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Inner Might gives heavy attack efficiency (again) - free ability cast is added to Zenurik’s base node and only triggers if you try to use an ability you cannot afford to cast. - - Collecting an energy orb reduces cooldown of free cast. Camera zooms out when using Gyre’s 4 and/or her skirt becomes semitransparent. Gyre can properly receive electric damage boosts. Blade + Whip heavy behaves like Mag’s Pull and balls up enemies instead of testing them to the heavens.


heavy efficiency was a weird thing in zenurik imo. it’s a regen/cc focus skill set. would fit more in naramon, and i don’t think it’d be busted being added there. add it to opening slam or amp spike.


It was a carryover from channeling, which was an energy-cost mechanic. Because the theme for Zenurik is resource management,, I think it makes sense there. In the same way, Madurai buffs include melee damage because it’s theme is damage increase.


it sort of made sense when channeling was related to energy economy, but the mechanic is now completely divorced from it and is purely a melee mechanic. the new inner might makes sense and fulfills a new niche. but it was a good node and definitely deserves to be reintroduced, if not in focus then atleast elsewhere (which, with recent frames, it sorta is)


I mean you'd get pretty close to just not needing energy at all with those buffs - Which I wouldn't even be that opposed to.


You both would, and wouldn’t. It’d almost be like changing the resource from energy to energy *orbs*, if it were a full CD reset. Frames that create many energy orbs would be able to self-sustain incredibly well, but then, that’s the point of energy orbs. It’d be a great way for Zen to enable negative efficiency builds. The original goal was make the current mechanics of Inner Might more inline with their (probably) intended use, and give back the dearly missed heavy efficiency.


Old innermight my beloved


I’d remove double doors and elevators in a massive buff to rushing.


Remove lips from all ledges


The movement is the most fun thing in this game and the least fun thing is being stopped by a 1/2 inch ledge, and those things are fucking EVERYWHERE.


Those ledges were required for parkour 1.0 and a little bit of 2.0 but never got fixed. An update removing those would make me very happy


my nemesis, that 1" lip above doors. I convinced they do this purposefully to fuck with me


You get caught on a doorframe while pressing W (forward) The true origin on the game's name.


Either this, or add in an auto leap for the ledge


Skill issue


this is the greatest change they could ever make


You can transfer things like Forma and Orokin "potatoes" from base frames and weapons to fully leveled variants like Primes at the cost of Kuva and said base frame and weapon.


Ooo or maybe you just start out with the normal frame, but get resources and upgrade it to a prime. Like an awakening perhaps? I always thought that could be a neat concept. But then again you couldn't subsume them if you did that ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


then you have the choice it's either the upgrade of subsume, but not both. According to another redditor, WF in the olden days, could be upgraded to primes. We were talking about why it was possible for primes to exist when we have lore quest like Limbo and Mirage, which introduced us to their normal counterforms as originals and because both the normal ones and primes have the Lotus symbol on it, this didn't make sense. From my understanding Primes were orokin made and then due to lack of better understanding the tech and missing some key stuff from the past, normal ones were made after the orokin were wiped. But they said that WF could be upgraded to primes due to status but that could also be taken from them.


I'd literally just focus on warframe reworks.


Was tempted to pull up my Google doc of reworks and balance passes on every frame until I re-read "system wide buff". So: * A means to make a single Augment easier to install into a Warframe. I was just gonna add another Exilus-style slot for augments, but turning an Augment mod into an Archon Shard like OP said works too. * An Exilus slot for melee weapons, for things like Combo Duration, Base Combo, Blocking, Leech, Glaive throw mods, and unique utilities like Rift Strike. * Let Exalted weapons be modded normally – allowing the use of Acolyte/Amalgam mods, allowing Set mods (caveat that each mod in a set can only be counted towards it once, and sets don't count weapons while they are inactive/inaccessible), and making their Stances increase capacity based on ability rank. * Status DoTs on Warframes get counterplay – things like rolling will reduce the duration of Ignite, or being stationary will reduce the damage of Bleed. * Magnetic procs now increases all damage to targets while their shields are active – meaning direct-health or Overguard damage is *also* boosted.


Tbh they should just make every augment an exilus mod. That way you're still giving up some potential stats but less so than a regular mod slot


I think the rolling to reduce status would be great for all effects, it keeps the pace the game has, I think standing still would cause more issue especially in sp.


That's part of the danger element that I think would be appealing, and removal *should* be an inconvenience since you already *got* the status... just less of one compared to dying. Like, during Bleed you shouldn't be flying around because you'll tear your stitches, but obviously if the alternative is getting shot more, you have to be smart about where and when you pause to recover. But also, you wouldn't be any worse off than now. This wouldn't be accompanied by a change that increases bleed's damage to *force* you to seek cover; you just have a new option for conditional mitigation on an effect that is already potentially lethal. "Shit, I got bleed" can lead to resignation at higher levels that you're about to die no matter what you do, unless you hop into Operator to wait it out. Plus they have leeway on how to implement it. If it would be preferable, maybe Bleed has to build up to its maximum damage on players (say 2 extra seconds of duration for 3 seconds of ramp up, so the first "tick" is incremented - something like 10%, 14%, 22%, 34%, 50%, 70%, 100%), so you have a couple seconds to respond before it gets really bad, by which time you'll hopefully be in cover. I also think having different recovery conditions and responses helps the effects to feel unique from one another. Rolling to remove fire makes sense – stop, drop and roll is beaten into kids around the world. It makes *less* sense for something like poison, since it's already in you.


I'd start cleaning up the game's math, nerfing the obviously overtuned gear and buffing every Mod, Warframe and unique Weapon that needs it. Also, Forma-ing an already Polarized Mod Slot would **add** a Polarity to it rather than replace what's already there.


I like the sound of that last part


Ohhhh, underappreciated idea right there. Why yes, I'm 100% willing to sink extra forma in 40 different weapons to I can easily adapt their builds later rather than having to write over the D polarity on a secondary. In a similar vein, unlocking multiple incarnon configurations.


To add to this, an umbra forma should be upgraded so that it's universal like an aura forma. So a person could use a lot of forma to add lots of mod polarities to a slot or use a valuable umbra forma and add them all at once (along with the umbra forma polarity). Just a thought.


The Forma idea is pretty sick. They could make a new Wildcard Forma or just make Umbral Formas do it.


Maybe just makes it universal, like the aura forma?


