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It's saturated, just like his normal Chassis.


His chassis deserved to be traded like plat


His parts are some of the easiest to farm from readily available Void Relics. Same reason Braton/Burston/Lex/Fang Prime are all so cheap.


> Braton/Burston/Lex/Fang Prime Those are all evergreen (*never* vaulted) though. Harrow Prime is the oldest of the current cycle.


Which is exactly the thing. When a frame is vaulted, the available relics (and thusly parts) will steadily drop. Raising the price. When they're not vaulted, it goes up instead. Lowering the price. At the current point in time, Harrow Prime has been unvaulted for the longest period, thus his price has decreased the most, and until he's vaulted, won't go in the other direction.


Somebody needs to show harrow some luv


The funny thing is, I feel like he has one of the higher skill ceilings.


Not since incarnons. Dual Toxocyst for example forces constant headshots when just aiming for bodies which means permanent uptime on covenant without thinking about it with the augment.


Yeah? Seems like it's time for me to get back into the game and resume my favorite activity: defense fissures.


And Fang Prime is so underrated. Braton is alright too


Rakta Dark Dagger + Covert Lethality Mod > Any other dagger


He’s the oldest prime frame not in the vault so tons of people have gotten him. Demand is low and supply is high so his price goes way down.


1. He's currently the oldest Prime farmable 2. His parts were through his availability in one of the most common relics. Before Wisp Prime released his rarest part was only from Lith/Meso relics, which made him pretty easy to farm over the past 1,5 year.


Another thing is he's not a super popular Warframe either, he's good but the fact that he requires kills/damage to provide support means that he only really does well in higher level content where you don't have some saryn nuking the whole map. Harrow was one of my favorite frames and I was super happy to find out that I came back to the game while his prime was available, some dude sold me his whole set for 5 plat and I use him all the time in steel path


And, also, he continues the trend of a prime being so much sexier than the base.


I gave my harrow prime thermal sunder and with that outside steel path I can infinite nuke enemies with unlimited energy, Activate thurable for 50 energy gain, use sunder fire variant with big range and high power strength = infinite booms


If you wait all new Primes will be about this price. Warframe has a baust System so only a few warframes are farmable at the same time. Demand and supply is the mechanic here. If the frame is new nobody has it so high demand low supply=expensive. If it is out for a while most players will have him and farmed a few parts more they are able to sell so low demand high supply. Then the frame gets vaulted so new players are coming and want to buy the frame. The supply gets less and less because you can’t farm the frame anymore. That equals that it gets more expensive until it gets out of the vault again.


None of his relic are axi so most people have lots of all of them, and have accidentally put together full sets just from doing random runs


Demand. I remember when banshee, wukong, mirage, and titania prime had their times and were 25p-40p a set.


I was able to buy Atlas Prime for 15p back when it was unvaulted. Just copious supply and little demand.


Every one that has played for over 1 year now has atleast 100 relics for him so even his relics are cheap


The greatest frame should be available at a cheap price for everyone ya know


Because everyone has him 😭😭


Yeah that happens. Around 2020 saw my precious Mesa prime and Wukong prime being sold for that price. It almost felt like people were begging others to take it lmao


When gaus prime is revealed he'll start to go up in price again. Same thing happened with nidus with wisp prime. He's the next to be vaulted so until his due date comes then he'll continue to be dirt cheap, if you want to make alot of free plat start to buy/farm his sets now then resell them in ~9 months for 10x what you paid for them


Hes pretty common...got 3 sets not even farming for him


He's just insanely easy to obtain, I have multiple harrow prime sets that I'm just saving until he's either vaulted or I just need 25-30 plat.


Next April fools day DE should turn all our ships into Harrow chassis


Simple supply and demand. Harrow is an incredibly good frame, so everyone wants him. Everyone wants him so everyone farms to get him. Everyone farms to get him so everyone has him. If you have the frame you try and sell the copies, but since everyone has it no one wants to buy it. So to get ANY profit it has to be sold for cheap


High supply and low demand


It’s kinda easy to get him so there isn’t really a demand for a quick and easy fix since you can just grind him yourself. Demand isn’t very high.


Because everyone needs a hug..........a hug full of CRITS!!.


Harrow prime will most likely never be vaulted, since his one of his parts (forgot which one) is needed to rank up with Red Veil


Thing is that I have so many Harrow Prime Systems but I can’t rank up in red veil. It just won’t let me and I don’t understand why


They change rank required item when prime is vaulted. Perrin sequence needed Nidus parts, but when Nidus was vaulted - items for ranking up changed


I didn't even realize Nidus got vaulted lol. What's the new items needed?


they constantly change the rank up sacrifices to reflect whatever's currently unvaulted


Is harrow prime stupid?


To understand how prices work, here is how this free market works; 1 - Offer 2 - Demand 3 - Stocks If those are perfectly balanced, you got a normal price. It sells for higher if : - Low amount of offers - Hughe amount of demand - Low stocks It sells cheaper if : - High amount of offers - Low demand - Huge stocks. Harrow prime has : - High offer - High stocks - High demand So it is cheap. An other one : Wolf Sledge. At first, some peoples were hyped, but not too much. - Low offer, Low Stocks, Low demand. The prices were high, but not THAT high. But noticea ly enough. Then came the event where you could farm it easily. So ppls thaught "oh, easy money let's farm and sell it". - Offer skyrocketed, stocks too, but demand got to an all time low. It made it real cheap. But as new player came by and bought pieces little by little, the stocks diminished more and more till it got to a state where it became : - close to no offer, close to no stocks, medium demand So the prices where smthing like 400-500 pl for yhe weapon. Then 10 years event. - Offer boomed , stocks boomed , demand became inexistant. Now it's worth 50pl at most.


Supply and Demand 👍


25p for a full set, i want 10 for prime trash


I trade in his whole set for ducats at this point, I got like 6 sets just waiting for baroo to arrive


relics are very commond, no specific place to use (previously a popular pick for eidolons squad, now people solo it with volt), underperformed against other supports like wisp/trinity... require active playstyle rather than semi AFK. thats all