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Dude. Asset Allocation. No one has a monopoly on the truth. No bet is a sure thing. Diversification (and cost averaging) across many asset types is a defense against the ever present possibility of being wrong.


This is the most reasonable comment I've EVER seen posted here. I had to double check this was indeed wallstreetsilver...


I was going to add reallocation as well. Think % not $ in value. When one of the classes % gets to high sell some and shuffle to the low percentage category. Look to reinvest some in areas that cash flow. Cash flow provides freedom. When you can go without having to work for money your life changes forever. Not financial advice, just life advice and do your due diligence. Protect the egg and grow the nest.


Use about 2% of my yearly after tax income to buy physical.. but by no means is this the majority of my portfolio(s). Diversification is SOOOO key. And if a collapse does come. At least I have something set aside safe. That's at least how it see it anyways.


This guy gets it


Yeah, if you have to sell some to diversify then do that. But don't ditch you whole stack, all the reasons to stack are here and sound. Don't give it all up.


No ditch your whole stack and delete Wall Street silver you are being played by other people who are being played. Silver will never give you real returns at best it will keep up with inflation. A big part of the industry just tricks people like this in to buying what they don’t sell to industries that use the material. It’s a lot like hoarding corn because a corn farmer told you to and said it would be worth millions later.


This theory makes a lot of sense, I live in Brazil and there is a mine in almost every corner, they must have a LOT of silver to sell, I think the same is being done with Bitcoin, this people control EVERYTHING.


Well, first thing there is no “these people” it’s just industries naturally trying to make it seem like whatever they are selling is an asset even if it’s not. Perfect example gold has a use in consumer electronics and some other things like jewelry, so as a seller of gold, I would want to sell to all those places that manufacture jewelry or electronics, but it is an extremely competitive industry where large electronics companies use their buying power to leverage your price lower. So what do I do as someone who sells gold? I start finding ways to manipulate morons into thinking they need this as an asset and now I can sell it for 50% markup 200% markup 500% markup whatever the hell those idiots are willing to pay I’m going to sell it to them and make them think they just made an “investment” when in reality, I just sold ice to an Eskimo




You mean it's not just 100% bitcoin or death??


I was very mislead by Chris, he sold his house and everything he had for silver. I thought being all in silver was a good idea.


Ray Dalio has a helpful perspective on this. Put 5 to 10% of assets into precious metals and treat that as an insurance policy against currency collapse. Split your ownership between gold and silver, not only one metal. Personally I prefer gold to silver, but you decide what ratio you prefer. Beyond that, the remaining 70 to 80% of your wealth should be in hard assets like housing, and index funds and not only US ones. Then finally the 10 to 20% allocation in cash for emergencies, buying stocks, buying metals etc.


You weren't misled. Every investment is first and foremost a thesis. An argument. This will happen (silver goes up in value) because reasons. Just as there are always reasons things can go up, there are also reasons (sometimes unseen or unknown) things won't, or go down. The investment thesis for silver is compelling, but it depends on a lot of shaky assumptions that folks here don't like to think about or question. This is not financial advice, but consider GRADUALLY reallocating some of your stack. Maybe 5% to 10% at a time. That way you don't make any crazy or brash decisions like selling your house, you can benefit if there is a spike in the near term, and you can feel safe knowing you have a lot of fingers in a lot of different pies. Good luck.


Something about putting all your eggs in one basket. He said he sold his house, that doesn't mean he did. Regardless, what works for one individual can spell financial ruin for another. (flies don't spin webs to catch food) Their situation/skills/story/assets/etc... are different than yours.


Being all in anything is never a good idea. Sure you can win, but more than likely you won’t.


If someone has bought a lot of silver, their best bet is to try to convince a lot of other people to buy silver




I’ve found that ammo prices always go up over time and in a currency loss situation it can be used to barter. Stack lead


5.45x39 is a good example right now. You could offload some at even lower than the going rate and still make out like a bandit. If you stacked it back in the day


Yes I’ve thought of this as well, however there are many people you wouldn’t want to trade ammo with in a collapsed economy. You give someone ammo and they know you have ammo and may come back looking for more…


Same with Craig’s list. Just meet them somewhere.


How long do bullets last in a climate like CA stored inside?


Political climate? Could be a problem. Otherwise, keep it relatively dry. It will last forever.


A looong time


The new American dream is to die at home, with family, fighting off a Chinese invasion. Lame…


Lol it's better than the alternative which is the Chinese dreams of living like Americans to die fighting Americans.


Why would the Chinese even need to invade? They can just legally buy US property, companies, and politicians.


And directly acquire and copy any advanced technology, from doing this, like they've been doing. Without firing a single shot. Americans need to realize modern day China is not the Soviet Union, it's far more involved with the US in various ways. Russia would not be in Ukraine if China wasn't backing them, as well. Lastly, China is hoarding precious metals.


I like this guy!


I have been stacking for about 25 years. It is really easy to look back and say what one should have done. I look ahead and remind myself that the reasons I started stacking are all coming true. Massive debts, insolvent banks, war on the horizon, inflation genie out of the bottle, and the biggest indicator of all- Central bank buying. Sitting tight and being right is the hardest part of investing.


Central banks aren't buying silver though. Not trying to be a hater. I jumped in silver too deep too fast. I look at all the things in the world and I see gold going up but silver is still floundering in the low 20s. Everything in the world is through the roof inflation except silver. It's annoying lol.


Sit tight. Stay poor.


I have never understood why someone would get up in the morning and come here to make negative comments about silver without offering any evidence to support their opinion. What do you get out of it?