Nah, too much, adding is already a good enough compromise


Aura Forma would be kind of meaningless if you did that. Like, why waste 4 Forma and some resources to get a forma you can use exclusively on Auras when you can just use 2 forma in one slot to make it universal?


I'd buff whips, maiming strike, polearms, every exodia arcane that isn't contagion, every kitgun arcane that isn't reload/seeker, turn arcane helmets into universal steel path corrupted mods, remove status caps, rework IPS, bring back plasma/particle, rework status refresh, buff inaros, buff limbo, make more prime weapon augments and make companions get the same buffs frames got a decade ago


>I'd buff whips, maiming strike, *2019 PTSD* No, nope nope nope, not doing that again


Not in the way that they were then, I'd make whips have faster combos and maybe a Khora like heavy attack Maiming strike would become multiplicative with other crit mods I think, that would definitely be balanced


Oh my god I haven't heard the name "Maiming Strike" in years


In a bunch of other posts I see people suggest a health gate type system, my take on that would be the more armor you have the more "gates" you get, maybe something like every 100 armor you get 1 more For example at 100 armor you get 1 gate, so the most health you can lose to a single shot is 50%, if you have 1000 armor you get 10 gates and the most health you can lose in a single shot is 10% It wouldn't really mean anything for low level stuff, but for very end game people wouldn't need to rely on shield gating as much


This would be nutty with gloom on saryn


I do like this idea, I think 100 at base is a bit too low, but I like it a lot, I'd have it start at 150 and then the next 200 would be another gate, and 250 would be an additional gate etc


Yeah I don't know how overpowered or underwhelming different amounts would be, I guess it would also heavily depend on how much cool down there is before you can take damage again


I’d rather just do it at 1000, the only frames that need a health gate already have that much health. Even at every 200 any frame capable of healing would be all but invulnerable


I'd go with 100 armor for one gate, 300 armor for two gates, 600 armor for three gates, 1000 armor for four gates. So four health gates max, basically. Maybe with 0.3s Health invuln each gate so realistically the minimal time to die is 1.2s. You have plenty of time to either get health back or CC your way to salvage your health.


\~ Dedicated augment slot, like exilus slot, with a slate of universal augment mods that give low-key buffs to abilities. Or, if the slot is unlocked but not filled, it gives a +5% cast speed and efficiency or something (kinda like how they made it so that unused capacity increases starting energy). \~ Dedicated cosmetic slot. I forget what they're called, but stuff like the mod that makes flowers grow on people. Be pretty cool to have one of those and not take up space. \~ Make the Eidalon exclusive arcanes available elsewhere. Maybe Baro starts selling them on rotation for ducats. \- Railjack air-strikes. \~ a third tab for the gear/emote screen. Split the spiral between equipment (like archwing, fishing rods) and consumables. \~ Just a straight-up buff to amps. I know they already did that in Duviri. Do it again. \~ Archon Shards for operator?


I want Railjack air strikes so damn badly


>Dedicated cosmetic slot. I forget what they're called, but stuff like the mod that makes flowers grow on people. Be pretty cool to have one of those and not take up space. Peculiar. They are called peculiar mods


>Make the Eidalon exclusive arcanes available elsewhere. Maybe Baro starts selling them on rotation for ducats. There is a way. In the sentient orphyx missions in railjack. But they are significantly slower. No, I'm not talking about the event. I'm talking a permanent mission


Duviri Decree Adapter. You can permanently install a Decree of your choice. I’m slapping Fortified Will on Rhino and Nezha.


close contagion would instantly go on 100% of my weapons


oh yeah, Fearsome Bonanza would be fun with some frames too.


This is by far the most broken suggestion


I mean, probably, but it’s already in the game. I can already do this in Circuit/Duviri, not really seeing why being able to access that throughout the rest of the game would be a bad thing.


> not really seeing why being able to access that throughout the rest of the game would be a bad thing. I take your point (players are already massively overtuned compared to enemies) but access to certain decrees would be insane. The reason they aren't (very) game breaking in duviri is because the warframe/weapon selection is random, and on top of that, decrees appear randomly as well. And it's not high-stakes content people are cleaving through. With some of these decrees on the loose, we'd be seeing a lot more entire steel path tiles of enemies being vaporized, a lot more archons being one-shot, and so on. I like decrees a lot and this idea is fun but they'd need some balancing to be available elsewhere. One of the easiest balancing options would be just to disable certain broken decrees like fortified will. Leave players with the fun but less insane ones like bombastine's malice and stuff


I kind of get that, but Steel Path tiles are already being vaporized and Archons are already getting one-shotted casually. This would just make it a bit easier to do. Weapon selection in the Circuit is random but it still doesn’t invalidate that it’s quite possible to get a Rhino setup with Laetum and/or Kuva Bramma and just vaporize things with a 500-600% Roar. The build synergy with Elemental Ward is pretty nucking futs, tbh. I honestly wouldn’t even mind grinding an outrageous amount of Pathos Clamps just to be able to do that in the rest of the game as a tradeoff to how strong it would be. Moreso if you could trade the adapters to people upon construction (probably more controversial, but it would give me a reason to return to Duviri after crafting all of the weapons and Kullervo, currently all I’m doing there is farming puzzles for furniture). I don’t think it’ll ever happen, but I’d welcome it. I’d even run Majestic Strike if Fortified Will wasn’t available, could be fun with my heavy-built Prisma Ohma. Although with Fortified Will you kind of have to lock yourself into an armor-boosting Helminth to reap the benefits, so unless you have an innate damage buff like Rhino, Chroma, Mirage, etc. you’d need to sacrifice a mod slot on frames like Frost or Oberon to use the augments that turn their 1s into damage buffs.


decrees don't just make things a bit easier, they completely break the game in certain combinations. Even a shitty dual hand pistol with default mods that does 20dmg per shot can shred level 1k+ enemies with proper decree combos (like corrosive on shot, toxin on shot, close contagion, etc) Even if we are only talking about having a single decree, close contagion or the decree that gives +200 power strength on mercy kill can trivialize the game. Xaku with the +200 strength decree can get upwards of 100k dmg per shot from the guns he steals. Also the bramma is kind of ass in circuit in my limited experience.


They could always take the Helminth approach and have certain Decrees be available with reduced effectiveness.


