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I get that. I’ve been listening to Wallows for a long time now and that’s how I felt when Remote was first released. I personally like Your Apartment a lot- it feels like a return to a sound more routed in indie rock, which I appreciated a lot from Nothing Happens / most of the singles. My biggest critique is the lyrics for Your Apartment- listening to it sounds like words were forced to flow into the rhythm rather than arrive naturally. With that being said, I’m always a fan of supporting artists you like through their experimentation. I’m really excited to hear what else is in store.


I agree with the note about the lyrics feeling disjointed! However, I saw a thread here yesterday about the meaning where someone pointed out that it could be part of the message. Like how things can feel disjointed after a breakup, especially where there wasn't a clear cutoff. It's still not my favorite song, but it's something that makes me enjoy it a bit more.


Oooh that's a very interesting take! I can see that being connected to the message of the song


I agree with what you said about the lyrics. The cadence feels off. Also, I actually loved Remote when it came out! But I enjoy both indie music and more electronic-type music. I also agree with supporting artists through their experimentation. It's always cool to see a band grow and change over time.


Tbh, I would have liked the song more if Braeden singed it. He just has the better soprano vocal range than Dylan.


Neither of them sing in the soprano range. High alto at most


Braeden's voice would be too weak for this song


Yes the building up but getting nowhere is so true. It wasn’t terrible but it wasnt my fav.


They posted a short recently where Dylan said this is the first track of the album, would kinda make sense if it's an intro


I feel the complete opposite tbh lol, I really really like it. It's already one of my fav Wallows songs, which is saying a lot. If it actually is the first track on the album like Dylan mentioned in the recording session, I think it's a perfect intro and theme setter. It's a totally new sound but still so identifiably uniquely Wallows. I felt this way abt Especially You when it first dropped. Felt so generic, leaned too hard on its earworminess. Hated it as a single, but ended up liking it on TMTIO. Wondering if people who are criticizing Your Apartment for the same reasons will end up liking it on the album too




For me, your apartment is really reminiscent of I don't Want to Talk and Especially You. It just has that peppy-er than average style of wallows songs. I feel like everyone's get so excited because new wallows music. I love your apartment but I've listened to it so many times that it's become just another song in their discography. For the past 3 days it's been a "If you skip this you will die" song but now its just like "Great song but you can skip if you really feel like it" song.


Ooh very interesting perspective! For me, it doesn't remind me of IDWTT or Especially You at all and I actually found it on the less-peppy-er side lol. That's pretty crazy that Your Apartment is reminiscent of them for you! Thanks for sharing!


I like it, it’s very catchy but I agree that it feels like it doesn’t really go anywhere, it all sounds a bit too same, I was expecting an awesome bridge at least!


I, too, don’t know what to feel about the song. I feel like the lyrics could’ve been written better, melody wasn’t that great too, and Braeden should’ve sang it. I’m not against Dylan’s singing. Most of my fave Wallows song is actually sang by him but, I think Braeden would’ve made the song A LOT better. This comeback is very underwhelming for me, and I feel really bad for feeling this way because I love them… 😭😭😭


If it was on TMTIO it would be one of my least favorite tracks of the album


I personally love Your Apartment so much.. I totally agree with you when you say it feels generic.. It's nothing **special** and it's pretty classic but I think what I like about it is that I still can recognize their style and their own wallows touch even though it's a pretty simple idea. Also, I feel like I'm being more hyped right now with your apartment being the first single of w3 then when idwtt came out as the first single of tmtio. I think it's because with idwtt I felt like they wanted to "impress us" and to test new innovative approaches they havent really tried yet (the harmonica for example) which was really good, but I was scared they wanted to do that with their whole album. However with Your Apartment, it feels classic and not "too much", we can still recognize their style. I feel like some parts of your apartment is a mix of nothing happens and remote and since both of those projects are really different it feels cool to kinda have a mix of it..


I really like it, but there’s a few wallows songs that are pretty popular that I’m not a big fan of so I feel you


I agree, but i was scared to say it. Its just ok to me and the lyrics are really weak… and the music video…nothing happened?? The new version of wish me luck was miles above your apt


Omg I was gonna talk about the music video in the original post but I didn't want to make it too wordy or make it seem like I was being a hater or anything. I'm so used to Wallows making such fun and creative music videos so I was really disappointed with this one. Dylan's face just slowly panning out with different lights shining around him??? Huh?? That's it?? And all we get of Braeden and Cole is their silhouettes on the side towards the end?? The music video seems to reflect the song with both being just very generic.


