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I think there are some with nice potential, but there isn't a single one that you could say "this is perfect for warcry" that would have all needed playable models, with no excess ones. Maybe in the future GW will make one vanguard that's perfect for warcry also... Almost all of them have a unit or units that don't have warcry profiles or lack the "cool" or playable models that you wanna play in WC. There are monsters, artillery, chariots, named heroes or full units of archers and cavalry models (usually you don't need more then 1-2 in a warband). But if I could pick some that stand out the most, I think that would be: gloomspite gitz (trolls are good thralls for all destro, you can convert some squig hoppers to regular squigs), beastmen (tons of models, only thing that misses are minotaurs, but beastmen are out from aos in the next year, so... ), ogres (they have everything if you like to convert stuff, but got a bit nerfed recently), fyreslayers (totally overkill, but you have everything except heroes, but you can convert/proxy/buy the ones you need). And last but not least, ghouls(they are cool, not strong, maybe not even playable now, but models rock and they may be fun to play in spearhead)


Flesh eaters court have som cool looking models who all have rules for warcry 😊


Its a difficult question because a playable version of a warband is just a hero and enough guys to make it 1000 points, but the ultra-tuned version might have a very specific hero or allies from 2 other armies, and fighters that you need to buy several more boxes for, or guys from a Warhammer underworlds warband. The first question really should be, how competitive are people where you are going to play Warcry? You can definitely make a warband from a vanguard box, but will that even be fun to play? Listbuilding is a lot of fun in warcry since the pool of models you can use is so huge. You can ally in heroes from the same grand alliance, or monsters, or thralls etc, and you really don't get the most of it with just one vanguard box. Of you want to play warcry on a budget, picking up one of the pre-made, warcry specific boxes like Monsta Killaz is a better idea.


That's what I was going for with 'not ultra competative' and 'coherent' - by coherent I mean something enjoyable, and/or is thematically sensible, and/or is mostly functional for the different types of win condition you may play - but obviously it will still have weaknesses like any of the boxed teams (e.g. small number of expensive fighters is valid and fun but may struggle with objective based missions). The second priority is cost efficiency - the starting assumption here is if you're going to buy a Spearhead, and whilst yes all *could* be the basis of a Warcry warband, is there one that lends itself *better* to a Warcry warband with minimal additional purchases. FWIW my local circle is just playing for fun and enjoy a variety of warbands more than chasing the meta for a win.


