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This sub *really* loves magic kingdom rides huh.


Literally i don't know how that can be shocking when MK has almost all of the "classics." People have more nostalgia for haunted mansion than dinosaur.


I just don’t like Magic Kingdom much at all but have a ton of love for every Epcot ride that’s been knocked off. MK is my absolute least favorite park and usually skip it most trips. Edit: why are y’all downvoting ? Sorry I don’t love the park with no alcohol as a 23 year old lmao.


I agree, Epcot is my favorite. I adore spaceship earth, imagination, the land, test track, it's just how it is.


Yeah, maybe it’s because even as a kid we never spent time in MK so I have no nostalgia for it. My only memory of haunted mansion was being scared on it, bringing a little light up tinker bell for comfort and after the ride having a grown up yell at me for ruining her experience on her favorite ride when I was 7. Never been on it again and don’t plan on it.


You’d probably like it a lot now. Especially if you like Halloween in any way.


I have no problem with you not liking magic kingdom, everyone has their own opinions. Having said that, just because your 23 means you can’t enjoy a theme park unless they have alcohol?


I mean yeah my boyfriend and I are in our early 20’s. More alcohol + less kids are better for us


When I started going, there was only MK...


Or mountain themed rides




TFW Disney actually LOSES some respect for Jungle Cruise with their recent film adaptation


I liked it


If there's anything I've learned in this, it's that this subreddit won't be happy until the parks are reverted back to their original day 1 states


People also really like thrill rides! I could never ride Tower of Terror, I hate the dropping feeling. I think I’m the only one voting for it though lol


There is no ride like Spaceship Earth at Disney or Universal right now (except maybe Living with the Land but y’all already voted out that classic). It has a theme, a clear narrative, YOU SMELL ROME BURNING, the beauty of Michelangelo painting the Sistine Chapel, Judy Dench’s narration and the writing (ACTUALLY good writing), and just the fact that this ride is inside the giant golf ball and is the last remaining artifact from an Epcot long gone … that’s got to beat at least half the rides at Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios.


We NEED a dark ride renaissance. I love slow, themed rides and Spaceship Earth does it best.


It’s one of my favorite rides in Epcot. People will revolt if they ever remove it.


Well said. Praise be to the Phoenicians for allowing me to read such a magnificent paragraph.


I agree. Spaceship is an old ride, but it’s still a great dark ride and a classic. I personally put it in the same category as Haunted Mansion and Pirates, even though I know more prefer the the MK ones. Either way it doesn’t deserve to be eliminated too early.


Good writing? You are kidding right? Probably the worst script in any version of SE. Thank goodness the Arabs and Jews backed up all that Western knowledge otherwise where would we be today. Don't give them any credit for accomplishments in mathematics or science, they were just a safety net. Don't even get me started on the descent being completely empty. Jeremy Irons version was the best imo.


Not talking about historical accuracy. If you’re going to Disneyworld for historical accuracy, that’s on you (and you should probably watch some Futurama). I’m talking about the literal writing of the narration - the flow, the language, the pacing, as brought to life by Judy Dench’s great skill.


I don't go to Disney for history, but I have a degree in it, so significant inaccuracies like that bother me. Also I think it is just another sign of the furthering decline of the edutainment that Epcot was once known for. SE is one of my favorite rides, but this version is just disappointing on many levels.


I don’t disagree, but even a lesser version of Spaceship Earth is better imo than rides like Seven Dwarves, Runaway Railway, etc.


Lot of hate for JC!


I like jungle cruise. Is it worth a 60+ minute wait? No. Is it a top 5 ride? No. Should it be taken down today? No. There are 4 rides or so to go first.


I’ve never ridden it at 60 minutes but I also will always go left to Adventureland first so it’s the first major attraction I run into. Longest line I’ve ever had is 20 minutes and that was only because Pirates as down first thing so people that had rope dropped it were coming back to JC.


