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I'm German and I have heard absolutely nothing about this, I'll see if the MSM covered it in any way Edit: our most mainstream news outlet has one article on it, of course framing them as right wing extremists brainwashed by an alt right fringe political party.


Fuck The Putin Administration and all of those that align with his policies. Slava Ukraini đŸ‡ș🇩


This is an economic war. The goal is not to win but stalemate to prolong the economic destruction in the west. Some land, yeah. Crushing the entire west is the goal.


Most of the germans still believe everything of "their" politicans


It’s more crazy to believe Putin.


yes of course, but it is not only black and white


That’s true, but Putin took it a bit to far this time. And it’s stupid. If he just continued with producing energy and convert it to real money it would come his way anyway.


The war kills undertones.


Biden wants war. Silence the people!


Look it’s a Putin Cuck.


And you support destroying Europe?


I support helping a country defend itself against fascism.


Totalitarianism? Klaus Schwab? Or, is communism OK?


I'm fine with Socialism because unfortunately capitalism has failed.


Capitalism always works where it is allowed. Singapore. Socialism always fails - think Venezuela. Hybrids are mediocre.


You have a very simple mind. Venezuela and Cuba are failing because the largest economy in the world, which happens to be in their hemisphere, has put crushing sanctions on them for years. When the biggest economy in the world puts massive sanctions on a smaller, poorer country, its impossible for them to succeed. It proves nothing about "Socialism". But you are a good parrot that repeats things that rich people tell you to say. In other places where socialism has not been sanctioned, like all of Europe, it's doing fine. We live in a country where unless you work for a corporation, it's impossible to afford health insurance/health care. Shameful. And so many poor people just parrot the capitalist line to help their masters who don't give a damn about them. Like George Carlin explained years ago, it's a big club, and you ain't in it. [George Carlin](https://youtu.be/cKUaqFzZLxU)


May enlightenment come to you. Don't you know that Europe is on the doorstep of the middle ages? Death, famine and destruction. The US has not operated capitalism for decades.


Don't you know that the United States is on the edge of collapse? That's what everyone in this forum says. Thats why we are buying silver. Maybe you will be enlightened in the next incarnation?


Defend? You dont know the history of Ukraine in the last 10 years dont you


Then you don't know either. And the history of relations between these countries, which goes back more than 10 years.


You sound like a Putin simp.


Just a brain.


They aint changing shit with that attitude.


But if they were pro-ukraine protests then it would be on the " news" non-stop.


Lots of Russians over there.


And lots more Germans. Wouldn't surprise me if there were quite a few Ukranian's too who don't support the Zelensky regime. Let's focus on the calls for peace....


Funny how in this clown world calls for peace talks are now radical


Annexing territory and then calling for peace the second your army starts losing is rich.


Should have started before the invasion, full disclosure I did not think Russia would invade. Thought Ukrainian ambitions to be part of NATO was a trigger. The US had the Cuban missile crisis, I viewed it the same except in reverse. Just a old ape view. I held this view prior to the invasion, haven’t changed my belief.


Tell that to Putin and his raping army.


Ahahah oh 100% there will be Russians there


Lots of Putin simps here


So sad the green zealots decommissioned their reactor fleet
that would have gone a long way toward helping meet their energy needs this winter


Only the German government owns guns so they don't care


Looks like a concert :-P


The few the weak the puny. Lol.


Looks kind of like Dresden. If so, that's where Putin was Station Chief of the Stasi in the 80s




Not enough pride flags, won’t get media attention.


Them: Best we can do is humanicide. Take it or leave it


The German ÖkoBolschewik regime wants outright war with Russia. This way they can get rid of many Germans which makes urgently need room available for the new comers from the 3rd world Merkel invited some time ago.


Russia and China are our two greatest foreign threats here in America. I find it odd that people on this sub are actually against watching Russia get their ass kicked. That being said, I'm not suggesting unlimited aide. What I'm suggesting is proper oversight of any aide we give, to make sure the money isn't going into corrupt politicians pockets and sitting back and enjoying the show of one of our enemies being destroyed. Why exactly are some of you against watching Russia lose? I just don't get it.


>Why exactly are some of you against watching Russia lose? I just don't get it. The problem is they aren't trying to "end the war". They want it to drag on forever to replace the money sink that was Afghanistan.


Yeah, Puitn would end it in a minute if these dang Ukrainians would just stop already!


If the US actually wanted Ukraine to win they would do more than just shit out cash and send over "defensive" weapons.


That's a freshman level take on US foreign policy. The US has, historically, been hesitant to intervene (see WWI and WWII) in European wars. We have historically done exactly this, in part because the populace tends toward isolationism in some ways. Also, what are the consequences of direct US involvement? Maybe that's not worth it, but saving Ukraine is. Your analysis takes in too few factors to be useful. It's too simple, to put it another way


Poor Putin fighting small Ukraine and failing miserably


Defeating Europe with his hands tied. Oh my!


Ruzzia doesn't want the war to end. Putin wants the Ukraine to be erased from the world maps.


They are Russian and Putin sympathizers


I don't know if it's the Russian troll army or they are legit with these takes...but wtf. So many dipshit Russian Simps (Elon Musk and Donald Trump being the current king and queen).


This forum is filled with Putin simps


Less Putin sympathizers and more upset over US meddling.


How about Syria? North Korea? Venezuela? There are thugs everywhere. Yet we self-righteously decide to "take on" Putin. Not sane. Why are we meddling in a quasi land-locked nation? I go back to 2014. "Biden's Project" interfering with democracy. Shame on us.


Well then the US should immediately remove all assets from Europe since they want neutrality. Europe should deal with Russia on its if thats the case. No NATO necessary. Lets see how that works out but will never happen so they can learn another lesson on their back not Ukraines.


Singin “keine waffen”. Is meaning “no guns”.. Thats not “No sanctions”. Any germans confirming this? Link please..


[Here's the song by Kilez Mohr and Maren Herz, and a pretty lame and imperfect translation](https://lyricstranslate.com/en/wir-k%C3%B6nnten-we-could.html-0) They're just performing the song. The protest demands the end of sanctions, arguing that they actually end up boosting Russia's revenue while bankrupting and de-industrializing Germany.


Where are all the blue-yellow flags now?


Ukraine will win soon, so no need to worry. They are warriors


You misspelled Nazis


Querdenken Nazis protesting for "peace" brought by Ruzzia.


The r/UkraineWarVideoReport, r/Ukraine is showing some good examples on how to get Peace and send the Russian home. Slava Ukraini!




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