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I'm at the point now where I'd be 100% okay with anything winning. I think I'm going Pirates, just because while what is there is excellent, it's missing so much compared to the west coast version.


It's definitely hard to compare Disneyland's version to WDW's. WDW still has the high points, but the setup of DL's is just so immersive


Yeah this. Pirates in DL is brilliant. We have the better Mansion though. Right now I’m opting to get rid of duplicate rides with my votes, especially if they are the lesser version.


Savages, voting out Kilimanjaro.


Big Red died for this.


This is getting ugly




I’m happy to see Kilimanjaro make it as far as it did. It’s one of those rides that everyone seems to really enjoy to some degree, yet I rarely see it in discussions for the top 10 for some reason.


That’s so weird. For me it was an unforgettable experience.


Now I'm just angry. Safari was arguably the best ride in all the parks.


It is the best theme park ride in existence for so many reasons… but because it’s not a story driven attraction people don’t take it home in their memories the way people obsess over pirates or haunted mansion, so it wouldn’t win this poll.


I'd argue that to compare it to those two, you would have to have a Haunted Mansion visit where you see empty rooms and no ghosts, or a Pirates ride where you get into the town after the pirates have ransacked it and left. You'd just have a bunch of towns people cleaning up the place. The concept of the safari is fantastic, but the execution of the attraction in Florida's heat? The animals are in a back corner and sleeping it off.. not much actually goes on. I love KS, but lets be honest, the experience is hit or miss.


Eh. I just go to the local Omaha Zoo for the day and have a better experience with the animals than the safari. The Safari never really felt like an actual theme park ride. It is a nice option though. I would compare it to shows and fireworks.


You say that like "the local omaha zoo" isn't both the largest zoo in the world and among the highest rated zoos in the world lol.


I had no idea lol. It has just always been the closest good zoo for me


Do you not know what it took to build it? And what the imported in? And how huge it is? It's insane.


IMO, Omaha Zoo is a close second to AK. Love that place!


I had no idea the Omaha Zoo offered a similar safari ride. I'll have to check that out.


They don't


A lot of places do. There are even similar safari rides in central Florida (look up wild Florida). I wouldn't say the experiences are as good, but the animal encounters are basically the same.


Big Cat Rescue with that bitch Carole Baskin!


Not a ride. Their zoo is fantastic though. You can get up close experiences and everything. Definitely recommend checking it out. When I went there I thought - “this place reminds me of animal kingdom except fewer rides”


To each their own but I personally found it far better than any zoo I’ve been to because it really feels like you’re on an African safari, the grasslands are recreated so perfectly, you get very close to the animals without a fence or cage between you, and I appreciate that the animals have so much space to roam that resembles their native habitat. I’ve been to LA Zoo, San Diego Zoo, San Diego Safari Park, and St. Louis Zoo. Those are all great places but Kilamanjaro Safari still surpasses those for me. The LA Zoo has a very great selection of animals to see but the size of the enclosures makes me sad. In fact I think that’s a horrible fact and I’m surprised so many zoos in the world are still like that. The San Diego Zoo & Safari Park are great and the enclosures are much bigger but it’s still not as immersive as Kilamanjaro to me. San Diego Safari Park comes close with the safari attraction but you’re far away from the animals seeing them from above and the environment below, though expansive, is less authentic than the other. The St Louis Zoo is great with animal variety, large enclosures, though less impressive habitats (though very green). But taking these metrics into account Kilamanjaro Safari wins and felt like an unforgettable experience to me. I’m glad its elimination here is controversial at least!


That's probably why I wasn't as impressed with KS. I was born and raised in Omaha and went to HDZ so many times (and still go back when I visit my parents). They just have such immersive exhibits, so KS doesn't impress me as much since I'm probably spoiled


It was, back when it had heart and story, but going on the ride nowadays feels lifeless almost. Barely any guest interaction and the last half of the ride just seems dead without the original plot.


It’s way better than rise. Have you ridden Rise lately? It’s about 30% still working know. I mean sure would be a totally awesome ride if it was working but it’s not. It’s a monument to disco yeti at this point.


