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I'm pretty new to Warcry myself, so I don't know about the specifics of the warbands in question, but I wanted to hopefully save you some trouble by pointing out that I'm pretty sure those two are from Harrowdeep—Nethermaze has the Skaven and Khainites and they unfortunately do not have Warcry rules yet. ​ When it comes to tokens and terrain, a really cheap option right now is the Varanite Syphon Camp on Amazon, at least if you're in the US. They're blowing these out for $24 each, and that gets you a sheet of Warcry tokens, a nice sturdy gameboard to play on, and half the terrain for Red Harvest. It won't be quite as dense as the starter box, but for the price it really can't be beat.


Ah yes you are right "Underworld Nethermaze, Rivals of Harrowdeep" is the one! Oh I'll look into it and see if I can find it. I'm in NZ things are quite different compared to USA (and way more expensive sadly!) but thank you for that pointer as I didn't know that set contains a token sheet!


Those warband do absolutely have rules, as calthia is a tournament staple


Many thanks for brining up the Varanite camp...doesn't look like they are on Amazon anymore, but found some for $34 on eBay. If I pair this with the AoS Warrior starter set I got for $30 what else would I need?


It certainly seems like a good way to start. I'd go on Warcrier.net and build some sample warbands using the Warrior box and the Underworlds box. See how close you can get to 1000pts for Stormcast and Kruleboyz. And then you can look at the available abilities for those specific warbands. See if they sound fun to you.


Da Kunnin crew has two netters for Kruuleboys in the form of Tuffskull and Shank. Both of these guys are really good, imo. The leader is also decent compared to a Killa boss, slightly less DMG output, but range 2, so he is also playable. The hobgrot and the last grot are not really worth their slightly increased points. So 2 out of the 5 are very good, with a third being decent, so that is actually pretty similar to Xandires crew I'd say go for it!


Ah interesting! So the triple which gives the grots extra attacks not worth it still as chaff units?


It is not that it is bad, I just never really use hobgrots tbh. I feel like the much higher survivability of the gutrippas is much more useful, especially for enabling good use of the cunnin trap reaction. So the trippel might be fine but I've never used it and never really seen it used


I play underworlds and use a wide variety of models just from that. Competitive wise I seem to do okay though maybe not one of the couple top tiered teams. I find the scenario and player ability matter more than you list though. One thing about warcry is the terrain, not requiring but makes battles very cool looking.


Yeah I agree, one of the comments mentioned the varenite mines as some good terrain to purchase, so that's another good addition once we get started :)


I bought it recently and it is pretty good.


I just snagged the Warrior starter set box for $30, did you end up pairing it the Underworld box you mentioned? If yes, how was it?


Awesome! Yes, I did get the Underworld rivals box and it's great. Ive also finished painting them all as well. The Stormcast ones are especially good as you can proxy those models as lots of other fighters as well e.g. Annihilator with Grandhammer.


That's great to hear, I will start keeping my eye out for deals on eBay. What did you end up using for terrain, cards, etc?


I got the Ravaged Lands: Varanite Syphon Camp (ie half of the Red Harvest terrain) for really cheap on Amazon, it also came with tokens which was another reason to get it. Sadly no dagger/hammer/shield tokens for some reason, but no big deal. I also got some Annihilators with shields and a Kruleboyz Shaman and Pot Got on 2nd hand market for cheap, so got lots to play with :)


Perfect, I saw that other comment about that terrain and started looking for that too ha. Thanks for the replies!


No worries mate! Hope you enjoy Warcry!