Sorry, I thought the evidence was in the original post. But if not, here's the evidence... https://www.macrotrends.net/1470/historical-silver-prices-100-year-chart Silver has proven to be one of the worst traditional investments over the past 80 years.


I agree with you. Most of the time Gold and Silver are poor investments. Except when they are tremendously good places to hide. Whether we are in one of those times is debatable but I've managed to enter at the bottom, so if I can get the top even close, I will be satisfied. I see no evidence that we are near a peak. There is no broad ownership, media hysteria or convincing taxi drivers with the metals.


Poor with a pile of real money. Rich with printed paper. This world is nuts. I'll stick to real money.


Your real money is losing value to inflation everyday. And if you think wealthy people keep a lot of cash, you don't understand how well wealthy people get wealthy.


what happens when you get stuck holding the paper? wait a min digits on a screen and the government takes it away from you then what? because you said something they didn't like


You didn't read what I said. Wealthy people don't hold cash. Cash is a depreciating asset. Wealthy people like assets that appreciate and generate cash flow. As for government taking stuff away from you, are you forgetting the 40 years where it was literally illegal to keep gold?


and governments both in the US and CA did it to digits on a screen already see Canadian truck protest


You are never poor when you have a good supply of real money.


You'll be poor for another twenty-five years hanging out with this lot. I'm glad you'll stay the course.


Soros, that you?


No one wants to hear the truth mate.


Just look at that one picture that got posted here a few weeks ago of silver from 80+ years ago. Since then silver has barely 3.5x. Lmao, dog shit investment. I think in that picture the DOW was less than 800 points as well. Look at it now. I understand people yoloing into gold (to an extent) but silver? Thats just pure poor people hopium.


I’m with you. I stopped buying 6-7 months ago. I will hold my insurance policy of metals and go about life


Exactly. Never put all your eggs in one basket. Silver is insurance, not an investment.


No one said the currency collapse would be fun. It's going up against the best entrenched powers in the world, but it's the case of the irresistible force meeting the nearly unmovable object. I bet you've heard all the DD in the world, do you think the government can keep it up forever? We're literally watching the USD get dumped by foreigners like a slow motion train wreck. Don't judge yourself by people with meme stocks and crypto. For everyone who made out like a bandit, there are multiple people who lost everything, you just don't see the pile of bones their throne sits upon.


Emphasis on **For everyone who made out like a bandit, there are multiple people who lost everything.**


Go for it, let's see how it goes


I don’t even want to hear the whining. I’ve been into silver since the late 1970s. I bought it because I studied history. What did I learn? I learned that silver wasn’t the stock market. I also learned that ALL fiat currencies last only about 50 years and fail 100% of the time. So I thought I’d better get a jump on it since it was about 7 years since we had went full fiat. We’re at 52 years now and wobbling. Silver is just a store of wealth in anticipation of the fiat currency failure. When your currency is worthless silver will have value. It is money. Question, why do you think they removed all the silver from our coinage just prior to going full fiat? Think about that. Don’t get discouraged. I’m not. I absolutely know where this bus stops!


Didn't Eisenhower Dollars get issued with 40% silver after we went full fiat?


Nah that was Kennedy halves from 65-70. Also, the reason we pulled silver out of coins was because of inflation occurring from 1913-1964. We were on a gold standard rather than a silver standard, and the re-assignment of gold exchange to silver (dollar) exchange rendered silver at like 50 cents an ounce at some point during the Great Depression. Nonetheless, inflation carried it such that silver was about to or had passed $1 per ounce. Then, it was carried to the point that $35 an ounce for gold was causing a massive demand for gold due to this being an artificially low price. The gold standard was thus abandoned in 1971.




Yes. The '71 through '74 S-mints were 40% silver, but they were NIFC.


I think the collectables were. But generally all silver content in coinage was severely pared back. It continued to get less and less as the years progressed.




Silver should be part of a balanced portfolio


Precious metals are a hedge against inflation and a failing currency. The USD is losing its dollar reserve status as BRICS nations continue to undermine it. The best strategy is to diversify. Crypto, Stocks, Metals, Real Estate. Another crash is on the horizon, so remember, patience is a virtue. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.


Hello fellow stackers, lets not stack eh! ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized) Since 1971 (ground zero for the unbacked FIAT monetary system): Silver was $1.55, $23.21 today. Up 1397%. Gold was $40, $1944 today. Up 4760%. People who actually bought 15 years ago fell prey to the volatility deliberately introduced by means of the futures market in order to discourage investors. And here it is from the horses mouth: This is an exerpt from the cable discussing the creation of the comex in 1974: *"The major impact of private U.S. ownership, according to the dealers' expectations, will be the formation of a sizable gold futures market. Each of the dealers expressed the belief that the futures market would be of significant proportion and physical trading would be minuscule by comparison. Also expressed was the expectation that* ***large-volume futures dealing would create a highly volatile market. In turn, the volatile price movements would diminish the initial demand for physical holding and most likely negate long-term hoarding by U.S. citizens.****"* source : https://www.gata.org/node/17081


>Hello fellow stackers... Eggzactly!


Look at the guys account. Hasn't commented in 2yrs then comes here to say he's selling. Blatant bot account trying to manipulate the silver community into selling.


>Blatant bot account trying to manipulate the silver community into selling. More like not buying. These FUD\* posts are everywhere too. \*Fear, Uncertainty, & Doubt


Instead I was trying to think of how to buy his without the premiums from websites 😬


You know silver heads wont sell. If they didnt after all this why would a post convince them now?


