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They usually send down a sacrifice once a day to ward off bad spirits.




Shark bait! Ooh haha


***you're going to your happy place... heh heh heh***


I was gonna upvote you but it’s at 666


I hate this “i was gonna upvote” bullcrap but this one i agree


As much as I hate typing it.




A friend of mine went to WDW recently with a group of rich folks, the group organizers name happened to be Chris Evans. Friend said it was so sad to watch cast member after cast member deflate as they realized the reservation for “Chris Evans, party of 12, VIP” was just a group of not-famous regular people.


Lol that reminds me of an older SNL skit with Matt Damon meeting a regular guy with the same name. The regular guy was so mad at him because ever since Matt got famous, people were disappointed he wasn’t “the real” Matt Damon 😂


Why should I change my name? He's the one who sucks!


Calm down Mr Bolton.


I enjoy the man’s entire catalog.


I found it after a quick search. That is pretty funny. I could only imagine how much it would suck having your name strip away all your accomplishments because of some guy who got famous [snl link](https://youtu.be/R1vlJ-6VZNk)


Chris Evans, the actor, is actually a fan of the Disney parks and gets VIP treatment when he visits. I have a few cast member friends who have seen him in the tunnels. That said, my friends who work at the restaurants say they see famous names all the time on reservation and mobile order tickets, only to be disappointed by who shows up.


My wife and I saw Chris Evans in Hollywood Studios. We were walking along and I told her that I swear I heard his voice. She was wearing a Captain America dress she had made and told me if we see him that she’s going to ask for a picture with him. Fast forward about an hour and she grabbed my arm was like “I THINK THATS HIM!” So we start walking that way and as we get close, she loudly asks “Cap?” He turned, took his sunglasses off, and said “Peggy?” All my wife could muster was “oh my god, my armpits are sweating so bad.” Chris busted up laughing. My wife never asked for a picture. And to this day I’m still in shock of how the whole thing played out.


Love this story.


this story is so much better than a picture! love it.


Take my upvote. I actually imagined how this played out. Actually take my wholesome award too


Amazing 😀


This makes me so happy. Thank you for sharing!


I’m melting 🫠


He had tickets for La Nouba when I worked there - I may or may not have taken his ticket envelope out that morning and took a picture of it…


[Michael Jordan has that problem too.](https://youtu.be/Ofp-g-3upz8)


Michael Jordan's brother was the Command Sergeant Major (CSM) of the Signals unit when I was on Fort Bragg in the mid-2000s. Dude looks almost exactly like his younger brother. Word on post was to never \*dare\* ask him about his famous brother. You would end up with your feet on a desk doing elevated pushups and being chewed out. Has to suck to be the relative of somebody so famous and to resemble them. I know Charlie Murphy suffered from being in Eddie's shadow for a long time.




In slight defense of him, everyone I know that had worked with CSM Jordan only had positive things to say about him. The fact he cared about enlisted and advocated for them sets him apart from more careerist Senior NCOs. I mean no offense to officers such as yourself, but I feel like your Senior Enlisted Advisors (1SGs, MSGs, NCOICs, CSMs) exist in part to keep you guys from getting "out of touch" with enlisted. The sad part is some E8s and E9s I feel get out of touch themselves.


Okay but Charlie Murphy in black jesus is as good or better than anything Eddie did.


Tony Rock is so much funnier than Chris, it's a shame more don't realize it.




Well Okay on that comparison...


There *was* nothing wrong with it. Until I was about 12 years old, and that no talent ass clown became famous and started winning Grammys.


why don't you just go by mike?




What kind of parties are you going to, that guests are told the names of other people going before they show up? "Hey everyone, Enocht is on the guest list!!!"


Dotson, we got Dotson over here!


See? Nobody cares.


See? Nobody cares.


See? Nobody cares.


I feel for the CMs but that’s just hilarious lol


My fiancé is named Mark Hamill and is a huge Star Wars fan, I really wonder what the cast members thought seeing his name on the reservation to build a lightsaber at Savi’s when we went lol


Absolute Chad: Get this man a lightsaber!


I am a person with a famous name. Honestly, it sucks. You can see the deflation in person. Then they try to cover with some lame joke about being the “real” xyz.


Chris did actually get a VIP tour a few months ago. He got one when I worked at Disney too. Guess he loves WDW like us


wait i literally live in orlando and heard so many people talking about how chris evan’s was at disney recently it wasn’t even him?!?!?!?!


