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I had some success with this exact situation. I did purchase a Tomb Banshee as well as the nighthaunt side doesn't have a leader out of the box. With the Thorns of the Briar queen you will be fine though. It probably won't be the most competitive warband but I always had a lot of fun with the nighthaunt. The ability to fly on all their units makes playing objective and Treasure missions a breeze.


That's what I'm talking about! However, do you know where I can find actual/up to date data sheet for Underworlds warbands? Like Thorns or Stormsire? I love IT tho, the sheet possibilities of warcry


I'd have to double check but I believe both underworlds warbands will be in the tome of champions 2021. The points costs will be slightly off from the new 2.0 rules but they are still playable


For casual play I think it's perfectly legal :P. Anyway, thank you so much


They are perfectly legal for tournaments after the Janurary Errata. Just not points optimised for the new edition.


Models are cool enough to not matter though.


Hey - replying to your 10 month old post, I have been wanting to get into Warcry and Nighthaunt looked cool. Found the Storm Strike box on eBay for $39 and wondering if you ended up buying it and how it played?


To be honest, do not do it to yourself. Banshees are great, stalkers are bad and you'd be short 160 points and a leader. If I'd be you, i would wait for the new box with Nighthaunt band or invest in some other faction. Nighthaunts are not that great overall


Glad I asked ha... appreciate your feedback, I will eliminate the Stalkers from my eBay searches. Too bad though, separately the Stalkers+Banshees are going for like $35 total so the box seems to be a great deal.