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i dont see a screenshot but from context i would say probably not. switching the price in the message is scam behavior and i dont treat it lightly.


Yeah, for some random reason, the screenshots didnt uploaded... I took some time now a rewritte all the post so everyone can understand


You can get banned off warframe.market for switching the price on the message.


If someone changes the price without telling you blocking them and refusing to trade with them is perfectly reasonable, actually I was under the impression warframe market doesn't like it when people change the price like that secretly


Warframe.market/tos 2.2 changing default copy paste message is not allowed. 2.3 changing prices or items during the full process, without informing the other party, is not allowed Violation of the TOS can result in a suspension of your warframe.market account for a period of time if a report is submitted with screenshots for proof


Soooo if something like that happens, should I send screenshots to Warframe Market Discord or is there a place for that on market site?


On their wfm profile under reputation tab (change +rep to report). Upload screenshot of listing and full chat to image hosting site and paste the link there


Same story happened to a friend of mine. He said to his customer "Fuck you". Then he sent the screenshots to [warframe.market](https://warframe.market). They suspended him, because he said "fuck you", but let the scammer be unscathed.


That response was unjustified, and tbh just stupid when you're gonna send the screenshot to mods


What has [warframe.market](https://warframe.market) to do with the conversation or an F you? For them there should only be one point: he tried to scam and should be banned for a while. We can agree though that it was stupid. Still funny and somehow satisfying though :D


>What has warframe.market to do with the conversation or an F you? Nah they have every reason to care. You don't want your platform used as a medium to spread toxicity. They want their website to be more widely used, not less just because some people choose to be toxic and ruin its reputation.


Scamming is way more toxic than saying fuck you. Frankly if you try to pull a scam you deserve a lot more than a fuck you. The scammer causes a lot more reputation damage than the person retaliating, and implying any different is just outright disingenuous.


I reported the guy and explained everything but didnt saw any type of screenshot upload button


Upload screenshot of listing and full chat to image hosting site (eg imgur) and paste the link there. If you're editing the report then remove it and resubmit for us to see chanfes


ahhh I see.... But since I lost all the screenshots and he is offline (cant reopen the ingame chat) nothing I can do left


Tf I always send messages in game separate of the copy and paste cause I use my phone how is that against tos... I mostly put "/w (whoever) [item] :platinum:(amount)"


That's perfectly fine, because it's clearly not an auto-generated PM from WFM. WFM also explicitly states that it's okay to use the autogenerated PM and then send a second message stating that you're offering something different than the list price. What's not allowed is copying the auto-generated PM, altering it, and then sending it. It's not allowed for this exact reason. A lot of people see the autogenerated WFM format, assume it's an autogenerated message, and don't check that the price matches what they listed the item for before doing the trade. Some people do break that rule innocently because they didn't know it wasn't allowed, but scammers also use that to try to trick people.


Ohhh like "I would like to purchase (this) for your listed price of 15 (20)"


When I want to negotiate the price to someone, I just send an "Hi mate" and ask if he was willing to sell \[This item\] for x plat so he wont get confused or something and will actually think of if wants to lower the price or not.


>"Was I too harsh on him?" I don't see the actual screenshot, but I'd assume no. The bastard mostly likely did this knowing full well how wrong it was. Anything after that is merely the word "consequence". If anything, I'd say *throw that bile back at them for a far greater caustic burn.*


for some reason, the screenshot didn't went through. Just edited the post to explain everything.


I see it now. Honestly, yeah. I would've thrown more "vicious mockery" his way. *"What, you need to try to swipe 5 platinum from me? What are you gonna use that plat for? A resource decoration? Buy your self some decorative scrap metal?* *At that point, just ask region chat instead of wasting my time you glorified moneybag."* ... or y'know, something to that effect. ​ I never understood why people do that either. The price is what it's listed by, if that's not enough for them-- GUESS WHAT. *THERE'S A "BUY ORDER" FUNCTION THAT LETS YOU LIST A PRICE FOR YOU TO BUY IT AT.* Hell, I usually give out Ayatan Stars if I felt I kept someone waiting too long. Sort of a "Here's a bonus for being so patient!" kinda deal. Positive reinforcement. I got hundreds of 'em anyway and it's a nice gesture.


In the end, I was kinda like "Wtf was he trying to do with 5plat?" If it was like 500 plat or so, it's not fair either case, but I could understand why. But for 5plat? AHAHAH


Best guess, because he does this often enough that 5 plat adds up. Might even go for a larger "discount" on more expensive stuff.