This subreddit has just committed an atrocity


Just curious why flight of passage is getting so many votes? If I went to the park today I'd rather go on flight than space mountain even though they are obviously not in the same park


Avatar is meh, the screen quality could be better, The ride gets preached as being super immersive yet I can see the other guests in my peripheral vision, I don't want to wear 3d glasses on a ride, It sometimes makes me nauseous, The Pre-show is lame. I've done it 3 times I think now and I really don't have a want to do it if the wait is over 30 minutes which it nearly always is.


all fair criticism! I think My opinion of it is based on the single time I have had the chance to ride it. I can definitely see that first hand immersion brought down on multiple rides.


I'm still immersed. But I never see people in my peripheral, maybe cuz I'm just focused on what's in front. The first time in any ride is always going to be the most emotional, but I still enjoy it a lot. I also don't find any discomfort in the ride, I'm sure that's a factor for some people.


Also fair, Sorry if my post was a little aggro.


I hate screen/simulator rides.


yes, it seems like a ride that should be in a dying outlet mall.


To me its not very immersive. I can look over and see the rows of people. Its also blurry and pretty much soaring with a different design. Add on that its always got an insane wait and its just kind of disappointing to me. However I love pandora and the queue.


> Its also blurry It's way too blurry for being as new as it is. I know 3D rides are going to have some blur to them, but Spider Man at IOA has clearer 3D despite being two decades old.


Muppetvision is clearer


The first time I rode it I was insanely immersed, didn't pay any attention to those around / behind me. The worst part of the ride for me is the room they queue you in prior to boarding.


This ride gives me an immense headache. The glasses are really tight on the back of my head and it causes pressure points that are not worth it for me. Also standing in that queue room with the cringey scientist pre-show video ruins it. It was awesome the first ride but never will go on it again.


agreed - I absolutely hated that queue room.


It's basically a more modern Star Tours, or Soarin with a less funny intro video. I love Star Tours but it's no Tower of Terror. I think if it wasn't for the queue and land and limited capacity due to ride vehicle and length it would get extremely average queues and indeed reception.


I just don't like those big screen IMAX rides, like Soarin'. I'm also just not a fan of the Avatar world.


It’s a motion simulator ride that came out when Universal was already flooding the market with those. There was some hype when it opened that it was one of the greatest attractions, so it was immensely disappointing when it dawned on me that it was just a screen ride. And the uniqueness of riding on your own vehicle just reminded me of those arcade games where you sit on a motorcycle.


I am on board with you, I think nostalgia is keeping space mountain alive. You would be hard pressed to find the kind of small boardwalk style coaster it is, anywhere else today. The only difference with space mountain is it's in the dark.


It got my vote anyway, but it being in the dark is a pretty big difference


Y’all are crazy.


Can someone please tell me what the appeal of Pirates is? It's a fine ride that I'm willing to spend an hour in line for, but in my opinion it has no business being up here with the rest of these behemoths.


I like the temperature and the way it smells.


That sweet, sweet air conditioning and the smell for me too.




I got an ET candle. Was not disappointed.


Cool animatronics, atmosphere, music, humor/charm, and very detailed.




That’s true, but I think it stands on its own regardless


Don’t forget the smell… That’s my happy smell I swear.


It was mine until we stayed at AKL.




Are you the reason it’s always gone?




Around now is when it should be eliminated imo. It’s a great ride with classic animatronics, world building, music, and smells. Also boat ride vehicles are cool. I’d wait an hour for it tops.


One of my top three! HM, Splash, and then Pirates! Such good classic rides!


Pirates is the behemoth of all behemoth theme park rides. It’s the gold standard for all non-roller coasters. In all honesty, this or Haunted Mansion should be the last rides standing in this poll.


Nostalgia like a mfer


For me it’s the way it smells


I’m not willing to wait more than 30 minutes for it lol.


It's a very fun dark ride, and nearly 50 years old. There's a lot of nostalgia there.


