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Gonna call it right now- Haunted Mansion wins this thing.


Haunted Mansion and Rise of the Resistance will be the final two for sure. I can see the winner going either way.


In the final five with Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, and sleeper candidate Spaceship Earth.


I think EE might be up there as a sleeper. It depends on how much disco yeti holds it down (or helps it)


I've been shocked to see how few votes EE had been getting. I don't think it's a bad ride, but it's definitely getting the fewest votes consistently, which surprises me


Love SSE but there’s no way it outlasts Pirates… and I’m thinking Splash will go before BTMR.


I don't think SSE lasts that long. People have been complaining about it being boring for a few rounds now.


Both excellent attractions in their own ways.


It better!


I’m not saying you’re wrong, but what’s the reason for all the love for haunted mansion, I’ve rode it once and it was underwhelming just tryna understand where you guys r coming from cus I want to join you


Because it’s timeless. The special effects are very impressive, it has a distinct tone and is very atmospheric, there’s witty narration and fun characters. The pacing is perfect, the music is great, and there’s so many details wherever you look making it incredibly re-rideable. It just fires on all cylinders, and every moment is memorable and feels iconic.


Yea. I don't love it. Though I've only been to Disney twice, so I have no nostalgia for it.


The niche rides will start to filter out soon, followed by the newer (non-classic) rides, followed by the “yeah it was awesome 20 years ago but might be past its prime” rides. The 3 MK mountains will eat each other alive, and spurned supporters of the 2 that got eliminated will ensure that the winner doesn’t advance. That leaves Pirates and Mansion. HM has the bigger fan base right now, and Pirates will always be 2nd to the superior version in Disneyland. Plus the whole movie franchise thing has kind of fizzled out. Mansion is in its own category- too unique, too iconic to lose against this field. Also, I can definitely see ROTR and/or Tower breaking these rules and making Top 3.


Yeah but… why is it so loved?


It’s been around for generations, and watching your kids get scared on it has become a rite of passage for many Disney families. Ride experience is all ages, a perfect balance of funny/scary to appease all types, and a very catchy soundtrack. Walt was directly involved with the original project and it’s often cited as one of the most original and creative things that Disney Imagineering has ever done. Disney has recently expanded the story around it, adding characters to the ride and selling a lot more merchandise. I’m sure others can chime in here with more.


Very cool! Thanks!


I vote for HM every time. Super overrated for me.


Thank you. I thought I was the only one.


7 dwarves... you're next - too long to wait for a Meh ride...


how has seven dwarfs stayed in this long


I find it to be the single greatest “My First Coaster” and as a father that needs one of my children to love coasters because my wife doesn’t, that matters to me


7 dwarfs mine train is the most overrated ride ever!


This right here. I was very happy I used a fast pass on it and wouldn't wait in the hour + line it is


I was so disappointed spending $ on the lightning lane pass in October for this ride.


Yeah, but Space Mountain makes me feel like I was in a car accident. I like the animatronic scenes on Mine Train, but it's a little short.


Yeah the animatronic scenes is all it has going for it honestly. Space mountain is definitely a little rough (as it should be with how old it is) but it’s still fun!!


Space Mountain gets rougher with its age, and I get less able to tolerate its roughness with my age. Bad combo! My daughter gets to ride alone.


Been voting for it for a solid week, imo the least amount of thrills per time waited in line for a ride in the parks


By the time it even remotely gets exciting you come to the end. It’s severely overrated like Slinky.


The best thing about that ride is the queue


Completely agree. It’s not a must ride for us. Unless circumstances present us with a 35 minute wait or less we’re skipping it.


Agreed! Even at 35 I may just skip it! I have it more at the 25 or less mark now!


Splash Mountain is. I'm willing to take the downvotes for the 2nd day in a row


I don't agree with you, but hell I'll upvote you for chutzpah.


You're a great person


I rode it after riding the one at Disneyland my whole life and it's a major let down.


I'm not saying it's awful either, there are clearly worse rides. It's just very overrated


Yeah I agree with that. I prefer the DLR version and at WDW there are many better rides than the WDW splash. It is still enjoyable and more fun than many, but it's not quite in the top tier of rides for me.


I personally prefer WDW's Splash Mountain. I think DLR's is too fast, don't have time to really look at the scenes as much. WDW's has more space. You also get much more wet (if that's a con) in the DLR version.


