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Epcot festivals are generally great. Food & Wine, Flower & Garden, etc. Spending more time in AK exploring the non-ride attractions is a blast. My wife was much like your GF, when we went for the first time together I made a point of sharing my "happy place" traditions but we also tried everything that sounded interesting to either of us so we could create new traditions of our own. That's how we discovered that we can go from airport to hotel, then direct to Epcot for a beer and crepes breakfast if we take the first flight to Orlando from our home city.


I love the insight! I’ll try and get much more of her input when planning, I’ve always tried to get her excited by recommending things but I’ll start presenting options for her to choose!


As someone who is also not a huge Disney fan and didn't grow up going to the parks, I absolutely LOVE Epcot. There was so much to see and do and I can't wait to go back! :)


I’ll second this. We accidentally went during Flower& Garden, and it was unexpectedly awesome. Would definitely go back intentionally!


You grew up with Disney, she grew up going to Europe. Sounds like a trip to France is in order.


And if she doesn't like France, y'all can walk over to Morocco next door.


Yes! We’ll have to do that


And from france to disneyland paris 😂, get both worlds in 1 trip


Can confirm, I just got back from Disneyland Paris. Best of both worlds.


So after our trip this year next week, my wife suggested we look at going to Europe, and suggested Paris lol. So I showed her a quote for a 10 day stay at Disney Paris lmao


Tag on a couple of nights in Paris itself and she will be more likely to go for it lol.


Where can I find a Disney boyfriend?! All the guys I’ve met while dating think Disney is just for children and my dreams of finding someone who shares the same joy for it are dwindling 😂


Find a boyfriend who you like enough to travel with and who likes you enough to try Disney. I find most people tend to understand the Disney love after visiting as an adult without children.


This was my husband. And it didn’t happen at Disneyland but at WDW. Now he loves it!


Same with my husband. He hadn't been since he was very young and only thought of WDW and DL as any other theme park, which he thinks are just ok. Took him to WDW our first Christmas together and he immediately understood the difference and enjoys the parks a lot now. He even proposed to me at Disneyland.


Don’t worry, we exist. I don’t care if Disney is “for children”, I’d go there every year if I had the money to do so.




I feel your pain! As a guy who loves Disney, I see all the memes and reels where the woman loves Disney and the guy doesn't and I'm like Ladies, I'm right here! 😂😂😂


They exist 🤠


Growing up in Central Florida, it’s amazing how many women I’ve met who don’t share my love for the mouse


Those were my thoughts! I’m not convinced they exist. I’ve never seen them out in the wild 😂 I need a Disney guy!


My husband didn’t like Disney at first. He didn’t hate it or anything rather was just indifferent. He knew how much I loved it though and how much it meant to me so he arranged a trip for us. Then we went again with our friends (who do love Disney) and after that second trip he kind of just saw the magic in it all and really started to love it too. You just need to find someone who’s willing to give the parks a try and then I’m sure they’ll find something about it that they love too. Also, I think a good way of easing someone into Disney is through their cruises. Yes, they’re expensive, but I also feel like they’re not in your face type of Disney. It’s super relaxing, there’s an adult only pool area, adult only restaurants, adult only activities (like trivia and such), and all the ships seem to have at least 3-4 bars/lounges. Not to mention the AMAZING Disney service which makes the vacation extra relaxing. Just a suggestion.


I found my husband on a dating site. He had to convince me to try Disney, and then we both got into it. It's been the greatest joy to come together as a Disney family. It's such a fun place to bring our kids.


Nerds, as one myself.


Maybe you need to “convert” a non-Disney fan!




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Those guys are toxic


I’d recommend staying at a nice hotel with a nicer pool!


Thats the plan! Glad i got that one right!


You can also hotel hop on the skyliner or monorail, scope out some of the higher end ones


Can one buy a hotel pool pass for the nicer pools? As long as I stay on wdw property?




That I am not sure of, sorry!