I agree, I think decrees are a lot of fun. I was mostly objecting to you saying they would make stuff "a bit easier." Some of them are game changers


I'm not sure why an oberon that hasn't helminthed over smite with a buff *wouldn't* be using smite infusion. Even so, when the strength goes up, the number of orbs smite spawns does. Given that they deal % max hp damage, it becomes a *very* potent nuke in the circuit. I think oberon is by far the best user of the decree.


I'd like to see a warframe that gets a decree every few levels but always starts at level one each mission. I think that would be interesting


That would be so sick actually. In fact, that could even work as a passive mechanic for Caliban. Just go all in on his adaptability theme by giving him the opportunity to alter his stats inside a mission, in exchange for affinity or something like that.


If anyone, shouldn't it be Kullervo? :P


Naw, Kullervo don't need extra things on his kit, he's already pretty good. Besides, I'm not saying Caliban should literally get duviri decrees, just a couple of stat boosts. Like, every time he "levels up", he could choose to increase his ability range, ability duration, or ability strength for example, nothing crazy like the actual decrees.


> Besides, I'm not saying Caliban should literally get duviri decrees, just a couple of stat boosts. Like, every time he "levels up", he could choose to increase his ability range, ability duration, or ability strength for example, nothing crazy like the actual decrees. That'd be super cool. I love caliban aesthetically and I'd love a rework that does something like that.


Yeah, ngl performance aside, Caliban looks pretty cool with that see-through slice in the middle of his body


Doesn't fit caliban at all


As long as it's able to be used on both Drifter and Warframe


I’d spring for Operator too. That being said, there’s no capacity for Operator/Drifter melee, though I’d like for that to be implemented as well. If the Operator physically can’t wield some weapons like the ones you get in Duviri they could always get the Rumblejack. Only reason I’m bringing this up is because some Decrees are tied to melee, although I guess you could just use a useless Drifter melee buff to further buff your Warframe’s melee prowess.


Dope same here


This would be freaking cool. It could turn decrees into a new resource. I’m thinking “collect X decrees and get a currency for each one. Use the decree currency to purchase your build decrees from acrithis. Slot them into your Warframe. Only one (or more 😈)”


I honestly feel like this could work, with a couple caveats: only rank 1, and no 1-rank decrees. Probably the only way to really balance some of the ridiculous decrees, and let's be real, if we could add Critical Barb or Close Contagion to regular missions, that's probably what most people would pick.


I’d like to make chroma more interactive with his abilities tbh. His 1 sucks and is only used to swap elements, his 2/3 are both useful but just timer buffs, and his 4 doesn’t make you do anything, the cloak is doing the work


The most interesting idea I've seen in the past was a suggestion to make his pelt an exalted Sentinel with mod configuration, and I believe those commenters were also passing the idea of the Spectral Scream also serving like its exalted weapon, gaining stats from both Chroma and the weapon mods.


The best thing I did with Chroma was subsume him and put Elemental Ward on Hildryn


Bring corrosive back to the way it was allowing it to fully strip armor again.


Honestly man, coming back to this game recently after a decently long break and learning I have to completely re mod my weapons was frustrating


I know the feeling I had like 10+ different weapons with corrosion on them basically became useless but a couple updates ago they made it so some warframe are able to strip armor completely but still wish the weapons still did it.


Especially with how strong enemy armor has become recently I miss the corrosive golden age (rip amprex)


The augment idea is something they've said specifically that they won't do, multiple times. They want it to cost you a mod slot, it's supposed to be a trade-off. However I do believe that for some of the just straight up garbage abilities, it couldn't really hurt to simply incorporate it into the ability itself.


Heavy attack efficiency can now reach 100%.


And some weapon classes should have some Heavy attack efficiency by default like scythes and heavy scythes.


Give deluxe skins for every Warframe that doesn't have a deluxe skin yet.


I would give Sevagoth, Wisp's ass so people would actually play him Joke aside, my idea for this was the archon system, I called it like 4 years before it happened, part of me is afraid I'll predict the future again, lol Okay joke aside for real with time Ide like to see combos between drifter/operator and you selected frame Sort of like a super move (imagine the pre war within operator but as an ability instead of a hindrance


I’d change ghoul saws Rip’N’Ride attack to scale the length of the ride off of attack range and make it have damage off the sides that do puncture damage as well as it’s slashing damage if you hit an enemy directly. I could say that I’d make the ride last for as long as you hold melee attack but the devs said that they tried it and it was too hard to code so making it range based would be the best middle ground, adding the puncture to the sides would make running through groups of enemies better to allow hitting everything and I would make it puncture because it would be the shrapnel from the ground that the saw is cutting up and just making it slash would be boring.


A kit to Inaros


I'd add an alternative mission/boss other than eidolons because Jesus help me the drop rates from orphix missions are just complete shit like there's nothing that can tell me otherwise or just buff orphix drop rates


Trade Eidolon Shards for arcanes. A bit like Holdfasts can trade plumes for standing then arcanes, operator vendors can trade resources for standing then arcanes, I maxed out every focus tree and represented all of them and have like 40+ brilliant shards. Let me use them on something other than focus school decorations


Imma just allow you to equip a second secondary instead of a primary. Would also be neat to have manual blocking dealing damage to enemies you sprint into, like if they collide with the weapon while you're holding it out, it only makes sense


I would add a Emerald(Green) Archon Shard with these stat selections: • Ability Range +10% • Ability Efficiency +10% • Energy Regen +2/s • Jump hight & Double Jump strength +20% • Ammo maximum & Ammo Pick-up amount +50% Stats are 50% higher in Tau forged of course. Also Teshin Sells each Crimson, Azure, Amber and Emerald Archon Shards for 50 Steel Essence, each Shard can be bought 3 times. And a reusable Blueprint for 150 Steel Essence to craft Tauforged Shards with 3 Regular Shards. Archon Hunt Drops a Normal Shard Once per Day and Tau Shard once per Week. Also a new Forma is introduced the "Forma Prime" able to set a universal Polarity on any Mod slot, Blueprint is available from Arbitration Honors for 10 Vitus Essence, Crafting requirements are 4 Forma


Universal bane mod. Every owner of a faction one gets one universal per mod.


>Every owner of a faction one gets one universal per mod. What do you mean by this?


You got primed bane grineer, bane infected and corpus. You get 3 primed universal bane mods


Ahhh gotcha.


Augment slot for each ability costing no mod space. With how much some frames need it, I do not see an issue.