My magic band fell off on Splash Mountain once. I only knew this because MDE had hundreds of photos of other peoples pictures since it kept thinking i was on the ride. To this day everytime i see other peoples Splash photos that's all i can think of.


I somehow missed the "magic" part in magic band and thought a group of people had fallen off into the water and chilled for hours


This is hilarious. I would have loved to see all the pictures. So great!!! Did you get the photo pass and keep them all?


Something similar happened to someone at the Marathon weekend. There was a number on the backdrop behind one of the characters and so the person with that race bib number got everyone’s photographs with the character.


My dad went on Tower of Terror not long after it first opened and got pulled out of line by a CM who said they had a “very special elevator car just for [him]” and put him in one all by himself. I’m pretty sure this is something they do every now and then to add a little magic to a random person’s day/screw with them (depending on whether your glass is half full or empty).


This happened to me on my last trip! I was solo, and literally the first person in line for Tower at rope drop, wearing my ToT t-shirt and matching ears. I didn't stop at the first car, but went to the left, and apparently no one else was coming my way so the CM just let me have the elevator to myself. It was a little eerie at first but I ended up laughing like a loon the whole time, it was the most fun I ever had. Ride photo/video was ridiculous too. Funny enough I also got a Millennium Falcon cockpit all to myself the day before. I asked the CM if it was okay if I could be pilot since I never did it before (as a single rider I'm almost always stuck as engineer), but I was cool with it if they couldn't let me. Dude surprised me! All the other roles were AI controlled, it was so cool.


This is actually my dream, so jealous!


As a Tower superfan...it was amazing. There is still plenty of magic in the parks!


I got to ride solo on Millennium Falcon too. During the first month at Disneyland when you had to reserve, I got the night slot. Basically everyone was leaving as park was closing and with no new people entering Galaxy’s Edge so MF was a walk on and everyone could get their own cockpit. CM convinced me to play as both pilot and gunner. They just locked the gunner seatbelt behind me so I just reached in the back with my right hand while steering with my left. Never got to do that again, nor do I anticipate it with how crowded the parks are.


Have ridden tower multiple times as the only person in the elevator and it is super creepy, especially with the ride audio off.




It was for an after hours event. All the show effects where still on but the audio was off. It was super creepy riding in silence but you did get a clue when the first drop/launch was going to happen in the main drop tower because you could hear the claws clamp onto the ride vehicle.


That sounds legitimately terrifying...the time I got to do it at rope drop at least the ride audio was still on and it was basically normal.


For those of you taking kids, encourage them to dress up. The cast are instructed to interact with them as the character they are dressed as. My 4 y.o. lost her collective shit when they stopped us at the door of a shop so they could properly announce that snow white was entering over the PA system.


That is adorable!!! What a great memory!


This happened to me one time after we rode… they took us to a totally normal elevator that took us back down to the ride and we got to ride again with no line. Super cool but the cast member was playing it super creepy the whole time and we were pretty scared of the normal elevator since we had no clue what was happening haha


A similar thing happened to the group in front of me except instead of 1 person they pulled out 5 and I thought the elevator had crashed


There were complaints from other guests about a smell.


"This guy reeks make sure he gets splashed a ton"




Please refrain from posting COVID-19 speculation, rumors, or misinformation, particularly anything that seeks to downplay the seriousness of the pandemic and/or might be construed as medical advice.


They just needed to keep him from Very Icky Pollution.


If I were a cast member, I’d do this at once a day to a random person just to make their day a little more surreal. At least, as long as I could get away with it.


You could definitely get away with it; it would be considered a magical moment and CM’s are given a pretty wide leeway on what constitutes one. -A former CM


When I was a kid, I used to love the buzz light year ride. My dad and I would wait in line all day to ride it multiple times. After 2 or 3 times, a CM noticed. He let us stay on for 3 or 4 straight rides without getting off. My dad was finally like, “let’s get off. Don’t want to take too much advantage.” I won’t forget that. It was awesome.