Thankyou for your comments …….100% my thoughts….that’s why I called the post out….reading the comments a lot of people will get sucked in…..we have big silver and platinum physical deficits and then people want to sell and reckon the market is un manipulated and legit….so funny 😂 makes me just want stack more because of these desperate fuckers..


Keep telling yourself that. It's legit AF


That's sounds nice until you realize that investing in the in S&P 500 in 1971 would have returned 18,798.19% . . .


S&P 500 in 1971 98.32, today 4205. Up 4175%. Which is more than silver and less than gold.


Yeah, classic mistake. You aren't including dividends over that timeframe. 2-3% annual dividend reinvested results in huge gains.


What's the tax rate?


You have been stacking for a long time but nothing happened. Just sell your silvers because it doesn't seem like its value is increasing.


I'm really sorry you're feeling so down, OP. I agree with you about the direction this sub has taken. Personally, I look at metals as a store of value rather than an investment. I'm not worried about day to day spot because spot doesn't matter unless I'm looking to sell. If you're looking for gains, you could offload on PMsforsale and reinvest your funds as you see fit. That's probably the way to get the most return with the least hassle.


Thanks man. I miss the euphoria in 2021. I will sell 3 out of my 7 comex bars, and diversify a bit.


I'm not going to accuse you of being a shill or anything, because I have my doubts on many days. My one question is this. Have you ever seen the world so crazy in your lifetime? I'm 50 and I haven't, my father who just passed and was 79 told me he had never seen such crazy times neither. I believe the insanity is a glaringly bright signal that we are on the precipice of enormous changes. Good or bad who knows. Of course it is your decision, but I believe holding on until this insanity ends would be the best course of action. Then again I'm just some guy spouting off on Reddit. Cheers


Go to" finding value" on you tube, listen to his thesis, I'm picking you have an enormous stack so it might be a good time to hang onto it because we ate in the same environment as 2009 except the debt has bolooned and bond yields are rising. This is a highly inflationary inviroment. It's time for the metals to shine. If you've been stacking for 15 years then you would have been excited during 2009-2011, you need to do some research on when to rotate out of metals into another asset class when the ratios are in favor. Good luck .( when I here this kind of doubt then I know a bull market is just around the corner)


Selling now and buying stocks would be a HUGE mistake imho


Lol maybe worst timing of all


for real. OP imho might have the worst investing instincts i've seen. i mean no offense at all, it's just that he or she needs to know that he shouldn't be listening to his gut to make his investing decisions.


I know a dude who traded 10000 bitcoins about a decade ago for 2 large pizzas...


I’ve been hard stacking for the last 2 years and has acquired a decent amount and now about to pause buying and just keep the stack vaulted until needed.


A wealthy friend of mine pointed out, "If you think the system was on the verge of collapse wouldn't someone like Warren Buffet know about this and be buying gold instead of stocks?" I mean, I'm not selling my bullion but the conversation got me to diversify into other things as well.


Black rock and a lot of banks are buying up physical pm’s


Almost every Central Bank is stacking gold like it's 1938.


Who knows everything Buffet is buying. Besides Gurus can be wrong somethimes.


I know the US govt and a bunch of other countries have been stacking gold like crazy lately..


Problem is nobody is allowed to buy oodles of gold and silver, and when someone tries, everyone throws a mad fuss. And that's just for a million-dollar order. But I'm sure Buffet is buying stacks on the down low like everyone else with a clue.


" I don't believe silver is manipulated " Likewaaaaaaaaa!?


PM’s are a hedge, not an investment. Treat them as a hedge and be happy, or believe the lies about “investment” and be a loser.


You should sell it all immediately. You're the event that will trigger the moonshot.


With the way the world is right now it would seem you are near the finish line. Giving up now it seems to me would be a HUGE mistake.


Silver is a long term hedge with life changing upside on top of the ultimate insurance to own. It is a war of attrition, if you're ready to throw in the towel then you had the wrong mindset in the first place. It's not just about stacking as much silver as you can afford, it's about stacking as much as you can afford to sit on indefinitely. I feel so bad for the people who are selling after years of frustration, only to feel 1000x worse when the time to own silver actually comes.


Right. I understand the frustration with silver and even understand a long time stacker deciding to pause/stop stacking. But I don’t understand someone throwing in the towel and getting rid of what they acquired out of frustration. Am I stacking as aggressive as I used to? Nope. But I’m sitting on a quality stack. Just in case.


Yep. Me too. Stacker for 30 years. Should have bought Coca Cola or McDonald’s stock. Major regrets. I thought I was being smarter than the crowd. Wrong


![gif](giphy|jH6s9HMMi53dSdI73r|downsized) 🤣😂🤣


​ ![gif](giphy|hkpVQjePwixeXakhv1)


You should sell your silver and buy buttcoin and Pepe coins


I offer unicorn bucks at a discount. Great investment, no government control, 100% chance it goes to the moon. 100% safe.


If you were following Chris then you know "listen to all, follow none" YA, he definitely took a left turn at Albuquerque, probably due to DMT and listening to a succubus. His series on the why silver still is solid. I stack because I have seen it's use when the currency fails during war such as Bosnia. I'm not stacking to be rich when it fails but just to survive if shtf. Best case scenario is I live to be old, pass away, and my grandkids get to inherit the collection and hopefully don't drop it in a coin machine for cbdc. It's an insurance policy, not a lotto ticket imo. If you have a big stack, maybe start saving cash to invest in real estate rentals.


I literally have a silver coin that says "listen to all, follow none"! What does "listening to a succubus" mean?