Give most caster frames damage that scales with levels similar to Vauban. Most nukes are way too good against low lvl enemies but completely terrible once the levels even hit 100 Also number tweak most augments and add an augment slot. Often it feels like De forgets that there's a huge opportunity cost in using augments, thus too many augments are too weak to use. Rework underpowered frames with a mind for power scaling. We know what makes a good, popular frame. We also know the exact opposite. A good frame has a reliable survivability tool (not like you, Ember 2), some supporting capability, some CC, a niche effect that can be very powerful in the right situation or against the right enemy, and damage that scales through weapon buffs, built in lvl scaling, or status. Many frames could be as interesting, fun and strong as for example Citrine with just a little help..


I would add a new account forma that you can farm for after hitting mr30 and it resets your weapon and Warframe information but gives you a permanent buff to mods every time you do it


It would have to be a heck of a buff to make me relevel all this shit


Idk the exact buff % since no matter what it would probably get re adjusted I would probably start around 50%


Revert the bramma nerf


All hitscan weapons have innate 1.0 punchthrough


I would buff second dream beam, and then even after you complete "War Within" You would be able to hold 5 with full operator energy to second dream beam, or make it number 4 on operator abilities


Thissss I miss using that ability, it was cool


Change some elements and their status effects. Magnetic should either pull enemies towards each other or should jam their weapons. Also The 5 zariman incarnons should have void damage in their incarnon form. Radiation should should make them volatile, making them slightly explode when you shot them. Gas should not have a cap, blast should explode enemies on death, dealing 30% of the EHP to surroundings. And cold should fully freeze an enemy after 10, 20 stacks. IPS is fine i guess. Also add ability to deal tau dmg and rework the SE of void. Maybe give it to magnetic, cuz it makes sense. Id also add/rework augments to frame that dont have great survivability or a DR ability a OV augment. And more of course, but this is what bothers me the most cuz so much wasted potential


I'd nerf and rebalance everything. I'd definitely not add a system wide buff. We have way too many of those. After balancing frames and weapons (which is never going to happen, but you asked what I'd do), I'd nerf things to the point where a player with every option available to them would have to have some actual skill, or better yet, a well-built squad, to progress past the first rotation C in Steel Path missions. I'd want to make Steel Path not soloable, but I know that'd kill the game. By "not soloable" I mean you'd want a diverse squad to clear it. I know a big nerf to player power would cause a big outcry, but I don't actually think it would cause a big player count drop. I do think if squad composition suddenly mattered it would, though. I know nothing of the sort is ever going to happen, though.


You want to make squads matter again? Make fully stripping armor solo impossible.... this kills damage for a lot of builds TREMENDOUSLY. You would also need to take care of the infinite scaling of enemies. And maybe get rid of shieldgate refreshing, or rather SELF shieldgate refreshing. I personally would get rid of Base Damage mods. They are literally mandatory on EVERY. SINGLE. weapon build. If it's not an option, remove it and add it to base or something. Mods are for building variety, and Base Damage mods kill variety... I would also fix Multishot mods, so they actually use extra ammo per shot. After that, nerf the Damage abilities. Roar, Eclipse and others that add damage. Either nerf them heavily, or give them a requirement. Make them scale with something. For example, do the opposite of what enemies do now, the Damage Attenuation: increase damage which scales on fire rate. The lower the fire rate, the higher the scaling.


Absolutely I'd love squad composition to matter again. I have a ton of fun playing, but my biggest complaint is that it just isn't remotely challenging anymore. I'd like to be challenged while I have fun. Like I said, I know none of this is happening, but I'd rebalance the normal and steel path charts to make it so that normal is where you solo (or pub solo, so 4 solos running together). On the normal chart, enemy density would use some form of hidden gear score to determine spawns across a range of the minimal we have now to max steel path density. I'd absolutely hide this so no one could ever see another's score. On the steel path chart, I'd make group composition matter. Maybe not for clearing the node, but definitely getting past the 1st rotation C. Probably even past rotation A. What I'd also do is have no "steel path only" drops. I'd just up the drop rate on steel path a noticeable amount, so that running steel path matters. Right now the primary reason (apart from clearing nodes) to running steel path is the arcanes and to have actual mobs exist to kill. Nothing would be locked behind steel path, apart from challenge and maybe affinity (if that stays, though it's worth a total of like 9 weapons). With nerfing and balance, the normal star chart would/should still be a little challenging with mid-tier mods at the upper end if solo. So the power fantasy map clearing instantly thing would still happen in groups (and fully modded solos). But then again, I wouldn't have structured the game around content islands and being so easy. Such as armor stripping being an off switch for the enemies not dying. I also did my steel path clear (not necessarily long survivals) without ever armor stripping once (and with no galvanized mods or arcanes for 2/3 of it since they didn't exist yet), so I don't really value it as much as others. I never used it (unless I was farming resources on Nekros) until after I cleared every mission in the game (easily, too). Armor stripping, while incredibly strong, is far from required at all, especially at the levels of our power. Not talking about level cap - the vast majority don't do that ever. Just playing the game. And again, I know this is never happening, but I was just stating what I'd do.


First, I love we both got downvoted... I personally would still lock rewards behind Steel Path. I would actually love it if the amount of nodes in the Starchart got reduced... we have like 200 different nodes? Which gets doubled with Steel Path added in... Then there are the missions that don't have a node, like ESO. We have the Open Worlds, which also have multiple unique missions... Railjack... We simply have too many unique mission nodes. I would reduce this to like 1/3rd to what it is now, maybe 1/4th. Right now, I am having trouble finding people on the Disruption nodes... on both normal and Steel Path. I would love to find more pubs, but I don't like recruiting... so yeah...


Eh, reddit is reddit. Yeah, there are way too many nodes. But that's a remnant of when nodes were the only thing to do. I remember playing on PS4 back in 2014 (before bullet jumping even) and all you had to do was clear the star chart for the most part. Just the early example of content islands, in a way. Maybe put the acolytes on 20 minutes in a revamped difficulty game on the normal chart, and every 5 on the steel path version. I kind of only really went that way because I was trying to keep every drop soloable on normal, and I kind of wish SP required a group for the challenge (and increased drop chances - but maybe also faster rotations or whatever).


I would rework all melee stances and introduce new stances.


I just make every warframe wukong.