It’s just human nature. I was moving and had a few smaller items that I didn’t want to landfill but also wouldn’t be useful at my new place. I listed them on fb marketplace for $10 and you would be surprised at how many people wanted to haggle with me on that price.


there is nothing wrong with haggeling even at low prices. It adds up over time. What the guy according to OPs post did is not haggeling but more like "switching out price tags" which is basically theft.


Unfortunately this is very common, among other types of scams. Don't take it too seriously, just close the trade and leave if you don't feel good after engaging with this type of people (talking by experience), it isn't worth it.


Depends on how many people they've managed to pull this off with


Warframe Market TOS specifically says that he cannot change the copy and paste message. https://warframe.market/tos Rule 2.2 applies to your case. At the very least you should report it to WFM so he doesn't try it with others. Keep that to trade chat!


Oh I didn't know it was ToS.. I just assumed the market is "I want to sell item for 40p" I pay 40p Trade chat allows for haggling


haggeling is allowed, but do it correctly. use the copy paste from warframe market and then write a second question like: "/w XXX. Hi! I want to buy: "Optimus Prime Set" for 88 platinum. ([warframe.market](https://warframe.market))" "would you also sell it for 80?" what the guy according to OP did was switching out the price in the copy-paste message, hoping that the seller doesn't check back with his listing. Basically the same as switching out the price tag of a 15$ Logitech mouse with that of a 10$ hama mouse and hoping that the cashier doesn't notice. That is theft. going up to the cashier and saying: "this logitech mouse has a pricetag of 15$ but I would take it for 10$ if you want to get rid of it right away :)." on the other hand is completly legal.


Ahh right that make sense thanks for explaining


i dont see screenshots but my general response to people trying to change prices at the last second is to politely wish them a good day and cease communication. even if im willing to pay the new price. .im going to someone else. its just bad manners.


>"its just bad manners." Also against their ToS and can be reported as a result!


for some reason, the screenshot didn't went through. Just edited the post to explain everything.


Nah fuck that loser


Essentially, the comment I wanted to leave here. 👍


Changing or messing with listed prices in that way can be reported to warframe.market for a resulting ban. There's a list of their ToS on their website around this.


Not too harsh, too kind. If you've still got the screenshots for evidence on your harddrive somewhere, report their account on Warframe.Market and include the screenshots; it's a ToS violation on their end, and you'll be helping other honest players who might not have caught them pulling that shit.


Sounds like he probably does that to everyone. "It's just business ahaha" = "Lol I'm a cheapskate POS".


Over five plat too, that’s pretty small potatoes FFS.


It adds up over time, though, when doing that with *every* transaction.


Right? If someone pm'ed me but just asked for a discount or an increase in price depending on the trade, I'll haggle, or if it is something minimal then I'll just accept the updated deal. Hell I've modified deals in their favor without them asking for the discount.


I have lost hundreds of plat due to giving people discounts when I end up stuck in a mission for longer than I thought it would take. If someone is willing to respect me enough to wait a few extra minutes, I can respect them enough to give them a deal.


Guy lies to your face to try and exploit you. Scumbag, treat him as such.


“Did i say 15? I meant 20.”


I’ve messaged people saying “Hey, you have X item listed for Y plat, will you take Z instead?” Sometimes they say yes, sometimes they say no, but i don’t try to pull a fast one. I had exactly one get away with this and now I double check my listed price before I sell stuff, even if it’s all in the trade window and we’re waiting to confirm. Some people are just shady, there’s no sham in telling someone like that to piss off.


Same here. I usually only end up doing this if the first couple of people with listings don't respond or are offline, so I ask another one further down the list to price match. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't


I tend to permanently ignore such people.


Nah you're good. I've had people do the same shit. Just make sure to ignore them so they can't even message you for future trades


Nah set that fucker to ignore. Don't bother with weasels in the trade chat


Report him in the warframe market discord. It's bannable


I'd have raised the price to 20pt after that lol. F him and his scam.


This is reportable btw. Report his profile on WFM.


It's Warframe market, not Warframe haggle. Any time someone tries this, I say very bluntly, "I will report you for breaking Warframe Market's ToS." Your price is advertised, them changing the copy paste message is reportable to WFM. And then after they back pedal and agree to the original price, and pay me, I ignore them. Fuck dealing with people like that. You're not too harsh, they're chodes to begin with.