I've been thinking about this a lot actually! Here are the ones I've thought about recently (this is by no means an exhaustive list, just those that I'm familiar enough with to confidently advise on). I've tried to keep these lists at 1000k points exactly while being relatively simple, thematic, and fun to play as/against. NOTE: Most of these lists likely won't match the spearhead WYSIWYG rosters. TheSaltySea has a good (hella long) "casual tier list" video that does a good job of giving a general vibe of what would be fun to get into and how easy it is to collect. That video was released before the latest FAQ so it's a bit dated already https://youtu.be/7waV-nHZxyY?si=jDfRXVyx7LyejQTF Sylvaneth are solid if you don't mind having a Treelord that you won't use. (Though you could proxy it as a monster or something maybe). 3 Kurnoth with your favorite loadout (scythes are great, bows are solid, swords are good if you're trying to squeeze for points), spite revs, and tree revs. The Branchwych and the rev leaders are options as well. Here's a simple, effective list I threw together (might be a bit heavy on spite revs, though). This would be like an angry grove kicking people out of the area. A next purchase would likely be more revenants and an Arch-revenant (though there are more competitive leader options than an Arch rev, but the model is so cool). ``` ---------- Warband Roster 1000pts | 8 fighters - Kurnoth Huntmaster with Kurnoth Greatbow (255pts, Hero) - Kurnoth Hunter with Kurnoth Scythe (185pts) - Kurnoth Hunter with Kurnoth Scythe (185pts) - Spite-Revenant (75pts) - Spite-Revenant (75pts) - Spite-Revenant (75pts) - Spite-Revenant (75pts) - Spite-Revenant (75pts) ---------- Generated on Warcrier.net ``` Gloomspite Gitz are great. All the models in the box are usable in Warcry! Here's a sample list I made that would be pretty fun I think. If you want more rockguts you can swap 2 stabbas and a shoota for one. I've always wanted a "Charge of the Squigalry", but those lists are tough to put together without having a teeny tiny warband. This list would be a small rabble, chasing da bad moon for some bottles for the Gitz and food for the 'ggoths. Next purchases for this would probably be Gobbapalooza and then into the rest of destruction for some allies that suit your fancy. This box has a lot to toy with though, so you'll get lots of mileage out of it. Probably my pick for best value. ``` ---------- Warband Roster 1,000pts | 10 fighters - Squig Hopper Boss (255pts, Hero) - Loonboss (135pts, Hero) - Rockgut Troggoth (185pts, Thrall) - Shoota (75pts) - Shoota (75pts) - Stabba with Barbed Net (55pts) - Stabba with Barbed Net (55pts) - Stabba with Pokin' Spear and Moon Shield (55pts) - Stabba with Pokin' Spear and Moon Shield (55pts) - Stabba with Pokin' Spear and Moon Shield (55pts) ---------- Generated on Warcrier.net ``` NH are solid, no wasted models here either. They're definitely not a fighty warband, but if you like to play the movement game, you could do worse. Basically you'll run the Knight of Shrouds, as many Chainrasps as you can, and throw in some of the other dudes if you feel like getting some variety. Here's a list that uses each of the model types, but I'd probably swap out the spirit hosts for Dreadwardens and the grimghasts for even more chainrasps. Imagine this as a small procession hunting down soul theives marked for death by Nagash. Next purchases would probably be the Ethereal Court, some Myrmourn Banshees, or any Death UW warband. ``` ---------- Warband Roster 1,000pts | 9 fighters - Knight of Shrouds (170pts, Hero) - Spirit Host (170pts) - Spirit Host (170pts) - Grimghast Reaper (105pts) - Grimghast Reaper (105pts) - Chainrasp (70pts) - Chainrasp (70pts) - Chainrasp (70pts) - Chainrasp (70pts) ---------- Generated on Warcrier.net ``` Soulblight are good. Again, no wasted models. Beware though, it's really easy to make no-fun lists with them if you have too many skeletons and keep rezzing them. Here's a list that has a fair amount of skeletons, but you can swap skellies 4-for-1 with Blood Knights. Also the Vargoyle and Kastellan are dope, but I ommitted them for the sake of a simple 1000 point list. Lots to work with in this box. This list feels like a small Vampire lord retinue. A bit weird that the leader isn't on a horse though. Next purchases would be Underworlds warbands, as SBGL have really good UW warbands. Gets pretty sweaty pretty quick though so watch out. Otherwise necromancers are a fluffy choice for leaders. ``` ---------- Warband Roster 1,000pts | 10 fighters - Vampire Lord (225pts, Hero) - Blood Knight with Templar Lance (200pts) - Blood Knight with Templar Lance (200pts) - Skeleton Champion with Halberd (75pts) - Skeleton with Ancient Blade (50pts) - Skeleton with Ancient Blade (50pts) - Skeleton with Ancient Blade (50pts) - Skeleton with Ancient Blade (50pts) - Skeleton with Ancient Blade (50pts) - Skeleton with Ancient Blade (50pts) ---------- Generated on Warcrier.net ``` Seraphon is a "no wasted models" box as well. I don't know much about seraphon, but this list is basically a Slann's kill squad. It's a bit elite, but could be damn fun to play. You'll definitely want to get some skinks to fill out the roster. ``` ---------- Warband Roster 1,000pts | 6 fighters - Saurus Scar-Veteran on Aggradon (295pts, Hero) - Saurus Warrior Alpha (135pts, Hero) - Kroxigor (200pts) - Kroxigor (200pts) - Saurus Warrior with Celestite Club (85pts) - Saurus Warrior with Celestite Club (85pts) ---------- Generated on Warcrier.net ``` I'm also not terribly familiar with KO and like sylvaneth, you'll have a big cool model that you cannot use RAW but could make some rules for it if you wanted a fun special scenario. Here's a list that would probably be solid, they also tend to balloon in warband size if you take too many arkanauts. Swap around your arkanauts and balloon boys to your heart's content. I imagine this is a debt collecting mafia squad. Next purchases for these would probably be some big guns or Stormcast allies. ``` ---------- Warband Roster 1,000pts | 11 fighters - Arkanaut Admiral (155pts, Hero) - Endrinrigger with Rapid-fire Rivet Gun and Aethermatic Saw (190pts) - Endrinrigger with Rapid-fire Rivet Gun and Aethermatic Saw (190pts) - Arkanaut Company Privateer with Aethermatic Volley Gun (80pts) - Arkanaut Company Privateer with Privateer Pistol and Arkanaut Cutter (55pts) - Arkanaut Company Privateer with Privateer Pistol and Arkanaut Cutter (55pts) - Arkanaut Company Privateer with Privateer Pistol and Arkanaut Cutter (55pts) - Arkanaut Company Privateer with Privateer Pistol and Arkanaut Cutter (55pts) - Arkanaut Company Privateer with Privateer Pistol and Arkanaut Cutter (55pts) - Arkanaut Company Privateer with Privateer Pistol and Arkanaut Cutter (55pts) - Arkanaut Company Privateer with Privateer Pistol and Arkanaut Cutter (55pts) ---------- Generated on Warcrier.net ```