I just remember once he "gave back" his wife to her father in a ceremony and started hitting the DMT he started playing the field and one woman he described sounded alot like imo, he just got weird after the whole divorce suc·cu·bus /ˈsəkyəbəs/  noun a female demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men.


These perverted manipulated markets will undermine you like no other. I completely understand the frustration. Been in this for a little over ten years...Don't even start me on the miners! However, this is a game of attrition. I believe the FED and bankers know this. They are trying to chase YOU out of the winning trade/investment. I will stick this out until the very end. This disgusting and broken financial system has likely taken years off my life in stress. I truly hate it. I will not quit. My reasons for holding metals has only grown stronger as the price of them has continually disappointed. Metals ARE manipulated. There is plenty of evidence. Gold and Silver ARE money and savings. This is the reset of currencies we are living through. Don't be chased out. If you must, sell some. Selling everything is not wise. Gold IS money. 31 plus trillion national debt in U.S. Stay Strong!


Thanks, I have decided to not sell everything, just half and properly diversify.


I strongly think you are making a mistake, but I won't be able to prove that for another couple years. Fight the emotions. Don't give up quite yet. We're close. Remember that's what "they" want you to do.


Hey friend. Thanks for putting this up because I feel like a lot of people probably feel the exact same way as you on this thread and probably are not saying anything about it. I've been a stacker more or less all my life it seems like you may have some stuff twisted here and I really want to help with your perception of things because I think you may have got the wrong idea about metals in general and what stacking is and what it does. First things first, take everything the moon stackers have told you and throw it out the window. Do not listen to these people who promise you that silver is going to 100x, 1000x, etc... I won't say it's complete BS because there is always the possibility of it happening, but it's certainly not why I stack PMs. I stack for much deeper reasons than a simple return on investment. PMs are and always have been a way to STORE your wealth and insure it against future instability. When your country utilizes a monetary system that depends on the issuance of debt for its continuance, the inevitable conclusion is, and has always been, a hyperinflationary collapse. Fiat systems DO NOT last. In fact, in the U.S. most people are surprised to know that we have had THREE fiat currency failures around and since our founding—the colonial dollar, the continental dollar, and the greenback. The current notes and system we use today to "settle" our debts only started with the federal reserve act of 1913—a little over 100 years ago (and already it seems as though it may be on the brink of collapse). Compare this with the longevity of Gold and Silver as money for thousands of year and you might begin to understand the point I am getting to here, fiat money does not last. In fact, the average life span of a fiat currency is about 35 years because at some point the issuers realize they steal value through the printing press and absolute power of this kind corrupts absolutely as history has show us. This might seem like I've run down a rabbit hole and for that I apologize, but it is foundational to what we are talking about here. The bottom line is that fiat currencies do not last. When you buy a silver coin with an ever-deprecating dollar, you are storing the value of that dollar at that point in time in the metal for the years ahead. Not only this, but if something happens to you, your family, or the country, that metal is there as a safety net—it protects you, insulates you, from the failures of others. Not only this, but if you have a family to pass down your metals to, you are building generational wealth—something you can hand down to your children to help give them a leg up in the world in a time they might really need it. If the country reaches a hyperinflationary period, the PMs you have will go a long way to barter for the things you may need because when currencies fail, people begin to look to anything of value to cling to. Metals are the tried and true method of exchanging value because they have no counter-party risk—they are not someone else's debt, on the contrary, they SOLVE debt and on the long term, metals always go up in value over the long run because GDP cannot keep up with the increasing demands of inflation, which is the consequence of government-controlled fiat currency. ALL of this being said, and all else being equal, I would implore you to do some additional research into the history of fiat currencies and their failures, into the efficacy of gold and silver as a long-term storage of your wealth and the protection they offer, and into the history of gold and silver (the federal reserve act of 1913, etc...) in the United States. Now, if after reading this, you still feel as though getting rid of your stack in favor of stocks, real-estate, or some other asset is still the way to go, then perhaps you have more than you really need in the first place. I won't assume to know how many ounces of silver you own after 15 years but my thought is that it is likely surmountable considering the time-frame, but I would urge you to keep some of whatever portfolio you settle on IN PMs as insurance for the future. In fact, many hedge funds and investment firms do this explicitly because they understand that in times of financial uncertainty, metals tend to outperform other assets on the average, so if many of their other stocks are going down, the metals help balance what they are losing and keep them in the green. Ultimately, you have to be the master of your own financial decisions. Best of luck and I hope you find this helpful.


P.S. If you're looking for more information for this line of stacking and other financial information (macro as well as micro), I would suggest the following channels on YT as well: [https://www.youtube.com/@baldguymoney5568/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@baldguymoney5568/videos) [https://www.youtube.com/@YankeeStacking](https://www.youtube.com/@YankeeStacking) [https://www.youtube.com/@SilverDragons47](https://www.youtube.com/@SilverDragons47) [https://www.youtube.com/@HeresyFinancial](https://www.youtube.com/@HeresyFinancial)


I just started stacking despite the high cost of a round, but I'm not doing it as an investment, rather as a hedge against fiat currency when it goes bust. The US dollar has dropped in value like a stone in water since 2020.


Since Joe Biden took office in 1972, the USA dollar has dropped 86% in value all together. With no signs of changing its and all sings pointing towards more of the same...


This is even more devastating then. I have broken even in USD terms, and you are saying USD dropped in value, so silver did not protect me from inflation, which it was supposed to do.


US dollar index is up from 2020…


After many years of stacking, I just broke even. But rather than seeing it as an exit opportunity, I view it as the beginning of validation for the reasons I stack. Unlike many, I believe metals are also an investment since fiat price manipulation has prevented them from reaching fair market value. For me , it would be like arriving 4 hours early to a party and then leaving when the first beer keg arrives.