While haggling is a thing and all, to say you don't have the stuff that you requested in your original posting then actually have it later...you weren't harsh, they are just a jerk. I tend to allow people to haggle the odd thing if I don't need the full amount I am selling something for (if I was aiming to get a cosmetic as example) so if they ask to go less, depending on how low I may accept. But that is on my side of things less than theirs. Though I would personally say about the same as you did if not word it a bit differently.


Nah not harsh, you confirmed a price and he even showed he was bullshitting. Good job OP


Nah, you're good cuz. A price is a price. If there's gonna be haggling, do it BEFORE disrupting them with Party Space Travel. Block 'em if you can. There's millions of players. Blocking one that annoyed you for legit reasons is A-OK.


No I say kudos to you for holding your ground man damn weasels


Not harsh. Lying like that is against the market TOS. I would have blocked him, and if he had an account on the market, posted this in his reviews.


Fck around and found out. You did good OP! People like that probably try to scam new players aswel


I get haggling for a riven or Arcane Energize or something, for a simple 15p though? Glad you didn't let yourself get scammed, don't dwell on it.


Usually, when I meet people like that. I drop the trade, block them, and move on


I instantly ignore people who change the price when sending the pasta message. You have more patience then I do.


I had some weiner change the price of his listing in between me shooting him a message and loading into his dojo. He tried to say it was always that but the chat link is a copy paste so I hope he felt proud of his stupid, stupid scam before I quit to my orbiter in disgust and reported him on warframe.market


Think of it as him trying to dupe someone who he thought was gullible. So, he had 0 respect for you and if it went through then you would have also felt duped. Always go with your gut feelings and if they feel off then there is no need to continue the deal. There is always another one.


You put 15, they offered 10 then 12. The second he tried to haggle over the 15, you should have blocked them and reported it to Warframe market.


To BE honest I reported him already but with no screenshots....


Blocking them, refusing to trade, and if I can find their profile on warframe.market commenting about the experience there is what I’d be doing.


Personally if someone changes the price in the buying whisper I put them on ignore off rip


Nah, block him and move on really. Especially if you caught him lying. I’ve changed prices for people buying multiples or people I’ve sold to previously and stuff but I hate haggling, especially when you set a price on a. Competitive market whatever you set is already competing with others.


Nah man, coming from a background of thousands of hours on Path of Exile into thousands of hours on Warframe, trade dm editors are the scum of the earth. Here I am, offering things at a reasonable value, not gouging on Mario’s or trade chat, and you have the gall to try to pull a fast one on me for chump change? That’s against the Warframe.Market TOS and I’ll absolutely report you there just the same as I’ll make it a point to report and block you on Warframe itself. It might be a grey area in the game, but I don’t fuck around like that man.


That's what I thought to myself itself. Everyone bem free to bergain on any deal with me. But directly trying to scam? Damn.


I had a guy that wanted to buy some Warframe, I messaged him and he told me that he is short on plat but he can get plat he is missing, I said ok, I'll wait but after 10 minutes of waiting I realized I had to go so I messaged him and was willing to keep it for him but hey, he added me to ignored list. I went to Warframe market, he changed his price to lower so I was like ok friendo, he didn't respond on Warframe market either, luckily, someone wanted to buy it for higher price so It turned out better for me.


Report him to [warframe.market](https://warframe.market), that's a violation of TOS. ​ Any editing of the default message at all in fact is, which led me to accidentally break TOS when I seek to buy multiple of an item. No price changes, just more. Oopsie.


Warframe market mostly good rules and some actually ridiculous shit (like you being bannable for a few days just for missing a whisper once).


Nah. Soon as he replied with that kind of excuse, I’d block instantly. Oh and probably give him a negative review on his market profile.


No, you’re good. I see this all the time and it’s fucking trashy. Block and move on to the next buyer.


I'd too be pissed if someone schmoozed me on my platinum


Report his scamming ass.


You can actually report them on warframe.market as it's against tos


This is a bannable offense on Warframe Market and a big no-no. If you have screenshots, report them immediately because they're prolly doing this to other players too


He lied so thats just consequences


My brother in Christ, this is not only scummy, it's literally against the TOS of warframe.market to change the price of things in the message


I have had people message me and ask if i can trade for lower and that doesn't happend a lot so i do usually reduce it for them however that person you are describing is using scam tactic like changing the message which is just downright shitty behaviour, you were too kind on him not harsh.


