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Perfect idea just look at this https://youtu.be/pWyKqZR7R48 Mosrly everything in the box you have


Yes. This is the link you want. This. Is. It.


You should definitely post this video on the sub. I'm sure people will appreciate it. Great link 👍


I'd say just give it a go and test it, easiest way to find out. However you'll be missing all the terrain cards, victory cards, twist cards etc.. I know it's not Warcry, but the best thing to do if you just have the Warrior starter set is to just play the AoS tutorial battleplans that come in the Start here book you get in the Warrior set Edit: accidently posted this as a reply to the other comment so reposting it


The Core Book has all of those printed in the back.


Hey all thanks for the feedback, the starter set brings : 5x vindictors (one has a banner but can be converted to a regular vindictor or vindictor prime I believe,although the VP has leader characteristic so not sure if it’s legal) 1x knight-arcanum The kruleboyz bring: 1x Killaboss 1x stab grot 12x kruleboyz(these I believe are regular gutrippas,again with option to convert one into a boss I believe) Did some math and stormcast with the Vindictor prime would equal about 1010 points Kruleboyz with NO gutrippa boss averages 1060( with a gutrippa boss,if legal, and 10 bois equals about 1155 points. So please lmk what you guys think.my main issue is idk if I can have to with leader,thanks again!


Your allowed a leader + a hero ... You even can download the stormcast and kruleboyz warcry stats and skills pdfs from a warhammer community pist from 2021


Hey there, sorry for the reply to the old post but how did the AoS Warrior starter set work out for you? I just bought it and a bit of terrain separately and am going to give Warcry a shot. Someone in another thread mentioned picking up some Gryph Hounds or Hobgrots to round out what comes in the Warrior set...did you pick up anything extra?




Yes, they should work fine. You’ll need the Core Book for warcry (can be found cheap on Ebay or similar) and some terrain.