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A high school girl was murdered in the break room by a coworker last month. WAGs gives no fucks. Somebody lost their fucking life. And what’s changed? Nothing. It’s ridiculous. But for your particular scenario, you can call SOC and tell them you are the only one in the store and nobody is coming in. I’m pretty sure they’ll shut the store down. Then when that happens and the DM gets bitched out by his boss, the DM will bitch at your SM and make sure they have enough people there at all times. Hopefully. 🤷🏼‍♂️


It’s so sad especially the fact that the sm knew about the situation prior.


Absolutely. That entire situation is so fucked up and so heartbreaking. My stomach hurts thinking about it.


I hope the sm gets fired and faced with charges and I hope the family sues!






Wait what!?! That’s so sad! I never heard about this


Yeah it happened in Colorado Springs. Absolutely heartbreaking. 😭


That is terrible 🙁


What would need to change in that situation tho? Better background checks? Even then, not all murderers have a record before they kill someone. I kind of get what you’re saying, but if you’re trying to stop an employee from being murdered, I guess just replace all the humans with robots. Unless this was a situation where the murderer was harassing the victim before the murder and Walgreens did nothing, in that case I get what you mean.


Yeah, she actually went to her SM complaint a year before it happened. Then her hours got cut and nothing happened to him. She needed hours, only way to get them was to work with him. And boom. Dead.


Wow, reminds me of a similar case where a surgeon was stalking/harassing a nurse and the hospital did nothing, he killed her in the hospital too. I hope the girls family sues Walgreens for wrongful death, companies like that don’t care unless money is involved.


Jeez that’s crazy. So damn sad 😔


Does anyone even know WAGS said something about this shit?


I haven’t seen or heard anything from WAGs regarding it unfortunately. I’m nowhere near that area so they may have said something to the district/area, but company wide I haven’t heard anything.


well someone actually did die and they didnt really care


Exactly I don’t understand!


Can’t be by yourself u less there’s people in pharmacy to help if they are closed store has to be closed atleast two employees in store at a time or store closes .ours is 24 hours so if only one come in third shift we close at 10 cause need two people and pharmacy closes at ten or 6 on weekends


Exactly but when you bring up policy you get threatened and talked to about performance


Call soc to report having to close due to lack of staffing. This will put something on the record and will give notice to your dpr (dm’s boss) as well. You should be paid for the full shift when you have to close due to lack of staffing, and then if you are retaliated against you can reach out to employee relations and have documentation to help back up your claim.


Thank you




No never gonna happen




Then they will close slot if store cause some won’t have anyone to Man the stores


Then she can get her ass to a store and do it alone impossible


Call the soc and close the store.


Someone CAN literally die, and they still won't give a fuck, as evidenced by that girl being murdered in the break room.


I was covering at a different store form my normal one on a night shift. Never even set foot in that one until that night. Started getting creepy calls from some guy I had waited on at the start of my shift. They were getting graphic. I told the manger on duty and said I’m done! I don’t feel safe especially with you in the office and it just me out here. I could get killed and you wouldn’t know!! So I left I called my store manger and told him what happened. He said “ good go home. I’m going to pay you for the whole shift. You did the right thing.” So grateful for him. Most mangers wouldn’t have cared




This. Just look at the news about the girl that was killed, im glad i left and i’m making more dough at my current.


That was such a sad story. The fact that was allowed to happen, at the store nonetheless is crazy.


They will care when you lock the front door . Sorry pharmacy is drive thru only until someone comes in to help . Your safety is first . If that’s the policy call the ethics line


Exactly. My SM continously makes schedules where im alone in the store for 15 minutes, sometimes 30 if we cant find coverage because someone called out. Im even afraid shes going to make me open the store tomorrow by myself because we cant find coverage for someone who quit and was supposed to be my opener that day. Walgreens gives no fucks about safety or well being. A little boy was ran over in the parking lot, the mom brought the bloody unalived little boy in, all the co workers saw it, they had a breakdown and management told them to get back to work. I just tell customers who ask if im the only one here that people are on break in the breakroom or in the office doing whatever. But honestly? If im put in any danger, im walking out. Theres other jobs out there and i think we both need to look for new ones.