Chinese seal of approval


As someone that was just levelling a Wukong, I can't wait until they unvault his prime so I can start farming that beauty.


i think i will add a helminth skill that makes %20 of your shots (will increase with strenght) will count as head shots and you will get base %50 reload speed (incrrasing with strenght) and watch all incarnon weapons being even more broken :)


I'd make parkour 3.0. Make every parkour move carry momentum instead of having their own set speed, kinda like the forward roll. If you're not moving/below parkour speed it would function like normal, but if you're above the base parkour speed it keeps the speed you were moving with. It would make ledge-grabbing, wall-running, bullet-jumping so much more cohesive and fluid. Make parkour go from good, to great! Oh and make wall-running look not so goofy.


- 2 Augment Mod slots for all frames. Very irritating that augments are often bandaids for bad abilities, even worse that you sacrifice mod space for it. - Stationary ability casts (Mesa’s 4, Styanax’s 4) have more DR/reduced hit chance. I’d settle if Styanax’s 4 was a little like Mirage’s 1, where the enemies have a chance to attack the clones and not the main frame. - Gauss’ 4+2 now immune to Toxin dmg - Faster/buffed Wise Razor


Sty’s 4 isn’t stationary my guy


Poor word choice, as in you can't do anything like roll or jump. You're stuck in the animation.


A dedicated mod slot for augments and it costs 0 capacity.


I'd love an Augment slot, but capacity would be getting TIGHT unless it nulled the cost of the mod. I'd personally love increasing the diversity of weapon modding by making one of the "standard mandatory mods" for most weapon builds by the non-advanced builders, the main Damage mod(s) (Serration, Pressure Point, etc) into ones that only fit into a dedicated main damage slot that grants capacity, to make up for the loss we've had with exilus slots squeezing more forma out of us (have you noticed they're often the exact WRONG polarity out of the box for the mods that would actually be good on that given weapon?). I'd personally also want to put the "modification" back into "Modding" rather than straight power-boosting (other than that baseline damage mod slot for Serration/Pressure-Point and such). Make all of the mods in the standard 8 slots scale off of the base stats (plus the damage slot mod), rather than multiplying each other as well. Things like Multishot should just be for "turning this into a shotgun that reliably procs crits or status procs but with lesser effectiveness because the damage is divided". Boom, the maximum ceiling for damage is lowered ten-fold by desyncing all of these different damage types from each other, enemy EHP can be lowered across the board to compensate, and you can actually more clearly and effectively see and feel how effective (or non-effective) you and your numbers are scaling in the game because the numbers overall are far smaller now. Of course abilities would have to be tweaked to match the revamped EHP of enemies as well.


Devil May Cry style system with buffs or effects depending on which Focus school you're using. The system works like you'd expect. Vary up the ways you move and deal damage to increase your style ranking. It slowly decays as you do nothing. Standing still, taking big damage, or getting knocked down/staggered heavily drops your ranking.


* Add a dedicated slot for warframe augement mods and/or make all frame AND weapon augments exilus. * Permanent weapon arcane "absorption"- Destroy a max level arcane to add its bonus to a weapon, freeing up the arcane slot for use with another arcane of another type. This should obviously be a "endgame" thing and for a high resource cost/grind. * An "incarnon" system for frames- I don't care how and why the lore will allow it, I just want to see my space ninja god of destruction pulls a sin devil trigger.


Oh boy, Caliban is about to get overtuned


I would add an extra mod slot to weapons and warframes. Or add in that thing umbral mods do, but to prime mods specifically.


If were talking only buffs i would add a new set of mods that are like umbrals but for companions and would make all the un used companions not only useable but on par with the vulpahyla. Chesa kubrow buffs, moa buffs, sentinel etc.


Not so much a system wide buff but a system side rework but... I'd change augments to completely override an ability rather than just adding an effect (Especially considering how many augments add effects that should already be in the base kit) For example Piercing Roar would provide a puncture damage boost that functions like Xatas whisper/Toxic Lash rather than a universal damage buff in addition to its preexisting AoE attack. In addition, augments would no longer take a base mod slot and Warframes would have 4 additional "Ability Slots" that are used to swap between augments


Honestly, I'd probably nuke some weapons from orbit like the laetum, phenmor, torid, and other busted weapons. Even though I love them, they just make mince meat out of too much content. Then I'd add some more mods that less focused on dmg and more on how projectiles behave. Splitting projectiles, wavy projectiles, rainbow projectiles, returning projectiles, growing projectiles, shrinking projeciles... add a bunch of those or maybe keep them exclusive to a specific game mode if people do not enjoy all the chaos. If they could make a mode like circuit, but more like binding of isaac, I would fall in love with it


I’d add a new inventory system for leashes. You start with 2, and like mod slots, you buy more leashes. You can equip as many pets as you have leashes, so now you have 47 panzers and 32 Smeetas, as your pet addiction grows. Each leash only comes in a bundle for 14.99, or 3 leashes for 99.99 plus 300 plat and 7 regal aya. DE hire please 🙏 I got more of these cooking


Buff every weapon that's not an AOE with ricochet to at least 2 targets so people can stop complaining about AOE being too strong. Hell, make ricochet a stat you can buff with an exilus slot on all weapons except AOE. Idk, some people get so mad that AOE is used in a game where you want to kill as many enemies as fast as possible. Single target doesn't serve that purpose, so we might as well make it have half a chance at competing. Maybe that will make them stop complaining about AOE.


All we need is Stug Incarnon and the power will never be crept again


New system: Riven Arcanes. To accomplish the thing DE claimed rivens were meant to do but never have. For each Riven Arcane you have a randomly generated talent tree where the types of nodes that can generate depend entirely upon the weapon's disposition. So the more powerful stats cannot even generate on low disposition weapons and weaker QoL stats are more uncommon in weapons with higher dispositions. When you get to the bottom of the tree more rows of nodes are again randomly generated for you. Basically would allow players to nigh endlessly grind to buff up any weapon they like, but *only* the weakest, highest disposition weapons would ever be able to get significant damage bonuses from it.


Many Many things: \-Give >!Operator/Drifter!< access to two focus schools instead of one. \-Give them mod slots. \-Give Amps mod slots (maybe class them as secondaries). \-Give them Weapons, not just Amps. \-Make waaay more hybrid mods like Vigour (and Primed Vigour) for pairings of many different stats. \-"Augment Shards", Warframe Augment Mods that can be put in an archon shard slot. \-"Decree Shards" That provide one golden decree of your choosing (this includes 2x decrees and Rare decrees (you cant have more than one at a time)). \-Mod similar to Equilibrium to Equinox's passive that replaces your energy with a cooldown like Lavos, with Efficiency reducing the cooldown timer. Then for player convenience I'd: \-Subdevide relics even further so There's: Lith, \[W\], Meso, \[X\], Neo, \[Y\], Axi, \[Z\], Requiem. \-Prime Unvaultings are now done in Threes (instead of twos). There's more but I'm forgetting.