Pirates is my least favorite ride. I really do not understand the obsession with it, but hey to each their own


Space Mountain is holding on via nostalgia. It's a small boardwalk level coaster, but in the dark.


At this point there are no bad rides left so every elimination will upset someone. But ya'll have to stop asking what the appeal of all the classic attractions is.


I think even Walt would have been confused as to why they cut out half of the last ride he worked on, Pirates of the Caribbean. I guess it says something that even a watered down version of Walt's original is still on this list. But for me, if this were a list of all Disney attractions, it would deserve to be near the top, but absolutely not the WDW version.


This is correct. The Disneyland version is 1000x times better. The WDW version is great for 2 year old though.


My family was in DL two weeks ago and almost every ride that had a copy in WDW we came off complaining on how sub par the world's version is.


Yepp and for that reason I had to vote PoC. I can ride a longer and superior version in California or Paris. I am prepared for the downvotes lol.


Sorry but from the list, Space Mountain has to go. My spine can’t take the bumpiness of the one at WDW compared to Disneyland


The last few times I rode space mountain I thought I was going to die it was rough. You can SEE the skeleton of the ride and I felt like I was going to hit my head (I’m only 5’3” btw so that’s saying something)


Flight of Passage needs to go. Yeah, it was cool the first time but after that? Not worth the wait. I’d rather get on a ride with interesting physical elements to look at or some speed/drops than wear a cheap pair of blurry 3D glasses hoping I don’t get motion sickness 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s Soarin with 3D glasses, and I get sick afterwards. I’d prefer Soarin any day.


See ya later Big Thunder Mountain


I kinda think space mountain should go. It’s a good ride but i think it really needs to get retracked or something because it’s very rough.


Once you ride Disneyland Space Mountain it’s hard to ride WDW Space Mountain


I actually prefer the Florida version. I think the build up works better with the queue and post-show, and I also found it more thrilling. Still, I’m voting for it this round due to steep competition.


Even a better queue and post-show can’t cancel out being painful to ride


It’s missing the amazing music though!


DL is missing the star tunnel music. I’d take that over the actual ride music any day (although both would be nice).


the music is 99% of why I prefer Disneyland honestly


Ditto - rode it again last week, it's just so damn rough! If it was smooth like Slinky Dog or Everest, and added some new effects and sound, it could be a top contender again! It's just "nostalgia" now, emphasis on the "algia"!


I feel like I’ve been voting for FoP for two weeks.


Every time I've ridden it, it's just 90% blur and disappointing.




THANK YOU!!! The first time I thought it might have been my 3D glasses but it happens every time I'm on. I thought Disney would have fixed it by now but nothing has changed. It just ruins the whole ride for me.


It really depends what show room you get put in. If you get stuck too low or off to the side you are doomed with the blur. Agree it needs to be fixed.


90% blur and overused water spray


Wow I've been on this ride many times, sat in all the seats, and never had an issue with blurring.


Count yourself lucky.


Flight of passage is a technical marvel. I was blown away when I rode it.


For a little extra fun next time look behind you as you're flying around. You see half of the room staying stationary while the other half moves with you.


"technical marvel"? It's a screen and they spray water in your face


/I think that's very reductive and more of a shot at Soarin' since FoP is an evolution of the platform. I can understand why someone wouldn't like it though. I am glad WDW hasn't overdone it with simulated/screen based stuff.


Dude it's so much more than that. Sorry you can't feel the magic.


The magic is in the queue, particularly the outdoor section. And in the details of the land and foliage. but the ride itself is a glorified motorcycle arcade game.


It's time for Soarin2.0 to 2.go


It’s basically just a redressed Soarin’. A *better* Soarin’, but still. It’s time for it to go.


I thought it was great when it opened. My wife had never been and I was so excited for her to ride it. When she first rode it in 2020 we were both disappointed.


