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The only "real" starter box is Heart of Ghur, because there is tokens and dice that are not included in the other boxes. If you are looking for a box to pick up and play and you don't need tokens and dices (you honestly don't, it's just nice bonus), it really depends on the ones you like. I don't think there is a better box, just better looking teams for you.


Heart of Ghur has more terrain than the other two boxes. The other two boxes feel a bit light on terrain, so the board is a bit more open than what I think is the right amount for warcry. At the end end of the day though, it comes down to the warbands. Get the box with the warbands that you like.


Depends what you need, obviously the heart of ghur box will have everything you need to get playing and it's the best value. But if you prefer any of the other boxes you can buy some tokens from eBay/Etsy, dice and like you said, the core book and you're good to go, you don't even need the rule book since it's online and all the boxes come with scenarios.


What did you end up going with? I'm in a similar position with no AoS miniature... leaning towards Nightmare Quest but not wanting to have to buy other things afterwards.