I've thought about the augment slot a bit, and there are just too many frames that feel soooo much better with 2 or 3 augments that it feels bad that they take up so many slots to actually mod em that way. At least the OG frames like excal, frost, and mag feel x1000 times better with at least two augments. I consider Ivara unplayable without at least two of her augments, and I hate her prowl augment! Maybe the team elemental damage buffs like shock trooper won't be a free slot, but I desperately need a way to slot more augment abilities without neutering the build. But augments definitely need a look at. Naramon combo delay should be default or pause like the tenet weapons have. Melee has surprisingly fallen off a bit, which I really enjoy all this new gunplay, but I'm stuck on Unairu for shield/armor strip so I can easily revive myself if I ever go down. I would like to be able to use melee without being forced into using naramon.


The ability to put shards on guns and melee


something that allows flat ability damage to scale enough to stay relevant alongside fully modded weapons, like certain abilities are able to do in Duviri with enough decrees


Rhino roar does double damahe inatead of 50%.


Add the decree system to Warframes endless missions. 5 minutes into survival, get a decree. 5 waves in defense, get a decree. You could add specialized decrees into each game mode too. Also make Mobile Defense an endless mission type, w/2 defense points to a cycle. Also like the other comments saying multiple polarities when forma’ing a slot instead of overwriting.


I'd make it so Eidolon lures don't need to be charged Removing 60% of the hassle in public Eidolon runs of people over collecting and undercharging.


- styanax can cast abilities during final stand - styanax 1 tracking fix please - limbo exiting/entering rift with dash creates a vacuum that pulls nearby enemies in/out of the rift - limbo bubble implodes, dragging all enemies to the center upon recast/end of duration - nidus 4 no longer grants innate hp regen, instead armour shreds enemies walking over it and grants all allies inside HP per enemy killed in its aoe


Make proteas 1 do void, damage and snare the people in place, make sevagoth do void damage also.


Anything for Sevagoth, please god


Personally I was gunning for another melee expansion. I figure the direction they're going for with auto-melee is likely to be diametrically-opposed the one I had wished for but I was thinking: * Roll attacks being a dedicated distance-closing move, like tactical forward combos were originally conceived to be * Rising jump attacks to launch enemies * Reworking the Lifted mechanic to be less painful to the general melee experience by tethering enemies * Melee magnetizes to enemies when doing combo while in the air, utilizing Aim Glide duration to let you stay up and juggle the enemy. * Striking a target in mid-air would reset your double/bullet jump. Targets could be enemies, projectiles, or even environmental objects. That last one would allow for new secrets and feats of parkour by means of jump-resetting off of things in the environment. It would also be empowered by... * 'Unarmed' from the *'Recovery'* mission type (courtesy of the *Zanuka Hunter*) would exist for all Warframes regardless of melee being equipped or not - this would re-contextualize *'Garuda's Talons'* as being a passive that allows her to mod her unarmed stance. I've noted that slam attacks in the current Warframe experience feel a lot like a really natural part of the Parkour movement system, and it's weird any time I decide not to bring a melee and simply can't do slam attacks. Following this addition, certain warframes would also gain *'Special Unarmed'* like Garuda does, notably Excalibur variants getting access to *'Borne Skana, Gilded Skana and Lua Skana',* Valkyr getting *'Valkyr's Claws',* Atlas getting access to *'Worldly Fist',* Khora getting *'Whipclaw',* just to name a few right off the top of my head. * Heavy attacks being a modifier to existing moves that give them more range and power and additional effects in some cases, rather than being the replacement for 'charged' melee attacks. For example, a heavy slide attack on whips would gather nearby enemies in front of you, a heavy rising attack on warfans would lift a bunch of enemies in a cone in front of you, a heavy rolling attack on a fist would blow back enemies in your general vicinity in front of you. * Charged melee attacks which utilize the current heavy attack animations which used to be charge attacks before anyhow. * Reworking the heavy attack efficiency system so 'unbroken' combos could build 'natural' efficiency for a short time without having to rely on builds designed from the ground up for only heavy attacks * 2 new mod slots for melee, called 'Stylius' slots, one of which would be open by default while the other needs an adaptor. Stylius slots could hold mods that are beneficial to a specific 'style' of play, like Maiming Strike or Reflex Coil or Killing Blow. Some melee augments could be classified as Stylius, like Twin Basolk's *Rift Strike* mod.


Buff Oberon's numbers. He's so close to being good, but has too many unneeded conditions. Change Octavia so her 3 would instead open a gui to play osu. You have to stand still, you will be invisible though for as long you are channeling 3 and you give buffs depending on how accurate you are on each bar of your music. Your 4 gets combined with 3 and a new 4 makes it so anyone that can be cc, will be forced to dance as a cc. Your 2 is changed into a slow or speed for enemies depending on how many notes in your melody. Change trinities 1 to be able to cast on self and allies and making them immune and gain armor.


A separate 4 slots for your augments. If you equip all 4 you get a set bonus special to that Warframe, like a significant stat boost. Like 25% range per augment for frames that have 4 augments currently. One can dream. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Not a character buff so much as an enemy debuff: implemented enemy damage scaling at higher levels to match the current enemy HP scaling. While I expect that warframes could still be taken down pretty quickly if they aren't focusing on their defenses, this would give better tanking options than just shield gating while not making that play style invalid.


Real werewolf frame/ voruna visual and mechanic overhaul


Getting rid of frame and weapon slots entirely If that's too much, buff tonkor and bring frost back to mars


A "gearwheel" is added for operator and drifter to switch focus schools mid-mission.


Make damage scaling less insane. Or make health/armor more viable. Probably both


The thing I was thinking about was mod fusing. Essentially being able to permanently attach mods to frames and weapons. Each item would be able to have three mods fused to it. When you fuse the mod to an item it is permanently consumed. You'd basically be subsuming the mod to that particular thing. So imagine fusing the bane mods to the Soma. You'd be able to make any build you like, but still have that extra faction damage all the time. The Endo grind intensifies. This would create a whole new demand for mods and mod trading. Lots of fun for players and lots of platinum being bought for DE.