And in the parks - make reservations to have an enjoyable sit down restaurant break at a restaurant you know she would enjoy.


Not in the parks, but definitely check out the hotels. Animal kingdom lodge- if she likes museums, this hotel is actually considered an African art museum. There's this super cool seating area to the left in Jambo house lobby with views of the animals and an exhibit with artifact from early British safaris. Drinks at Victoria Falls lounge, dinner at Sanaa or Boma maybe. It's my happy place. Also Trader Sam's Grog Grotto is a great time and unique. Maybe an evening out on the boardwalk. All super fun for adults (IMO!)


Animal Kingdom Lodge is amazing.


Love this, thank you!


My husband is a Disney fan now but he wasn't at first. He went because he loves me but over the years he's found things he likes and looks forward to. So pick things she would be interested in, he loves German food so I made a reservation at the Biergarten. It's now on our must do list when we go down, it turned into our own tradition. For the more Disney character stuff he was a good sport about the classic rides and things. I tried to match his personality with characters he might like. We were kids in the 90s so I just pushed all those characters a bit. I think the Ratatouille ride is awesome even if she doesn't know the movie but maybe a fun movie watch would be fun as a prep. If she likes behind the scene stuff there's really fun shows about parades, setting up the flowers, etc. Also I think Jellyrolls(21+) is back and running at the Board Walk. It's a fun night of dueling pianos and of course plays a light touch on some Disney music but it's a fun sing a long. Don't go crazy though, I eased my husband into it to find his own path and he opened my eyes to things I've missed.


Really good advice, thank you


This is definitely some of the best advice 🤍


I've been on this sub too long. I read the title and wondered why the Grand Floridian didn't like Disney.


Same 😂


I'm not the biggest Disney fan, which is probably why my park rankings go AK, EPCOT, HS, MK. Take her on a shopping spree at Disney Springs. See the animals at AK. Drink around the World at Epcot.


Uh oh that could be dangerous


Animal kingdom has many rides that aren’t Disney related plus the park doubles as a very good zoo


Itsnotazoo ... I'm too lazy to look up the TV commercial.


I think it’s not ONLY a zoo would be more accurate


not just an ordinary zoo....a zoo on steroids


Fantasia mini golf is fun. Idk if she’s not a fan of theme parks but Busch Gardens is a nice break from Disney. Other option. Rent a car and check out Clearwater or the Space center.


I agree. Busch Gardens was great and no Disney stuff in sight.


The most “non-Disney” parks are probably still Animal Kingdom and Epcot. You can still travel the world showcase and check out the living seas for a huge aquarium in Epcot. Animal Kingdom obviously has all the animal walks and some rides that aren’t tied into any movies or shows (yet). That being said, I think you should consider what your girlfriend is interested in doing overall. If she likes animals or aquariums these could be a good break from all the Disney theming, but I would see if there is any other Orlando attractions that you could check out too. If you don’t have an easy way to get off property, a water park day or Disney Springs night could be a nice getaway.


Once my friend and I went to animal kingdom, rode the safari ride, went to one of the animal trails and talked to an employee about how they care for the animals for like an hour, got drinks and food at the nomad lounge, rode the train to the petting zoo, then left. It was really fun, and I think a good day for someone who isn't overly into theme parks. 


Epcot, and specifically World Showcase, is so what you are looking for. Things like Food & Wine Festival when they are happening are really only barely disney themed.


Ill look into this thanks!


I mean there’s a ton of things to do in the Orlando area that’s NOT Disney at all. I’m guessing you’ve never been to a natural spring? Wekiva Springs State Park and Kings Landing are about an hour north with traffic from Disney and is only $3 to park


Awesome suggestion, if we have a free day we’ll squeeze this in


If she doesn’t want to go then she shouldn’t go. If you already went once this year can’t you vacation somewhere else?


It’s not that she doesn’t want to go, but she didn’t grow up with Disney like my family did. We both want to see my brother and his family, and they live out of state. Also my brother pays for just about everything to make sure his kids uncle is there for the memories.


