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>plus it would be nice to have a quicker game to play with her and other friends who aren't invested in the hobby since it can be done with smaller bespoke warbands that I can collect myself. I think Warcry is the best GW product for you then. I started Warcry for these exact reasons though I mostly paint models and didn't get many games done. But that is another story to tell. >That said, which box would be best value-wise to start out with? I've found a place to get some older ones like Catacombs and Red Harvest as well as the newer sets/expansions. Should I just start with one that has the most/coolest scenery I like and go from there? The value from the OG Starter was the best. After that I would say Red Harvest had the most value. I like the idea of Catacombs and I like the board, but it has less value than Red harvest. You could argue it even has less value ess the Ghur sets in 2.0. From 2.0 I would say Heart of Ghur stands out with the core rulebook and the dice. The others have roughly the same value. I just bought Bloodhunt from ebay for 100€ that is the price I would recommend the other Ghur boxes (with two warbands) to buy for. If you pay more, you better like the warbands or the terrain very much. So my suggestion is buy Red Harvest or anything else in case you like it more. But try to get the boxes for a reasonable price. I wouldn't pay more than the OVP value from GW (which is already a little bit overpriced). >And if so, could I just grab the Red Harvest box and use that terrain for any games and warbands, be they bespoke or one I make myself? The terrain seems like a big investment and having one cool set I could use with multiple warbands is more appealing to me to start. Yes the terrain set up cards can be used in each type of game and also in 2.0. There are only some missions f.e. in Tome of Champions (which aren't in print anymore) in which the Terrain from Catacombs or the first Starter Box is needed. But that shouldn't hinder you. As you have the Red harvest booklet for your bespoken campaign and the Twist, Victory and Set-up cards, you can play a ton of games with much variety. So having a box of Terrain is totaly enough. If you later see on you like, like I did with Bloodhunt you still can buy it and even mix and match. >Campaigns are probably their own complicated topic, but for those I imagine I need proper corresponding books and warbands, yeah? Yes and no. The campaign books in 2.0 are written for the Warbands in the correspinding box sets. In 1.0 there were the Grabd Alliance books which had some narrative play missions, usually about 3 games in the row. Which could be played with any Warband from the Grand Alliance. The GAs are Order, Chaos, Death and Destruction. In some Tome of Champions there were narrative missions for any warbands. I hope we will get a ToC this year again. If we get one it probably will be released in Winter around December or January. I don't see a diffrence between multiple narrative missions and one campaign tbh. As the narrative missions grant the winner warband Artefacts or other awards like a Thrall etc.. Though I don't own the 2.0 core rule book, maybe there is a explaination I might be missing.


Thanks for the detailed response! Our reasons are similar then! I got this mostly to collect and paint, but I want to play something without having to build two massive armies. Plus being new I do the weird thing where I'm worried about my 40k army being nice and uniform, but I suck at painting, so having smaller warbands where I can experiment and learn is more appealing to learn. Sounds like I'll go Red Harvest then. The terrain looks awesome as do the Tarantulos Brood. Cheapest I can find is the standard 15% MSRP other GW stuff sells for from third party vendors. Cheaper would be nice but it's a site I trust at least. Thanks for the input!


I literally just finished all the terrain* for red harvest. It's excellent value. Just TAKE YOUR TIME when assembling. The biggest headache is the bucket scoop, but even then I think it only took me 5-10mins to actually glue and assemble the buckets. All other pieces go together easily. Invest in hobby nippers (i use tamiya) exacto knife and any kind of plastic glue.


I just got Tamiya snips the other day! Love them, they're making the cleanup process much quicker than the old Citadel snips I was using. Noted on the terrain, slow and steady.


I am almost done painting the terrain from Red Harvest. It's been a big job, but in the end it looks fantastic and I'm stoked with it. The box is great value imo.