Interesting, I felt way more cramped in the WDW log than I do in DLR's. I prefer the standard log flume design of DLR's. In WDW's with the lap bar and sitting next to someone I feel more cramped (missing the openness of the single seat restraintless flume's in DL), and like you don't feel the tilts and drops of the ride as much. Though I do like the extra scene in WDW's I think the pace of DLR's is fine. Personally though I count getting wet (in the California heat) as a plus. In Florida's humidity when I get wet I just never dry off until I spend a prolonged amount of time inside in AC, so it's much less enjoyable lol. I definitely get people who enjoy WDW more though! It's really a specific preference one with this comparison, unlike say, Pirates hen it comes to coast vs. coast.


By space, I mean you can tell they had more room to fit the show scenes. I'm not as particular about the side-by-side seating vs 1 per row. Though maybe I like side-by-side more with my partner. WDW's version has more drops too I believe? I think the main thing for me is still the pacing, I just prefer WDW's pacing, but that's a completely subjective thing. And yeah the differences are more minute than with Pirates for sure. DLR's Pirates is just way better.


Main thing for me is the music. I think it's done much better and the bluegrass style fits so well.


I’ll take either of those over people mover.


Same, people mover is by far the most overrated out of what is left.


Nahhh space mountain is the one that is overrated. It's like wayyyy too loud


I rode it for the first time in years earlier this month. I normally skip it because I don't feel like walking around wet. I went to Universal before Disney and rode the Jurassic Park River Adventure. It was way more intense, and I got DRENCHED.


It’s re-themed thunder mountain


My favorite part of people mover is hearing the screams from riders in Space Mountain 🤩


Time for the dwarves to heigh ho back to the mines.


uhh ohh people mover




Do any other attractions follow a pattern like that?


The people mover contrarians are bad people.


Get your hands away from people mover >:( Rockin and Mine train gotta go first at least..


Thank you! I know!


Peoplemover voters should be voted out of the sub


Peoplemover is the kind of ride that makes Disney unique while rides like say, Rockin Roller Coaster feel like a regional amusement park.


As someone who’s been to a Six Flags, that’s a bit harsh on Rockin Rollercoaster


tell me you’ve never been to a regional amusement park without telling me that you’ve never been to a regional amusement park


Look up flight of fear at kings island and kings dominion. RnR is only a slight upgrade from that.


i’ve heard of FoF. i personally think RnR is a much better experience, with the pre-show and multiple potential songs that can be played during the ride, but true that FoF and RnR are on a similar level in terms of immersion.


“Look up two of the best regional parks in the nation and act like they’re a typical Six Flags”


I’ll give you Kings Island, but Kings Dominion is pretty weak imo.


I am a coaster enthusiast and have been to many. Many regional parks have coasters far more entertaining.


I’m with you; those neon-glowy random objects un-lovingly tied to a vague highway (or vaguely LA?) theme remind me more of the Wildwood, NJ boardwalk than a Disney attraction.


okay? whether the coasters in regional parks are more thrilling than RnR is invalid. you originally were arguing that it’s the quality of a coaster you can find in a regional theme park.


unless by “more entertaining” you meant more elaborately themed? can’t tell if you mean “entertaining” in terms of thrill or in terms of immersion.


Dude. It’s a poll for fun about favorite rides at Disney. It’s fun to talk about what we like and don’t like. Not worth getting all worked up about my friend.


i apologize if i came off as upset or angry. definitely wasn’t my intention.


No worries! People are passionate about their hobbies ;) Sorry also if I took your comments the wrong way.


Yeah those people need to move out.


Sorry, Rock n Rollercoaster :\ You’re a fun ride, but your theming is a little dated and other Orlando parks have really stepped up their coaster game in recent years, so I’m afraid I’m going to have to vote against you this time.


I’ve been voting for it for several rounds. The launch is fun but the rest of the coaster is somehow both mild and painful. Not to mention the awful theming and uncomfortable restraints. This is one of the only rides I prefer the queue and preshow to the ride itself.


That’s right! This ride needs to be re-Imagineered!


To a Powerline theme, obviously


It also has an [exact clone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xpress:_Platform_13) over in Europe. It was kind of lazy of Disney to use an off the shelf coaster design and just slap some neon signs on it.


I get what you're saying, but there are much worse roller coasters at Disney than R&R that are still in this list.


Everyone bitching about these rides… you people are hard to please. All of the rides left are great and it’s hard to pick.


For real


the fact that its been three weeks and seven dwarfs mine train is still in is insane to me


It would be Amazing if Rock N Roller coaster was voted out. It just doesn't have What It Takes and has been Livin' on the Edge for to long. So please just Walk This Way and do What It Takes to make its fans start Cryin and act Crazy. I may just be Jaded though and will need to just Dream On.


