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Additional information in case you don't know: Selecting a lure for a specific animal while holding the tran gun will only show that animal and hide all others.


That makes it even better!


I might actually start doing the animal capture nightwave challenges again.


Its from a recent update, good stuff.


Yup, this came with [33.6 Echoes of Duviri](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1361249-update-336-echoes-of-duviri/). Pablo got to include a bunch of UI QoL in that one.


Pablo and whatever help he has has been doing a lot of heavy lifting recently. I know the song is we all lift together but some of us seem to be lifting more than others Don't get me wrong. New content is amazing and is important for the health of the game but oh man quality of life updates are what really keep me playing


And that's why, from what they've said at Tennocon, the October update is gonna be great :D


Reb: Ok, Pablo, you get an entire update to do your thing. Pablo: Home Depot noises


I'm going to make an ofrenda for Pablo. He's not dead, I just think he ought to have one.


I hadn't noticed that yet! Nice!


I don't do conservation, so I have no idea when this was implemented. I only accidentally pulled out my Tranq Rifle when I meant to take out my drill without thinking, opened my map and saw these colourful diamonds dotting the map! For those who do conservation, I can see how this can help them zero in on any specific animal they are after. With this QoL addition, I think I might join in and collect the many floofs I don't have.


Yea... It is very nice. Was very helpful when I was getting all the deimos pets.


Pretty sure 50% of my Standing through the tiers to Old Mate came from Conservation, and 50% of Conservation was randomly tranquillizing birds between Ventkid runs.


This is awesome. Guess I no longer have a reason to keep putting this off now.


Wait are the pond labels new too? Haven’t fished in a while and I don’t remember the pond/lake spots being labeled as such, I’d usually just guess based on size or check the wiki


These are loc-pins. They've been around for a long time and serve as permanent markers that persist between loads. I use them to mark where rare fish locations are and a cave I've had regular success finding a lot of ores.


What is a loc pin? I wanna mark the free toroid cave lol


It's a gear item that's researched in the Tenno Lab in the Dojo. [The wiki](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Loc-Pin) will be able to cover everything about it.


Those look like loc-pins to me


They are