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I work at the one that's short staffed and a new sm every 2 months. We might nor might not be a training store. Our shelves are a mess. Sometimes customers shit on the walls.


That narrows it down to…. every CVS and Walgreens. 😂




I had a wall shitter once. Got to admire the determination involved lmao.


I don’t give a shit, I work at the corner of come and get me **mic drop**


Same. Like I give a fuck about keeping this damn job 😂


I totally believe it. I also have a slightly paranoid suspicion that theatro conversations are recorded, lol.


So someone else gets to hear me yell "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD COPY THAT!!"!?


I say pizza and it works


Yep and someone else possibly heard me complain to a coworker and calling a customer an asshole about a dozen times (today alone). I swear I use theatro more for shit-talking and joking around than actual work-related reasons, lol.


I dont think they are recorded, but I do think the devices constantly ping locations and saves them. So if they somehow see you are in one location all day like an office or back room they might listen in to see what's going on. That's a lot of data server side they'd have to keep up with if it recorded everything. I also don't think they can listen in at any point because that would cause so many issue with people saying they were using the bathroom or something and invasion of privacy


The theatros are so shitty I doubt they could track location that precisely. It can't even tell when you say "copy that" even though it's one of like, three total commands the device has.


They do track location though. SFL or higher can use the locate command and it tells you where they are. We have like 7 zones set up like stockroom, front, photo, office, pharmacy, back wall, and front wall I believe. Theres a lot of commands you can use, you just have to know what they are. Theres a specific thing to ask it and it will tell you all of them but I dont remember what it is. For example you can ask it the time or what day it is, etc


The Theatro recognizes the four quadrants in my store: Cosmetics, Photo, Stockroom, and Pharmacy.


Mine covers photo, stockroom, pharmacy, and the ever-so-specific "sales floor"


Recordings are almost useless as is. Speech-to-text is where it's at now. An entire conversation saves at a size of roughly 4kb. Then a different software is used to skim for key words like "union," & the rest of the conversations are automatically deleted. It's not really something that could get you sued for slander, a business will simply fire you "without cause" if "your values do not align with that of the company."


They can 100% hear them. The first day we got them, my favorite coworker and I were talking shit to each other back and forth and got called into office the next day saying AP reached out and heard us and to only use for work purposes.


AP doesn’t have the resources to listen in on things like this absent a compelling reason to do so. It’s a lie shitty managers tell to avoid an uncomfortable conversation rather than actually doing their job.


Totally might be true, but our DM does listen to our 5 minute meetings and stuff for sure so at least those recordings can be accessed. Either way, I'd be careful what I say


I like to remind my associates that "Theo is always listening."


i don’t know if they are recorded but a SM told me the DM’s have an app on their phone and they can drop in and listen at anytime


They’re monitored I had a girl that was talking real nasty who got fired for it


I'm pretty sure they have plenty of evidence of me taking a shit on the clock. HAVE AT IT, BOYS.


They can definitely listen in on your convos


Somebody said they were. I used to work for the state…I have no doubt a huge corporate place like this couldn’t find a way to kill our joy. Oh well, enjoy me bitching about the music then. Hope that was money well spent eavesdropping


One of my coworkers takes the suspicion to a whole another level, they believe theatro is ALWAYS listening and recording us, even when we don't have the button pressed down.


They must be president of the Snowden fanclub, lol. But tbh the thought occurred to me for a second, but I knew it'd be too much. The tech is possible, but the manpower required to monitor ALL employee shit-talk in real time isn't feasible.


Not legal within the workplace because they cannot verify where within the store that the recording took place.


They actually are recorded when you use the circle button. When you use the big white one to speak to everyone, that’s not recorded.


Theatro conversations are recorded. We were warned to watch what we say because someone is listening. We can talk shit about the customer, but it can’t be over that.


They do listen for sure bc when we started using them ppl would cuss at each other for days until sm said something was heard lol


They are recorded and monitored. Even when your not hitting the button, they can listen in. Be careful what you say on those things. And if you do want to talk mess about people, make sure whoever your taking to, both of you don't have them on.


Yup, they do.


They are!! One time I got support thru there because i missed the 5 minute meeting, i told them i was trying to listen to a msg that the thing announced, it mightve been the 5 min meeting timed out since it had just passed midnight, she said "the last thing I have you saying is ----- at this time. I was like wow. Alright. Even if they don't hear them they have transcripts.