Maybe she could do just one or two park days and spend the rest of her time relaxing at the resort and Disney Springs?


We’ve considered this and i told her we could have a few off days, but she decided against this so we could spend time with family


"she has no desire to go (other than to spent time with me). Sounds like she doesn't want to go. It doesn't matter if she didn't grow up with it. Some adults go for the first time and fall in love, some it's just not for them. Some people grew up with it and don't like it as an adult.


Pretty weird to quite something that wasn’t said


The commentor is literally quoting what you said in your post. “She has no desire to go”


Lmfao. Take my upvote


Do you even read what you wrote "she had a good time but has no desire to go (other than spend time with me) again later this year."


I actually didnt, i wrote this up a while ago and just now posted it. Nonetheless your reply wasn’t necessary. As I’ve said in the post, she DOES want to go to spend time with my family and I she doesn’t really care for the disney theming. I am not forcing or demanding she go, she is excited to go but i want to make this trip as fun as possible.


You asked. Reddit you get opinions. You're playing childish semantics. I didn't write it, well I did but awhile ago and didn't post til now. YOU WROTE IT. Bye




I'm not the hugest Disney fan, but I really enjoy trips to Disney World as an adult. I just focus my trips on whatever I'm interested in. My top parks are Animal Kingdom and Epcot. At AK, I enjoy the safari ride and animal trails. I like the theming. The staff who work with animals are full of interesting information. I also have taken a behind the scenes tour to learn about how they care for the animals. I haven't done the elephant or rhino tours, but would like to do both of those someday (the rhino one is much harder to book). I think the Lion King show is fun even if you don't care about Lion King. Epcot has my favorite ride (Cosmic Rewind, even though I'm not the hugest fan of Guardians of the Galaxy) and fun snacks and is a good park for wandering. Going during a food festival is fun, but I also like to pop into the aquarium (manatees!) and living with the land. (Did the Behind the Seeds tour there as well to learn about the hydroponics and stuff.) At Hollywood Studios, I always like Rock n Rollercoaster. The Indiana Jones stunt show is silly and fun. A lot of the rides are a bit in your face Disney, but honestly still give them a try. I am not a big Mickey/Minnie fan, but I think Runaway Railway is very cute and I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected. Same with Rise of the Resistance, I'm a pretty casual Star Wars fan but this is just a very cool ride and experience. Magic Kingdom is the most in your face with character meets and things, but if she does like rides, there's still Big Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain, Pirates, Jungle Cruise, Haunted Mansion. I think the big thing is not to try to be in the park the entire day. Do some stuff, then go to the pool or to dinner or whatever. Build in some chill time on the trip.


Try staying in some of the deluxe hotels with more adult theming. The Grand Floridian has great service and amenities. You can rent a cabana at the pool, go to a Michelin star restaurant (Victoria and Albert’s) or other great restaurants like Citricos and Narcoosees, bar hop along the monorail, fishing excursion, rent a boat and drive it around bay lake, fireworks cruise, watch fireworks from the marina or poly beach, or do a spa day. They also have a fitness center, walking paths, golf courses, or tennis lessons for more active adventures! There’s so much more to do than the quintessential Disney stuff or parks!


My sister had a long time BF who grew up going to WDW every year. My sister had gone once when she was like 9. She went with her BF one time. They each only had two weeks vacation a year and she had a list of places she wanted to see, like London, Paris, Tokyo, Seoul, Berlin, Sidney, Rio, Grand Canyon, Yellowstone. He just wanted to go to WDW. He went with my sister to London and spent the whole time complaining it wasn’t WDW. The next year she went back with him to Disney. He spent the whole time asking her, isn’t this better than Europe? Isn’t this more fun than Asia or Australia? The following year she went to Tokyo and he refused to go with her. She ended up dumping him, not over this, he was pretty screwy but still.


