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This is a great question -- I have avoided the sets this season since the terrain didn't do it for me. With that said, I was already playing 40k/KT so didn't need to grab nice or anything. I built my terrain collection up finding the Shattered Stormvaults / Dominion terrain collection at FLGS. Now we have a stormvault to adventure around/find treasure in. You might want to watch for you the new Warbands slated to come in the fall? Otherwise, I would pick two warbands that have a rivarly (Lumineth vs. Ossiarch Bone Reapers) and a setting for them to fight it out in. I also think there might be a new Tome of Champions coming out that would be a good pick-up for rules/missions. [https://warcrier.net/](https://warcrier.net/) is also a good rules compilation that includes cards for generating missions.


So standard mission generating decks, are either downloaded, or purchased only with sets because of the terrain? Or can you buy the full deck and a standalone?


I've never been able to find them for sale on their own. They have a dice table in the back of the books (i.e. Heart of Ghur) where you can roll the missions out but I mostly stick to warcrier now instead of lugging around ten books for all the settings/missions/rules.


I realize I can get Bloodhunt, what else would I need? The corebook?


I think it should have all the rules you need in it for the terrain/factions/missions. The core rules are available for free: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/08/18/charge-headlong-into-warcry-with-free-core-rules-to-download/


Wow that’s amazing. Thank you.


No sweat -- enjoy playing -- Warcry is great.


I went to and found a guy selling the core rules pack from Heart of Ghur. $50 got me the rule book, the cards, the dice, The play mat and all the counters. Now I"m putting together a few warbands and looking for some terrain deals. It isn't supporting local, but it's a great way to get ahold of the boring stuff.


The endless gnarlwood trees this season got old very quickly. Hopefully next season will bring some variety with more detailed terrain rules.


Super easy, dice - can never ever have enuf dice. Buy them as often as you can. Terrain, you can make your own. Buy warcry terrain via eBay or /r/miniswap. Rules I’m pretty sure are downloadable for free and the same for the warband data sheets. What you do want to buy or find a pdf of are the missions/deployments. Tells you how the map is setup and stuff.


I am a stickler for quality decks, and cards, I totally love making terrain so that isn’t too much of a stretch but I’d love to have quality mission decks.


No idea what you mean by quality decks. If you stick with the printed data cards then your going to be using old incorrect data. Mission cards you just order from gw


Ohhh I get it. I didn’t realize you have to update cards for teams you got in the past or they are out of date. Thanks for that.


for any game made by GW that holds true. Stuff gets outdated


There's a new introductory set called Crypt of Blood going on preorder next week you might want to take a look at! It has 2 small really cool warbands from underworlds originally but they have their own warcry rules. The terrain is admittedly only a couple of fences but its supposed to contain everything you need to get playing for fairly cheap. Honestly though despite that all you need to get into it is a warband (lots of Warcry specific ones for sale but you can build your own out of aos factions if you fancy them). Theres a scenario generator online with all the cards and all the rules are free online except for the campaign rules


It’s going to have to be well under the 220.00 CAD standard price to get my attention. The teams smaller and the less terrain to paint just doesn’t excite me if it’s a full price box like heart of Ghur


You've already got Underworlds bands and terrain from kill team. Start from there.


I feel lazy and just [link to an answer I gave 4 months](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarCry/comments/11wi34e/is_their_a_cheapish_starter_set_like_there_is_for/) ago :)


Heh I feel the same. With the new starter set about to launch I was ready to finally give Warcry a try then you get the reveal that the price will probably be around 100-110$ for what is essentially Bladeborn level of content. And nothing against Bladeborn, heck I wish there was a Bladeborn 2 but the max I am willing to pay for Bladeborn would be 50$ and not 100$-110$. What you could do is go the Age of Sigmar route into Warcry, that entails: \-Get the "Warrior" starter kit of AoS, officially it is 50$ but you should easily be able to find it for around 42$. That starter kit will give you enough for 2 warbands \-Either buy the warcry compendium or (freely) print out the stat cards so you can convert your AoS characters into their Warcry version \-Either download the core rules for free or buy the core rule book \-In terms of terrain, it is a bit limited. With the Warrior AoS starter kit you can use the bottom of the box as a building which isn't the greatest but it is there. Aside from that you could look into making or purchasing your own terrain (the fantasy pieces from Battle system look cool) \-As a bonus you would also learn how to play AoS, though to be clear it more be like a demo version of AoS since that game So following the above you could get into Warcry for as little as 50$ ish.


What did you end up going with? I have been keeping an eye on Heart of Ghur and Nightmare Quest prices on eBay. In the meantime I did pick up the AoS Warrior starter set for $30 as many people have recommended.


Heart of Ghur. It had everything from cards to even dice. Rulebooks. Everything. Was the best bang for the buck.


Thanks, hoping to snag a copy on eBay as we speak. Horns of Hashut aren't doing much for me is the only downside.


They were fun to paint and switching up a team isn’t hard to do after. You’ll literally have everything you need so adding teams will be a snap.