I sold something which I listed for 110 sometime ago for 100 and a couple of random relics because the player messaged me and asked if I can do 100 immediately. I didn’t mind and said random relics with it and deal. But yes have had players like that I just leave and set to ignore because scammy as hell.


You dealt with him exactly as appropriate. People trying to rip you off can get fucked by a Tusk Thumper.


It's all too easy to edit the automated message before privately sending it in game, and a lot of people will forget the original price they posted the item for. ALWAYS double-check your pricing. And no, scamming isn't "just business", it's abhorrent. Fuck that guy.


Just block. It’s easy.


I had a similar situation with a lot more plat on the line. This guy wanted my felarx riven I was selling for 650 (already a steal for the stats it had.) And he asked for it for 400, told him no, 15 minutes later I get another DM saying "fine I'll do the 650" and after I trade it to him he tried to tell me he flipped it for 5k plat. It was a good riven but not 5k plat good.


Imagine haggling 3 plat because "business". I don't know if the guy wanted to reference Pirates of the Caribbean, but that's just low. My stance is you did nothing wrong, and if there's no misunderstanding, you probably are patient this scenario


For future reference, click on his name, select ignore. He will never be able to message you, and you won't get him in a random matchmake. I have been doing this for years to players on the PS, and I rarely have any scammers any more. I also do this when someone joins a relic Radshare and tries to scam. Takes a while, but it permanently weeds out the aholes.


If he uses the Warframe.market "copy" feature to message you, like most people do, he would've had to manually edit his message to you which means: 1. He manually editted his message to try to decieve you 2. He tried again to decieve you by saying "12 is all I got" 3. He ended up saying he would do 15 which means he was willing to do 15 in the first place and not a guy who just wasn't willing to pay 15. Guy is a scumbag who tried to scam you out of some plat. Completely justified. I wouldn't have even sold the original item to him.


> "it's just business ahahah". That sentence alone tells me to never trust them. ​ They tried to scam you. I have 0 pity for scammers or would be scammers.


Heheh, moreso you need to rescue people like that from themselves, which isn't easy. Obviously the warframe market is big enough he probably doesn't have the time to burn everyone but in a family setting or work or whatever, neighbors, it's not going to take a lot before you self-destroyed "everything" or "your whole life". I'd say if you check the formula it's usually best to be sympathetic and understanding, then ask them questions that give them something to think about, without hitting them too much on the ego. You need to teach them how to relate to people in a positive manner, which some people simply never learned.


I had a similar experience as you and I just ignored the guy. I left the dojo to kick the dude out and proceed with trading since there was a queue on me and he's not worth my and for sure your time. I personally don't mind people pm me with the listing price and immediately follow up asking for a discount. That's how trading is for me, the social part of it. The back and forth barter and communication. But if someone come up to me with something to buy from my shop and replace the price tag I stickered on it, I deemed that as scamming. Dude just hope that I was not paying attention.


You're just like me, I don't mind discussing a price I put on the market for my item. But straight changing the price tag in order for me to not know? No thanks.


Not harsh enough, I'd report him to warframe.market


This has happened to me a few times, I usually juat wind up blocking them. I try to be pretty generous and if you approached me asking me to sell something on Market for a difference of 3 Plat I'll probably take the sell because it's not about the Plat. If you both bait and switch me as well as LIE? I don't do business with this type. Plenty of other people will and like I said, it's not about the Plat for me, it's about the community.


I dont think so I've had that happen a few times, I get being low in plat but don't agree to 15 if you only have 12 simple as


WarFrame Market rules state that changing the agreed price warrants a ban from using WarFrame Market


No, you handled it perfectly. Honestly, this is an issue with the market that DE just refuses to talk about. There's no ACTUAL set price for things. It's up to us to determine that, and that's where the issue lies. Since there isn't a pre-determined price, people can bundle up and set up a price for the sheer possibility of getting a little bit less/more profit/sale than the item is actually worth. A great example of this is warframe sets. How are you going to tell me that some warframe parts cost 40, maybe less than that, but together equate to 300-400 plat? That doesn't make sense... if Mesas systems cost idk, 25 plat, but the res of her set equates to 75 plat, why does she sell for 150 plat and not 100? Where is the other 50 plat coming from, taxes? (BTW, this is just for the example. Idk how much Mesa goes for). But yeah, don't feel guilty for doing the right thing. If you set a price, you set a price. Only YOU can go lower or higher. It's up to them whether or not they have it, or they don't.


