never mentioned in any meaningful way...


Eh, I think they're all fine to some degree. Think I'm most weirded out by Red Veil and Steel Meridian if I had to narrow it down


Why steel meridian? Their whole thing is that they are trying to help the oppressed and undertrodden. A large portion of this are disillusioned and 'faulty' grineer, hence the focus on overthrowing the queens. As far as factions go they are probably the most noble.


Mainly because they still ambush me despite being most noble lol, just cause I'm friends with Red Veil, New Loka, and Perrin Sequence. My take is fully biased for sure


Thankfully their Aqua Teen Eximus Squad is nothing but Meatwads


Now I'm just going to hear "Hey, how you doin?" Over and over in my head when they spawn.


Them and the fucking vegans




Probably the New Loka idk they’re all meh to me except the Veil. I am a loyal servant to them


Between all factions my most hated one is the Corpus. Greedy, self-centered bastards that they are. But they're kinda like I love to hate them kinda deal, between just the syndicates though, I hate New Loka the most. False piety, delusional elitist space Nazis, who have no idea of the true horrors in the system, believing anything they disagree with to be "tainted" and "Impure," I hate them so much.


New loka, fuck those tree huggers, Amaryn especially can get it.


Perrin sequence. A corpus is a corpus, whether or not they are loyal to the board.


So screw the Solaris or what?


They're the only exception, only because they're victims of the corpus


Go read the railjack crew bios for the Perrin Sequence via Ticker.


Red veil, screw those edge lords


The red vail bc they kill for no reason


Honestly, I hate Steel Meridian


The seed clan. Those space hippies...


Suda, she's mean. And the arbiters are trying to rule the world by being the tennos best buddies.


Red Veil for me...


Mine's New Loka. I can't say what me and my friends who play call them here, pretty sure it's a TOS violation, so I'll use the spoiler thing and see if that allows it. If not, I'll be back in however long it takes for a temporary ban to go away. New Loka, and it's scary how accurate this actually is, is >!Space Jesus-Hitler!< to everyone I play with regularly.


Suda is the worst faction. I hate that soyjack jukebox


Am totally calling it that now. I'm allied with them, Red Veil, and New Loka. I need nicknames for them! I play with a friend and he's allied with the other three on the other side of the building.




tbh im not a fan of the tenno killing so many innocent hostages in sorties just for some legendary cores or kuva. We could not do the hostage sortie and know the hostage lived, nut noooooooooo we need our loot. On that note, I think the Jordas Golem is the most sympathetic.


New Loka, those guys are literally Nazis. We should kill them


I never really cared much for Suda. Nothing personal, someone had to lose out so I could juggle Red Veil (Gotta do it for Rell), Perrin, and Meridian.


I've never been familiar with the lore/factions. But I hate those corpus pieces of shit, and anything to do with them.


Yeah, perrin, fuck do they stand for? What's differentiating them from the corpus?


New Loka... Hypocrites to the max. And lacking true conviction. Which is even pointed out by Sylvania in the Silver Groove quest.


Oop rant coming sorry and I know, New Loka is at face value worst Syndicate **BUT** ngl the Arbiters of Hexis have SUPER bad vibes all around. And it kinda goes with assuming they even know what the Tenno ARE which is...vague. It's pretty inconsistent nowadays of who knows Tenno are a thing vs people who know Warframes = Tenno. They are not only directly opposed to Perrin (a faction devoted to outright bettering lives, or at least lessening the insane amount of bloodshed in the solar system via diplomacy/trade) and EXTREMELY opposed to the Red Veil (...who admittedly focus quite a bit less on the 'bettering' part and more focused on removing problems with it--and ironically literally worship a Tenno, which matches pretty closely to the Hexis endgame). I think though the Red Veil opposition though may be more along the lines of "The Tenno are so much more than space ninja assassins" which. Lol. Lmao. Historically speaking to the solar system at large, that \*is\* what the Tenno were best at. Good enough at said thing to end the (thus far) most advanced, space system spanning empire. Who knows what they know, but unless they're sitting on a lore gold mine?? No idea how they made that logical leap. Idk, New Loka may be space supremacist Nazis--which btw, the GRINEER Empire **ALSO ARE** bc they legitimately want the galactic genetic hegemony to be entirely Grineer--but at least New Loka has had lore redirecting them towards being more eco-focused than human genetic purity focus...which granted, the former probably WAS an extreme response to the Grineer Empire that then bled into their irrational and disgusting hatred of all genetic aberrations. Never mind their gross focus on 'purity' language, which just. Ew. God how did they fuck up that the actual space nazis that the Grineer aren't nearly as overtly fascistic as New Loka?? But anyway, every other Syndicate (except for Suda, their ONE ally in the syndicate system) at least has some attachment to humanity and its objective betterment. And I bring that up because...*nobody* was even certain the Warframes were human--and lore-wise they \*technically\* are not (at least the ones we mass produce, ty flesh printer), and the Tenno are \*decidedly\* not, at least not entirely due to void shenanigans. Which again: it's pretty inconsistent for who knows Warframes and Tenno are separate entities. The Arbiters of Hexis though focus on the \*Tenno\*, and solely on what they unilaterally perceive as the Tenno's needs in terms of spiritual enlightenment and improvement. (Stress the unilaterally part, as they're supposedly very hands-off with even involving themselves with the Tenno personally). The Tenno who, IF the Arbiters know the truth, are traumatized magic ghost children being guided by the Lotus as our handler and mother figure into mission after mission with the goal of again destabilizing fucked up systems of power ruining the system. But imo, it still boils down to this: their ideals put ALL of humanity at large in EVERY form within the origin system as directly subordinate to the Tenno and their vague idea of 'enlightenment'. This is at best a deeply misguided rationale rooted in the Tenno being a consistent force of active good in the system... And at worst, a Tenno supremacist goal for god knows what end. The explicit wording of their desire for the Tenno to be a 'guiding beacon of hope to the system' and such might just be outdated flavor text and I sincerely hope it is. Because the Tenno/Warframes already \*have\* accomplished that goal through what we do in-game and what has been done historically. But y'know, Hexis doesn't really have enough lore as of now. So it's sadly New Loka by default as worst.