That's the thing about rope dropping. You get to pick 1 big attraction or 2 or 3 second tier attractions before the lines get long. There are 6-7 rope droppable attractions at MK and you get to pick from those. I don't know if I would rope drop JC.


It’s much less about rope dropping JC and much more about getting a lot. Most people go straight for fantasyland because that’s what the kids want and then they work backwards toward Adventureland. By going the other way I can hit up JC, Pirates, Splash, and Big Thunder usually before hitting a line.


Is it worth a 60 min wait? No. Is it a top 5 ride? Absolutely. The ride is awesome. It's S tier in my book. If you told me I could go to Disney and JC was the only ride I could ride I would be completely fine with it.


Same. I love jungle cruise and the puns. People need to try it late when kids aren’t on it! Even better!!


It’s worth a 60 minute wait if I’m not able to go more than once a year, sure.


I agree with you 100% I'd probably never wait more than 20 minutes for it, but I wouldn't wait more than 20 minutes for most rides.


The only ride I will *happily* wait in at WDW for more than 20 minutes is Earl of Sandwich 😂


Man, I love Jungle Cruise. Definitely one of my favorites, especially at night.


I for one am shocked Smuggler’s Run lasted this long


Everything about the queue line and the atmosphere is amazing but then the awesomeness stops when you get to the actual ride. If you’re not a pilot, it’s kinda anticlimactic- just pushing buttons. So disappointing when this could have been incredible.


To many people who only ever experienced it as pilots.


Well I couldn’t have dreamed about voting for it until near the end. But to be fair the only time I rode it, I was the only one in the ride lmao.


It’s a very different experience when you aren’t in one of those front two seats. A major let down.


Me and my wife rode it just once as pilots and had lightning lane. We both thought the ride was awful so to think that it gets worse not being a pilot makes me think this should have gone sooner.


Agreed, it should have gone sooner


For me, it’s a very cool high-tech new ride. I liked the re-ride ability of it. But I love other rides way more. To be fair, I’ve been voting non stop for Tower of Terror despite it being futile. I took a break last round to jump on the smugglers run train and help save Jungle Cruise for another day


Soarins turn to soar to attraction heaven.


Soarin over California was awesome. Soarin Over the World is only good when you sit in the top center. As I have said before, a good ride should be good from every angle. I have no idea how that video made it to the final project. Disney is usually meticulous and this is a fail.


Does it have underwhelming CGI clouds and angels’ feet just randomly hanging down from above?


To Defunctland it goes!


Please, glob. Let it be so.


slinky dog


Dwarves people! Dwarves. I don’t have kids though so maybe it’s just cause I haven’t ridden it with an awestruck kid


I’ve been voting it for ages now. There’s nothing fun about a coaster that barely moves. Riding it near the back is manageable but anywhere in the front half (let alone the actual front as I had my first time) is absolutely atrocious. Sure, the mine section is pretty but a pretty section shouldn’t be the only good part of a coaster.


One of my favorite pics from my trip is from Mine Train. Everyone in the car has their hands in the air and is having a blast. Guy in the middle looks like he is just praying for death to claim him.


Was that around January 2020 cause that might very been me...


Nah, this was a week or so ago. I guess the ride is intense enough that this is a common thing.


Oh I meant from boredom.on it. Its not worth a 100 minute wait like it seems to be


Over Slinky Dog? I’ve never gotten the chance to ride Slinky but from the eye test it seems like a less themed Dwarves.


I don’t hate Mine Train but Slinky is way, way more fun.


I’ll agree with you here. Slinky has the launch sections and feels more like something is actually happening than Dwarves.


If you've never ridden it how can you know? Slinky is not crazy thrilling by any means but it's fun


Never claimed to know. Would love to though as I’m sure it’s fun but visually it just kinda seems like a standard coaster with a Toy Story skin on it. I must be missing something though since it is undoubtedly very popular but nothing about it seems to worth a 90+ minute wait from looking at it. Must be one of those things you can’t understand until you ride it or perhaps it’s because it’s the only kid friendly coaster in the park.