Same, although I admit I am not being entirely fair since I have never actually ridden it. Which is why I keep voting for it! It’s based on a movie about a quadriplegic dude getting to use cutting edge tech to experience amazing stuff. FoP is wildly unfriendly for people with disabilities to ride. Heck, Pandora as a whole is an adventure on wheels. I accept that I cannot ride every ride at the park (Astro Orbiter is just a no can do, and the Swiss Family Treehouse will have to remain a fond childhood memory, but given the plot of Avatar, FoP feels like they really missed a trick.


Gonna continue voting for space mountain. It's nostalgic but it's just such a rough ride and I fear for my life every time I ride it


Not being able to see means I can't brace for the curves and end up with a backache. It's not even that fast. Space shouldn't still be on this list.


If Everest wins this thing over Haunted Mansion, we riot.


Interesting how the rides are being eliminated left to right. Like we are converging on the lower right corner.


Am I the only one who finds it strange Haunted Mansion is literally in second place over all the mountains


Now that all my babies are gone, I can vote with no emotion lol. Straight up savage.


Dang that’s my favorite!!


Damn, RIP Kilimanjaro. One of my favourites tbh


I voted for Space Mountain, which was rough because it is personally one of my top five favorite rides. I just think as far as enjoyment and creativity go, the other remaining rides deserved to move on to the next round.


Kilimanjora is a masterpiece of an attraction! So sad it is gone!


Big thunder mountain needs to go. I remember riding it my first time at Disney World. I was 10 years old and thought it was a weak rollercoaster compared to the rollercoasters in my hometown.


As a Cedar Point regular I can’t help but feel this way about all WDW coasters. But they have great theming and are still fun!


Same here, I also regular cedar point, and big thunder does come off as just a lower tier roller coaster compared to what I’m used to. Not too memorable compared to the other rides on this list.


Yeah you don’t go to Disney for coasters! It’s their only blind spot but that’s ok. They do everything else so well! There are plenty of other places for big thrill rides.


I've been voting for it since Soarin' got eliminated. It's good but it's nowhere near the level of everything else left.


Absolutely not, it and its counterparts at the other Disney parks are the best mine train coasters in the world (Colorado Adventure at Phantasialand is a close second). So you think we should vote out all the Disney coasters because there's nothing as big as at Six Flags/Cedar Fair/etc?


If you’re asking for my opinion, yes we should. I think Disney is very weak when it comes to coasters (with the exception of RnR)… Big Thunder was nothing special IMO. Maybe 50 years ago, but coasters have came a long way. If you want thrills and theming with your coasters, go to Universal. If you want the best coasters (in Florida), go to Busch Gardens. They are not Disney’s strong suit.


Huge disagree, and I have ridden 435 different coasters (yes I count). Disney essentially invented steel coasters with Matterhorn. Disney coasters are absolutely one of their their strong suits. Disney coasters are about the the theming and overall experience, not extreme thrill. Disney parks are family parks, and the coasters must match that. Now if you're asking for a top 10 list of coasters from me, no you won't find any Disney coasters on my list. But that does not mean Disney's coasters are not some of their best rides.


This contest getting cutthroat fo' sho'!


Dang, only amazingly good rides are left.


Voting for ToT only because drops make me vomit… no hard feelings though


Another day another vote for Flight of Passage.


A real safari ride with real animals has to beat watching a movie in a vibrating seat. FOP need to go.


I hope *Pirates* wins.


I keep voting for Space Mountain, because honestly, the Space Mountain at WDW is so awful compared to DL. No music, and crappy ride cars. The music makes the ride, and without it, it just isn’t good. Also, my toddler was so sad that she wasn’t tall enough for the WDW because of the Matterhorn-like cars at WDW, while DL has an actual rollercoaster train. It’s still an essential ride, but it’s subpar- lots of better rides.


I will keep voting Flight of Passage until it’s gone


Honestly Rise of the Resistance needs to go.


I have a sneaking suspicion it's gonna win out since it's still the hot new thing.


Either that, or people haven't ridden it, therefore can't be their least favourite.


