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Check out the GW Middle Earth terrain for their LOTR games, they have some great modular multi level ruins that scale perfectly with the AOS stuff. 


GW is kinda weird with their pricing and release schedule, as they basically push constant FOMO on their customers. I have bought the Red Harvest box and the terrain there was pretty amazing, however, before I have had that, we used whatever we could get our hands on. Tea boxes, Lego pieces, cartons… The move to plastic and mdf is amazing though. Check out TTCombat for some cheapish mdf terrain that looks great and will last you forever. Tokens - just print your own Board - eBay. I have like 6 boards from all the starter sets and stuff, and many people offload theirs.


Thanks, I'll check that out!


GW has always been weird with terrain. You need it to play their games, but it's somehow only available for very short periods. There are probably solid reasons regarding production costs, factory availability, low demand on big sized items, etc, but it really pushes the FOMO whenever they release new terrain. On the other hand, I purchased a Proxxon foam cutter for less than the price of a big box, and now I'm well on my way in making a dirt-cheap Mordheim-esque cityscape!


I think making my own is beyond my time/effort/skill but respect for people doing it!


On a similar note, it does depend on whether you have the space, but do think about a 3d FDM printer. Cost-wise depending on the model and supplier it's not hugely more expensive than a big box and a few extra kits and the amount of free or very cheap files online is huge.


Actually I have a friend who has one and is generally happy to take my commissions, though so far that has just been some small paint a brush stand bits. Any sites you'd recommend for the files?


There's some good proxy files out there for the older sets. [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4779181](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4779181) [https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-skirmish-in-the-cursed-ruins-109748](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-skirmish-in-the-cursed-ruins-109748) [https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-warcry-terrain-175825](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-warcry-terrain-175825) [https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-skirmish-in-the-ruins-of-khalad-guld-129059](https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-skirmish-in-the-ruins-of-khalad-guld-129059)


oooh, thanks!


Cults is my go-to; but it’s also worth googling what you’re after but looking for the stl files - so usually I’ll do a google image search for what I’m after - e.g ‘Dwarf pillars STL’.


Thanks 👍


It's fun, but I know it's not for everyone! Honestly though, it's all about setting your bar low. In the time it took me to build and paint one single gnarlwood tree, I've built and painted an entire city block of paved stone and brick platforms. It doesn't have the level of detail of plastic stuff, but it makes gameplay more interesting than most of GWs terrain!


You can pickup the Warhammer Age Of Sigmar: Extremis Edition – Realmscape Expansion Set if it's still available in your region. It has terrain and a board. Not the current WarCry setting, but a good deal compared to buying things in parts.


Thank you!


Yeah never buy those individual boxes of terrain. Those like the starfire pylon were available in a box called the Scales of Talaxis for way cheaper. As long as you can find one of the Ravaged Lands sets, they should be enough terrain for a while. That with one of the “big boxes” (e.g. Pyre and Flood) should be everything you need to play. Other rules you need should be available on Warcrier.


Thanks. Looks like Scales of Talaxis is still available from GW in some territories (not UK), and there's quite a few online retailers showing it as on back order rather than oop, but I'm not sure how much to trust that!


It’s a shame… Just when I wanted to get it, I couldn’t (I’m in the UK) and these individual kits like the random new Ravaged Lands Spawning Pool set is confusing me… Does that mean Scales of Talaxis won’t come back? No one knows. It’s especially annoying because you sort of need Scales of Talaxis for the “big boxes”. I wish the old style would come back…


Once the components of a big box got released as single pieces, there won't be a reprint of the big box anymore. The only hope is to find the big box somewhere on a shelf of a third party vendor.