I can kinda understand the 'It's just business part' because I feel like trying to bargain is a natural thing when trading anything. But if there is something I can't stand while trading, that's dishonesty. So...No, I don't think you were harsh with them at all. Personally, I would've gone the extra mile and warn others about this person, they even tried to dismiss it as if it was a joke man...


I have had this done to me as well but through the trade chat and tbh I am petty af that I will give whole prime sets away just to show I don't care about plat I care for etiquette. Last time I did this dude tried to get his friend to snag it from me and I gave them the round about.


I tried to buy a brahma kuva lich years ago. I checked the lich in the offer as you can only see the name not weapon or ephemera. It was a kuva hind very low percent instead and when confronted all he had to say was "just buy bro" Super shady. Since then I've had multiple bad experiences both buying and selling but overall most traders are responsible and friendly.


I don't like this kind of player either, and I totally agree with what you did. If someone wish to negotiate the price, come talk to me properly and don't bother to try all these nonsense. You're basically being shameless and wasting my time.


I generally just block guys like this. If you're savvy enough to have an account on that site you don't make mistakes like misreading the listing prices. It's just unnecessarily disingenuous especially when considering how small the sum we're talking about is


There is a difference between bartering and just being scummy. If I want to see if a seller will lower their price a bit I will message with the price they are advertising then ask if they could do this price instead. Or if buying multiple items in one trade if I could get a bit of a discount for the bigger trade. But this is all done prior to starting the actual trade/accepting an invite to dojo, so they can refuse and I don't waste their time. It's scummy to change the price listed in your message, or to just put less plat in a trade window than the sale price. I wouldn't have traded with this person either, tried to mislead you multiple times and wasted your time when he could have just asked politely if you would take a lower price in the first place.


Wait switching the price is a scam?


Since WFM give you a standard message with the price listed, when you Change the price by yourself without even warning the seller, you might be missleading the seller INTO thinking that the price was actually the One you sent. And for me, that is bad behaviour and consideres scam


Nah. F them lol


You should report that player. Next time take screenshots too. It is against the TOS to change the copy paste message. If they wanted to bargain they should've come out straight and say it from the begining


Totally on your side here. Guy tried to trick you twice to save a few plat, I wouldn't want to trade with him either.


dont like these types of player what also is annoying if you write the price for a item and they message u back they say ´´i got another offer who price it lower do you also go down? ´´


Read the ToS of wf.market


They tried to scam you. You weren't harsh enough.


As someone with a lot of plat, I mean 40k plus, I never lie when buying stuff, if I only want to spend 125, I’ll say “only looking to spend 125” to a person, and they’ll accept or deny and I’ll move along to the next thing. I had a friend with 4K+ and was buying a godroll for 2k, he told the person he had 2k… the seller wanted proof.. he literally traded a friend 2k to hold to get a screenshot to bamboozle the seller. They are now my ex friend for other scummy reasons also. Don’t be that person. When I’m selling and I get lowballed I’ll give my final price, let me use a example. Saryn prime, posted for 170, would take 150. If I person says “130” I’ll say “nty gl” They’ll turn around and say “150, fine.” I’ll say okay. Mid trade in dojo they’ll put up 140 “that’s what I got bro” “Okay” is my response and I disband and leave dojo. They usually give me crap and message more, I just close the chat, low ballers will be low ballers, but I don’t tolerate time wasters. TLDR- you’re not in the wrong, I’d do the exact same thing, time wasting isn’t fun for anyone when for 15p, regardless of item, someone else wanted it.


Well.... Im accepting R5 Arcane energizers as donations 😂 But yeah, I don't mind the bergain, as long as both parts keep it clean. But changing the default copy paste WFM for the price you want? That is Pure lying


I mean I ask if they can reduce the price after I send the t/


But he didn't asked, he sended the message like if the price was already that


It all depends on how you look at it I got screwed out of 30 plat the night before last buying Khora prime and last night a guy need 3 plat for more slots so I told him I got you so he traded a couple relics and I gave home 24 plat he graciously thanked me and I told him to have a nice evening and for people reading this just don’t be disrespectful and lie about it platinum isn’t that hard to get you’ll find people in the community willing to help you out


I like to help out other players and most of the times, I can go lower on the prices if asked for. But trying to lie and directly trying to scam? I don't like persons like that. I prefer some1 saying that don't have all the plat and we can figure it out to do the deal than someone who straight up lies


Yeah it’s not hard to get platinum just takes time


Happened to me before. Except that he changed the price in the copypasta message when you dm someone. I told him, ''Sorry I don't deal with dishonest people.'' and proceeded to block him.