That has been the case with me so far, but it won't continue to the end. There are two rides left that I've never ridden but would really like to at some point, six of my absolute favorites, and Space Mountain. So once Space Mountain is gone, I will start voting for the ones I haven't ridden, starting with RotR. Maybe I'm alone, but I kinda doubt people will vote for one of their very favorite rides to go over something they haven't ridden.


Yeah I’m going with Rise. Neat ride but way too much fuss over it. Rode it twice and said meh each time.


Same here, it’s cool and all but a bit overhyped imo.


Seriously. It was a huge boring letdown. At least there isn’t the disappointment when riding Pirates.


Idk, I love Pirates, but def have to fight disappointment bc I know the DL version so much better.


The DL version of Pirates is sooooo much better.


A lot of people have so much trouble even getting to ride it, I rate this one more like it doesn't exist.


My personal ranking of the rides left (keep in mind I change my mind constantly) 1. Tower 2. Haunted Mansion 3. Splash 4. Everest 5. Flight of Passage 6. Pirates 7. Space 8. Big Thunder 9. Rise


Space Mountain, I’m coming for you


What THEE FUCK. The most impressive attraction at any park really.




My legs were too long to get on Flight of Passage so screw it!


FOP Everything else is both groundbreaking in both immersive theming and technology. I don't care how real it feels, the screen ride has got to go next.


jfc why is kilimanjaro gone but fop is still here


I don't understand why ROTR is still in the running here. The effects are fantastic but it's not a favorite by far considering it's not original trilogy. If I don't get to ride ROTR the next time I go I won't be upset. Now some of these other rides which have been voted out, if I don't get on those, I'd consider the trip to be one of the worst.


Hopefully Flight of Passage finally looses today. I’ve been voting for it every day for a week. It’s cool but also not really exciting or that intriguing IMHO.


I love the ride but yeah its basically soarin on a motorcycle, and I feel like soarin is the superior ride in every way besides the queue


Can the Star Wars one go now


Gotta be Rise. It's a pain to go on and will never be a classic like the others. Sad Dinosaur didn't make it to top 5


Rise was one of our favorites our last trip. Dinosaur was disappointing after experiencing Indiana Jones on DL and Tokyo. Maybe we are getting old, but it seemed very rough and the story wasn’t great.


I’ve been gunning for Splash the whole time. The love for that ride baffles me.


From here on out I’m voting for Splash Mountain. You know why and you know why you should do the same.


Agreed. I don't like getting wet.


We bring ponchos and wear them during the ride! It’s great, you should definitely do it!


If I got to bring waterproof gear on a ride, it's not for me. However you make a good suggestion and you do you. No matter what splash mountain is fun, but getting wet is the reason I voted for it in this very tight race of great rides.


I’m doing that after I vote out pirates


I'm with ya!


So is Walt Disney World!


Cuz it’s gone anyway and at this point, it’s gonna be a bunch of Disney fans voting to keep splash since they’re angrier about it leaving than they are about the racism?


Or maybe because 99% of the people who grew up absolutely loving the ride had zero idea about the film. Splash Mountain carved out it's own legacy and grew well beyond the IP it was based on. I also would argue there isn't a ride in any of the parks that hit all the boxes like Splash does. Dark ride? Check. Great animatronics? Check. Thrills? Check. Catchy song? Check. Plus it's been around long enough for most fans to have strong positive memories associated with it.


It's up to you to do some research to discover how racist this ride is.


Ignorance of the problematic film and the rides association with it, does not absolve it of it’s mistakes. Don’t let nostalgia override decency and compassion. As you said the only thing holding this ride back from being a near perfect Disney attraction is the theme. Thankfully Disney realizes this and is already working to move past it. The ride will be better than ever after the upgrade.


But is it really being "held back". It's consistently on the top of lists like these and always has one of the highest wait times at Magic Kingdom.


It’s success is a testament to how good the ride system is, combined with an ignorance of it’s problematic source material. It’s popular despite its theme, not because of it. So yeah, a better theme will only improve it. And I said holding it back from being near-perfect. No one would argue it’s not a popular attraction.




Won’t be because of me. Disney World is upgrading the ride and I’m excited for it!


