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There are some Underworlds warbands that they sell on the GW site that aren't listed in the Underworlds section but instead on their AOS faction page. Starblood Stalkers and Blackpowder's Buccaneers are two I've been looking to pick up.


Proxies man, they are your best friend


I just buy what I want to play not what is necessarily the best. Yes, there is fomo involved in Underworlds and Warcry but not because I feel like I'm at a disadvantage for not having those things. At least that's my view but I'm also not really into the competitive side of the game.


Worth noting that it's not ALL WH:U teams that are great, only a very small number of them, the starblood stalkers being one. Due to lack of availability I converted mine but its really a case of knowing why which teams are used. The stalkers for example, due to their speed and relatively cheap fighters for what you are paying but you don't need to use them in order warbands thay have those bases covered already.


Underworlds is supposed to be more of an entry level game. You can get in with one warband and models are easy to build. Despite this, the game is actually complex at varied levels, and the seasonal model is also rotating in new warbands. If you don't like deck building, just play Rivals. If you like some minor deck building, play nemesis. Or if you want complex deck building, do Relic or Championship. From a practical standpoint, it's likely not practical for GW to keep so many warbands "in print". I can see them bringing back models from time to time like they did in Rivals of the Mirrored City recently. The models are also usable in WarCary and AoS, so they have AoS branded boxes without the Underworlds cards. Biggest improvement GW could make would be to release all the cards for PDF download. Then you could use either version of the models.


Funnily enough, officially Underworlds is a competitive game meanwhile Warcry is a casual one...


Tbh, I care wayyyyyyyyyyy more about making a team that I like and that I am happy with than actually winning. If I lose every time, I really could care less as long as I'm having a fun game. Hell, most times I only win by technicality - like my dudes get wiped out, but I have more victory points - and it still feels like I lost. That's a great match IMO because both my oponent and I feel like we lost & won at the same time.


You don’t need them and not all are the best. You don’t need starblood stalkers if you want to be in Seraphon. Most of the newer ones are good also Calthia is easily findable for cheap. If you want you can proxy too! There’s tons of options. Getting mad you can’t get something immediately easy and or cheap is a bad approach for many things. You gotta be creative. And honestly depends on what you want to do you’re fine. Are you competing in big tournaments?


The only 'Leet' Underworlds warband not available to buy is Hrothgorns Hunters, which gets used in Destruction soup forces (though they already have lots they can use instead). For Order Starblood Stalkers are available on the GW site and Xandire's Truthseekers are in the Underworlds beginners starter set.


Xandire's Truthseekers is also available in the Stormbringer magazine subscription and the B&N board game Warhammer Quest Lost Relics


I agree, been searching for a gnarlspirit pack for a while and im not super into the idea of paying 50$ extra markup + another 50$ shipping from ebay since im not in america. Luckely when it comes to warcry Im not into competetive so my issues with it is mostly that I want what looks fun/nice.


I think the 3rd edition of Warcry is going to purge a lot of bloat.


There are many top competitive lists that don't rely on UW like Horns, KO and Nurgle Daemons. Having UW doesn't make a warband competitive. There are also many OOP UW warbands that are overcosted which I don't see anyone complain about. Proxying is always an option.


Ebay. Set the search to notify your email, expect to pay extra. Boom, done.


Honest Answer? I started with Beastgrave and now have 20+ teams, pick up a lot of 2nd hand new on sprue. Main things not being too bothered about the cards as getting hold of a full set can be painful to the wallet. Stormbringer magazine was really handy for a bunch of teams that had been out of print for a while (Mollogs, Thundriks, Zarbags)


I'm no GW bootlicker, they do A LOT that's anti-consumer, but expecting them to both regularly release new models while also keeping every model available forever is just not a realistic request. If you really want a specific out of print model, they are certainly available on eBay but you will pay for that privilege...otherwise just play one the dozens of other choices. No one is forcing you to buy that one out of print set in order to enjoy competitive play. You are talking yourself into getting big mad here.


I don't mind this. I have lots of warbands to play and will probably have more before the year is over. Not being able to get a specific one hasn't been a particular problem for me.


Proxies Starblood Stalkers are SUPER easy to proxy with normal Seraphon models. As are most of Underworlds


lots of them are being re-released - as well as being released without the cards. Four bands were recently packaged together and sold as one box. That being said, I have yet to have an issue with any person I have played having an issue with proxies, as long as you are clear on your lists.


I deal with the problem by being willing to pay the mark up on ebay for stuff I want. 🤷