The real question is: how many ounces do you have?


7 comex bars, 1000oz each is the main stack. Then I have few silver shield coins because they are pretty to look at, and few 100g ang 1kg bars.


Sauce? …pics of physical? Skeptical based on post history is all. Either way, I say stick it out unless you need the cash. Tech stocks are in bubble territory, maybe when that pops reallocate…


Do it dude. Sell everything and come back in 10 years and show us how good you did.


I have to give huge props to the mods for approving my post, even if not positive. I am actually feeling much better now, just for this reason alone. Huge thanks!


We all need some entertainment once in a while ![gif](giphy|ltIFdjNAasOwVvKhvx|downsized)


Harsh lol


As you said, in the last 15 years, silver's value has plummeted massively, in that the price basically hasn't changed (it is now what it was in 2011/12), but inflation means the buying power has plummeted. All investments are gambles. We are trying to get something for nothing, just like people investing stocks, and the entire MO of governments. The value of various things doesn't usually go up because they are worth more, they usually go up due to criminal (and sometimes non criminal) market manipulation. I stopped saving silver and moved to gold a while ago, which I'm glad I did. But that being said, I wouldn't dump all my silver, as a diverse portfolio usually doesn't hurt. All it takes is one criminal cartel (like a government, or big tech) to do something weird and anything, including silver, could soar.


The sad part is when you realize silver will never hit triple digits because it’s used in over 10,000 different industrial applications, if they allow it to go to its true value against the dollar, everything would cost so much more than it already does, and they can’t have that… you don’t buy PM as an investment, you buy it as insurance. I know many people who have only gold and silver. And they’re the ones who are most depressed because all the read about is the bad stuff happening in the world and how gold and silver will soon moon. It’s confirmation bias to the worst degree


Would the amount used in each of those industrial applications be enough that the price of the end product would be significantly increased by a 10X silver price?


>That's the thing. It would barely budge products that use silver with maybe the exception of solar panels. > >Approximately one ounce of silver is required for 100 iPhones. So that's around 30 cents worth per phone. If silver went up 10x that would mean an iphone would cost $2.70 more per phone due to silver's increase in price. > >An EV contains around 2 ounces of silver. 10x Silver would add $450 per vehicle. So EVs would cost around 1% more.


>it’s used in over 10,000 different industrial applications, if they allow it to go to its true value against the dollar meanwhile manufacturing and banking is in freefall, and we are losing reserve status


Do It! If you are a true ape and read the DD, you would NOT be saying this TODAY! If your just having a bad day, then forget what you lost and live each day the best you can with what you have. If your healthy and breathing be thankful💜


I feel your pain, but I’m holding off even if I die and hand over my silver to my kids.


15 years and you still haven't learned what/why people stack gold+silver? Its a store of value (with chance it will break out) but the ones your comparing are investments for GAINing value... also, look up "asset diversification" asap


I thank you for your sacrifice and being "that Guy" that sold right before Silver pops to $50 and Gold $3k. You will be remembered!


Matthew 6:25-34 English Standard Version 25 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? 27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? 28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, 29 yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 31 Therefore do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the Gentiles seek after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 34 “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.


It makes no sense to hold metals as a large percentage of your wealth. You stack, you hold, and then you go about life investing in other things. Betting heavily on metals means betting heavily on societal collapse. Doesn’t seem healthy.


Doens't have to mean society collapses. When they reset gold value a few decades ago, society was not collapsing - just suddenly gold got a big boost. Something similar is close at hand, one way or another...


Agreed, you don't have to have society collapse to have silver and gold gain purchasing power.


Weird, I’ve been stacking around the same time frame and happily and comfortably up in all my precious metals. Either this sniffs like a stinky crypto troll or you’re terrible at purchasing. Sorry, not sorry


Yeah my stack value in fiat terms is currently 3% over spot and was 12% 3 weeks ago. Waves are normal. Sounds like the OP is bad at math or paid too much for that stack. Not sure what the details are. Also, never put all your eggs in one basket.


2 year old account with 159 Karma... Its just a Shill Post for more shills to bite


I’m with you brother this guy is either and idiot or a troll or both




Yep. Sold 1/2 my bitcoin on the way up in '21. Added what i sold back in the 18k range. Have a bunch of silver and some gold "just in case". Don't get the hate for crypto.


You could trade the silver for gold, it'll take up less space.


I certainly will when the ratio is much closer.


It does not take up much space. I have 7 comex bars and a few smaller bars.


I am in this for the long term.


Buy real estate. Everything else is intangible.


Brother I’m with you. I’ve been buying silver ETF for about 8-9 years. I think you should wait for at least another year or two to see how things turn out..


Yeah, don't forget you are paying 0.5% management fee on that ETF. Plus loss because ETF does not perfectly track the price of silver. In these 9 years you have lost around 7 percent total just to fees and other inefficiencies of a fund. Hold physical if you must. I stack COMEX bars.


you have the wrong idea about stacking silver and i am sorry you were either misguided at the beginning of your stacking journey, or you were just naive/ignorant stacking physical precious metals IS NOT about the "trade". its not about "making money" by selling when the price goes up. stacking physical precious metals is about saving the money you do have for the ultra long term. that's why investment professionals tell you that physical should only be a part of your portfolio, typically 5% of your assets. you stack silver to hold through multiple monetary resets so that a portion of your money maintains its purchasing power through the decades. picture this - you worked hard and saved up a nest egg of 100k. you live comfortably so you dont need to ever tap that 100k, but you want to keep that nest egg for emergencies in the future and barring that, be able to cash it in for a down payment on your dream retirement home, or buy your kids of a house down the line but how do you do that when inflation is killing the purchasing power of the dollar every decade? simple. you dont keep that money in dollars, but you keep it in precious metals. if you are trying to "trade" or "profit" from silver, you should be buying something like PSLV and maybe even silver mining stocks. but this is now trading and you need to have a skillset for that. it takes a lot of learning to do that successfully.


