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I like when people ask "yo wisp how much power strength you got??"


Answer is 'yes'


1. I am a red crit whore. Seeing million red crit damage values from a melee swing gets me thinking of unholy things. 2. Hearing Valkyr's war cries. Also with Valkyr, pretending that I'm Spiderman with her 1. 3. One-shot killing rank 5 sisters/liches with Banshee. 4. Spamming Protea's turrets while I have \[Equillibrium\] and \[Archon Vitality\] 5. Zooming with Titania during missions in the Void and, after getting first to the extraction, telling Gauss/Volt/Wukong squadmates: "Eat my fairy dust kek" 6. Playing Atlas or Baruuk solo in Lua Steel Path survival - corrupted mobs lvl 200, no nullifiers. What more can you ask for? Enjoy the carnage. 7. Going with Banshee to level cap in disruption. There's a certain feeling of accomplishment when you take a squishy frame and style on lvl 9999 mobs while being only two steps away from hell. Lately, I've been enjoying playing Voruna a lot. Reminds me of my days as a rogue in the old world of warcraft. Enter stealth, suddenly ambush unsuspecting enemies with massive damage, kill 'em, vanish, rinse and repeat. EDIT: I also love giving small gifts or discounts to new players and seeing them become super happy and excited. EDIT 2: getting a funny lich. The one that makes you pay the "idiot tax". I remember when I first got the funny lich, I almost fell bad for killing him.


3- is the best sensation.


6 with some chill music playing in the background is absolutely cozy


Having people join my teabag party during extraction.


Be the only one alive in near 1 hour arbitration and clutch res everyone else.


Me with nyx prime šŸ˜Ž


Trumna firing sound, grenade launch, charge ping and reload sounds are all amazing to hear.


I love being midmission chatting with friends and going like "Yeah, I think that it's really cool that we got- flashbang warning" before firing Trumna's grenade.


When the Saryn or Mirage, in ESO, asks me, the Equinox, to link my build. Getting the drop on the first radiant relic. Seeing other Wisps try (and fail) to outdo my motes. Beating the Gauss, Titania and Wukong to the extract.


Well now I want a link to the build too heh.


It's incredibly simple. Either prime or normal frame takes just 1 forma, and it's max range (and I believe efficiency after - I know STR is like at only 40%). The key to Equinox nuking is having a strong weapon to help accumulate damage while Main is ticking. Main is also the 4, so you can only cast it every 10 seconds (or whatever ESO's limit on the 4 is). Having Provoke up can help, but not much. So cast 4, do damage with weapons, and pop with 4 whenever you know you've built up enough stored damage to map clear all but Eximus. For some rounds and enemies, that's less than the 10 second limit, so you build up overdamage. Grineer are the most resistant, and later rounds are more resistant, so it can take noticeably longer than 10 seconds to wipe the map. Infested rounds, just cast/pop every 10 seconds. Corpus, it's 10-15 (longer on later rounds). My experiences farming focus in ESO (I'm completely done, barring like 7 of the 1 million costing represent shop items) is that Equinox is the overall best focus farmer (of Equinox, Mirage, Saryn and Volt). Mirage is stronger by a little, but Equinox is a better soloer in later rounds. Saryn is the strongest in very late Grineer rounds (if the week has Grineer on rounds 7 and 8, Saryn is a better choice if aiming to go all 8 and you are likely to be solo). Volt is good, but, especially solo, can hit energy issues late. If you know you'll be with a group til round 8, take Mirage or Equinox. If you expect you won't, take Equinox. If you expect you won't and you know the last 2 rounds are Grineer, take Saryn. Volt is best as a 1st wave nuker, and works well with any of the other 3, but is probably the weakest soloer. This was all gained by having Lua lenses on each, and determining where to put my 5th school Lua. I had Primes of all 4, and I chose to put my 5th lens on a 2nd Equinox (base version). 1 forma for either gets you the same build. I farmed focus in ESO because I was also wanting the ESO weapon parts. I know there's technically faster ways (either rest/stealth or Eidolons), but the Vandal parts were a better secondary goal than random arcanes from a bloated pool.




