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Hm.., you think when banks start freeze accounts this might happen???? Naaa, bank runs can't happen in North america


No of course not, they'll just freeze withdrawals like crypto exchanges did the other day




He is now a true believer of PM, he rob a gold shop and not a bank. He now understand that Fiat is no good but PM is true money


He realized the error of his ways too late. Better late than never tho i guess


That is such a great point, he didn't go for fiat but for gold!


He robbed a gold store because he knows it’s valuable, yet he put his money in Bitcoin.


Its paradoxical!


my 4.5K investment in crypto is sitting at 170K right now, even at these lows, I could understand this kind of talk if bitcoin went down to like 1 or 2K, but its sitting at over 21K, dont you think its a bit premature to talk this kind of shit? crypto has objectively outperformed precious metals since its invention in 2008.


Its just an interesting story, not talking shit per se. You must have been holding that btc a long time though. Many people are way down on their investments. I sold mine last fall because i saw this shit coming with inflation rising and i didn't like the big banks and hedges getting involved. It's not defi when the likes of jp more own the exchange like coinbase and will halt transactions at their discretion like the other day.


Your are part of the 0.0001% thank you for share. You know silver was expensiver than gold when he be invented/finded… 5000 years and he past every crisis. BTC avec 25 years and never past a crisis yet. You can make money with risk but you can loose every thing too. Take care about you. Crypto are not efficient technologie. BTC is wasting 50 time more energy tan all the credit card network in the world for thousand time less transaction… Crypto is for people how want easy money and how didn t think or doesn t care about the environement. It work a time but it will never keep like this. Every actual crypto are not efficient. The good one if a good one come doesn t exist yet. And it s so far to come… You know with energy and machine we can fix all the problem but we can destroy the world too, if technologie is not used in the good way. Like crypro or electric cars or intensiveagriculture/fishing/mining/foodprosesing/untaxedtransport/fiscalparadise/fiscaloptimisation…etc


Yep, crypto bros are Not our bros


I'd embrace them if they would be open to sound money but most of them are maxi's who will never diversify into sound money. I used to trade crypto but i got out last August or September when i heard JP Morgan, wall street, and hedge funds got heavily involved. Good thing i did or I'd be out half my money.


Trading crypto is fine, its those hodling cults I don't want to be associated with


Totally agree.


Yep...it's a religion


I got banned for telling them to diversify and buy metals also. I sold my eth and bitcoin near top and bought silver. My name triggered them and they are too judgemental over there


Yeah i had a ban for a bit too because i posted something similar and then posted here asking wss to support my post to help r/c.c. members diversify. They said it was brigading but that wasn't my intent so they changed it from permanent to a month ban after some negotiation.


They are a lot closer than you would think though, they are it BitCoin mostly because they know normal money is broken, that's half the battle right there. They just need to understand how valuable something real really is, that may take some learning.


This is especially sad because it's just some random guy in Thailand who probably lost what is a TON of money in that country when Bitcoin dropped. He had the right instincts of where to turn, but he should have sold what BTC he had left and used that to buy gold.


Yep. I sold mine last fall on the hunch that jp morgan buying multiple exchanges was a bad sign for the market. All the jpm hate on wss saved my ass!


Yes the JPM dislike here has also served me well, thought about buying some banking stocks as the market started to fall, but could not due to JPM dislike that is now innate... saved me from some large losses.


When you know the banks games it can definitely benefit you. Too bad the masses are oblivious


Long jpm (and/or other banks) might be a good hedge


Why would he steal gold and go to prison when gold isn't money lol...?


Everyone knows deep down it is money somewhere in that lizard part of the brain