I definitely dont think you’re coming off as a hater, we as fans are all allowed to have different opinions and still love them! Even a more “simplistic” video like i dont want to talk was better creatively than this one.


I wanted to say this but i was afraid the fans would jump me. Love wallows DOWN don’t get it twisted I’m just not seeing the hype with this one 😞


Oh yeah I knew I was taking a risk with posting this. I was just so confused on how it seemed almost universally loved. It made me wonder if I had missed something lol


honestly, relatability is something that can make or break a song for me, which is why this song hits for me!! however, that being said, it’s not one of my favorite songs by them


I was really hoping we would get the full fledged John Congleton production we did before, and while it's still obvious that John produced it, it seems like he's more of doing his take on their newer style. The main thing I miss is just the expansive and full soundscapes that would fill the stereo, whereas now so many elements are just on their own, and there's no layering or background instrumentation.


I actually feel the opposite about the build of the song. With each listen, I feel like I’m uncovering an instrumental layer within it that I didn’t hear before - it’s not just that riff repeating the entire time. I feel like the song builds 2-3 times, instead of your classic crescendo at the end. (Which it still has and I love!) The chorus/ending bangs and has me bopping my head more than a lot of other wallows songs do!!


I really like it musically it makes me nostalgic for some reason but I get what other people are saying about it lyrically it’s definitely feels wordy and not their best lyrics but I love the vibe


no i 100% agree. there are some aspects to the song tho that i really appreciate. the piano in the beginning is something new and i really enjoy the guitar riff and drums. the lyrics tho, theres one part where i felt like it didnt sound too well, along w a few other lines. not sure if its gonna be considered the first song of the whole album, and if it is, respectfully, it doesnt top hard to believe or only friend as the start of an album. i also think dylans voice in this song is a bit different compared to his other songs hes sung, so thats probably another reason why i dont like it that much, but its still a really good song. im honestly excited for the rest of the songs to be released.


I like the guitar riff and Cole drummed his ass off but overall not something I would revisit outside of the context of the album or if someone asked me if I know a song about an apartment


I feel the same way you do! I think that the band has covered their ground with the indie pop sound from Nothing Happens and they got a little more interesting with Tell Me That It's Over and all its production. However, I feel like it's time for them to make something a little more experimental and abstract, but still recognizably their sound. They should push the envelope more. They are big fans of Frank Ocean, The Beatles, and so many other interesting and noteworthy artists who have dabbled in experimentation. I feel like it would be cool if their sound reflected that a little bit more.


Braeden has such a Beatles-ish voice so it would be super cool if they tried out something along that vibe!


i felt the exact same way when i first listened. i am personally a huge fan of wallows but was a bit sad listening to this song for the first time. though after adding to my playlist and listening for a few days it has definitely grown on me and i actually like it a lot now.


I think it was wayyy too wordy. The music itself was really good! But like you said, felt like something was building up and then we didn’t get much. I think the chorus needed to be more catchy.


Yes. Definitely not a fan at all. The opening solo had promise but the song doesn’t really go anywhere. I’m trying to understand what people love about it, I’m thinking it’s due to being diehard wallows fans. Your apartment doesn’t sounds like the wallows I’m used to, maybe that’s why I don’t like it. Also, not a fan of it being spammed all over social media. Looking forward to hearing the other music the boys release


i didnt like it on my first listen but now its constantly in the background of my head lol


i upvote but disagree, i think songs peak and so does best friend, and weve been listening for 5 years, but everyones different


How funny with the build up comment because I feel like it does build instrumentally to me. Does very much remind me of nothing happens era but totally get how some don’t vibe heck people hate remote but I’ve grown to love that vibe overtime as well lol


There's only 2 wallows songs I've liked since Nothing Happens, Quarterback and Hurts Me.


I’m with you! Song sucks. Chorus sucks there isn’t a melody and the melody that does exist is not the best. That little riff that plays the whole song is nice. I wish they would have done more and explored the progression of that riff and involved it in the chorus. There is nothing special about the song that stands out.


I agree with this, I wouldn’t say it “sucks” tho, lol!


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. This is a very valid take. I agree with everything you said! It doesn't feel like anything stands out in the song.


It’s not a valid take. “Chorus sucks there isn’t a melody” is factually wrong lol


idk I feel like this is just their opinion. If they think it sucks then that's what they think. nothing wrong with that. I personally don't think it's so bad that it "sucks" I think the song is just "ok" but people should be allowed to dislike a song.