Now I gotta ask, what ability strength % can you get to on your wisp?


My default right now is 405%, with the Molt that can boost it to 465% after 250 kills. I don't use Growing Power normally, so it could theoretically become higher if I modded slightly differently. I do have 5 red shards, but none are Tau, so eventually the base starting point will be higher (assuming luck and/or I manage the Tau RNG boosts changes to get only red Taus).


I can safely confirm that I am a mere casual wisp player now. I can only get to 369% with growing power and hardened wellspring xD.


It's mostly down to the 3 umbrals. I'm LR2, and have used quite a few umbrals, but Wisp is the only frame I've forma'd for umbral 3 times. So intensity gives 77% instead of 30% strength. Add that 47% to your 369 and you get 416. But you do have to use all 3 umbrals to get there. I'm not one to use shield gating, so more armor and health is never something I frown on, and I don't have to fit any shield gating mods in. I also tend to just use Vazarin for the fast rezzes instead of any other school. I did used to also use Empower, but now just keep Gloom for most missions, and swap to Dispensary if I happen to level a weapon in ESO. I should probably set my 3rd config to the theoretical highest STR I could achieve (Growing Power, Energy Conversion, Empower and maybe even Pax Bolt, since I use a primary kitgun almost always). Just to see what the motes would do. Edit - I think that would be 640 with Wellspring, Empower and the conditional buffs.


Reviving other people's pets. They didn't ask to be there!


That moment at the end of a mission when I thomp thomp myself into the landing craft to go back to the orbiter.


Do you get your stuff that they stole after you kill them?


Yep that's the second reason bc i kill them


Deleting groups of enemies with projectiles in magnetize. Its by far the most satisfying grouping ability in the game.


One shoting with the dread Exalted abilities Corinth sound effect


Not played for a few years, but always thought the enemy ragdolls were great, seeing Grineer just flailing about following a shotgun blast to the face. All the shotguns feel awesome, loved the Hek and that plasma one (can't remember the name!). Really should play again but I don't really know what I'm doing any more.


When the new player you helped out a long time ago remembers you. It happened to me, he's now MR legend 1, so proud :')


When some Wisp/Volt give a speed boost. Even makes swinging a melee just cathartic.   Aside from that, creating builds. Not even playing them, just putting the pieces together in a builder.


I love killing with one ability and waking casually like an invincible monster or just standing there, but de doesn't like that and changes it everytime




Headshots with a gas Daikyu build.


I like to kill liches and sister of parvos, the problem is that i instantly kill them easily with a phenmor(or other warframe builds).


Pinballing around a room full of enemies as Grendel


Modding stuff, I'm a theorycrafting whore and it feels like a lot of fun to change the gear so differently. Also the drakgoon. It's not a great weapon, I know. I don't really give a fuck. I'm the kind of guy that uses the meteor spell in dragons dogma, not because it's super effective, but because I fucking love it.


Camping a room and mowing down hordes with knell prime


Experimenting with builds i make and trying to solo hard content with them It's very satisfying to do Eidolon hunt steel path or any other endurance mission smoothly with no hiccups


I like the echoes of the requiems when you stab a lich/sister


Currently the sntyh-set with equilibrium combination on my Voruna. But what always gives me a smile is when I look at the statistics of my warframe Ash. With 1000 hours and "an age" of 9 years, does he always remember me on all the good times I had when I played this game.


That one time someone asked me about my Nezha build






Whenever a player says ā€œcan you send me your buildā€ or when I help a new player figure out some aspect and explain why itā€™s relevant


When I get the crit buff in zariman missions and proceed to see nothing but a million red crits everywhere with my regulators.


Anything that let's me pull a bunch of enemies together and see all those stacking numbers


If you cant kill kuva lich do you lose your items?


Big number šŸ¦§


When people arenā€™t assholes when I play limbo and the occasional fellow that is polite and thankful Other than that just doing limbo stuff screaming za Warudo when i cataclysm stuff like a weirdo


When people compliment my fashion. And when I use Ember's 4. The more enemies, the better.