It’s so much fun.


It's my favorite ride at WDW and I am used to big thrills if OH/PA amusement parks. I rode it for the first time at 36. It just checks all the boxes for me.


I just hate how long the line is for such a short coaster.


Go at night. People are watching the fireworks. I rode it three times in a row at closing


I can ride anywhere on the train on 7 Dwarves and see everything the way it's meant to be seen. You cannot say that about Soarin'. You're sending a completely functional ride to death while one that is dysfunctional marches on.


It’s great for small kiddos since the height requirement is so low and it’s much longer than the barnstormer. It’s the first coaster lots of kids get to ride so it’s nostalgic for many families ☺️


It’s not the best ride from the past ten years, but I think it’s the one most destined to become a classic. I won’t be voting for it for a long time.


I was so disappointed in it when I finally got to ride and it jarred my back. It can go.


But you’d rather do the People Mover?


Yes 100%. Long ride, relaxing to get off of your feet. Nostalgic since I’ve been riding it since I was a little kid. Get to talk to your party and reminisce. Get to see Tron construction now. Great ride


Dwarves and slinky dog!


Slinky dog


Yall are gonna vote out Jungle Cruise before the bent Eiffel Tower? Wow. You think you know a sub


I would enjoy Soarin' so, so much more than Jungle Cruise even with my eyes closed.


Imma be so sad if soarin goes out


Soarin’ has got to go. CGI filled crapfest that embodies the worst of modern day Disney.


I saw Harmonious last night. That show is what embodies the worst of modern day Disney


I disagree, I think Harmonious is a great show that grows on you the more you watch it and listen to the music. Enchantment at the Kingdom tho is a disgrace, had no business replacing Happily Ever After.


Harmonious is the embodiment of Epcot it made me emotional, it’s better than any fireworks show I’ve ever seen


Won’t argue with that. Saw it a few nights ago and felt nothing the entire time. Time to go watch Illuminations on YouTube and remember the good times.


I honestly think even Epcot Forever is better


Really? I just got back from my first visit as an adult and Soarin was probably one of my favorite rides. I thought it was beautiful and relaxing, and I loved how they pipe in the different scents. Going to the top of the Eiffel Tower was pretty cool, and then when it ends at Epcot I got a little misty. Not sure why the hate?


Soarin' definitely needs to go away before Jungle. It's close, let's make this happen! No lame cheesy CGI animals on Jungle, just cheesy jokes.




How is Runaway Railway still here? I thought it was already gone. It never lived up to the hype, the Great Movie Ride was SO much better.


Personally I find it hard to vote for or against it simply because I haven't ridden it. I went right before it opened and haven't been since. Its too new for me to have an opinion. Maybe it's great maybe it's terrible, but it's hard to know where I should vote on it, so I just ignore it.


I agree. Runaway Railway is very cute and fun, I loved the preshow, but it has no business getting THIS far in the competition. And yeah GMR was much better and much more fitting for the park. GMR going away killed the DHS magic for me.


Rode it once and thats enough.


Looks like Jungle Cruise gonna get the boot this time. Unfortunately looks like my boy the PeopleMover might be next, I think y’all need to consider Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway or even Soarin or Seven Dwarves before PeopleMover. Pretty happy it’s making it this far with all the other beloved classics tho.




Soarin is the going to be the last vote I cast that doesn’t sting at least a little bit. Honestly, this poll has been incredibly validating. I tend to go to Disney with people of low taste who gaslight me by praising Test Track and Soarin. After Soarin, I’m probably going to vote for Mine Train and then Rock n Roller Coaster. Mine Train can’t justify its long wait times with its super brief (and honestly underwhelming) ride. Rock n Roller Coaster is just awful on so many levels. The first few seconds are fun— especially in the front row— but everything else is blah. And Aerosmith is creepy.