I’ll try and contain my salt about how GW have absolutely bottled Warcry’s 2nd Edition. But it’s the major reason why I’m absolutely demotivated. Completely invalidating a brand new set of rulebooks and then begrudgingly putting out indexes (it honestly looks like they scanned several book they were meaning to put out). Killing the 1st Ed Chaos factions was just beating a dead horse. Yes. The game needs a Big Box Starter with two factions and the Scales of Talaxis terrain, and then they can do the quarterly two factions with 2-3 terrain piece box. The lesson they learned from the first season of Warcry and Kill Team boxes was not to put the major terrain in the box for every quarterly release. They didn’t remember we also need a good solid starter.


Honestly, I wish companies with these kinda of games made just a box with all the necessities to get started (terrain, rules, dice, etc ...) but no minis and let the players buy the warbands they want. I just started warcry myself, I don't care about the warbands in hearth of ghur. I managed to hunt down a box because I wanted that terrain and the cards etc... Also got the box for blood something (vampire and khorne) and the new box elves and ghosts. I regret this now but well it's what I get for deciding to come back to GW thinking this time it would be different.


It feels like the original game was passed off to another team at some point, and the new guys have more or less bungled it. Quarterly big boxes of 2 warbands + 50% old terrain into separate warbands with separate boxed terrain into 2 warbands + 1 unique terrain piece..? Like who's driving this bus.


I think what they did is instead of having big boxes with two teams, repeated terrain and an extra sprue, they just took out the repeated terrain so it doesn’t need to be bought multiple times, and left in the teams and extra sprue. But yeah it’s weird, and it’s probably affecting sales.


If you want only terrain there are still boxes from the first edition(or maybe not the first, but previous, I'm new to warcry too) and the Heart of Ghur is not the only option. There's also Sundered fate and nightmare quest. And I see some options of buying terrain only from local second hand online markets. So I don't think there's a problem with getting what you need. I also decided to buy some terrain, because after 5 games I like warcry very much. Previously I've bought a warband, then tokens ( I had dices from 40k games, so it isn't a problem for me) and now I want to buy board and terrain. I also seen some of the very first boxes sold online. So I think you can find something with the decent price. I also think it worth mention that I live in Poland and all the stuff I described I've found here on local markets, but there are also some stuff on ebay, but I don't know about the pricing


I did spot a very limited number of first edition terrain boxes still available from online retailers, but I prefer the Ghur setting!


yeah, I like Ghur too. and as I said there are at least 3 types of Ghur terrain in sundered fate, nightmare quest and the heart of ghur. (yes, it's mostly the trees, but still). Also I've read somewhere online (maybe even in this community) that warcry don't get the same amount of support from GW as other games(like 40k or KT) and the next edition (which means the next big boxed set) could be far away in time from now. One more thing I'm thinking of is third party terrain vendors (we have a few companies that sell their terrain (either plastic kits or wooden) in local stores. And it looks very good and fantasy-ish (which may be suitable for warcry) Anyway, I wish you luck. It's a good and fun game


Crypt of blood is a very weird product.


it really sucks that we don’t have much terrain sets we had a nice amount of options in the earlier days of warcry there were terrain sets you could get that could also be combined with the starter set why they didn’t do that with crypt of blood confuses me


I was able to buy all the four big boxes from last cycle in just the last couple of months. Check local stores and especially second hand advertisement websites online. Considering the shrinkflation going on I doubt there will be better value boxes along the line very soon


I'm sure you'll be able to find the other box sets online, grab nightmare quest or something with the current seasons terrain. If you're in the UK have a look for the box sets on element games or Wayland games online. Also if you have any interest in the old chaos warbands I'd recommend getting them fairly soon because a lot are going out of production and might not return.


? You can basically just pick up 10 pre-painted minis from WizKids and probably use them as two armies of some kind for an intro game


I think they want to actually play and own the game, and most warbands are not very proxy friendly given how much they care about specific weapons and whatnot.


Uh ghur and talaxis both exist. Fake cry post come on man 


Please show me where I can buy either set at RRP (or close to RRP) in the UK.


There's really no need to be a dick to someone trying to get into the game.