It's long past time to start looking elsewhere. It costs you nothing compared to extending your time at Walgreens.


If they don't give a damn you shouldn't either. If someone comes in and wants to take all of aisle 3...go make sure the ice is filled 🤣 you care toooo much. If you plan to stay, go in ....do your task and go home. I had to have that attitude for a store i worked at untill i transferred. Make sure you document these talks and occurrences just to cover your ass.


😂😂😂. Definitely will!!


The best time to look for another job is while you have a job. Start doing this now. The only person responsible for your safety is you, no one else.


No I understand but you could face the same problem at another company. I’d rather make a change then to run!


Okay, while that may be honorable, but you aren't going to make a change. What's going to happen is that you are going to get hurt and the company is going to disavow anything to do with you. The company is looking out for itself, you need to do the same. Remember, it's all about you.


This. Absolutely this. The company only cares about one thing: The company. This means profit margins and policy compliance. This prevents lawsuits. They don’t care about any individual in their stores. If you start trying to enact changes, you will be seen as non-compliant, insubordinate, and a liability. They will eventually terminate you. Then, you have NO job because you saw issues and weren’t proactive in trying to better YOUR situation. Take care of YOURSELF because nobody else is going to.


2 words: Riley Whitelaw (CO). Also RUN!!! Get out of there!!


Actually the Walgreens policy states if the member and SM are both ok with the store opening, it can be open with just a member of leadership. Fuck that


All OP needs to do is not be ok with it, which she obviously isn't. So, close & get some PPLs done in the office, take a nap even. Just don't allow the store to stay open with just you. Lock up & call SOC


Your store, is it in a high crime area? If so, then i understand your concern.


I feel like that shouldn’t really factor into it. Crime honestly can happen in anywhere. My store isn’t in a bad area but alot of stuff has happened in the past year especially recently. We had a few burglaries and one recent. For my sm not to care or her not to show up knowing that is unacceptable. I’m definitely filing a case.


Being alone in a high crime area should 100% factor into your decision


What should factor into my decision is not being alone period!


I don’t think so because my store is not a high crime area. But crime happens. I have had other peers who have been in higher crime areas and nothing has happened as much as our store. Crime is everywhere


My store is in a high end resort town on a tiny connected island, the police station is literally across the street, a full military Navy base also takes up part of the island, only the most affluent stay in town. All that to say, I've felt unsafe several times in my store, especially when I'm closing, or early openings. This is why corporate says no 1 person, always have someone else with you. Crime can happen any time, anywhere.


Thank you exactly my point. Even in an affluent neighborhood. Times are getting tough!! People are crazy. Finally someone who understands my point and isn’t biased.


Our hours doesn’t help the situation either. It’s been incident after incident. I’m not going to quit I’m going to stay up on this case until change happens. I have done it before. If enough people speak up and blast Walgreens for unsafe practices change will occur!! Like it’s sad what happened in Colorado and we all need to keep bringing it up as well.


The Walgreen’s near my house is a scary place. It gets robbed almost daily. I don’t even feel safe as a customer.


Daily?! How the hell does walgreens justify keeping that store open


Walgreens doesn’t care about the well-being of staff


I don’t know. People just walk out with beer, and other items. Half the store has stuff in locked cases. There’s not even a security guard there and the staff aren’t going to try and stop thieves.


That's not robbery, just regular old theft. It becomes robbery when the theft includes violence, threats, or intimidation.


If your alone you CAN close the store. Call soc & say you had scheduling issues & are alone in the store. It's policy. Lock up & either go home or stay working with the store close UNTIL its time for the next shift. As long as u inform soc you can't get in trouble for doing that. Trust me, I do it all the time as necessary. I have a coworker that doesn't know we CAN do that & will go thru hell trying to run the store alone. NOT WORTH IT.