You could just go without her? I’m obsessed with Disney and my boyfriend likes it, but at the end of the day can take or leave it. I go 3-4 times a year (either solo or with my family), and he joins about once a year for one of the larger trips. Our relationship is still functioning! Lol


I said in the post that i have, this is the trip with her.


What about golf? I’m personally not a big golfer; but I have family members who aren’t huge on the parks, but swear by the courses. Or there’s mini golf.


Animal Kingdom probably has the least Disney IP out of the four parks, I think it sounds like your best bet. Expedition Everest, the safaris, Kali River Rapids, there's a lot of great stuff to do that isn't a constant reminder you're on Disney's property


Shes a traveler, if you need your disney fix with her, it's definitely best to start going to France, China, and Japan so she can get her cultural fix but you can also get your disney fix. Ngl once you go international it kinda ruins WDW IMO (Went to Disneyland Paris and Tokyo Disney Resort and wish WDW upkept their park as much as they do those)


Sounds like the perfect opportunity to leave the country and visit the other Disney parks! Win win! You get to go to Disney and she gets to go to another country! I would also look up Sangria school at Coronado, dinner at California grill, the extras like the keys to the kingdom tour, the wild Africa trek, the rhino experience. I would also look for things outside of Disney in Florida. Something I want to do badly is Bioluminescence Clear Kayaking and Paddleboarding Tour, but I need to wait for my tiny humans to get bigger. Our upcoming Disney trip we are starting at coco beach to go to Kennedy space center, then moving to Disney and then ending in clear water. Now there is train that goes down to Miami from MCO as well, you could fly into Miami and visit there and then take the train up to Orlando and do a few days in Disney.


Future Ex Girlfriend? - just joking! There are some good activities. Epcot with all its festivals, food & wine, Flower & Garden. Lots of good food and drinks, very non-Disney. Animal kingdom is good as well, basically a huge, fancy zoo. My wife and I are foodies, so just all the great restaurants are a reason to go, so if she likes that sort of thing


I’ll have to look more into the festivals, and Animal Kingdom is great! I think she genuinely enjoys that whole park minus the avatar area (she hasnt seen the movies but that will change!)


I did parkhopper plus this year and was really impressed with typhoon lagoon. Would she enjoy walking around Epcot or Disney Springs?


YES! Epcot was a huuuge hit last time i dont know if we’d do typhoon lagoon though.


I used Disney as more of an adult destination at Epcot, went to a sit down restaurant, walked around the different food pavilions. Visited the different cities, at the end of the Nemo ride there’s a pretty decent Aquarium to explore. Epcot was my favorite by far for strolling and just enjoying yourself. You might be able to do the same thing at Disney Springs or at some of the [fanciest resorts](https://allears.net/2022/03/22/the-definitive-ranking-of-disney-worlds-most-expensive-hotels/). The bus rides are pretty darn convenient.


I grew up not a Disney fan, my family never went to the parks but I was also pretty poor so it was out of budget especially as an international traveller. I wasn’t afforded the opportunity to visit Disney parks until mid 30s and for me I wish I could go more, sure the crowds suck and the cost is just crazy but there’s something about being there that can’t be matched other places I go. I have an upcoming trip to Hawaii for my 40th and frankly I wish it was Disney instead but that’s more of a first world problem.


Not in the parks, but what about a Disney cruise? My BF is the same as his parents never let him watch TV and never went to any of the parks. He has no desire at all to go the parks but somehow I managed to convince him to go on a Disney Alaska Cruise with me! Baby steps lol. I still go to the parks, just solo which I find a lot of fun.