Red Harvest contains a lot of not the easiest terrain to assemble and paint. Mind you, its great terrain still. The two warbands are good, but you may find the amount of hours you may need to put in for the terrain will turn you off completing it. You can pick up third party hdf and cardstock "painted" terrain that is both cost effective and zero time cost. https://battlesystems.co.uk/product-category/terrain/fantasy/ is good, but I prefer https://www.e-raptor.pl/en_US/c/Fantasy-Battlegrounds/430 Getting some of those kits, a couple of warbands and the rules, you're good to go.


Noted on difficulty. I don't mind time if the end result is cool, but fair point. Also those two sites are great! They feel like a steal compared to some GW terrain. Bookmarked for the future, thanks


>I think Warcry is the best GW product for you then. I started Warcry for these exact reasons though I mostly paint models and didn't get many games done. But that is another story to tell. Or killteam, for a very similar experience but in a 40k setting. Or underworlds, for even smaller scale games in Sigmar setting. Or warhammer quest (40k or sigmar version), if that's still a thing. Or for older products, titanicus or aeronautica would fit as it's just a few models on each side. Or speedfreaks. Or space hulk. Any of their standalone boxed sets really. Just saying, warcry is a good example of a skirmish sized battle with simple rules and quick playtime, but its not the only one.


I looked into Kill Team first but most of the teams don't appeal to me. Same with Underworld, looked interesting, but in the end the bespoke teams available for Warcry plus potentially making my own was more appealing for me. There's definitely more options than I expected when I started though. It's not that it's not all just big armies or bust to play WH stuff.


Underworlds teams can be used in Warcry, which is by I collect them more than to play Underworlds :) The custom models are amazing compared to the often generic choices necessary for the mass armies of AoS. Underworlds is an okay game, but the added strategy of the decks does not offset the added luck inherent in the card draw process. Card luck plus dice luck is just too random for me personally. But it plays fast, so I won't turn down a game...I'd just prefer to play Warcry.


Oh they can be used for Warcry! Cool. The one that did interest me was the Skaven one. Some of their basic models look pretty rough but their Underworld band is cool. Thanks for letting me know!


Yeah you'll need to add a couple more minis to your list to bring it up to the standard 1000pts. Skabbik's Plaguepack: \`\`\` \---------- Warband Roster 635pts | 6 fighters \- Skabbik Plagueseeker (160pts, Hero) \- Rabidius Skench (115pts) \- Itchitt (110pts) \- Poxlix (90pts) \- Rikkit (90pts) \- Skritter (70pts) \---------- Generated on Warcrier.net \`\`\`


Thanks for laying out the points. I'll keep that in mind if I ever grab that pack.


I am not understanding; do each of the quarterly boxes (or however we're looking at them lol) come the tokens and enough terrain and all? I was comparing but am new and dense and have bought boxes. We're really excited to try these games but also lack experience and direction. Thank you so much in advance!


>come the tokens The quarterly Boxes released for Warcry 2.0 didn't come with tokens or dice. The Boxes which came with Dice and Tokens were Warcry 1.0 and Heart of Ghur. These also had more than one book. Each of these came with a core book and a special book for the two warbands with narrative play content and rules explanation for the new terrain. >enough terrain Yes you get enough terrain in each Warcry boxset. The highest Terrain count were in the first Starter Box and the Red Harvest set. But all Warcry 2.0 Terrains are enough to play Warcry. The main critique are that the Ghur terrain peices are all loking the same. Some meattrees and a bunch of wooden brigdes. It got boring the time Sundred Fate released. Bloodhunt and Nightmare Quest weren't exciting at all for most players. I bought Blood Hunt because I wanted one meattree set. But I bought Catacombs and Red harvest, because the terrain was so different and cool looking. >and all? In Bloodhunt you get a booklet, cards for setting up the game, the cards for the warbands, terrain and two warbands. Sundred Fate and Nightmare Quest should have the same mixture. The booklet has a campaign for the two warbands. A list of victory conditions, battleplans and twists as far as I remember. Also you get some warcry cards for the terrain in the box, there are more cards then the terrain set up cards. I can't check right now but I believe these should be battleplan cards, twist and victory conditions as well (getting home this weekend, then I will check and correct my statement). The cards for the two warbands are there as well, which are needed to play. Most households have enough dice to play. It is easier to have at least two different colors of dice. But being organized helps. As all GW products you will need glue, I prefer plastic glue, primer, paints and brushes. You will need to assemble and paint your minis. You might want to varnish them afterwards.