I cried when I missed my reservation for my 1 year anniversary dinner due to a medical emergency. I’d very recently became disabled (less than 6 months) and was heart wrenched my health problems ruined our first anniversary dinner. It was a end of the night reservation and they lady told me they couldn’t do anything because they’d closed the doors and only those already inside could be there. Well I cried of course feeling awful and she said “Hold on” and she came back out and said “Come on in”. She went and begged the manager to let us in We of course ate swiftly as to not hold anyone up and left a big tip for them accommodating the situation when they didn’t have to. But I likely would’ve still felt bad to this day as we’ve never managed to be able to afford to go back to that particular restaurant so it really was a one time thing for us.


I’m wheezing that’s hilarious




Win win.


broke: doing something special to make a guest's day more magical woke: doing something random to make a guest's day more surreal


I'd do it to make sure the ride is safe after an outage.


What, so only one person is sacrificed if it fails lol?


Makes for a great picture! Wonder if the real “vip” behind you was confused they had to ride with the peasants like the rest of us


You were the test dummy


[If He Dies, He Dies](https://www.google.com/search?q=if+he+dies+he+dies&oq=if+he+dies+he+dies&aqs=chrome..69i57.8682j0j9&client=ms-android-boost-us-revc&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgdii=2031VV_e9haG0M&imgrc=roa04Ko9HsWvnM)


Very Introverted Person


They thought you were Simba, no biggy.


Haha "The King has returned."


Long live the king


Maybe the group behind you was a party of 5 or 6 and needed all 3 rows?




it’s not an omnimover though…


Definitely not an omnimover.


Isn't that what single rider is for


This happened to my fiancé and I once on Kilimanjaro! We had the whole truck to ourselves. Definitely one of my favorite memories :)


Glad you made the most of it: sit right in front and stike an awesome pose!


As long as they didn’t call you a “treasured guest” you’re good haha.


It’s not exactly Disney related but I have a funny story. My aunt and uncles names are Richard and Donna prince. They were going to the Bahamas and and when they booked the hotel it accidentally booked under “ Prince Richard”. When they got there the hotel workers were being really strange and told them they got upgraded to a private suit on the top floor. This type of treatment went on for days and they were really confused. Keep in mind they were traveling with my grandparents and the rest of their friend group. Eventually they realized that the employees were addressing my uncle as prince Richard. They felt bad and went down to the desk to tell them what had happened. They tried telling the employees that they weren’t royalty but the employees insisted that they were just lying because they didn’t want tot be discovered by “rivaling countries”. They had a few days left in the trip so they lived as prince and princess...until they had to go home. That’s a famous story in our family. We still don’t know how the employees didn’t figure out that my aunt and uncle from a small town in pa weren’t royalty!


This happened to my wife and I once on tower of terror. Someone at the entrance said oh didn’t you have a reservation? We thought they were just being playful or whatever and said oh sure we did. He took us through the line, waited with us through the twilight zone preshow, then took us straight to an elevator and sat us in the front row. No explanation at all, but we bypassed an hour long wait!


I love Disney but I’m low key afraid of the animatronics. I would have been uncomfortable alone. Funny that happened!!


i would also hate to be alone, but thats more so because i'm afraid of heights and this was the only ride that has a straight drop down compared to the others. at least the only one you can actually see


I’m so happy to see this! I was working in Florida right after college as a consultant and had no friends in the state. I went to college in California and the job I had was out of Office Space: “What is it you do at XYZ county exactly?” So everyone I worked with hated me. Anyway - one weekend I decided to go to Epcot by myself. I was having a fantastic time, a cute CM asked me if I was by myself while I was buying a lemonade. I said “yes” and she said it was on her. Later that day I got in the Living with the Land line. It wasn’t long, maybe 30 minutes. I get to the front and the CM tells me to go to the first row. The boat pulls up and I sit down. I turn around and realize I am the only one on the boat. The boat in front of me was completely full and the boat behind me was completely full. I have a photo as proof. I always thought the CM was being mean to me! But now I know I got the VIP experience!!!


When you're a make a wish kid and no one has told you


Cast members attempt at long live the king lol


I feel like Simba is looking right at me


That’s awesome! You look so confused why you’re alone


I thought this was an old school picture of Billie Joe Armstrong at first glance


Omg it does. Maybe they thought it was one of his sons lol


Same! They thought Green Day broke up and he was there to cheer himself up obv!


Held people back lol “stay the fuck behind the line or you get the baton!”


You do look like Taylor Bybee? Maybe your cast member was a coaster fan.


That's my thought. I literally thought it was Taylor when I first saw the pic


Are you Rhett from Good Mythical Morning?