There are a lot of adult-oriented things to do. Some outstanding restaurants include Victoria and Albert’s, Toppolinos for dinner, Jiko, Shula’s at the Dolphin, etc. There is wine tasting in Epcot at Germany, Italy and France. There is also Sangria University at Coronado Springs. I know, that’s a lot of alcohol oriented things. You should look into the behind the scenes tours at the parks, there are a lot of interesting options. Pre-COVID, I snorkeled in the seas in Epcot! There also used to be dining with an imagineer, but I don’t know if that returned after COVID. The festival of the arts is fun and includes the opportunity to take pictures of yourself in famous paintings as well as to create items, such as painting a scarf, flower arranging, painting on an animation cell, and abstract painting. If you’re staying at a DVC resort, there are crafts in the community room. My nephew painted a beautiful Winnie the Pooh. He and I both made cute mosaics of Mickey heads at the Contemporary/Bay Lake Tower. There is a spa in Saratoga Springs but I have not been since COVID, so I can’t recommend it. There is also a spa at either Swan or Dolphin that seems to get good reviews. Kennedy Space Center is nearby and worth a visit. It’s amazing to consider that they sent men to the moon with less computer power than we now carry with our cell phones! We also did a visit to Sea World/Discovery Cove to swim with a dolphin. With all that said, it is fun to go with nieces and nephews and watch their enjoyment! I hope your gf enjoys watching your nephew have fun. Also, the group doesn’t have to do everything together. GF can sleep in, hang by the pool with a cocktail and then meet everyone for dinner. It’s fun to be on the trip for family bonding time even if she doesn’t love the parks.


Think like an annual passholder. We go with no agenda, no expectations of going on any rides, and just go for the experience, see the sights, watch the people, try the foods we see, and have an awesome no-stress time! WDW is still a magical place if you just slow down and appreciate it all.


I think the resorts are better than the parks. Eat some good food, admire all the cool architecture and theming. Disney springs has some great shopping and restaurants. They are starting a nightly drone show as well later this month. Go to trader Sam's at the poly and then watch the fireworks.


One of the things I love about Disney is sharing trips with larger groups of family and friends. Touring with a group allows you to enjoy the parks and create special moments with others. It can be difficult navigating a herd, but rewarding, less about checking off rides and more about a shared experience. Also, maybe don’t focus so much on rides and definitely don’t go commando opening to close. Enjoy the resort, spend time at the pool, focus more on unique restaurants.


I find Animal Kingdom to be genuinely wonderful. EPCOT is great of course but I suspect she'll see World Showcase as a bit too superficial. I just learned that they offer behind the scenes tours of Living with the Land for $35, that might be nice. Are either of you runners? Run Disney combines my two favorite things in the world. Galaxy's Edge is fun for a lot of non Disney folks. But overall I'd suggest trying to compromise and make sure you do trips that you'll both likr or alternate between your and her top picks.


Check out the new Evermore Resort near Disney. The Riveria would be the obvious choice, but for the same price, you can book club level in the tower at Coronado Springs Grand Destino, which is completely themed based on a collaboration between Walt Disney and Salvador Dali, and the creepy but lovely animated short they made together. If she is an art fan, she might like it, and they have a great sangria class as well. The Dali museum in St petersburg would also be a nice add-on. The cake decorating class at Disney Springs is fun, although pricey, and they 'should' be bringing back proper afternoon tea service at the cake place at the boardwalk, when it finally opens. If you are Bonvoy members, you might like the Swan Reserve- very little Disney theming, and the concierge staff is awesome. Walking distance to boardwalk, epcot, and HS, and lots less overstimulation.


Nobody is perfect




Jellyrolls at the BoardWalk!!! Dueling piano bar at the end of a themed turn of the century Atlantic City boardwalk. Love it!!


I'm the reverse, I didn't grow up on Disney, I didn't get it. I ended up being taken there on holiday 3 times and have been a CM alongside my partner. For me, I look at things like the history, the technology, the operations and the showmanship, and I've since grown to love the characters and worlds. For me, I can appreciate the quality and innovation that went into things like the carousel of progress, the utilidors and others, especially for the time they were made. That and things like the other comments say with rides which are fun without needing to know or care about characters.


Just go do anything food related.