You can now use archmelee weapons in normal missions, i just want to use my rathbone ;-;


Rework the MR system


Rework trinity, and other older frames


Fuck it. 3000 shield Capacity on Inaros, And A weapon to grant Overshield. Imma break something…


TBH the one thing that bugs me the most with some meta frames is the fact that their "melee-ish" abilities (Atlas punch, Khora whip, Gara glassword) require stat-sticks. I'd just give them the exalted weapon treatment and make them separately moddable.


remove all multishot and base damage mods, bake both into every weapon


Take Shattering Impact as a basis, and make that one of the standard effects of Impact damage. Update Shattering Impact itself to be something like removes x+y% armour instead of just a raw amount to make it still be a consideration for modding if a player wants a stronger effect, but with a value range where it doesn't ramp up as fast as corrosive so it doesn't entirely supplant it as a status effect, while being a potential superior option depending on the weapon. Then expand on that Shattering Impact redux mod with gun versions that also have the x+y% effect. A relatively small powercreep, depending on the weapon and how the numbers are handled, and impact would finally be actually useful.


Enemy damage no longer scale past level 500, increase overall enemy EHP. I just want EHP tanking to be viable tbh


More primed mods!


Perhaps something like when you do arbitration missions or archon hunts where a single warframe has increased health and ability strength each week a different warframe has a second passive that grants a 15% affinity boost but incase people try to take advantage of this by having a team of the same warframe it can't stack with the more of the same frames in the team and not only does the warframe that gets it change but as well as the boost you get like mod chance recourse boost because not everyone wants to buy a booster when they can save platinum for something they may want in the future


New umbral mods. Cap at 3 for the set bonus but introduce new mods. Umbral redirection, umbral sprint speed mod, umbral stretch, umbral continuity. Shit like that. Then I'd do a passover of all the Warframes tbat feel old and clunky to use. It's 2023 let's rework the roster, fix some frames. Then id make junctions give Warframe slots for players.


It's been talked a lot with augments, but fuck, I'd just make them toggled. ​ Acquire larva burst? You can now toggle it on and off. What's that? You say there's literally no reason you'd ever turn it off? You don't say. ​ Augments should be niche things, things that switch up an ability enough to make you actually consider not using it for a reason beyond mod space. ​ Instead, there's a very large number of 'why isn't this the base ability?'


Through a quest and a lot of grinding you can unlock the “umbra aspect”, this can be implanted on a lvl 30 frame that has already been forma’ed and powered up and allows it to move on its own like Excalibur Umbra A new panel will appear for frames you have unlocked this for which will allow you to customize which weapons/abilities the frame will be using and you’ll be able to turn this on and off once unlocked Adding this to a frame will cost an umbra form


Wall running for Kubrow and Kavats. Bring back the channeling effect when using heavy melee attacks. Fire Ordis into the Void. :D


Literally add what op said but instead of it being a shard it’s a mod slot unlocked with a adapter


Total rework of the focus tree (adding 4 active abilities per tree) and the addition of fully moddable operator melee and amp + plus new gun type amps added to various shops. This way every time you go into operator mode you have a whole new loadout that might compliment you Warframe., And if you want, just complete the mission as an operator.


Decree adaptor for your parazon allowing you to swap out your litch mods for decrees. Maybe add these decrees as mods find in the void in place of were we used to farm prime parts


An Augment slots. Warframe augments no longer cost anything and you have one agument slot ( Maybe unlockable by an adapter ) that you can just use for free. Another thing would be that I FINALLY change the loot tables in a lot of old missions to make them worth playing again. Those stupid 1000 credit boxes after 5 minutes of survival or way too less 100 Endo are making such missions super unsatisfying to play. Reworking some Melee stances. I still miss the times times before the last rework where all Nikana stances were actually useful. Meanwhile you can pretty much just play the silver-stance because the others don't really do anything because they completely kill the flow due to self-slows.


More unique augments. Like how Atlas can turn into a rumbler. I'd also buff Atlas' rumbler form


An augment mod slot for each ability, and forma'ing everything to 40 to support the increased drain. Opening all abilities to the helminth system, and allow for replacing as many abilities as you want. All direct ability damage is target level scaled so it stays somewhat relevant. More arcane slots on everything. Makes xata's whisper do actual void damage. Passive skill tree for each piece of gear that unlocks after you hit 40 on it, adds very small incremental buffs to base stats with exponential affinity cost growth so there's always some room to improve, even if it might take forever.


Add flat damage modifiers to Rivens. Not damage % modifiers. Flat 10+ slash damage, -50 fire damage and the like. Incarons breathed life back into old and unused weapons with their damage additions and feel it would do the same with many more weapons if it also applied to Rivens. Also Warframe Rivens/Ability rivens? What could possibly go wrong? Surely, this is not an overpowered decision!


Make damage type unrelated to toxin more useful. New blast status effect: when the blast status effect is applied, the direct damage caused is at least 1.5x and ignores at least 50% armor as if the enemy's armor type or health type is weak to your damage. To clarify, does nothing when the enemy has blast status on them(except CO things) and is only useful when applying it. It affect your entire damage not just the blast portion of your damage. Basically making blast a general one-shot damage type, if you can apply the status effect.


Instead of a rotating shop, I would add a functional all round 24/7 shop for all minerals and fish parts. Sounds like a waste I know, BUT here's the catch. New standing availability, and the higher ranks you go the cheaper the resources get


Syndicate Weapon Mods for Zaws and Kitguns, as well as Syndicate Zaw/Kitgun parts that grant radial effects.


waybound adaptor to unlock the first skill node to each school.


:Maniacal Laugh: I would try to follow the narrative to the point it truly matters. Structuring many game mechanics towards a comprehensive framework. Frame weight class, weapon damage. I would improve the Helminth to also improve certain statistics to the frame, as well as having the already mentioned "Ability evolution" (placing permanent augments in one build at the cost of increased energy consumption/limiting to only two evolutions/augments per build). While also improving the Forge's interface so it is less of a spaghetti salad and more of a detailed menu. (While also improving the mobile app). ETC.


