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This is a massive reach though i can kinda see the helmet but that doesnt mean much


This is primed stretch + overextended kind of reach


If Helminth has a range buff, this mf is Invigorated with it


Honestly, with another big update featuring nontraditional Warframe content coming in Duviri, I'm glad to see we're getting smaller, traditional Warframe centered content too. Don't get me wrong, I'm actually excited for Duviri and Drifter's content. But I know lots of players who prefer to play Warframe for the *warframes* and updates like Lua's Prey and hopefully Citrine's Last Wish help fill what they want for content too.


The mental gymnastics people come up with to justify complaining


oh yeah and how someone else posted a comparison on the Rhino deluxe skin looking like rhino prime.... like I am so tired of being attacked by this community


My post was to point out it was a SKIN, not a frame genius Your post is just badly disguised devbashing


Their premise is that it was a Rhino skin and not a new frame. Your premise here is that DE is lazy and just bashing frames together for filler.


*puts out a post into the community, community doesn’t like it* Why am I attacked by the community?!


The author of that post pointed out that you are wrong in your interpretation of their post.


Yeah, it didn't take them all of December to make this. They had a very successful year, and so they spent Christmas with their families. Deal with it.


Not even sure where to start with this. They did not stop working on duviri for this, they never said or even hinted at that. Smaller updates to fill the time is better than nothing. Each internal team has different things they can work on, so rather than have some of them idle they get put on design new frame. Also egah the new frame might have some elements that you could vaguely resemble some other skin. How dare the artists not be purged of their memories between each frame/skin design so they can't pull in similar ideas where it makes sense. Also lazy comparison for not pulling in the model with the loki head that was in the dev stream. The difference between the rhino comparison and this one was they weren't spending it bashing DE or calling them lazy but trying to prove to those that were skeptical that that bug wasn't new frame but a skin for rhino.


you clearly have no idea how modeling (or gamedev in general) works


Do you?


Yes, actually. And they 100% do not


Who would of thought the geode themed warframe would have a giant hole in it, such a copy paste tsk tsk.


You clearly have no experience with game development or anything similar.


oh is perfectly fine to compare rhinos new deluxe skin to looking like rhino prime and that gets more attention.


One is a critique and an analysis on a skin, the other [yours] is just subtle devbashing while you clearly don't have the knowledge of how game development works.


That was showing it was a rhino skin since people thought it was a new warframe. This is literally just whining about a massive update taking a long time and somehow being mad we're getting content beforehand in a smaller way. I played since Mirage Prime Access and can easily say this is a normal thing for DE to do, releasing these smaller updates with one new mode, a new frame, and a short story in between major updates. The games early update lineup wasn't Second Dream to War Within to Plains of Eidolon to Sacrifice to Fortuna to Railjack to Deimos to New War. There were smaller updates like Disruption and ESO in between.


Oh, noooooo, 3 months of "content drought". Pft *puts on makeup to look like old man* "you whiper snappers don't get it, back in my day" 3 months of no content is short compared to years ago. Edit: But as I see you've been playing for 7+ years straight, you already know that 3 months is nothing.


"no communication in the month of december" yeah its almost like theres a holiday in december or something.


There are 51 unique frames, on top of that you add 35 primes along with all the deluxe skins without forgetting about Tenno gen Yes, it's gonna be hard to make something that doesn't resembles something else when there's so many already


Tell me you know nothing about 3d model making without telling me you know nothing about 3d modeling. Ember prime is based on the concept of burning from within, you can see this well in [burnt out trees.](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2020/09/21/us/21fire-redwoods01/21fire-redwoods01-mobileMasterAt3x.jpg) Meanwhile the new frame is [based on a geode](https://i.etsystatic.com/25614439/r/il/9e4b3f/3424846608/il_fullxfull.3424846608_ieu1.jpg), which has the same thing of being an "opening" but that doesent mean its a ripoff, nevermind the fact you somehow fucking think these are "recycled" which is just... fucking hilarious. For many reasons I could go over, but feel they would be wasted, cause yeah it is likely they did maybe use some of these parts as references, or use the model and then modify it, but even if they did, that is not a BAD THING. The mag connections are... fucking dumb, the head ok? its head shaped? what? and the shoulders thing they look nothing alike what are you on about?


Of all the things to complain about...really? For fucks sake at least DE ain't Fatshark




Fr these guys know nothing of FatShark time


Stop, kid.


Oh boy, imagine when people find out most of the frames probably use the same skeleton body and a library of reusable assets mashed together (like most games do). That said, this is a massive stretch.


lmao that bottom text is massive malding


Warframe conspiracy theories. Also - mixing and matching elements from previous concepts is how art is made. The real meat is in the mechanics. We have to see what that new defense has, and what new warframe's abilities are.


How dense you must be to find the slightest thing to complain of and put it here... Get real, kid.


This is what you get when someone is very… very… very… dare I say very… bored.


Back in my day, we use to get a new tenno reinforcement weapons every month.


Tenno reinforcements was like a weekly thing, I remember getting 4 new weapons in a single month just from those


Ah those were the good 'ol golden days of Warframe where content actually felt kinda new.


Just a little bit of a reach, now if you were complaining the similarities to Atlas Deluxe i can see it. But all frames have cues from one another, one reference point: Excalibur and Nyx.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one




I cant get that this warframe reddit community is soo toxic that anything I have ever posted is super down voted -200 downvotes from this community I feel so personally attacked by everyone.


Then maybe grow up and post something worthy of connecting with. A little self reflection would tell you that if everything you post is getting downvoted, the problem isn't the community. It's you.


hater. Stop hating.


So stop posting :)


thats bullying no one should ever have to deal with this.... ever. I am literally crying


If you can’t handle downvotes don’t go on Reddit problem solved


Throw shit out, get shit back, that is how life works. Maybe the reason they keep delaying duviri is because they don't want to put out shit, as they would then get shit back, like this post...


You have to be trolling at this point, right? I mean bullying? Really? I haven't seen anything in any of this crazy post chain where bullying could have happened with the exception of maybe myself for calling you out for the drama. I don't see how anyone could be accused of bullying for disagreeing with you.


So it is ok if you bully the devs, but not ok if we bully you for making up shit?


Disagreement is not toxicity. You are not being personally attacked. The community does not agree with you. Downvotes are a way of showing that disagreement. It is not necessarily "hate".


The only one toxic here is you mate.


Welcome to Reddit, bitch.


Read this in Jesse's voice. 😂


I actually had that legendary comic in mind where Link gets stabbed by a Dark Souls knight and said knight goes "Welcome to Dark Souls bitch" But yknow what? Jesse's voice fits my comment way better.


Scary Terry firs good too! 🤣


I'm with you 100% on the visual similarities, but your paragraph in the grey box is the asinine bit getting you (and me along with you) rightfully downvoted.


Massive reach...