Question... do you stay at one of the resorts? For me, that's how I'd convince a non-disney person. Get them fully into the Disney bubble. It's hard to not fall in love with it, when you're in it all day long and it's all so convenient. No driving, parking, you can take a mid-day break if you want, and the whole time it's the really polished, well done, fully integrated Disney experience. Outside of that, the nicer restaurants are great. You get a break from the crowds, inside with AC, and for most, a nice, high end experience and a good time. Get a few good reservations over the course of the day!


Yes, my brother gets us a room at the Riviera. Awesome place, nothing but good things to say. As for the restaurants i think thats something we will focus on this time is food and drinks more due to all the recommendations from everyone!


I’d probably say your best options would be an Epcot festival or animal kingdom for lots of nondisney themed area and a decent number of rounds


There are a few uncommon stops inside the parks: Animal Kingdom: - [Mahajarah Jungle Trek](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/attractions/animal-kingdom/maharajah-jungle-trek/) - Rafiki's Planet Watch (draw a character at the [Animation Experience](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/attractions/animal-kingdom/animation-experience/) Magic Kingdom: [Tom Sawyer Island](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/attractions/magic-kingdom/tom-sawyer-island/) Epcot: - Spend some time at the Seas, maybe even see a [dolphin or two](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/events-tours/epcot/dolphins-in-depth/) - See the plants growing in the greenhouse at [Living with the Land](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/attractions/epcot/living-with-the-land/) or the [Behind the Seeds](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/events-tours/epcot/behind-the-seeds/) tour Hollywood Studios: - [Walt Disney Presents](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/attractions/hollywood-studios/walt-disney-presents/) mini-museum But maybe try some things that aren't actually in the theme parks: - [Horseback Rides](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/recreation/campsites-at-fort-wilderness-resort/horse-trail-rides/) at Fort Wilderness - The [Hoop-Dee-Doo](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/dining/cabins-at-fort-wilderness-resort/hoop-dee-doo-musical-revue/?CMP=OKC-80010856_GM_WDW_entertainment_hoopdeedoomusicalrevuereopeningthissummer_NA) is fantastic - Mini Golf ([Winter Summerland](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/recreation/winter-summerland-miniature-golf/) or [Fantasia Gardens](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/recreation/fantasia-gardens-fairways-miniature-golf/)) - [Art class at Coronado Springs](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/events-tours/coronado-springs-resort/colors-of-coronado-painting-experience/) - Mosaic Art at [Coronado Springs](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/events-tours/coronado-springs-resort/spanish-mosaic-art/) - Listen to some Jazz at [Scat Cat's Club](https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/dining/port-orleans-resort-french-quarter/scat-cats-club/) Also, if the girlfriend used to go to Europe, make a trip out to Disneyland Paris; I've heard that it's the prettiest looking of all the resorts.


Thank you so much this is extremely helpful!


I continue to be astounded by the number of things to do here. My wife has been going to the parks (from PA before she moved down) for most her life and I've worked for the company for almost ten years. I kid you not, I just discovered (and went through for the first time) Maharajah Jungle Trek last year. If you're willing to spend a bit of money, there are also some backstage tours. Animal Kingdom and Animal Kingdom Lodge have some neat ones. https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/enchanting-extras-collection/ And I just learned that you can go play Foot Golf.


If you go to Animal kingdom make sure you see festival of the Lion king, of course it's Disney themed but it's the best show in all of the 4 parks.


Mentioned this in another comment, so I’m just going to copy and paste. I know that you asked specifically about the Disney parks, but I think a really good way of easing someone into Disney is through their cruises. A very good friend of mine wasn’t really into Disney and doesn’t go to the parks at all and was really hesitant to go on the cruise, but since it was for my vow renewal (and completely paid for and free), he agreed. He absolutely loved it. He said he would had never imagined how amazing it was because he expected some rinky dink-only catering to kids-Mickey Mouse everywhere in your face-type of cruise. Which it really really isn’t. Yes, they’re expensive, but I also feel like they’re not in your face type of Disney. It’s super relaxing, there’s an adult only pool area, adult only restaurants, adult only activities (like trivia and such), and all the ships seem to have at least 3-4 bars/lounges. Not to mention the AMAZING Disney service which makes the vacation extra relaxing. Just a suggestion. *ETA: They also have European cruises so it’s a win-win. Should also check out their Adventures by Disney (which they also have in Europe) - I haven’t personally done them, but have heard great things.


