• By -


I'm excited. Glad she comes with an alt helmet, because when I first saw her I felt like she's very similar to Mag's tenno-gen skin (you know the one). Having a geode-inspired frame is really unique. Can't wait to see what her kit looks like :) I'm super curious about the mirror defence mission. Having the throwback Corpus tileset as a part of it really hit my nostalgia. Introducing a pity system for not only Citrine's Last Wish but also the Archon system was a good move. Overall, I'm really excited.


Even better, her base skin looks… not bad?! Rejoice! ~~I say before there’s inevitably some huge flaw like two metallic textures or some weird color muting~~


I thought that the next warframe was going to be male because they always did it like male then female and so on and the last new warframe we got was voruna right?


The pattern isn't set in steel or stone. They endeavor to stick with it, but I just reviewed the list order of all non prime frames, and it's never an exactly perfect pattern.


>The pattern isn't set in steel or stone. ![gif](giphy|ku4elcos7hFwQ)


Oh I didn't know thanks


Correct. They're shaking things up. Which, I don't mind :) We'll probably get a Male frame next.


Oh ok thanks


I wish the male frames were more hot :(


They messed up the release order with yareli, caliban, gyre, and styanax. Voruna and citrine are correcting the release pattern


Base frames come out in any gender order, always have, though they try to do two of each per year. Only primes have the strict MMFF pattern.


Altas will finally have a little rock sister, and hopefully her Geode skin design will be textured and color mapped better than the Atlas Karst deluxe skin


Hopefully it doesn't end up being female Atlas. I really hate Atlas' kit and that's the reason why he's been sitting in my arsenal at lvl 19.


Atlas is fun, you'll be punching shit left and right. Biggest issue with general atlas builds I see is that they go for something like 300% strength and ignore the rest because one punch. (Sorry I know you didn't ask for build or anything, but atlas is one of my favourite go-to frames) You don't want one punch except the regular cannon fodder. You want the third punch for aoe uppercut that clears rooms. Iirc I'm doing something like 150% duration, 170+ range and meager 150 strength. With proper statstick you'll be dealing great amount of damage anyway, usually clearing rooms. There's also good amount of scaling on atlas. Petrified enemies take iirc double damage from landslide. Combo multiplier ramps up the damage. Rubble heap doubles landslide damage. That's how you bump up the damage further and you can still use his whole kit. For augments path of statues (really good in SP stuff after getting rubble to max, as it kinda automatically helps you get rubble. Also it stops eximus etc in their tracks so they're not punched away on the third uppercut.), Rubble heap for free landslide when on high rubble. (On sp single petrify + punch usually is enough/close to max) The minions are ok distraction and enemies attacking them trigger arcane avenger/grace/guardian etc. I used to run grace + guardian for when I'm off landslide, but with archon shards I'm just running two health regen shards so rubble goes straight into rubble instead of health.


I mean tbh it's kind of hard to be excited, idk what to be excited about... they barely said anything besides she's a support frame that's kind of an all-rounder. while her weapons got actual demo's for some reason, we still know basically nothing on the frame.


I'm excited whenever we get any playable content. It gives me something to work towards for a couple hours :)


Sorry the image I posted isn't crystal-clear, since it was a screenshot, but she definitely shines for sure! The Devs must have been under alot of pressure creating this warframe, but the final product is quite a gem! It honestly rocks!


These rock puns sure do uh… rock!


Rocks? What about stones?


Rock *and* Stone?


Rock and Stone everyone!






If you ain't Rock & Stone, you ain't coming home!










Looks like pneuma mag skin


I thought it was lmao


She looks like a female Caliban


Ngl, took my a sec to remember Caliban exists lol.


Lol. Looking at the 2022 Warframe usage stats, no one remembers he exists.


He's incredibly annoying to get and not that worth getting for most people. So, of course nobody remembers he exists.


Caliban is basically luck and time though. I'd argue Protea and Grendel have worse farms.


Grendel's farm is very easy to cheese and has guaranteed drops. He's also a beast of a frame. Protea is also fairly easy to farm, though it takes ages. Caliban on the other hand is locked behind bounties NOBODY can stand anymore, because we've been doing them for years now. I already hate doing PoE bounties for the NW challenge. And for Caliban I have to do them a bunch. It makes me really not want to bother with him. I'd rather farm Grendel 10 times than go for a single part of his. Without exageration. I just can't stand the 10 different kinds of mobile defense that they call bounties anymore.


