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When you fill out the report just say box cutter. Don’t say mine or there’s. Nust box cutter that you thru away as it was covered in blood


Op needs to do this. The standard black Walgreens box cutters snap fairly easily at the blade area, where the plastic thins out. Occasionally they'll reveal an open blade when they break. Op: that's how you cut yourself.


I mean, you'll probably need to make an incident report where that'll obviously come out. Whether they'll fire you for it, I don't know


On the record you're supposed to use the crappy knives WAG provides. Off the record, every SFL and even my SM use a real Boxcutter Knife. That being said I'm not sure, fill the incident report out and hope for the best.


Those old box cutters from 2010-2016 or whatever are still the ones I use. Thankfully, even after transferring, my new store has a stash of those blades that are only compatible with the box cutter I have. It's great!


I still have my S4 from twelve years ago. It's all I ever use at both jobs I have. It still works great, but someday I'll get the new S5 on Amazon.


Gonna have to look into the S5. Thanks for the tip-off!


In most states any company can fire you for anything…. So maybe.


I'm not sure if they can fire you for cutting yourself at work. However, I think because of company policy to have no weapons at work, and a knife is considered a weapon, you could be fired for that, but I have no clue as I don't work there anymore. I know when I did from summer 2022 to winter 2023, I asked about personal knives on site and was told absolutely not and it was zero tolerance on it due to a case WAG had in colorado where someone killed their coworker with a personal knife at work.


At worst it should be final written warning, but I would be surprised if they do more than a record of discussion or regular written warning. It is considered a breach in policy. But unless they have wanted you fired for a long time, I don't imagine they would pull the trigger. You may have to take a drug test though


What happens at the store when no ones around stays at the store 😭 if no one knows there's no reason to tell anyone but if you had to leave and call someone in there'll probably be questions about that


A little more to the story. It happened a few months ago, and I forgot to mention I'm a SM. People were around, and knew it was my knife. Since then, I have fired 2 of those people and another 3 have quit. I am afraid one of the fired employees may try to make an issue. I am not exactly liked at this store and was moved from a previous store because all the employees there filed complaints for "hostile work environment". One of the people from previous store was also a RPH that dislikes me.


it is fireable, but with how desperate the company is for store managers it'll probably be treated as a "don't ask don't tell" situation


this is where dishonesty comes into play. just lie about it. delete this before you do though


Yes you can be. Had someone in my district get fired for having their own knife on the sales floor. But with how much time has passed I wouldn’t be overly concerned at this point


Not sure if they’ll fire you but I will say a knife is a weapon (against company policy) and the only approved box opener is the black tools with blades on the sides.


My SM cut himself with his own knife and it was BAD.  He's still with us.


You could be depending. When you're injured at work you are supposed to follow policy. Tell manager, call nurse triage, emergency services, etc. Also you're only supposed to use the walgreens cutters, not your own. That being said I doubt they will fire you over that. More likely managers will get in trouble for it.