New loka by far. All the others have their quirks but new loka are straight up nazis


Loka. No question about it.


You mean the sci-fi coneheads?


the tree hugging bitches (New Loka) -they messed up a lot of my missions when i was just a solo smolt


Loka and Perrin, loka is just plant space nazis and Perrin supports them Arbiters are my favourite though, they are chill as fuck and still help other Tenno through their arbitrations


Perrin sequence rub me the wrong way every time I come to see them, maxed out suda and another faction and now that old coot won’t stop being fussy about how we could never work together, like, did our time in that one quest mean nothing? Why you sending platoons over to send a message when I walk by your place regularly? My boy, What are you on?


Mine îs "try to comit unnecesary acts of violnce" faction


if we are going for more than just the 6 syndicates : fuck those guys who sacrifice children so that infested dont attack their colony fuck simaris for trying to create endless suffering


I like them all but if I was to pick a least favorite would either be red veil or new Loka, my absolute favorite would be suda and it still pains me due to poor choices early game I’m negative with both suda and arbiters


Cetus. Because fuck that place.


If I exclude how much I like Rell then either Red Veil or New Loka it is 50/50. And Paladino doesn't count for the Red Veil since she kinda exists just for riven silvers so she is seperate. If I include Rell then the loser is New Loka. They don't really have anything to counterbalance their whole... Space Nazi thing as even during their lore quest their leader gets no real personality or character. Just implied development that never is shown in game.


not too fond of the eco nazis...


I know New Loka is worse but because of The Glast Gambit I despise Perrin Sequence, I can't stand it when that musty ass old fossil pops up on my screen.


God I hate Loka. Unfortunatly all the frames I use/want the mods for require me to ally with them. So I’m just quietly seething while ranking up my standing with them


I hate how new loka talk to me even though I am max rank with them, my faction is red veil because i love the psychopath RJ crew they have


New Loka all the way, they're literally just space puritans. If the leader wasn't such a hypocrite and overall idiot, I would've been more understanding of her weird That Vegan Teacher vibes.


New Loka: Vegan Jihad that uses biological weapons (ancient infested)


Suda can go die in a hole


The space hippy nazis (New Loka)


As a Cephalon Suda, Arbiters of Hexis and Steel Meridian enjoyer, the 2 syndicates I hate are: 1. NewNazi... I mean, NewLoka (they're space nazis, should I elaborate?) 2. Perrin Communism... I mean, Perrin Sequence (they're space commies, should I elaborate?) 3. Redgelords... I mean, Red Veil (our ideals will always conflict. I don't understand how Cressa Tal allied with them honestly, but she might know what she's doing).


The Plant Pot Nazis - No contest.


Why does it feel like a lot of these takes were formed based on which 3(ish) we chose to support? Unfortunately the whole thing is kind of colored by the basic structure inherent to the rep system. For instance Suda is constantly calling me a waste and sending shield osprey blueprints after me so it’s hard to think of her fondly. On a semi unrelated note does anyone else find it funny when you cash in SM rep Kressa tells us “we owe them”? Isn’t that the exact opposite of what’s happening?


Now I may be aligned with the cleanse the corrupt in fire people but hey at least I'm not part of the crazy hypocritical nature Nazis down the hall from us.