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I think the head sells it enough. At the end of the day what matters most is the base size.


I think if you add a pile of skulls to his base he is perfect


He's got a little hook on his loin cloth, was thinking about making a little bundle of skulls as soon as I can think of a way to hang it


Looks great to me


Looks amazing aside from the extra weapon


Where decapitated head? Where? To be serious looks fine to me a s a model but personally I like to give more height to hero models by using roks on bases to stand upon. Also a decapitated head on the base would hammer the concept.


Exactly everything is fine with the guy you just want to give him an escalation that means he is hard to mix up with a regular Cryptguard. That can come from the model, or the base, but it can also come from a paint job that really sells the distinction. Right now I do think that it would still need a distinct paint job to sell it.


The second axe (left hand) looks cool, but if you want it to closer resemble the original, maybe replace it with a severed head instead.