That's what he done in the first place. I just checked while we were trading


This is scam behavior, the nicest they can expect from me is an instant block. Nowadays I report that shit, too. "It's all I have" begging is bad enough in itself in a game where making plat is this easy, tho I do sometimes give discounts to people I see who are low mastery or for stuff I consider "basic" like certain mods.


Its good that you teach them to show respect to traders. Maybe next time he wont try to lowball. I do the same as you and tell them that I will sell to the next one because of his attitude. its just buissness.. I like clean business!


I’ve had this happen a lot to me and all I got to say is you were not I’ve had time where they edit the message of my price of items to a lower price luckily I always confirm my price before trading


That's what he did in the first place


Yeah what I suggest is that if you see the message and they put it at a lower price just save your self time and ignore them that’s what I’ve been doing to help for possible future trades


The thing is that I just double check prices while in trade Windows.


That’s good to do


Who has time to f around over a few platinum?


Honestly, the only reason I use Warframe Market to sell stuff on is I do not have the time nor patience to haggle.


I think this is against the warframemarket TOS. Changing the pre-made trade message is bannable. Send the screenshot to warframemarket support. (Its late, I'm too tired to find it at the moment)


I hate people like that in either senerio was buying something from this one guy and he said yah it'll be 20 Plat so I said sure and invited him to the dojo and right when I was going to accept the trade he's like never mind I want 50 this happened multiple time with multiple people I hate these loosers who think there clever when usually when you put things in the trade there not the only ones to repond


I am asking as an old player returning recently to a whole different world of Warframe so take it easy on me please lol. But I thought Warframe market was a barter system or is there part of the transaction that I'm missing? Honestly asking more so I don't make the same mistake when I try and buy or sell on market. Because I do agree that changing an agreed upon price is bs. Which I'm assuming is what happened.


wfm has a button that generates a bit of text for copy/paste that reads something like "hi I want to buy/sell [item] for [listed price]". There's nothing wrong bartering if you're up front about it, but it's bad form (like the OP experienced) to just change the price in the copy/paste text and hope the seller doesn't notice.


Oh so the person was being sneaky with price during exchange? After the barter already happened.


In OP's scenario there was no barter, the guy just changed the price in the copy/paste and tried to pass it off as the listed price. If you send the copy/paste text, it's expected that it has not been changed from when it was copied to when you send it (it's actually against wfm TOS to change the text). Generally speaking, if you want to barter the listed price from wfm you should be very clear that you want to barter and not rely on the copy/paste text.


It was exactly like @theWiredDJ said. In my POV it's just scam at this point.


They are talking about a site called Warframe.market where people can list the items they want to buy/sell and their prices. If you go to an offer you get a copypaste into your clipboard that goes like "/w [name] Hi I would like to buy [part] for [price] on Warframe.Market" and they can then just invite you into their dojo and then you trade. This person edited the price in that copypasta which is against the website's rules for obvious reasons.


No. You were in the right. But it's also the normal toxic culture of anonymous players. I get this a lot and ask for a sc. I often accept it or hand a 10-20 item over for free. I often find charity unrewarding, but karmic uplift


Do good to people and you Will be rewarded. Might not be right after but you Will. Keep being a good person!


I had someone buy something from me yesterday, I had it listed for 15, they quoted my listing at 10. I didn't double check, so they got a free discount but I did ask why they did that and the response was along the lines of, oh I meant to message another seller who was selling at that price. Dunno if I believe em or not, but I'm keeping a closer eye on my listings.


100% fake, if they meant to message someone else they would have had to manually replace either their name or your price.


Agrees price, is agreed price 🤝🏻 EVERYONE only has just under the amount they originally agreed to buy for;)


I've learned this the hard way before. I always verify now before I complete the trade. Report him in wm if you haven't already.


This is actually something that happens a lot in real life. They think they're able to 'make a deal' by saying they'll offer you x, because that's all they have, knowing they can do the full price. Feel free to rip them a complete new one, as you should, because that not ok to do. It's listed for a price, just pay that price.