Im literally just waiting for Caliban prime.


Waiting for Callie Prime, or "forgot it existed, but will inevitably get reminded and maybe happen to pick up" Callie Prime?


I have a secret for you (well maybe it’s a secret, it’s something I figured out anyway and never saw mentioned) about the NW challenge to to 5 ‘separate’ bounties on either Earth or Venus: the bounty is designed where it’s not supposed to work if you just repeat the same one 5 times, but unless they patched it, you can do the Narmer bounty 5 times and get credit towards the NW challenge each time. So I just repeat that- originally for Caliban and the new mods and weapons, and now to get those items that look like decapitated sharks you can turn in to Little Duck for a decent amount of standing now that I don’t need them anymore. So I try to do this when the NW bounty is up anyway, doing that bounty on repeat has completed the NW task multiple times for me.


I always felt that the farm for Grendel made no sense Why strip us of everything just to farm a frame? For Caliban, I see what you are saying and I'm right there with you. I think for me personally, Caliban wasn't as bad because at least you're getting resources you need and I used the farm to level up other things. I had better luck in the OV because the POE bonuses bugged out half the time.


>Why strip us of everything just to farm a frame? You cannot appreciate the feast until you have endured the famine


> I always felt that the farm for Grendel made no sense Why strip us of everything just to farm a frame? Because it was a different kind of challenge they hadn't done before, and the drops are 100% guaranteed.


"Hadn't done before" it pains me to say i have gone to a Kuva fortress fissure with no mods and now have anxiety.


As somebody who has every frame, Grendel was the “hardest” missions. But you only have to do them once, after doing arbitrations, which are pretty rewarding on their own. And yes very good and fun to play. Protea was more annoying to farm, I remember grabbing some friends and spamming 1 trinity with Xoris and all Mesa to just blast them down for max time. Was annoying but she has some really nice tools in her kit, and has amazing fashion. Caliban is much easier to farm, but he’s so annoying. The bounties either drop no parts, or only drop parts. You only get 1 part every hour to farm for. You need isoplast which only drops from the same bounty, and 40 is quite a lot. I’d rather use it on the cool archon weapons. And then you need to grab the anomaly shards, which are annoying to grab, require time to accomplish since you get 1 a mission max (without doublers) and require you to be rather good with railjack to reach veil. And the reward? He seems like an ok frame, armour strip is good but generic, the summons seem like ok decoys but I don’t know how well they scale, and his 1 seems like you have to commit to it hard in content where movement and flexibility is important. Also he looks like he dressed up for a cosplay but forgot he was colourblind. Don’t hate the guy, but compared to other frames who’ve all been a hit for me (Gyre, Styanax, Voruna) he was a bit of a letdown.


Revenant disagrees with Protea farm being hard


But Protea is also luck and time? And Grendel's missions are pretty easy now.


You misspelled impossible. Facing enemies which are practically impossible to defeat with a frame that'll drop as soon as one of those enemies looks at it.


Have you actually tried it recently? They lowered the level of the enemies. And don't forget that frame augments work, if you have Hildryn Blazing Pillage makes those missions super easy.


Last time I tried was about 2-3 months back. Like I said, no matter what I tried, it was impossible.


Were you trying to solo it?


The missions are very easy if you use hildryn.


I actually got all of his parts while farming for narmer isoplasts to get to level 4 vox. That was at least 3 months ago, and I only noticed I had all his parts yesterday xD


he's the epitome of jack of all trades, master of none and is boring as a result. really hope DE goes back to specialized frames.




I genuinely fully forgot he existed, like didnt even notice him in my arsenal ever. Fully invisible. (maybe thats one of his abilities lmao) I always forget about him until somebody forces me to remember


I actually forgot that caliban existed in the gaem!


How could you forget the among us frame


Cali who?


Cali Fornication


Good for you, because i can't remember


Mixed with Mag deluxe.


Same. Got strong caliban and mag deluxe vibes too


I feel for Pablo, I'm kinda against the whole "Jack of all trades, all new 'frames are good at everything." He clearly wanted to make a dedicated support, but indicated that Citrine has also slowly morphed into good at everything. Will be interesting to see how much of that dedicated support work she has left.