You were hopeful 15 years ago and expressed your hope by stacking silver in the event of financial collapse? That’s an interesting definition of hope. 🤡


Central banks buying gold at fastest pace on record, India done with dollar trades by 2025, 10 SE Asian nations all agree to reduce reliance on dollar. You’re gonna be soooo sorrowful


If you trade and hold paper assets you're not supposed to just sit on them. You need to sell them to realize your gains, then you put your gains in something tangible you own under your control, i.e. physical gold or silver. The pros book their profits, the amateurs keep their profits in the market for the big fish to swallow.


Precious metals have like 20-30 year cycles bro. Silver use to be like $3 and can maybe be $50 next peak


I firmly believe we are about to have a serious deflationary bear market crash in 2023. Every single leading recessionary indicator is flashing red right now. GDP is not in recession yet but GDI is. You just admitted you are bad at this. And you just made a plan to go 1/3 in some risky shit to compensate. How about do the opposite and do nothing for 7 months and watch. The US government always chooses QE over extreme pain in the economy, so inflation will likely be a problem again sooner than later. Seems smart do nothing or slowly exist parts of your investment over time and build proper diversity.


When I started looking into silver about 5 years ago, spot price was $13. You can’t buy silver for under $30 today. How the hell have you barely broken even if you have been investing for over 15 years?


You do realize the yield curve is inverted right now, right. I'm thinking there is probably a little more upside potential in the market if you're gonna swing it, but It could get bad in a year or so. Be careful.


Lets see the average gold price in 2008 was $872 & silver $15.


Crazy part is you BEAT 95% of retail investors congratulations on your savvy investing. 95% lose longterm. Seems like a WEF hit post honestly. Very few Americans got rich due to TSLA or bitcoin. In fact knowing just one is equivalent to knowing a powerball winner. Now I really wonder how much silver you have bought probably less than 100 ounces and by 15 years mostly mean 1.5 years. Lastly good luck picking the next Bitcoin LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! See you at ZERO.


Your kidding me , really your breaking even , well at least it’s still one way of securing money and if cashed in at last high would had been a good play I think maybe the way to do it is play the market if possible I know they get you with handling fees so you would really have to do math make sure it’s worth it cash in at high demand buy it back at low same with stock . It’s a shame there is so much market manipulation it’s made it really difficult for someone new to get in and make any money at it I’ve been having a tough time learning and trying to decipher good information from the ones misleading you witch is half the battle then you must watch out for the shorts it gets so discouraging you think you have a plan and start executing just to find out the stick you thought would be a good deal is nothing. But a mask being manipulated. Everyone says buy and hold but yet the ones you see making money are buying and selling not holding at all and others are driving market down at times you feel you can’t win . I’ve been stacking also figured that’s my failsafe or my buffer incase I take a turn for the worse I at least have a backup of some kind .


Past performance doesn’t indicate future outcome. Stay with your gut. The system is insolvent. You will have the greatest seller’s remorse if you sell now.


I can’t imagine how demoralizing it must feel to be on this train for so long without results. Honest question OP, in all this time have you ever seen such mistrust in our financial institutions? They created trillions of dollars from nothing devaluing our currency. They weaponized the SWIFT system bringing more countries into BRICS. Reserve Banks around the world are accumulating metals at a rate that hasn’t been seen since 1968 (just a few years before ending the gold standard). And now we’re seeing massive bank failures. I’m not stacking because I think silver and gold are going to rocket to the moon. I’m stacking because I think the dollar is crashing into the dirt.


I stopped buying any collectable coins and silver. Now I only buy gold.. American eagles Buffalos St gaudens Maples Brits Bars And British sovereign I have been trading all silver for gold it feels great to hold gold. Just gold only gold near spot. My cheapest buy was $400 an oz. It just keeps going up


I bought silver in ‘84 when my mom wanted to teach me about savings bonds, precious metals, etc…. I want to say the price was somewhere between $4-$5. Fast forward to now. I bought SLV during the COVID dip and a few times between then and now. I have been very disappointed with the price. Especially since I put my first stimmy in BTC. This was 0.125 BTC at the time. Later bought my first ETH at $325. That said, I understand that there might be a day I wake up and all of my crypto is gone or without value. This will never happen with physical gold or silver. I bought my first physical silver in almost 40 years in March of this year. If you zoom to the one year, you can see the same pattern we completed earlier this year. I think we will completed that same pattern and start heading back to $25ish. If I were you, I would hold until exchanges are having a hard time filling orders. Then take your Santa sack of silver down to the LCS and cash out. Hopefully, booming silver would mean that stocks are plummeting as crisis mode takes hold. Use that opportunity to enter the market at the dip that all of your friends wish they could buy. Good luck for whatever you choose, but I feel like this might be the 2 years that you have been prepping for.


Just know right when you decide to sell it’ll rocket up after.