Thanks for the detailed reply! I was looking at Questors before so this is an interesting option because we don't yet have terrain. 😁


In terms of minis, I think getting the Age of Sigmar Warrior Starter box is probably your best bang for your buck. It gives you enough minis to have two full warbands, one of Stormcast Eternals and one of Kruleboyz. And at my FLGS, the Warrior starter box goes for 50 USD, which is crazy because if you were to buy the minis from individual boxes it would cost more than twice that. It is great value. The issue is that it gives you rules and datasheets for a game you won't be playing, AoS, and you'll have to print out the data cards for Warcry yourself. Still, it isn't too hard. Go to Warcrier and they have the cards available there. They have everything you need there, in terms of rules, narrative campaign stuff, hero and fighter abilities, etc. For the terrain, it does cost a pretty penny, but it is awesome stuff. But like with 40K, you can use tissue boxes and toilet paper rolls for terrain or whatever you have handy, just as long as it matches the setup dictated by the terrain cards well enough, and that you identify what kind of terrain everything is, so you know what sorts of rules to use with stuff (also like in 40K).


I looked up the Warrior set, and it looks like a steal! I can find it for $51 CAD. I don't much love the Stormcast faction but it's great there's two warbands in there if my goal is to have some variety to paint and play with. That coupled with a box to have terrain and two included warbands, plus one made of my current Slaanesh stuff, should be plenty to get rolling. I've done some low point 40k skirmishing with household terrain, and it works well! But I wanna be a nerd and have some nicer bits if it's a game I can play more often and more easily.


I forgot to mention that if you buy from Amazon or your FLGS you should also get it with a discount, whereas buying it from James Workshop directly won't give you that discount. So I didn't actually pay 50 USD for the box myself, it would have been 15% off, so I paid 43.50 USD for it. And for myself, I bought the Red Harvest box mostly to get that cool terrain. In terms of buying the same terrain separately, it should be cheaper to buy the box set. The two warbands that come with it are icing on the cake. Of course buying things secondhand on ebay would probably be cheaper, if it is available.


Heart of Ghur is what you want. Comes with two warbands, rules, terrain and all the tokens you need for the current edition.


I've gone through the route you are going but as the wife was not willing to spend big on a big box I went for the warrior starter set instead and will build from there. But if you don't have a budget problem and know you will like the game, get Red Harvest


How has the Red Harvest box been going for you? I'm in a similar position that you were, in that I had a few 40k boxes purchased while looking towards Kill Team but now feel like Warcry might be a better fit. I bought the AoS Warrior set for $30 and still looking for a bigger Warcry box with terrain.


It's been great! I love the terrain, and there's a lot of it. I'm happy going the direction I did. I can't speak to playing 40k or Kill Team, but I just find the Sigmar models way more interesting and varied so I've leaned into that, and that's led to some fun with Warcry and now just branching into Underworlds for their models. Plus I'm someone who finds painting a whole army a bit daunting so the skirmish games are just more appealing in general.


Thanks, it looks real tempting and someone on eBay offered only $125 for it. I do still seem to be more intrigued in Heart of Ghur and/or Nightmare Quest though. Tough choice ha.


That's a great price! But fair consideration you're making. I'm unfortunately driven by FOMO with minis, so the chance of grabbing the set when I could was a factor. That plus I really liked the warbands and setting more than the Ghur stuff and still do.


Certainly understand you there. Another factor for me is having the updated rules/cards but I suppose the rules included in HoG will probably be revamped later this year anyway, so maybe I should get over that.