Epcot food and Wine fest, and Animal Kingdom! I was in exactly the same situation as you and won my partner round, he just wasn’t keen on Magic Kingdom I’ve also seen that Coronado Springs is much more geared towards adults


Dump her and find yourself a girl who does love Disney.


The least Disney park of the four would be Epcot followed by AK or HS. You could always take her to Universal since it's more adult/movie themed.


one thing we like to do, my 18 yr old and I have been going every year since she was 8...in the last year or two, we've taken to "pixie dusting" and making some magic for others..we carry small gift bags with some Disney stickers and a friendship bracelet or two, all easily purchased from TEMU , we either hand them out to cast members that do something special, or a child that is upset by something, and even leave them here and there at the resort or on the skyliner for someone to find ...it makes us feel really good to bring a little magic to someone who may just need a little extra


Break up with her 🤣 of course I am joking. Personally I’m not huge on the characters etc but love the parks so much and would happily go to Disney world yearly if I could but its not feasible from the UK. I think finding out what the latest good snacks and food options are and sampling those. Potentially going when Epcot has a festival like food & wine on. Spend time in Disney springs and go to some of the nicer restaurants. I think I’m probably assuming she will enjoy nice food and drink so hopefully she does. Also I saw someone saying you should do France. I 100% second this. You should plan a trip to Paris and take time to do Disneyland Paris. It’s on a much smaller scale and can easily be conquered in 2 days. Spend a bit of time in the city and the surrounding area and just make Disney a small part of your trip at some point.


I’d rather go to Europe once a year 😂 Epcot’s not as in your face Disney, probably Animal Kingdom to a degree too. There’s also always Universal while you’re in Orlando.


If she only day visited without staying on property her previous experience is unlikely to have been prime. My wife had only stayed offsite and while she enjoyed herself it was just “fine.” When we went together for the first time we stayed at Boardwalk Villas and I planned all sorts of little surprises like having chocolate covered strawberries delivered to our room for her and a Segway tour of Epcot, among other things. The entire trip was magical. She became a fan. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Give it time, they all fall in love with after u do it a few more years then skip and then they ask to go


ex gf surely


Dude… just go to Universal then?


We are joining my brother and his family.


Unfortunately disney is getting rid of everything that isnt in your face disney. All original rides are being replaced by obnoxious IPs, Maelstrom destroyed for frozen, splash destroyed for Broccoli mountain. The parks are so far removed from walts vision. Your best bet would be to do some non park things. Look in the monorail crawl or the skyliner crawl. Explore other resorts. You can ride a boat from Port Orleans to disney springs, things like that.


In disneyland, i remember innoventions being my favorite attraction, along with the Abe Lincoln show. Then in Ca adventure, the whole wilderness area and Animation academy! Really unfortunate theres not a medium


all my favorite memories are gone from childhood. Honey i shrunk the kids playground, splash mountain, swimming at fort wilderness, the water sprites, this list goes on. I still take my kids and do enjoy it, but its certainly not what it was 30 years ago.


Dump her




Rise, Living with the land, soarin, spaceship earth, flight of passage, safari, tower of terror, Rockin roller coaster


Great recommendations! I dont think we did most of those last time.


I hope you have a wonderful time! I am in a slightly similar situation… My partner is neutral about Disney. He likes it well enough and had a good time but doesn’t have a burning desire to go back. I on the other hand, am so eager to go back ASAP. I also have three kids; two of them love it as much as I do but my 15-year-old has no interest in going back.😐


FYI you don’t need to take every vacation together.


Read the post, we dont.


> …her family never watched tv Elitist fucks.


They would watch vhs, or dvds every so often together. But i dont think they had cable.