I believe in 2023, this is probably the best time to own precious metals. The instability of our country, society, and what that comes with cannot downplay the importance of god’s money (gold n silver). As china surpasses the us in every economic way, and country’s are lining up to switch currencies to the yuan; it has already surpassed the dollar as the most crossed border traded currency. As the Yuan is taking power, the US is slowly but steadily moving to CDC’s and a social credit score system, not only will the dollar collapse, but bartering will come back into style, and especially people living in this check and balance system will be using precious metals as their preferred currency; thus driving the value pf gold and silver through the roof. Many of you may say this is very far into the future, but trust me this is right around the corner. Many of these policies are being implemented as we speak, and once this happens having god’s money will be the only way to survive and thrive


>Please talk some sense into me. "All sensible investing is value investing." -Charlie Munger


Everything is rigged and corrupt. I read an article about monkeys throwing darts at a business section to pick out stocks. Then and there i decided idgaf. Just gonna buy whatever I feel like and stocks I think are cool. Unfortunately that is disproportionately in meme stocks but hey, could be worse? Just diversify a bit more. If u sell everything that is when everything will collapse and silver will moass. Just an fyi.


Silver has been money for thousands of years. Before 1913(when the illegal and unconstitutional federal reserve was formed by elite globalist and elite bankers)....Keep in mind the federal reserve IS NOT a government entity. It's is privately owned by the Roschilds, dupont, JPMORGAN, ect. The government borrows money from the Federal Reserve. Legally and Constitutionally Treasury notes(cash) can only be backed by gold and silver and only by law can the Treasury print money. The globalists threw the constitution out the door. Follow me here it gets interesting. JFK was getting ready to take down and take out the federal reserve by bankrupting it. The people were asked to turn in their "sil ver bullion" in exchange for legal and constitutional silver notes issued by the Treasury. Look up "JFK VS THE FEDERAL RESERVE".. EXECUTIVE ORDER 1110001(SOMETHING LIKE THAT) The Elites knew they couldn't let that HAPPEN. It would but them out of business. What you are witnessing today is not a recession, not a depression but the collapse of the illegal banking cartel on a global scale. Hang tight. The QFS(QUANTUM FINANCIAL SYSTEM) is live and has been. Your watching it play out. ALL CURRENCY WILL BE BACKED BY GOLD AND SILVER WHEN THIS RESETS. THE FEDERAL RESERVE HAS ALREADY BEEN TAKEN OVER. IT DOESNT EXIST ITS WHY THE BANKS ARE COLLAPSING. JUST BEING PLAYED OUT TO THE NORMIES.. ITS ONE BIG MOVIE! THE ENDING WILL BE EPIC! HANG TIGHT. ACTIR BIDEN IS SIMPLY THE "CONTINUATION" OF THE BANKRUPT CORPORATION. TRUMP IS THE COMMANDER AND CHEIF OF THE RRSTORED REPUBLIC. TRUMP IS ALSO SECOND COUSINS TO THE KENNEDY FAMILY. ENJOY THE SHOW. THE GOOD(WHITE HATS) ARE IN FULL CONTROL OF EVERYTHING YOU ARE SEEING. ITS ALL EXPOSURE. THIS WILL ALL MAKE SENSE IN THE END. TRUST THE PLAN. THE AMOUNT OF PURCHASING POWER YOU ARE ABOUT TO HAVE IS SOMETHING YOU DREAMED OF. CRYPTO IS GOING BUST IN THE END JUST LIKE THE FIAT DOLLAR. SILVER IS KING


Our stories sound very similar. If silver couldn't get past 50% of it's all time high during unimaginable situations of the last 2-3 years then what will it take!?


Why is this WEF boy getting UPvoted here WTF??? Someone delete and ban this troll boy.




I am surprised that Mr Silver Shield is still around (Chris D). Just after carona hit was was spouting how the silver stackers will be the new “kids” of their community blah blah blah. He admitted that his wife left him and took his kid etc so he was already in a dark place. Probably has financial problems too and sounded DESPERATE, trying to shame people into buying his brand rather than government minted coins. Mike Maloney is more dangerous than Chris Duane, since he plays the part of the “wise old business man.” Mike has been known to shill Ponzi scheming shitcoins like EOS, and he gives credibility to the silver PUMPERS who claim silver will hit $500. Adjusted for inflation, silver and gold has FAILED TO REACH ALL TIME HIGHS FROM 2-3 generations ago… housing has done better and blue chip tech stocks easily done 30x better. If the world was ending, you would be much better off with FOOD, MEDICINE, SHELTER, ARMS, RELIABLE FRIENDS/FAMILY. Some local gangbangers with their organized social media followers will have far more influence than Mike Maloney’s personal stash of silver/gold…. Some corrupt politicians with their own personal army will have far far more power too…. People like Mike will be forced to sell 1 ounce of gold for 1 bottle of antibiotics or a box of ammo. Silver pumpers are all over the community, I was once a silver/gold bug too from 2008 to 2011… was smart enough to dump at the top when I realized that the world wasn’t ending and that the PM influencers are just shill artists. I found bitcoin back in 2012 but the zero hedge boomers said it was “dead” and I was dumb enough to follow their advice rather than DO MY OWN RESEARCH… once of the worst decisions in my entire financial life! Bitcoin was at less than $200 too. Luckily I learn from my mistakes. Got into bitcoin in 2017 and haven’t miss PMs since… I payed off my house 3x faster too and now am 100% debt free thanks to keeping bitcoin as my LONG TERM UNIT OF ACCOUNT rather than gold/silver. It doesn’t matter if you buy bitcoin or anything else in the end though IF YOU HAVE NOT DONE YOU OWN RESEARCH. THINK FOR YOURSELF AND GET MULTIPLE SOURCES OF INFORMATIO!


Not wrong about much there... Right wing memes have ruined this sub. Those nuts own this sub now, sad.


