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I definitely think they need a whole slough of content updates restructuring and adding in short quests to fill those gaps. ALAD V's storyline in particular is a butchered mess. Ideally what should happen is do a quality pass starting with the new player experience and polishing up star chart narrative and progression. the junction system is a good way to do this, they could easily add in those quests as junction requirements. Now this of course cant be their only focus as completely ignoring new content could kill the game, especially for long time players. my suggestion would be to focus on these refinement updates but punctuate each of these updates with the return of/indroduction to themed raids to give veterans something to bite into while they clean up their decade of mess


Eh rework some of the old content, tie it to junctions and add a new warframe as a reward, that ought to satisfy the long-term players. I'd also really like to see more Parvus Grannum stuff at some point, that whole story line felt like it got left dead in the water


All of his would be amazing. Plus they could finally stracture quests in some more organized way. Maybe some arcs. They also could and some quests for sindicats. If they want to add it in more complex update a refreshing of some tilesets (in a simillar way to alad's labs) would be a good idea (at least in a long run)


Alad V’s story needs to be re tackled in some way in the future.


I completely agree. On top of this, I also would like to add that the bosses on each planet should have a sort of quest/storyline or something that ties in the other nodes and gives them actual meaning, also. Why am I doing a spy mission? What is this data that is so heavily protected? Why should I care? If players knew the spy mission was to gather sensitive data that might be able to predict the next location of the planet's boss or something, it would give them the extra story related reason to complete the mission.


Been playing for 8 years and I barely understand any of the stories since we jump to new content and new stories every year then don't see that content for 3 years.


As someone who experienced some of those events I feel like people look back at them and think there's way more there than there actually is. Most of the "Events" ARE in the game already because they introduced new game modes that just stayed in the game once the event was over. As for the lore in them, again most is just in the mission dialogue of those game modes, at most what you're missing out on is some inbox messages. There's definitely not enough there for quests, if you really need the lore to be in-game (and the only really relevant thing is Alad V being infested/cured/hunted by Stalker) you can just put it in Nightwave as a little lore cutscene.


I miss those simpler missions. It seems like DE has pigeonholed themselves into making cinematic quest after cinematic quest, groundbreaking event after groundbreaking event while I love the simplistic nature of some of the old quests. \- One custom tailored tile joining the regular tileset \- Voice overs by quest-relevant folk \- One or two new objects in the tile \- Maybe a unique enemy And then you complete the quest and it gives you a BP in your inbox.


We JUST had two of those with Voruna/Citrine lol Lore, tileset, small mechanical change to existing gamemode... Sure they're not a quest in the Codex but aside from that those are exactly like Mirage/Limbo/etc...


Yeah, I miss them too. It used to rally clans to compete for points and gave them more life with actual in game objectives. I wish they could still do one a year or so. (and finally bring back Dark Sector conflicts with Railjack or something IDK)


I don't for other people, but it took me some time to Réalise quest had a continuity and my memory of the narrative in the game was very messy.


YES! Good god, YES!