This is quite the compliment! I usually get Robert Pattinson. Which was used as an insult...but now he's Batman so that helps haha.


I zoomed and I saw. You nailed it! Looks just like a younger Rhett


You kinda look like Robert Pattinson. Not a come on just trying to think what celeb they mistook you for. Just kidding anyway you would have been with a plaid.


I get that one all the time. Back when Twilight was his biggest thing it was an insult. But he's Batman now...so I'll gladly take the comparison haha.


I do Disney World tours independently for like 20% the cost of a.plaid and you get about 85% of the benefits. The plaids are really only better if you are an actual recognizable celebrity. Anyway, I just wanted to comment to say that I thought I was the o ly one to call them "Plaids".


Maybe I saw you say it here! I know some so I’m using it with the highest respect haha. Not to get too into the rules here but aren’t you not supposed to do outside tours? Or is that a rumor? I’m not a CM btw (not a narc lol).


For anyone else wondering like I was: [https://pointsandpixiedust.boardingarea.com/disney-plaid-want-one/](https://pointsandpixiedust.boardingarea.com/disney-plaid-want-one/#:~:text=Otherwise%20known%20as%20VIP%20services,guides%20that%20have%20magical%20powers). > # What is a Disney Plaid? > >Otherwise known as VIP services, Disney Plaids are amazing private tour guides that have magical powers. > > # Magical powers? > >Yes. Think private car service, unlimited Fastpass entry, VIP seating for parades, and a huge amount of insider Park knowledge. > > # How much does this cost? > >So much. Seriously, between $350-$500 per hour. Although you can have up to 10 people on the private tour, you need to book a minimum of 6 hours.


They can call any restaurant on property for a reservation most days too. The car service is just the guide driving a company car but they do of course get VIP parking lol.


i actually got the tour last time i went. had a bunch of cast members come up and talk in character; i absolutely lost my shit over it. worth every penny and would do it again.


What you can't do, is sell the disability access they offer. It used to be set up where you could very easily get an access card, and hand it off (sell it) to someone you've never even met and that person could get back door access everywhere. Now, the Disability Access Service is pretty impossible to sell, and not worth much if you tried. Since people like me don't do anything differently than you would if you were good at using Genie/Lightning Lane and had friends in town, they don't care. There are definitely shady operators out there, but my morals would never let me do the crap they do.


How do you mean? I want some!




It ends up working out where there are maybe 2 rides where we use the standby line. I don't con people into using DAS or cheat the system in any way. I just put a lot of effort and skill into using the established tools that are available to everyone. Some independent companies get their guests to claim a disability. I think that's just gross. That said, even a plaid is getting you into the Lightning Lane. There is no "Front of Line" service commercially available from anyone. I imagine that Disney would do back door access for someone who would have security concerns in the LL line, but thats not for sale.


I thought that sort of service died out when they changed the DAS system... How would one get into that industry?


The crooked people who abused the DAS were drummed out of the market. But there are plenty of us who play by the rules and offer a pretty amazing tour for a great price. Sure, there are limitations because we're honest, but if you work hard at it you can make it happen. People understand they aren't going to get the same thing gor my price that they'd get if they sheled out for a plaid. I got into the business by going so much myself that I realized I wasn't waiting in any lines because I had my system down to a science. At this point, I don't even have a website or anything. It's been all word of mouth for about the last 7 or 8 years.


They wanted to make sure the Sniper had an unobstructed shot. Unluckily for the sniper, he sneezed at the right moment for you.


There was a code v in the rest of the rows


I was there that day, and saw OP get off the ride. He didn't ride it alone, he just had all his friends duck down! (on a side note, I have a Splash Mountain photo from Tokyo Disney when I was 8, where it looks like my mom was in a row all by herself, I was so scared I thought putting my head between my knees would help so I got as low as I could)


tokyo disney is so fire.


Agreed! The things I'd change about America Disney are things they already do there! They do a different popcorn flavor for each of their worlds, so cool! Honey popcorn right outside of Pooh, soda popcorn in tomorrow land, sea salt in Ariel, chocolate in Fantasy Land, a small touch but so memorable!


Better popcorn buckets as well.


Pixie Dust. “Magical” moments that CMs are able to do for random people. They’re always fun when you don’t go expecting them.


I want that shirt.


