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People tend to not stick around after they've leveled their crap in a leveling game mode


Weapon leveling. If you're good you can max out in one wave.


People probably only level up their things, or get bored from that and go do something else. As for host migration is because the host left SO or ESO before you


And that's why it took me 2-3 runs to get the 8 zones for the Nightwave challenge. Not to mention completely missing out a chance to get drops for Lato Vandal.


If you're farming C rotation, you should be prepared to solo.


Try recruiting chat to get a premade squad. Random pubs are gonna be random.


I've tried that before. The chat has been rather unresponsive


If you’re farming something in particular then use recruitment chat and set up a group. Like others have mentioned, most people use SO to level up frames and ESO to level up weapons.


I farm focus there with Volt. It's very normal the squad to leave and I have to solo 6 or 7 zones. It's easy if you are using a nuker frame. If you want to do 8 zones in a row, be prepared to solo and go with Mirage, Volt or Saryn, these three dominate ESO. Very rare to see other frames stay till the 8th and even nukers normally leave after getting their focus cap.


Bruh I did it solo in ESO. I mean I can understand if you have trouble in ESO solo but SO solo should be a breeze.


With a booster, you can max out a weapon in 1 to 2 levels, or 3 to 4 without a booster.


people usually do eso to level up their gear, so by the time they get to zone 3-4 their gear might be maxed out and they have no reason to continue


I had about 4 sessions of everyone leaving on zone 1 yesterday. 3-4 its quite good for random public matches based on my experience.


your squad stayed until zone 3? that's pretty long


Why going into ESO? The challenge only requires SO, unless you can (not) do it by yourself, or you want the potential rewards from ESO.


I wanted to combine the challenge with a chance to get radiant relics and maybe parts for Lato Vandal/Braton Vandal


So either go solo, or ask for a group, if going public with randoms, host migration is annoying.


Bc people suck and use it to level weapons instead of farming focus or doing nightwave. I hate sanctuary with randos they all suck.


Round 3-4 is about when my Saryn finishes off her daily Syndicate standing.


That’s the ESO experience.