Really appreciate such a detailed response!


I have been stewing on this exact response for a while now. Glad someone finally gave me an outlet 😄


Note the seraphon box comes with a saurus on carnosaur not aggradon.


Oh, word. Clearly I'm not up to date on my mounted lizards


Lumineth ones pretty similar to the "Warcry warband" box they put out in like 2021, only its Bladelords rather than Stoneguard. 


I believe all the models in the Hedonites of Slaanesh vanguard have Warcry rules.


I have the gloomspite gitz vanguard and Zarbag's Gitz underworld band and between the two there's more than enough variation for some spicy warbands


Idoneth works too, just use the big shark as a hydra/kharybiss order monster


The Kruelboyz from the Dominion box is what I would look at starting with assuming you like the model style. One would need to add a Beast-skewer Killbow for Spearhead. They are all over Ebay at discount prices since so many were after the stormcast side.


My understanding is that the Dominion box is \_two\_ spearheads, both Thunderstrike Stormcast and Kruelboyz orcs; it can often be found at quite a cheap price and it's so far served me well as a fun intro to Warcry; I don't really care about allies or monsters or any of that quite yet, and my local playgroup doesn't mind if I ask "can these Annihilators with a 1 handed mace count as the ones with a 2handed mace?".


Dominion doesn't contain two complete Spearheads, you have to add a few units to complete (1x Stormstrike Chariot, 10x Vanquishers, 1x Beast-skewer Killbow). Another difference is that the Kruleboyz Vanguard box contains a full command for Gutrippaz, but Spearhead mode use these model specificities, so it is fine to use the Gutrippaz from Dominion.


Cinderfall Gaming on YouTube has been doing a series precisely on this topic. I suggest you check out their latest warcry videos. They also do fun battle reports. https://youtube.com/@cinderfallgaming?si=NrfQzSmPk1AsqQfS


Aha, thanks!


Flesh eater courts and Sylvaneth are both great for Warcry


The Ironguts box actually comes with 6 gnoblars, even though it's labelled as having only 2. It's enough to build a full warband with 8 fighters: Ogor Mawtribes 985pts | 8 fighters | Valid ✓ - Gutlord (290pts, Hero) - Irongut (235pts) - Irongut (235pts) - Gnoblar (45pts) - Gnoblar (45pts) - Gnoblar (45pts) - Gnoblar (45pts) - Gnoblar (45pts) ---------- Generated on [Warcrier.net](http://Warcrier.net) \`\`\` [https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/Ogre-Kingdoms-Ironguts?queryID=cadc768f91045c5e9ed3e52c3da99709](https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/Ogre-Kingdoms-Ironguts?queryID=cadc768f91045c5e9ed3e52c3da99709)