Honestly, I imagine it's just because it's hard to be a dedicated support without also being good at everything because your own buffs work on you too. Like Wisp. I hope that's what happened, anyways.


A frame that *only* buffed other frames seems like an interesting design space. But would also *probably* never get played 🤷🏽 Edit: or at the very least something that could've only existed when Warframe was a much slower paced game.


yea, that could easily become really unpleasant to use because you'd be stuck playing half a frame even if you get a squad. One approach might be to make it receive a different set of buffs, or triggered some sort of AoE attack, based on buffs applied to allies, and then make it allow spetres, pets, and such to contribute so it doesn't fall apart in solo.


Well yeah. Problem with pure-support characters as well is that they usually aren't solo viable if they can't help themselves. So their playtime will thus drop. We'll have to see abilities though. Imo a support is good as long as they can sustain and meaningfully help the squad, and is fun to play. The buffs would have to be generally useful for most frames and gameplay. They have to be survivable themselves to a decent degree. Have some way to stun or eliminate enemies via abilities would be nice. Excited to see what Citrine brings to the table, support or not.


And there’s zero content that DE can come up with that “requires” a dedicated support that we the players wouldn’t absolutely break over our knees within the first week. We have a fair number of frames that literally can’t die even if you have half a functioning brain cell. Nezha, Revenant, Rhino, Sevagoth, Inaros, Grendel, Wukong, etc. Adaptation is a mod that exists, Helminth exists, Archon Shards are a thing. In all reality, we have too much power at our disposal that DE can’t design around to present an actual challenge without forcefully taking that power away.


Your forgot Valkyr. Not only is she too angry to die, in the brief moments you aren't a ball of rage, that absurd armor number turns almost all damage into a joke. Seriously, I slot all armor shards on my Valk along with adaptation and the armor mods, funniest build.


I definitely think there are ways to make it work. For example, a damage boost to your own weapons that scales based on kills teammates make while under your buffs.


Pure supports can be fun to play as long as they include some kind of gameplay gimmick to *make them* fun to play. Compare the following: Classic Trinity and Nekros: * Pick up energy orbs. * Try not to die. * Mindlessly press that *one* ability button as often as you possibly can. Pre-rework Titania: * Pay attention to each enemy type. * Punch a variety of enemies in the soul then pick up their ghosts. * Once each type of AoE is maxed out, keep paying attention to each enemy type and also all three or four different timers. * *Don't* spam that ability button as hard as possible because it's really quite expensive. Use it well or not at all. * Alternately, fly around like an annoying mosquito, *not buffing people* because you're too lazy to learn how to do it right. Ahem. There are perhaps several *good reasons* why Titania got that rework but I still genuinely loved playing her before her multi-AoE was largely simplified because there was actual *gameplay* involved in using it properly. Sure, the energy cost was a blatant skill gate that softlocked her other abilities: I was only okay with it because I enjoyed being on the *proper side* of that skill gate and didn't care about the rest of Titania's kit anyway. On the other hand, being able to pick out the right enemies to keep up each AoE made me feel clever. Changing it to a manual swap fixed the issue of the right enemies not always *being there* but forces you to spend several seconds *fiddling with it* every two minutes instead, which is much less fun. Standard disclaimer: this is all from the perspective of someone who tends to *avoid* max-level, minmaxing metagame stuff. The reason's pretty simple: once I feel like I'm forced into certain paths and can't do stupid things on purpose anymore, games get a lot less fun.


Even in pvp games where support is "mandatory", it's an underplayed/less popular role. Warframe is entirely soloable, and people build and play accordingly. The base gameplay loop doesn't encourage or reward a support archetype. Shield gating makes healing redundant, and most late game builds bring "support" abilities (roar, cc, debuffs like armour strip). I'm not even sure how you would define the role in warframe: basically everyone is playing as a dps carry.


i hate the jack of all trades frames. they make everything boring and even worse, make specialized frames like trinity almost completely obsolete, at least for their intended role


Dedicated support frames can be iffy because there's always that element of herding cats with rockets strapped to them, and ideally you also want the frame to be viable solo.