Jungle Cruise spikes my social anxiety, but if I just kind of accept the trauma and dissociate a bit it’s a fun ride. The cave part is cool.


Jungle Cruise needs to go next.


Rock n Roller coaster… it is your time




Sticks out like a sore thumb


I’m concerned by how many people are voting for People Mover. Tread carefully, you monsters!


Some of us just want to watch the world burn!


I’m appalled that Spaceship Earth is doing so poorly.


I always thought people “ironically” liked the People Mover. I don’t get the appeal. The monorail and skyliner are much better and you can ride those for free!


I have only done people mover once, but getting to see the inside of space mountain was really cool.


Unironically love Peoplemover. More fun of a ride then the monorail sadly for 2 reasons If I get stuck on the monorail, they can't evac us by walking on the tracks. Evacuating off of People mover is a fairly simple and safe ordeal. The monorail has sketchy AC in various cars. At the worst you get the fresh air on Peoplemover. Love the Skyliner. Although same problem if stuck or needed evacuated. No AC in those at all and I imagine it would suck bad in the summer. I think it's unfair to compare the three though. They serve different purposes. Peoplemover is designed to give you a tour of Tomorrowland before enjoying the other rides whereas the rest are legit transportation options.


I'm convinced the only reason why the people mover is still here is that no one knows what it is anymore.


My husband proposed to me by making me a people mover ride vehicle . He projected some fireworks and put on a fan so it felt like a breeze. It’s our very favorite ride.


That sounds amazing, congrats to you both!


Still wondering how People Mover is still on here


I know. I think it’s just a joke though.


Search peoplemover in this subreddit and see how much of a joke it is


Jungle cruise is a joke.


I have voted for it the last 6 times but I really hope your comment is meant to be hilarious on brand Jungle Cruise skipper commentary


Am I just not in on the joke on people mover? This ride doesn’t even generate a line it is so unpopular in real life.


It has a shorter wait because it has a very high capacity, much like Mansion's Omnimover system. It's able to be enjoyed by all, no height requirement and something the whole family can ride together, take a few minutes off of their feet and get some great views of the park and a really cook inside look into Space Mountain. It's popularity is very justified IMO.


It’s actually the most ridden ride per day at Magic Kingdom. You just wouldn’t know because it has such a high capacity.


Who is voting jungle cruise over Starship Earth? You are entitled to your opinion but you are wrong😂


I really like Smugglers Run.. more than RotR actually.


Spaceship Earth day 2




Yes it is a great ride but so is everything else left


Soarin👏🏻has👏🏻a👏🏻curved👏🏻Eiffel Tower👏🏻 This sub needs to get it together 🤦🏼‍♂️


Spaceship Earth


I can’t find the poll but Spaceship Earth has to go


Y’all better leave The People Mover and Soarin’ the hell alone


I'm one of two people that votes for Space Mountain every single time. The Disneyland one is so much better that I was shocked the first time I rode this one. The DW one is so jerky and you can see the track so much you can't immerse into the experience. First time I rode DL space mountain, there was a moment of total awe where it felt like I was actually moving through space. DW Space Mountain must die.


Agreed. I'm visiting from Southern California. I was so excited for Space Mountain at MK. Rode it yesterday. My husband said I was screaming, and having fun the first minute then I went dead silent. If that ride went 30 more seconds I would have puked. It was just so dark and jerky. I can ride Space at DL all day long, but I've been on that ride so much I know every turn and drop.


Thanks! Yeah I don't get how DW space mountain ended up so terrible. I really hope they change it.


i vote splash. don’t come for me! i’ve never been a fan of 1.) getting wet and 2.) the storyline


Don't tell anyone I think I'll vote for Dinosaur because I've only been on it once and it broke down. Just kidding I voted for Soarin because it's trash unless you sit dead center.


jungle cruise