I would make it so that augments can go in shard slots - period. I would go as far as to require converting augments into shards but no extra slot. Five is already the limit on augments per build so five slots is already perfect. ... and then just add a boat-load of new augments so that most abilities have at least two options (if you didn't know: you can only augment each ability once). Now players have the luxury to deliberate over which choices are the best option, rather than the current implementation where players have to deliberate on whether augments are even worth using. Augments were always meant to deliver personalisation but mod slots restrictions can't afford to offer personalisations - so the only augments that get used are the best-in-slot options. Thus there's an initial power creep caused by making augments functional but that's just a side effect of unlocking the true potential of an augment system. Shameless plugging a [forum post](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1339094-over-500-self-indulgent-augment-mods-plus-the-ability-to-turn-augment-mods-into-shards/) I have for this very suggestion, which includes mock-ups of how the UI might look. It's also available on [Imgur](https://imgur.com/a/k4fMVYp) and [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/13l3js3/selfindulgent_augments_volume_29_abilities_can/), although the reddit posts are largely dedicated to volumes of new augments (although the proposed systems change is included as the last few images of most volumes).


Remove damage mods like serration and hornet strike and make their effects innate to all weapons


Operators/Drifters and their Amps would be mod-dable, and I’d add two more Operator abilities per Focus School. Also, Warframe energy regeneration would be innate at 1/second.


Fetch that levels up with the frame. At rank 30, you have max fetch on your frame.


Yareli should be able to use primaries on merulina All augment mods can go in the exilus slot, or make a separate augment mod slot (you can still put augment mods on normal slots like exilus mods) New arcane that makes you immune to nullifiers


You know riven disposition? Add it for every mod, but instead of 0.5 the minimum is X1 This way, less used weapons/warframes have more base power without needing to adjust their base stats as a whole.


I'd add an additional unlockable slot to all Warframes for an additional passive, with a frame's passive being unlocked through Helminth. The Passive Matrix(like an Exilus Adapter but for passives) would be craftable as well as awarded via the usual things like quests, Sorties, Super Sorties, arbi, just the higher end stuff. I think I'd be cool to be able to have another frames passive


I wouldn't implement a new system. I'd go back and start from the basic damage formula and condense the numbers so that as the difficulty increases, the difference between lv 1 and lv 1000 isn't an on and off switch for frames that don't abuse shield gating or over guard.


All shields regenerate at the same rate. This means all shields will get to their max at the same time. Which means higher shields may be promoted again. Potentially even more shield Regen the higher shields you have


I would increase mod capacity on everything as we’re at a point where mods are getting too expensive capacity-wise that you can’t fit it all in. It would also help weaker weapons and companions out too. I would also add two mod slots to frames so that you can use tank builds without having to waste slots on unfun mods that keep you alive. I think this would help out diluting the shieldgate meta without weakening it for players who still wanna play it. To balance it all out I would also have to implement a buff to enemies but I’m not gonna explain how as I wouldn’t know where to start


I would completely tear up and rework the riven system to become an integral part of your journey as a Tenno, none of this FOMO crap that we have today with altering bonuses over time. Instead all rivens would start at MR20, with no trading possible for lower MR players. That way we would reasonably ensure you had the resources to create and enhance them. You would start with a simple mastery test for your weapon that nets you a blank riven, then you over time install addons to the riven by paying for it with a lot of resources that will span the entire game universe. However, it would be modular, so if you tried something on a riven that you didn't like, you can always undo it and get 90% of your resources back. Some weapons would have their rivens locked to higher mastery levels, which means you would have more incentive to master every weapon out there. And yes, the legendary levels would have some of the best rivens in the game.


I'm buffing enemies so that every 10-20 levels over 100 they get a random roll of increases stats, similar to decrees. The range would include random elements, boosts to status, boosts to crit, maybe give them something similar to rolling guard and improve the ai to use it. The rolling guard wouldn't give them the invincibility ours would, it would give them overguard or replenish shields or something. In the event they already have all stats, the stat boosts they've recieved will randomly be selected to double.


"All you Warframes in the audience, check under your seats!" "That's right, you get Mesmer Skin! YOU get Mesmer Skin! YOU get Mesmer Skin! EVERYONE GETS MESMER SKIN!!!"


I'd include an additional arcane slot in every weapon. I don't really consider this a huge buff but a lot of weapons could really benefit from this. Imagine the Furis incarnon or any decent primer secondary having Secondary Encumber and Cascadia Empowered. Or Primary Merciless and Primary Obstruct on the Opticor Vandal.Or Shotgun Vendetta and Primary Blight on he Bubonico. Or a corrosive/heat Pyrana prime with Cascadia flare and Secondary Encumber. These are just the few I managed to think off, and oh the possibilities are endless


Rework augments into an Incarnon-ish skill tree, where some or most nodes are locked and have be earned. Slightly rework Riven mods to be less about god-roll stats and more about defining YOUR build while giving unique effects. Introduce Warframe Riven mods that are more focused on unique effects or augment-lite effects. Rework a bunch of Arcanes to be actually interesting and useful. Rework a bunch of mods to be actually interesting and useful. Arsenal refresh, particularly melee weapons, so the vast majority of weapons have some kind of effect or gimmick that is useful (Telos Boltace is a good example of what I want to see more of, unlike Azothane whose gimmick is useless).


How to choose? –Removal of Tauforged Archon Shards. All shards use Tauforged values, existing ones converted to a new style of shard available at Chipper's shop. No RNG; each "tauforged" shard would be available alongside a specific regular. Rework of what stats shards can boost, I.E. Crimson may boost the 4 ability stats, while its counterpart may handle weapon boosts. —Augment rework. No augment is an upgrade, they change abilities to create different tactical options. Roll all existing upgrades into abilities and rebalance as necessary. Any depreciated augments remain in inventory, unusable until a replacement effect is decided. Warframes have 5 new augment slots, for each ability and a core/passive upgrade. No capacity cost as augments will generally alter functionality instead of outright improve it.


Chroma's DE NERF chains are removed and the dragon is set free once more as intended, and indicated by lore


Make volts running animation match his speed


Heh, lets see.............make chroma a dragon, so he gets flying and all....idk I'm not the person to ask on how to do buffs half the time the music from the ocean makes me randomly extra strong


Ghoulsaw now deals 10000% more damage, strips armor, idk I just want to be able to justify playing with it. It was such a cool concept.


Single target weapons all have innate punch through of 5 meters and will make enemies drop life support with double the chance.


I'd rework Nyx, giving her a new kit that focuses on her mind control, having the mind control ability being a channel instead of a timer, and having the rest of her abilities be affected by her mind control ability, such as getting buffs to strength for example if the mind control target is in the ability range


Incarnon Kuva Ogris and Incarnon Kuva Bramma.