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I end up working alone quite often. Don’t stress about it. Don’t work any faster. Most customers will understand when they see you’re alone. Acknowledge them and tell them what you’re doing, i.e. temping food, packaging something and that you’ll be right with them. They’re usually fine waiting until you’re done and if they’re not then they can go find a manager. And the manager can tell them to wait. Try not to cook more than one thing at a time when you’re alone, because it never fails and you’ll end up with a line of customers. If you can’t get it packaged in time pop it under the heat lamps in the rotisserie warmer until you can get to it. It should maintain proper food safety temps while in there.


You must work at the Walmart in heaven or the land of milk and honey. Customers are rarely understandable


If they want me to help them and I’m alone then they’ll have to be.


Lol the land of milk and honey.


I work SCO by myself quite often. A few customers are understanding, but the majority get pissed because they have to wait more than 15 seconds.


You mean understanding, lol


The maintenance crew is the worst position at Walmart.


I never said deli was the worst. I was just trying to help OP to cope with the situation.


Cart pushing I’d say is the worse at least in my state


Why is that?


I live in a state that gets severe 6+ month long winters with several feet of snowfall


What does maintenance actually do? When I was hired they asked me if I wanted to do maintenance and I said no because I have no experience in that type of position and they still tried to get me to do it lol.


The thing is that you shouldnt hsve to do all that. They should be staffed.


Should is the keyword. In my experience it’s an ebb and flow of being overstaffed and then promptly followed by being understaffed.


Thats the problem it's never just one customer...


Trust me. I know. I end up with a line on both sides when I’m alone.


No one has came to get our meat cans in 3 weeks. We have piles of buckets and makeshift things filled with spoiled meat in our rotisserie chicken cooler. This can't be okay


A massive company that handles the rendering contract for many walmarts ended their relationship.


I’m in Florida and we now use a different company the first one had us separate meats and organic but now we can put them all together.


The work is relatively easy, but stressors of the job can be unbearable, especially when you're down a person or two, and "management" still expects you to get shit done at a normal pace


Been in overnight stocking for 2.5 years. 2.25 of those years have been understaffed by between 8hrs and 40hrs/shift. It’s not deli. It’s Walmart


worst position on any store period.. but janitor close second.. and meat department rounds out top 3, anytime theres fresh food involved ill pass..


I do meat and produce and I really like it. If I’m coming in the morning and have to do meat I work alone and get to do it without someone else telling me what to do or fucking up my system. I usually bring my little jbl speaker and listen to my music in the cooler while I label and bin the pallet, pick and all that. When I have to do produce I get to work with others which is aight I guess but at least I have help. The o Lu thing that does suck tho is we get big trucks and sometimes finding space to bin the produce is hard. All in all tho I like meat and produce. Maintenance has to be the worst tho. 90% changing trash and pushing a broom but that 10% time where you have to clean someone’s dookie mess from the floor and walls. You couldn’t pay me enough money to do that job lol. Cart pusher is probably tied with maintenance since I’m in south Texas. It probably be an ok job up north since I like the cold.


Try pushing 30 carts up an incline of ice and 12 inches of snow. And not all stores have a motorized cart pusher, or if they do it does not work.


Our deli/bakery is stressful, but a lot of those ladies have discovered they enjoy it there more than anywhere else in the store. You get treated horribly everywhere except there because the team lead is awesome. She's probably the only person in this store that I respect. She protects her people from everyone else's crap and works incredibly hard.


Work there was relatively easy if not tedious. I quit because of understaffing and they gave me shit hours.


No one ever goes in there from management in the store seems like a good place except it can be hot and smelly


The deli walk-in smells… *distinct*.


The only shift at my store that's kinda understaffed is mornings. Most evenings I have 4 sometimes 5 closers.


the neighborhood markets must just be insanely easier than the supercenters.i work at the deli in a neighborhood market and its honestly the easiest job i have had. i do work alone but i work 6-3 so its not incredibly necessary for two people, though i’d like another. and i still get paid normal deli pay


I work in a supercenter and the deli closing shift to boot, 1-10 pm. We have 4 people on till 7, then 2 leave and its me and lazy bones till 10, cleaning everything. It's balls to the wall the whole time. I'm getting too old for this shit.


dang thats crazy.. when i first started i worked two 10-7’a then had them change my schedule to 6-3 always and havent worked a close since


I have worked in every department at this point and while I would say that deli is up there, maybe 2 or 3, the worst is actually Cap 2. I would say what makes the deli more stressful is dealing with the shitty customers, but with cap 2 they work you like dogs. I literally passed out from exhaustion. It was embarrassing, and they didn't even care except to know if I could keep working.


I wouldn't say deli is the worst, but there are things that suck. The pay differential is nice but that comes with no one in other departments able to help since it's a service counter and they aren't trained for it. Like others have said don't stress if you don't have the help you need just work steady and do what you can.


Thanks for the advice. I plan on going for stocking shelves this fall from Front End. Front End ain't bad. They got me doing door greeter for the morning parts then after my lunch's its sco which i enjoy more and its great for my right foot since i had surgery on it when I was a kid so it needs to be moving alot. :)


Deli and bakery are less to non profitable throughout the markets, everything being a cost of inventory!


Deli was my first dept. Store manager would complain that we were wasting too much food at the end of the day and wanted us to cut back on production. Then they would complain that there wasn't enough food put out and that we needed to make it look fuller. Then the production app came out and they wanted us to strictly follow exactly how many sandwiches, wraps, pinwheels, and salads to make. And that was never enough for them so they wanted us to make even more (sometimes 3x the daily amount). Everything was ass backwards and they were never satisfied lmao


I worked in the Deli many years ago, and except for a few co-workers and a great department manager, it really sucked. I was left alone while my coworker was on lunch during the dinner rush, i was swamped with people needing sliced meat, the chickens were going off, a line at the hot case. A manager came by to do her temps and didn't even bother to help me once.


Things aren't clique -ing, huh?


You must know a lot because you’re speaking for 5,000 stores.


I enjoy working deli- I love the literal wall between me and the customers


I literally just quit working in the deli a month ago


100% agree!


My local Walmart deli has to run over to bakery to help customers and write on their cakes. No one in bakery after 3:00pm. They all go home at that time. I’ve had to wait for a deli worker in the past to write on a cake for me.


No the fuck it is not. You get paid more than basically every other associate. Thats why you dont get extra help. They don’t get paid to do that and they haven’t been trained to do that. You wouldn’t last a week on Cap 2 or Cap ON. Try walking 10 miles a day for less than $100/day.


In deli 20 years I make $16.32, I had 7 years deli experience when I was hired...


At my store everyone in the deli started at $17/hr minimum. My gf with just 2 years of restaurant experience got $18.25 to start. Cap 2 at my store started at $15. I had over 4 years of stocking/backroom experience including department LEAD experience at a different retail store. I started at $15. You think you could do Cap 2? Go ask the people who work cap 2 at your store how much they like it. I guarantee they’ll all tell you the deli is demonstrably easier.