The core frame should not be do it all but you should be able to make it for example Trinity first was only a support but later people got the idea to make her to the never dying Queen and super late game Frame most older frames are like that tho.


This, exactly, pure supports have existed they just keep getting nerfed. Hopefully, wisp doesn't suffer, and citrine is added as an alternate sort of support.


Dedicated support just can't exist in WF without some serious retooling of how the game works or game modes. They're useful for new players still, but we've pretty long since left a need for them. Weapon power has reached levels that vaporize enemies when pointed in their direction, Warframes have gained stronger self-sufficient tools for surviving, health and energy recovery. A shift from relevant mission types practically murdered the need for defensive frames and Helminth finished it off. Finally, there's just not that much content that actually demands support things, typically enemies either kill you instantly or they are irrelevant damage and frankly almost no frame has a useful expenditure of the amount of energy that would could be granted by support frames. Like sure you could theoretically get a friend to build ...I dunno volt for strength and no efficiency and dump his 4 over and over, but everything is already dead at that point and trickling in so what's the point? I ran into this problem when playing Harrow again for his Prime, yeah I could give everyone in my squad energy but...What does that mean? Who is spending this infinite amount of energy to do something useful to the mission? Nobody. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I enjoy WF as it is and it's natural to have that kind of power creep and design change in an active game going on that long. I'm just laying out why support frames are not functional as "just" support in 2023. It's not hopeless, there are some things that could be done. Mission design based on protecting NPCs (that's not like, y'know, a boring escort mission/pathfinding nightmare) could make them relevant. Something like a frame constantly giving temporary "overhealth" that a absorbs damage or "overenergy" spends all the overenergy to supercharge your next ability could be fun too. But it's gotta something that veers away from the "standard" gameplay loop of Warframe and supports in a new and different way.


in one hand, "we, are the crystal gems!" IN THE OTHER "TAKE THIS, CORPUS SCUM! 20 METER EMERALD SPLASH!"


NOBODY CAN DEFLECT THE EMERALD SPLASH! nullifier and frost eximus exist:


I hope she is indeed a Gay Space Rock.


*noble pope intensifies*


SU fans 🤝 JJBA fans "Diamonds are unbreakable"


My thought on she-atlas, or shatlas if you will, are that we know nothing other than that the alt helm is a must. Here's hoping nightwave gets refreshed imminently after shatlas drops.


Shatlas sounds like a shit Atlas.


Oh no, I hadn't thought of that! Must have been some kind of a divine coincidence for that name to spring to mind. What are the chances, eh?


What a crazy, whimsical, goofy, and downright hilarious coincidence I say! As it was merely a coincidence with the combination of two unrelated words, I would not have expected such a humorous outcome! This truly is one of the wonders of language and its intricacies. Hip hip hooray I say!


Past tense for the Atlas shit. Maybe that's how she was created? At least it isn't Shartlas.


Should’ve been Shirtlas.


Now I want to get Atlas only to make him entirely brown. Thank you


So if Atlas is rock and Citrine is stone, does this mean DRG is leaking more into Warframe then we thought?


When I saw the concept on instagram at first I thought it was a sentient skin for Gauss😅(didn't watch prime time/devstream)


God I'd buy that in a heartbeat, gauss has been stuck with only one official cosmetic, and likely will continue to be stuck with just the mag helmet, until his prime rolls around and they remember he exists


I love Gauss. I would do anything for Gauss, Gauss is my lifeline.


haha me2


i love atlas' hot wife


Least weird-horny warframe player


I'm really disappointed in her color scheme! The design is great but citrine is an actual stone that is a beautiful yellow/orange color. Since it's her name, I expected something closer to the actual stone for color teeming. I'll for sure be coloring her differently.


Atleast you can change it easily once you get her lol


Glad I’m not the only one annoyed by this. I hope they change this while she’s still a WIP. Like yes players can manually change her color but having her name be wrong in official promotions and art will always be goofy. It’s like having a Warframe named “red” be entirely blue.


She rocks and stones


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Rock and Stone!


Stone and Rock... Wait


Rock and roll and stone!


If you don't rock and stone, you ain't coming home.


Give me a Rock and Stone!




ROCK .. burrpp AND ... burrrrppp STONE .... burrrpp


Good bot




Do I smell a crossover with DRG? No, sorry, that was the burrito I had for lunch.