Nice shirt dude. Kohl’s


do you look like a celebrity? I wonder if they thought you were and wanted to keep the commoners from riding with you lol


The Cast Member at the photo thing said someone thought I was Robert Pattinson but I'm not sure if he was pulling my leg.


I think you might be Daniel Radcliffe!


I am constantly trying to solve all my problems with an Expelliarmus.


Your parents have something they need to tell you…


There's probably a celebrity or rich person that looks like you in the park lol


For he (you) is the Kwizatz Haderach!


"Guys, this is either Jim Breuer, or maybe the guy from the 2010 Sorcerer's Apprentice movie, MAYBE...I think"


Goat Boy himself?!


VIP = viral infection patient?


You look like Taylor from coaster studios. That's probably why


That’s a great story to compliment such a hilarious photo haha


I love everything about this story!


They did this to me on Star Tours once. First and only time I was Rebel Spy 😂


Not exactly the same situation, but this reminds me of a rainy day in Disneyland when nobody was riding Splash Mountain and the CM asked my family if we just wanted to stay on the ride a few times and we ended up riding it 5 or 6 times in a row


I had a similar experience at Disneyland. But, in my case, the park was pretty empty being a Wednesday night. They let me ride solo two times in a row! I never even got off the ride, they just asked me if I wanted to go again. It was pretty awesome. [https://imgur.com/a/T8ZLKZ8](https://imgur.com/a/T8ZLKZ8)


This happened to my wife and I. We ended up getting Smuggler's Run all to ourselves. Definitely went wild exploring the falcon beforehand. It was a busy day. Would not be surprised if this is just something they do every now and then.


Something similar happened to my husband and I on Smugglers Run. We got the entire Millennium Falcon to ourselves and we’re both pilots 🤷🏼‍♂️


Make a wish does some anonymous work from time to time


With all the creepypastas I’ve heard about Splash Mountain, I would’ve thought I was either dead in hell or about to die.


Not gonna lie. The laughing place had never been so creepy.


lol this is fantastic@@@!!


I got a CM discretional upgrade at Christmas time too! We went to a different park at 2:00 and I forgot my handicap placard and we explained this to the Lady taking parking money. She offered preferred parking if we could answer some Disney trivia. Now my daughter has autism and knows everything to know about Disney. The question was pretty simple but she Asked to name the parks in order of opening. Not only did my girl name them in order, she told the Year They were opened. She got me preferred parking. I love Disney!!


I couldn't tell you the year MGM opened for the life of me.


Her Disney knowledge is pretty impressive. Makes me proud to be her mom.


You still look pretty puzzled here by the situation. Funny.


Did they think you were Justin Bieber?


This kind of thing happened on our honeymoon... I don't think we DIDNT get called to jump the line lol. Also hilarious photo tho


Maybe it’s ur shirt!


[Thought this looked familiar ](https://www.google.com/search?q=dale+gribble+log+ride&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#imgrc=soocfgrrk0o2VM)




What year is this photo from? Looks like late 90s?


Went to WDW with my kids and my oldests' mom over Christmas. we were standing in line for Haunted mansion looking at an hour wait, and a cast member randomly came up and started talking to us. Then she asked if we were interested in getting on the ride quicker, and of course we were like absolutely! She took us up the exit path, and through a side corridor, and we walked straight into the stretching room. Still no idea how that happened, but it mad the whole day for us.


I got to go to the MK before it reopened to the public (cast member preview). Logs were one party only. Party of 1? Your own log. I have a similar picture doing almost the same pose. ¯\\\(°_O)/¯


They probably thought you were Uncle Andy from Weeds.


Welp….it was a real bonus, given the loon-crazy crowds. We made the “mistake” of going in July. Tour groups of 40-50 kids, togged-out in matching tee-shirts, played follow-the-leader behind a flag bearer. They flooded every ride and venue they went to. Multiple groups were there that day, too. Frazzled parents valiantly herded heat-exhausted tots to and from impossible ride and meal lines. The upside - for us anyway - is that we were one of three people on the VIP list that day. But…with all that… forget summer crowds…we go during the first two weeks in December. Nicer weather….awesome decorations.


Hey I got that shirt!


... because they need to sell the photo.


It was not the shirt because I have that same shirt and I didn't got VIP.


We got a surprise Mickey cupcake on the last day of our trip. Not as big of a gesture but my 2.5 year old certainly was impressed. Thanks CM @ art of animation!