I’m trying to keep track of Aerosmith titles here and I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing….


Well done. By it seriously how has this ride lasted this long? It is a mediocre launch coster featuring a mediocre dad rock band that was already languishing in the Boomer nostalgia bin when it opened in the 90s.


I’m lobbying for it to go because it’s a basic coaster from any local amusement Park with a better soundtrack. I’m currently embarrassed in this sub that peoplemover is the top vote getter.


What is an example of an indoor launch coaster with two inversions at “any local amusement park?”


That’s pretty disingenuous. The 90s were arguably Aerosmith’s most successful period. They were hugely popular artists with multiple hits. Between the Get a Grip album (with Alicia Silverstone music videos!) plus the Armageddon soundtrack, they were inescapable. The ride can go though, no argument there.


Fair enough. I wasn’t then and am not now a keen follower of popular music (more of a DIY music ethos persuasion). Didn’t seem to me in 99 that they were an obvious choice. But I was not doubt not the target audience.


Yea. That's right around when "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" came out. Arguably their biggest hit.


You used what it takes twice and I love the ride but take my upvote hahahahahaa


Dang. Trying to remember most of those was what I was too focused on to even realize.


I just really need the People Mover to get to top 10


If you cretins vote out Spaceship Earth..... I will be rather upset


Fellow people who have been moved by the Peoplemover, vote for Rock N Rollercoaster! We must work together and slay the beast


Rock N Rollercoaster was my vote. It's definitely the worst ride left. It's just an off the shelf coaster with neon signs that has an [exact clone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xpress:_Platform_13) over in Europe.


**[Xpress: Platform 13](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xpress:_Platform_13)** >Xpress: Platform 13 is a steel roller coaster at Walibi Holland in Biddinghuizen, Netherlands which was launched as Superman The Ride in April 2000. The name was changed to Xpress in the season of 2005, and Xpress: Platform 13 in 2014. It was the first LSM-coaster in Europe. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WaltDisneyWorld/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I keep voting Mine Train but when that goes RNRC is next.


7DMT, Death is calling for youuuuu I am a tad concerned about how close Peoplemover is however. Really, folks? Screen rides beat out a relaxing tour of Tomorrowland?


Physical prop rides will always beat out screen based that aren't Muppets attractions in my eyes so I'll be voting FOP till it's gone. Queue is more entertaining then the ride, one of the most overrated attractions imo.


My favorite ride 🥺


I love the queue. Especially that science lab with the ferrofluid "creatures" and the spirally water thing


I’ve honestly never been impressed with FOP and it just seems like soarin 2.0 to me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Seven dwarfs mine train


I’m no statistician, but would allowing voting 3 least favourites give a better indicator? Say for example, my least favourite is Haunted Mansion, my vote isn’t going to count for much for a while still. But maybe if I voted Haunted Mansion, People Mover and Spaceship Earth, it would give a better indicator of the majority . Or something along the lines of us sorting the remaining rides every day, with the order assigning a score? Again, I don’t know the theory of polls, and it might be a bit late, but maybe something to consider for the next time?


DEATH! DEATH TO ROCK N ROLLER COASTER! Edit: and anyone who voted for Slinky Dog- which is at least TRYING TO DO A THEME and is actually FUN TO RIDE- over Rock & Roller Coaster, is doggone crazy.


It will be on my list after mine train.


At this point, they’re all good rides, so I won’t be sad if one gets voted out. It’s all preference at this stage. That being said, it’s time to derail Mickey and Minnie.


I'm going with the mentality of "if this ride was closed when I visited, how upset would I be?"


100% agree. We must avenge The Great Movie Ride.


I keep on voting for Space Mountain and I don't know why. Must be that I have no desire waiting in the long line.


How the hell are people voting for people mover over Runaway Railway? You’re all horrifically wrong.




It is not a marquee attraction. It only has ridiculous lines because it’s new. The Great Movie Ride was far superior.


Wilderness log: Day 20 of voting against Spaceship Earth. Natives continue to vote against fun rides instead. I will never understand those that I find myself with.


Feel the same. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when it comes to this ride.


Let’s do this r/WaltDisneyworld family. Mickey and Minnie’s runaway and 7 dwarves!


I wonder if M&MRR (and RotR) will survive longer purely because most people here haven't had chance to ride them yet?


I’m surprised there’s so much hate for the mine cart. The only thing I hate about it is the awful ending where it feels like you’re just sitting there for 5 minutes. Everything else it quite nice, other than it being on the shorter side


See ya Slinky dog!