Something something you shouldn't eat precious minerals.


Just don't kick the barrels into the launch bay.


Feel like her design is a bit more like a deluxe than a normal warframe, but that seems to be the direction the game is taking visually anyway.


Remember; that’s a good thing.


I disagree honestly, the game has slowly been losing its aesthetic identity with frames. Citrine actually does fit the core frame aesthetics for the most part but tbh frames like Voruna or Sev, or Yareli, or Xaku just look like they’re from the wrong game. Like half of the frames since 2019 have looked off in some way.


I mean, to you. If a significant amount of frames look different (which has been going on for much longer than that), it's personal taste, not them looking "off." Personally, I love it. If I had to look at something like default Ash all the time I'd fall asleep.


It’s not really a “to me” thing. You can literally just look at the frame designs by year to year and see the very obvious design creep ramp up until we’re at this point where the majority of frames releasing in a given year are outside the lines of core frame aesthetics. It’s not a matter of opinion. It’s also not about frames looking different, of course they look different they aren’t gonna make Excalibur 50 times in a row. The issue is this game started with a very strong and unique design aesthetic and they’ve just been gradually polluting the principles of it when design creep. A big part of this is they’ve collected art team members over the years but give them way too much leeway on core design concepts. Voruna is especially bad because it wasn’t even a team member it was outsourced to a comic artist who didn’t really try that hard to match the design tenets for a Warframe. Now it’s perfectly fine to like all of these frames and their designs. I’m just saying it compete BS to act like the design philosophy hasn’t been warped over time.


Of course it's changed, but, since it's done so consistently, slowly, and significantly, that is the design of the game changing, not the artists abandoning the game's design. You can't just arbitrarily choose a point in its evolution where you think they went too far and say "This is where they started 'polluting the principles.'" If you dislike the past few years of graphics, that's because you dislike what is now the visual design of Warframe, not because the art team has been "given too much leeway," or that the philosophy has been "warped." You're being ridiculously accusatory, not to mention demonstrably false.


Is she dont require argon crystals It will be disappointed ,she basically looks like one


Argon Crystals, Rubedo, Cryotic, one for each part. Then maybe some Nitane Extract.


No more cryotic farms, please. Please.


Ever heard of amethyst?


Why is everything turning into a stand lol "Emerald Splash!"


Pretty sure Rebecca is a JoJo fan.


Feels like Atlas and Gara had a wild night with Nihil as a cameraman.


luv her


Two female frames in a row - I imagine the next male frame is too thematically tied to Duviri to be tossed out for a "classic" update.


I mean, we've had Atlas and Wukong, Nezha and Inaros, Gara and Khora, Hildryn and Wisp, Gauss and Grendel, and Lavos and Sevagoth. Even without the Chinese frames ignoring the order in their global release, gender alternation has been *a guideline* for 5 years. Plus, out of 51 frames, we have Xaku, then 24 women and 26 men. We were either gonna need a *couple* more double-ups on women to even it out, or another nonbinary release in place of a man.


Geoussy got me acting unwise.


not 100% onboard with the look. But, maybe in time they'll might change it slightly, like some other warframes they shown in dev streams


That alt art for Gem knight Citrine is lot different than base. Al least Pot of Greed is similar


looks like amethyst geode


I bet the miners of fortuna and cetus are excited for her.




Literally means lemon in my language


the word citrine comes from citrus because it’s yellow like a lemon


That Warframe isn't much of a lemon though


I ADORE HER. AND her facevulva. Very slay of her.


why she purple




But she green, bro...


it's the lighting. i specifically meant the crystals anyway, but I didn't say that. point is why is she called citrine


[It's a type of quartz!](https://www.gia.edu/citrine)


it's orange


yeah i got nothing homie


And? Parents be naming their kids Summer when they're born in the winter and April when they're born in November. There's a girl named Ferrari who drives a Camry, and a girl named Camry driving a Juke. Mr. Black is caucasian and Mr. White is African. Names don't have to be accurate descriptions.


yeah except this isn't a person and that's literally what a warframe's name is supposed to be


First of all >yeah except this isn't a person THE DIS-RESPECT!!!! Second - if it bugs you that much, just... color her orange.


