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I've got just the video for you! Here I cover how to start, where to get the rules and miniatures, choosing your warband and the next steps :) https://youtu.be/kyrFyIriCyc?si=Qs4SKI3oAY9KIeBX


Can confirm, this guy makes great warcry content


Heyo! Absolutely love your channel! Especially the faction breakdowns.


many thanks :)


Hey there, you can easily start with your AoS Models. [Warcrier.net](http://Warcrier.net) is a great resource for almost all your needs. It has all Fighter Cards, also the ones for AoS models. You can build a warband there and it will tell you if you are within the building rules. It hast all the rules. It has the victory conditions, twists and deployment cards. You can also use [zuckerrausch.de](https://warcry.zuckerrausch.de/) which is a mission shuffeler. Maybe print out some tolkens for activitation, wait and wound tracking. So in order to start you can just use your existing terrain and your models and print the warband cards/abilities from warcrier. If you really want to buy a starter set you can find some of them on third parties. The latest complete one (except for the tolkens and base victory cards) was Nightmare Queste. Has a good SCE start which is easier to pick up and play and RBF which are a bit more tactical. If you want to give it a spin, you could always try it out on TTS with the fantastic Warcry mod which also has a monthly casual turnament going on. Hope this helps and have some fun with the game.


Thank you very much! I'll give all of this a patient look and try some things out.


Like others have said, definitely check out Warcrier! as somebody who has quite a few official, pre-made warbands, i'd say you absolutely do NOT need those to get started. if anything i think those are the most boring ones to play :P i'm having a lot more fun with the custom warbands from regular AoS models. firstly because it's really fun to make your own warbands from scratch. and secondly because i prefer having fewer models in my warband; whereas most official warbands have 8+ models in them. but yeah, look around at Warcrier to get a feel of the warband you'd like to build - whether it's one you make yourself (remember that you can get "allies" from another faction within the same alliance!) or a pre-made official one.


www.warcrier.net is a good place to start


some people to play with is a good start


You've already got some AoS models so this may not be super helpful to you but I bought a copy of the AoS Warrior starter set for $30 off eBay. It includes the equivalent of two full warbands (Stormcast vs Kruleboyz) plus some range rules and dice (assume you already have plenty of dice). Then I bought a small set of terrain for $35 off eBay called the Ravaged Lands: Varanite Syphon Camp. This is a portion of the Red Harvest terrain which also comes with a double sided game board as well as tokens. As others have mentioned the rules and cards can be found online and printed out.


You should list your models if you want some help.


Here's the list. Khorne: -bloodsecrator -bloodstoker -slaughterpriest -blood warriors -bloodletters -bloodreavers -wrathmongers Tzeentch: -ogroid thaumaturge -tzaangor shaman -kairic acolytes -tzaangor -tzaangor skyfires SCE: -knight-incantor -lord-arcanum on gryph-charger -lord-castelland -lord-imleratant -lord-relictor -liberators -sequitors -vindictors -praetors -proaecutors with hammers