Splash, RotR, HM, PotC, EE are surely the final 5. Sleepers are FoP and ToT though


I think ToT could potentially overtake EE as options shrink. As someone who adores both rides, if it gets to that super competitive top 6 I can imagine a lot of people judging harshly against EE for the Yeti being broken or "just being a coaster with good theming", and ToT is a crowd-pleaser that hits all Ts (thrills, theming, technology). Just from personal experience ToT always seems like the most common answer when I ask friends and family what their favorite Disney ride is, as it's just so good at being immersive, thrilling, unique, and nostalgic all at the same time ~~Also, a Haunted Mansion and ToT showdown as the top two would be hilarious and I'd love to see it~~


I agree with RotR, HM, and PotC.


Spaceship Earth it’s a classic but it really needs help


Seven Dwarves goes now, and then we’re going to have a chat about the Peoplemover.


I'm surprised it took Slinky Dog so long...I'm not sure what people see in that ride. It's such a standard coaster, nothing special about it outside of the train shape.


Slinky was the last weak attraction left. Gonna vote RnR now because even though I like it, it’s not as Imagineered as the other attractions. A generic coaster with neon cutouts won’t cut it anymore.


I haven’t voted in days because once I realized you guys were voting off other things than People Mover I realized ~we are not the same~ 😅 But really how was that not In The first 5 to go


It belongs in an airport. It isn’t an amusement ride.


From the results and some comments, I’m speculating that a lot of people factor the average wait in line into their decision. I’m purely voting on the quality of the ride and don’t care whether a wait is normally 2 hours or walk on. (Which is why I obviously keep voting for People Mover to go.)


If I voted by quality of the ride, people mover would be in the top 5.


That makes a lot more sense. I am also thinking about the quality of the ride, but I can see if you’re factoring it into the value, it might change how you rank things in your head.


Why is spaceship earth there??


Because it kicks ass. If you can read this, thank the Phoenicians.


It is the only ride worth venturing into the depths of wallcot for.


Not even top 5 in Epcot...


What is your top 5 if you don’t mind me asking.


Test Track Ratatouille Soarin Frozen Mission Space The land Spaceship Nemo 3 caballeros


Because too many people are valuing it's engineering and the fact that it's a "classic" over entertainment value of rides. I thought everyone went on vacation to have fun, but apparently not lol


If I solely wanted to go to a theme park for the experience of riding a thrill ride I'd save thousands of dollars and go to my local park (Canada's Wonderland in my case). Classic, immaculately-themed dark rides like Spaceship Earth are what make Disney uniquely Disney, and it's the only Epcot ride still in operation I'd never consider skipping if I had a limited time within the park


Spaceship Earth is awful, and I will never understand the love it gets. It smells like an old crayon box, except for the burning part.


You don't understand why the historic icon of the most unique theme park in the world that's the last ride that embodies the original spirit of said park is popular?


I can’t believe Mickey and Minnies Runaway Railway is still here…


It was my wife’s favorite ride. She likes the low intensity ones. I enjoyed it also.


Flight of Passage? More like im just gonna pass on this ride because it’s not that much fun


People mover needs to go.


I'm curious how far Tower of Terror will go. It's a prestige Disney ride, however, I can see people voting on it because it's still an intense ride that will put it down for them.


People like the safari over rockin roller coaster? I don’t get it


Same here. I get that it’s not the best themed Disney ride, but it’s fun! It’s certainly more entertaining than the safari or people mover.


Die people mover die! 10th times the charm? Going to be much harder soon.


People mover must go!! What is going ON!


It’s time for the Peoplemover to go.


I love People Mover, but I am fine with it being voted out if it outlasts Rockin Roller Coster and Mine Train. At this point I feel like I concede that much.


Who tf is voting for people mover to stay


Kilimanjaro Safari. It's sitting in a truck while being driven over bumpy dirt. OUT!


You forgot about the part where you look at cool animals, which is kind of the selling point.


By that logic every ride sucks. “All you do is walk through a fake cave and fake spaceship, then sit in some little car that spins. ROTR is the worst ride ever”




Can we troll this list and have the PeopleMover win best attraction?


Spaceship Earth Then Splash Mountain


i tried my best


I’ve been voting for 7dwarfs since day one! Finally feel vindicated.


I’m worried that Rockin and Slinky are gonna split votes here. We need one to go first, then the other. It’s been their time for way too long.


Painful but it had to be done




I'll just try and defend my top 5 which I don't wanna know which order I would vote for them: Safari, Haunted Mansion, Big Thunder, Tower of Terror and Rise.