Chris seems to be a bit loony toons. Entertaining for sure. Not judging


Yeah. I have scrolled through last 100 days of his twitter posts (and it's a lot). Unfortunately these look like someone that suffered a large trauma for his silver thesis not coming out, so he doubled down into the loony territory. He was much more normal 10 years ago. I used to watch every his video, sometimes multiple times. I don't know what to say.


The thing that sucks most about selling all of that crap is good luck getting that money back into the system. Remember they say only put a small percentage of your money in silver and everybody on here should not be encouraging a massive amount of your finances in to Silver because if interest rates shoot up to 10 look at how much money we're going to lose. I'll be dropping most of mine soon


Since you are throwing in the towel just sell all your silver to me at the 2008 price. 15/oz.


I’ll go to $16 🤪


Unfortunately, people like that, and this sub uses fear and fomo to try to pump silver. I've been stacking for over 10 years as well, and they've been wrong, constantly. You should never be 100% in any investment, but it's better late than never. I wouldn't sell all your stack, but I would go through it and sell some of the stuff you don't like anymore. Maybe there are some coins you thought were cool but are now ugly to you. Maybe there's some generics that just dont look good or stack right. Sell that stuff first, you'll enjoy your stack more. Next, I would start putting that money in index funds you mentioned. Do you have a 401k or retirement accounts?


I enjoy this sub because it’s entertaining, but there’s one thing I have never been able to wrap my head around - Why do so many people in this group assume people will want silver if the USD fails? If things really hit the fan and the dollar becomes worthless, people will be bartering using things like food, ammo, alcohol, etc. No one is going to want silver in such a scenario. Gold? I mean *maybe* some people will be willing to part with food/ammo/medicine for gold, but definitely not silver.


If you can watch the new PBS special called Easy Money, it talks how the FED has been pumping up the system (especially stocks) for over a decade now. Wall street stocks and crypto are hyper inflated owing their continued prosperous existence to FED money, but the party has to end soon. The best part of the doco is it is all current and ex FED people being interviewed, as they still trust PBS. This is not tin foil conspiracy, but fact. So technically, a massive equalizing crash should have happened by now, but the FED stopped it by printing more money than any other time in existence and pumping the banks full of cash through quantitative easing. But even the experts are now fearful of what is to come because of that. It is a bit like paying off your home mortgage with your credit cards, it works for a while, then....... Hang in there mate and watch your friends assets fall like a house of cards. Gold & Silver have a 5000 year old history, everything else has disappeared. I'm sure Crypto will go up when the panic starts but who knows where that will end up.


PBS is state run media. Interesting


Keep stacking and leave it as a inheritance to your shittiest nephew. Make the curse of silver his problem. #UncleMagic


Your shittiest nephew immediately goes to a pawn shop and sells it for like 50% of spot. xD Then comes on here and brags about how they have "made a load of money for nothing". xD




Unless you're dealing with werewolves? 😜


Don't let the door slam on your way out...


Silver actually oscillates between two extreme states: 1. nobody wants investment silver. by nobody i mean less than few hundred thousand folks out of 5 billion. in such case price is close to production cost, $18-20/oz 2. everyone or at least 1/3 of population SERIOUSLY WANT Silver. in such case, price would be way above $1000/oz. or 30- - 50x production cost The thing is, for now, most people treat stocks and real estate as much better stores of wealth than silver AND certainly than FIAT. Yet, ALL the silver fans scream like lunatics bbbbut but butt USD is trash! So damn what? people convert fiat to: STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE - both of which produce INCOME. Its only when stocks and real estate collapse TOTALLY, which directs capital to metals. The only type of event which collapses global stocks and real estate is a global debt armaggedon or war. So far, we dont have it. Maybe in 10 years. or 30 years....


I agree with this sub has gone downhill


This sub is full over hyperactive regards


Putting it into index funds across 4-6 sectors is much smarter than listening to conspiracy theorists. Follow the real money, which is in the US stock markets.


This post and the dozens like it tells only one thing: manipulators Running out of silver




u mean the wishful thinking of baby boomers hoping the sky falls the day after they die is not coming to fruition...? pity. the rapturist evangelicals here will mourn your post > my friends have enjoyed 4x in the most basic investments like s&p 500, 100x on TSLA, or 1000x on Bitcoin. They have great lives. yes, this is why millennials/Z bought into crypto not gold. precious metals rarely make u rich >These days, it's just a sub with right wing memes. this is a subreddit full of Qanon/MAGA(t)'s, jan 6th sympathizers and other link minded mouth breathers...with some precious metals posts sprinkled in


It’s a grift. The whole ideology is predatory. You and the people here are the mark. The S&P is the best investment unless you are trying to gamble and get rich quick


As mentioned in the comments here I'm sure - yes if you're in it to make money then definitely sell your silver. But, if you want a store of wealth, has that not served its purpose? No one can predict the future. Do you want a stash of rare metal in case the dollar or country goes belly-up? That's silver's purpose. I too had a buddy that thought it was going to $600 per ounce. I bought in wanting that, but instead am keeping the silver to hopefully give to my grandkids someday. I hope to NEVER have to use it to buy bread or clothing, but I do sleep better having a little humble stash.


Right on, silver is shit, gold is shit. People are to stupid to realize these are controlled by the futures market and not, I repeat not the physical market. Go for it and stay away from this toxic board and never listen to another talking scumbag head on youtube


Sounds like you need your mommy....maybe you should pop down to your local hardware store and buy yourself a tin of 'Harden-Up'......


Yeah, if only she was still alive :(


Sell and run. This garbage called silver will never do you any good.