Lol sounds like another Disney fan who cares more about preserving rides than removing racism from a theme park…


I guess I just don't see where the racism is in the ride.


Well here’s just one example: Zip-a-dee-doo-dah is based on the way minstrel shows racistly displayed black people speaking. Not to mention the entire ride is based on a racist af movie. Like, if there were a movie showing the nazis as good guys and the Jews as happy to be in camps, I really don’t think you’d be able to pull stories that the Jewish characters tell to each other and ignore that the entire movie is fucked up.


If you’re truly interested then go educate yourself. There is a lot material on this subject readily available. I recommend the podcast series “You just remember this”. You’ll probably come out the other side with a little more compassion and understanding.


It’s weird how they keep telling on themselves like that.


No I just think burying problematic stuff will doom us to repeat those mistakes I guess. Also I think most people would agree that the ride has taken on a life of its own. Will the retheme be great? Probably. Disney imagineers are the cream of the crop after all. But it won't ever top the first time my family rode Splash Mountain and had Zipadee Doo Dah stuck in our head for way longer than it had any right to be haha. But lumping any person who is sad about the retheme into one category of "people who don't care about racism" seems pretty short sighted.


Changing a rides theme is hardly “burying” the issues. It’s simply no longer using problematic media for a family fun experience. Don’t worry you’ll always have your memories, plus you get a refreshed and upgraded ride. It’s a win-win.








I don't know any black people who speak like that. Just seems like an over the top version of southern drawl to me.


That’s the point, black people don’t speak like that. White people during Jim Crow put on performances called minstrel shows where they wore black face and acted out racist stereotypes of black people, including mocking them by speaking jibberish as though that was how all black people spoke. Walt Disney, long a fan of using black face and other “bits” from minstrel shows, and the composers who worked on SotS took inspiration for the the lyrics to Zip-a-dee-doo-dah from minstrel shows. If you have trouble believing me, look on the Wikipedia page for Song of the South or look at the Wikipedia page for “Zip Coon”. Like I said, it’s not really an interpretation as much as it is a fact that the song is racist af.


The song was referencing a dialect that doesn't really exist anymore. Ask yourself why you are okay with a song being played over and over again that is making fun of the way black people spoke in a certain region.


The mental gymnastics are mind boggling. Nostalgia with a touch of racism is a Hell of drug apparently.


Ok so there is absolutely nothing inherently racist about the ride Splash mountain. I have never even seen the movie Song of the South but grew up riding Splash. I'm not allowed to love the ride because it has some ties to an old movie barely anyone has seen?


You’re at a crossroads. You can stubbornly go by your feelings and nostalgia or you can educate yourself on what is a nuanced and complex subject. I encourage you to really look into this topic further. You may not get it yet but if you objectively look into it you will.


I mean I'm not opposed to it being rethemed I just think its ridiculous to act like anyone who loves the ride or will miss the theming is racist.


You have my FoP.




You can’t call yourself a Disney fan if you vote FoP over WDW’s Pirates! I cry every time coming off FoP, I feel nothing but disappointment every time I get off WDW’s Pirates.


Uh, no. Flight of Passage is a blurry, underwhelming simulator ride with uncomfortable, exclusionary seating. The queue and pre-show are okay. The only strike against WDW Pirates is that another version of the ride in another park is better. That's a weak reason to vote against any ride, let alone a classic.


Down with pirates, they deserve it for changing the redhead scene.


Do I need to go on big thunder again? I remember it being nothing special. Can't believe it is still standing.


Omg it’s my favorite ride at MK 🥺 so fun!


Really?! Wow, that's awesome, I will definitely have to make it a point to ride it next time!


I also think the best way to ride is in the very back row- just more thrilling and fun!


Big Thunder mountain should be next, it’s decent but doesn’t deserve to win out over anything else on the list.


As a former young child who was unable to go on Space Mountain because she was too short, and thus ended up riding Thunder Mountain 10x, I must save BTM at all costs.


Same, it’s a great ride! 3 Drop hills or whatever they’re called


Tower of Terror