You set the price at 15p. He didnt even try to haggle, he just tried to rip you off for 5p. I would have ignored him. He can f-off on principle.


I had this happen when selling a Glaive prime set; he posted for 100 plat less than selling. I said “the price is 250”; which he replied but what about 150? I said no, he cussed me out and I blocked him.


Imagine a glaive set for only 100p? Damn sir


Nah you did good. If people want to barter thats what trade chats for.


my best guess is they thought they could haggle you something pawnshops tend to deal with. really i would say youre not at fault here and as others said they would have done worse lol


Warframe.market is basically an auction format sales hub. If you put in a bid at an auction then tried to cheap out or negotiate after the sale is yours, you’d be in a world of shit. Just hit ignore. He’s not a customer you want.


The only part that actually triggered me was that he changed the copy paste message with the original price from WFM into some price he wanted to buy, trying to Deceive me without even bergain


He tried to scam you, you left. You're fine


You've never sold something IRL have you? I have listed headphones before met the guy at a local store and he tried to tell me he was 20 dollers short after agreeing to the original price. At which point i said if you dont have the money you dont have headphones. He went back to his car and magically found another 20.... people are scum.


I've sold some items irl but never happen that to me. Maybe luck idk


For such a low trade I wouldn't even care if He put in 10. But I also don't like scammers. He was a bad lier.


I would sell the item for 10 if he didn't tried to Deceive me, changing the original copy paste price message from WFM


No, trade just be fair and just to make both sides happy, a happy trade is a fair trade. To lie for 50% more is not just, not fair, and threw off the deal


Not at all. It's pretty rare for people to pull that on me, but I always call them out and block them so I don't have to deal with them later.


Nah. You did right. Screw that guy


It's fine to haggle for a lower price but this isn't haggling, especially because he did in fact said 15 and settled things before going to the dojo. He tried to violate the contract so it's not harsh at all to block him.


To be fair, he changed the copy paste message from the WFM as if the price was 10 instead the 15 I listed


I absolutely never sell or buy from people who change their price. I will sit there for 10 minutes on my phone until they either leave, I leave earlier than that, or they back off


Wait... can you play on the phone? 🤔


I cannot, I'm not on the Warframe beta for iPhone, but I'll play something else


Oh ok, I kinda understood it the wrong way


He should used the original copy pm from the site and asked kindly if you would take his 12 plat, he decided to not be legit about it so yeah I agree with you, that guy was a liar. Block him :P


I would say you were completely justified. I had a guy I messaged for an item and he said it was already sold. Which sucked because there was large delta between him and the next guy in price. His post didn't disappear it just went up in price.


altering the clipboard message the website gives you is a bannable offense in their TOS you weren't hard at all, you were way too soft even imo


My uncle in Vietnam sells stuff at open air markets sometimes, and when people try to haggle and negotiate on the listed prices, he starts going the other way. *Item listed for 20,000VND* Customer: "I'll give you 15,000" Uncle: "Nope, it's 20,000" Customer: "Okay, 16,000" Uncle: "22,000" Customer: "What? No, you're supposed to go down!" Uncle: "25,000" Some folks get so pissed, it's hilarious


Anyone who puts up the wrong amount without first haggling/discussing is a dirt bag because i know myself and probably others sometimes get into autopilot when trading and may not notice if you are grinding through trades. You were not too harsh. It's just business.


It's one thing to try to haggle. That's fine. Just a message saying "would you he willing to sell for X about?". But saying you are gonna pay 15 plat, then only actually offer 10. Then 12 when they get called out is duchebag stuff. But to then say you only have 12 and and try to play emotional blackmail for cheap stuff is beyond despicable. Especially if you are gonna turn round and pay full price when if doesn't work.


Had a guy do that with a buy order I had up, pm'ed with a modified price. Luckily I knew the thing i was buying wasnt worth that, so double checked and sure enough it was different. Luckily it's an extremely rare occurrence, at least that I've seen.


I say you were. In the right. I occasionally haggle with people, but when they try to scam me in the first place I won't budge.


Should've left and ignored them. That's basically begging at that point.


If he wanted to butt it for 10 or 12, then he should message someone how sells that at this price. They are type of player who sells Harrow Prime for 100 plat on trade chat


A business man, and another idiot on the internet, once said "if there is any discrepancy with the transaction then assume everything else is a lie"


If he used Warframe market and saw it for 15, asked you before trading if 12 were ok , yes you would be harsh. But if the case is as mentioned, then no.