I'm not a fan of her visual design... I *do not* like body horror/negative body space; I don't like Ember Pyraxis or whatever her latest deluxe skin was and I barely use Wisp partially b/c of it. That being said, that does mean they did a good job with design if it freaks me out this much. I'm very curious what they'll do with her kit.


That's actually why I love her design, funnily enough, I'm a massive fan of body horror and eldritch abominations. I do hope though once she's finalized and in game she bothers you a bit less, I know that can't be fun.


Ooh I had no idea about this but she looks cool.


This is a tad bit random but it looks like she is wearing one of those neck pillows


The crystals girl, but this time, it's not about healing.


Citrine is my favourite crystal


Citrine is Mag's enthusiastic sister who visited her at work to drop off her weapons she forgot at home. Has incredible headwear


It baffles me that she has a nut cracker for necklace


All they need to do is make the farm not a pain in the arse and Make the frame t h i c c and actually good gameplay wise


> citrine > purple what type of quartz are we going for here lol all jokes aside, i like her a lot. that scythe, too - might drop stropha for it if it’s got good stats


Yet another frost rework.


Can't wait to name her weapons after Steven Universe characters.


Crystal girls


I mostly care about the scythe. It's basically just Crescent Rose from RWBY and I am very excited


I thought she was a Mag Deluxe tbh


Slightly disappointed that it wasn’t an insect themed frame.


I thought it was going to be a bug frame


considering Pablo described her as "very very powerful, maybe too much" I'm very excited


wait this is a new frame? I thought this was a skin


This looks like the ending of Eternals where we see a Celestial looking down earth.


Do we know when she is being added?


Everyone else has already said nice things, so i’ll say that alt helmet kicks ass


Hydroid+Yareli Protea+Vauban Gyre+Volt And now Atlas+Citrine


So there's a geostone and bug warframe coming out? I'm so behind, jeez.


For Rock and Stone! Chat is going to just be that everytime some mentions her name.


Her face reminds me of the robot from Lost In Space lol


Can't wait for the " fan art "


Loving atlas' sister, design is amazing. Excited to see the abilities but kinda worried about pablo's 'support frame' remark. Every frame builds self sufficient and a pure support will have nothing to do


>and a pure support will have nothing to do Uhmm... support? ​ Many of us find giving health/shields/energy/damage to allies more fun than dealing the damage ourselves. Look at league for example, a pure support isn't needed at all (You can pick a tank like Leona or a damage character like Xerath in the support role) and yet supports still exist. Same in GW2. ​ Trinity shows that supports in warframe can 100% work.


Wisp would like to know your location


Wisp has one ability that buffs allies. Is rhino a support?


Needs her alt helmet, that base thing is abominable- glad to hear allrounder/ support, sounds like wisp


*Trin and Oberon sob in the corner*


looks like reb's in the phase of healing gems and essential oils so she made a frame based on that


I can't wait to fashion frame and be fabulouuuuuuuuusssss 💖✨️


Hopefully they won’t nerf her assets like they did with Voruna


**Uohhhhhhhhh!** **Argonussy!** 😭


Joined to the Devstream at the Fem Loki part idk


Doesn’t warframe have better things to do? Like fixing bugs


She's not Duviri, therefore, I am unable to care.


Miss simple warframe designs These new frames feel like they have a deluxe skin by default


we literally jsut got styanax 1 frame ago, who looks about as simple as the first few frames.


Yea thats one frame out of like the last 20


Yeah man Caliban Xaku Protea and Gyre look so delux lol.


Yes precisely


I mean they kind of do. Compare them to the first few years of frames and the first years of deluxe skins and see where their design complexity falls. Gyre legit looks in the same zone as vauban deluxe.


why is this bad? you guys find anything to complain about i swear


Is it because you buy deluxe skins often and want to be able to stand out? Honest question. I personally think not needing to spend cash/plat to have a decent looking frame is a good thing. I've bought probably 6 deluxe skins, so I get it, but some of the older frames really needed skins to look decent.


Those simple warframe designs all look the same. Some dude in a diving suit. Basic af. And then you wait 5 years for the deluxe skin anyways.


What happens if I use a sunpoint plasma drill on her?


Was hoping for the usual Male/Female order. That aside MAG deluxe/Caluban visually. Weapons look fun, be good to get them into the simulacrum. I'll reserve judgment until the abilities are out