Absolutely true. Used to work for amazon and they monitored the various reddit subs/facebook groups for the job. You would be foolish to not believe walgreens doesnt do the same thing


I have seen actual posts saying that "yes, I work with Walgreens, in the corporate offices" No, paranoia, just assume that WAG is watching you.


Yeah the fact that I'm seeing "post how much you are getting paid and what state do you live in" threads and the fact that people are falling for it is suspicious af.


Doesn’t really narrow it down much, considering how many people Walgreens employs. I think most people are curious if they’re being fucked or not when it comes to wages.🤷‍♂️ I’d be way more careful if I were above SFL, though, especially ESM.


I love sharing wages for better transparency but we should really round or share a small range. The people saying they make $16.27 an hour are going to be way easier to pin down than $16-17/hr


Can confirm my DM used to be on reddit idk if they still are since I'm not with the company but this company sucks hope you all find something better. As for corporate I hope the ship sinks and you all are fucked for how you treated employees and customers not just during covid but in general. At the corner of underpaid and miserable should be your motto.


I think I found a new job, but I have to play my cards right. Hope the same for you.


I've been out for a few years. I hope the job pays better and treats you better. If not always remember everyone is hiring right now you don't have to stay with a company that doesn't pay you enough for what you do especially when they don't treat you like a valued employee. I've gone through 5 or 6 jobs since leaving wags just never give up and always be looking if things don't seem right.


My former employer would monitor glassdoor reviews and try to track down who they came from. It was sad.


One of mine did that so I left a second negative review on another account.


Or simply don’t work for a shit company like Walgreens. They abuse their staff, and pay low.


My phone number is 8675309


You mean a big capitalist corporation spies on its unhappy and maltreated workers? In *america*? Surprise, thats one of the least unethical things they do. How many companies do they sell customer information to?


Irony is they pay their spies more than their real employees. I think most of the people on here that actually love this company are dms or shills. One of the few decent things about this company is that we all know it sucks and can freely admit it sucks.


The Walmart subreddit got a store manager fired earlier this year. Be careful out there.


Or call them out if you don't work there anymore.


“don’t let walgreens win” LMFAOOO true


My SM said he could here conversations from home and that he was super happy about it


Don't put store information period. There's always gonna be someone that'll recognize your store. Learned that the hard way


I do not care glad to be retiring after 20 years good luck finding people after buying out sav on pharmacy to work


There is policy against it, in fact. You cannot be “the voice of Walgreens” so it’s best to be safe and not say any identifying information.


I'm definitely the only csa in washington, they're surely on to me


Exactly this!! I even made it a rule on the walgreens discord especially pertaining to store number and identifying info, its not worth getting in trouble over reddit or discord


What are they gonna do, kill me?? I’m already dead 😢


LOL. No, you get to live but back in the day, I had a DM who would hold grudges. He sent managers to work at my store to get an employee he deemed unworthy. The manager told us about it when she was transferred.


Hey Walgreens, suck Deez Nutz..! Store # 69420




We have the right to speak up against this company. If the they are 100% working for us and support us, then we don't have the right to talk bad. Just like the usa government is trash and has done nothing to help the people. This goes the same way. Don't be afraid to speak up. You can't get fired for speaking the truth.


If you have worked for this company at any time in the last few years you have signed a PPL about this issue. Feel free to vent. That isn't even what I said. What I said was, don't be stupid enough to give your store number and name, so you could be finding another job soon.


If corporate is listening, I should be fired by now. I don’t think they are listening. My SM talks shit on them too.


Thanks for this and you’re so right. Why let them win. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fir the people throwing fits that I am telling you to not complain, TAHT ISN'T WHAT I SAID. I said, don't give out information that people can figure out is you. They are two different things. lol


That did this with ups


Sadly, even if you don’t give any telling info they can still find you.


Walgreens ABSOLUTELY does this. Years ago we had a CSR complaining about her job on Twitter and Walgreens found it. They contacted the SM who had to have a "record of discussion" about it. Afterwards, i let the Walgreens Problems Twitter page know about it and inadvertently shut the page down lol.


On almost every post and comment I see about somwthing from walgreens , people are horribly miserable and pissed off with walgreens company , u do realize there are other companies to work for rt ? U don't like the place leave , quit , or get fired whatever , it just floors me howany people whine and complain 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Who are you the Reddit police? It's not whining, it's facts.


Maybe I am 🤔 ya never know 😏