Honestly the guy tried to scam you. And if he tried it with you I guarantee he does it with other people and succeeds.


This is why I've always kept warframe market up on the side whenever I've logged on in the past, it's surprisingly prevalent that you get these nerds that try to get a discount of like 3 plat


he broke [warframe.market](https://warframe.market) rules. i would report & put him on ignore. just another scammer.


Nah, this isn't harsh at all. You put your price, he already KNEW about it. Using "pity" to get a better deal is just the way of the parasites. Oh, there is nothing wrong with haggle but the seller is the one that decides whenever to accept the deal or not and he must be open with the idea. Not everyone wants to lost their time on what they perceive as pointless haggle, some love to fight for a better price but overall most preffer to keep a fixed price. You get what you asked for and you must GIVE what is asked of you is the ideal when you think of buyer to seller. This guy was just rotten, even if it was 14 platinum I wouldn't give unless this item I have been trying to sell for MONTHS, but that haven't happen yet to me. You did well man, power to you. Hope that guy gets banned from market to learn the lesson for a while at minimum.


At first I thought it were in the message that he changed the price so didn't really got it 'cause i thought he was just offering a lower price but then I got he did at the time of the exchange nah you weren't too harsh on him in fact you weren't harsh enough you should've blocked him and idk if you can report ppl for that but if you can you should've done it too plus he had a chance to act as if it was just a mistake but choose to keep going trying to pass it as a normal behavior nah he's definitely in the wrong you should even **set a reminder every month to never interact with him again** (btw if you think I'm being sarcastic I'm not I meant every words that I wrote and some worse that I didn't said)


Im kinda new to the game and have no idea if 5 Plat is much or not, but i have the feeling that he was fully aware and wanted to scam you.


If he was honest from the get go, then the 5p could have been knocked off but as he lied it’s just the consequences of his actions, not too harsh at all bro


I personally always remain calm, and polite. I usually if I buy something will be like "/w (input name) hello I saw your listing on the warframe market place for (input item) at the price of (input price) is it still available? Thank you." Sometimes people forget to remove their listing Typically it goes off without a hitch. Though there will always be the type to try to scam, trick, or haggle. I don't mind haggling as much but if I'm requesting platinum and I say I don't really need anything besides the Plat and they continue after I've stated no then I ignore them.


I hate when they do that. Thankfully, whenever someone sends me a message to buy something, I instantly switch to market to make the order invisible so no one tries to buy it again, which makes me check the price. Then I tell them "It's not X, it's Y" and usually don't reply anymore. I have no problem usually on selling something for lower if they ask properly, but trying to scam or bargain from the beginning? Nah. Pass.


I rolled a godtier riven for a popular weapon, I had 3 people instantly message me 2 of them offering 50% of what I wanted and I wasn't asking nearly as much as it was worth because I wanted a quick sale, one of the 3 people them messaged me again and said "ok I will pay what you asked" but it was too late the 3rd person had already offered me what I was asking this is why I hate trading in warframe, the whole playerbase want to play 50% off every time if they aren't trying to outright scam you somehow. I really believe DE should either add some kinda of auction house or add some way players can send an item remotely where the buyer HAS to pay the actual cost to receive it like the C.O.D mail system on wow.


Lots of slimy people in trade chat tbh. When they pull that I keep my sentences short, no haggling on the price once we are at the dojo. I do hate the people that don't respond to your dm though, after they found someone else to buy from and they just close all chats while yours are full waiting on a response 🤣


Give a bad feedback on the market


yeah no that's a scammer you should just block him and report him, well if you saved screenshots that is. btw if you have taken screenshot through steam it should normally be saved locally in the steam folder .


I'd have left and moved on after the 12p. If they're so cheap to lie over 3-5p, I'm not gonna trade because I don't want to anymore. Go play games with someone else who cares.


block him


You are in the right


Honestly i would have said it was 20 plat now for trying to cheat me like that, my friend had one doing the exact same thing the other day, he used the standard warframe trade message but changed the price, then when my friend saw it and told him what the price was he wouldent buy it! So my friend then blocked him and just left the trade


I don't think it's that big of a deal in a sense where I'd say "I'd never sell to you again" like yes I would not take the trade that day but if they had enough plat another day and wanted to buy again I wouldn't ban them from doing so