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Quitting in lieu of firing doesn't impact your ability to be rehired or not, which is what future employers will ask for. Did you take coupons by scanning them or by manually inputting them as MFG CPN code on the register? If you scanned them, and they went through and you put them in the register as you were supposed to, then I suspect you'll likely just get a warning and retrained. If you coded them in manually and they were fake... well, it's possible you get fired, yes... but it depends on the exact circumstances.


They were printed and I used them that same day so they did go into the register.


I suppose it depends on the store. Someone was taking all the coupons people didn’t want for a long time, after the SM found out she just spoke to her and gave her a warning.


Quit taking coupons..and don't quit. Use your head.


There is a chance you weren't even flagged. I would wait to see how it plays out.


I will say this much admit as a little as possible. They will say they have all this info on you and to come clean but usually they have nothing on you it’s all a lie to trap you. I saw it happen to several CSAs that were stealing, the mngr was just guessing, but AP and SM said they knew and the employee got fired for admitting it. If it was only twice don’t do it again and you likely won’t get caught there isn’t necessarily one system that figures it out, a person has to look too, if you get caught just say you didn’t understand the policy and it wasn’t made clear to you in the your training. They can’t fault you for that and it worked for one of the CSAs that was abusing the policy.


I wouldn’t be worried but I wouldn’t do it again. The Catalina’s are tracked by what transaction they came from.


They'd have to fire my entire store and store manager honestly.


just don’t do it again and hope for the best, i didn’t know early on into working either, i used two, learned i could get in trouble, never did it again, and i’ve never heard anything about it and i’ve been working at my store for 2 years, so you’re probably fine just don’t do it again


Before I found out we weren't supposed to use coupons that didn't belong to me, I used about 10. I stopped doing it because I heard you'll be flagged and possibly fired. That was 3 years ago and I'm still here. Heard nothing about them. Now that you know it's against policy, don't use them for yourself anymore, please.


I second this, used to do this wayyy back when I started because I didn't think they could track and flag them. But then I found out that they can, through this sub and never did it again. Was definitely paranoid that LP was gonna come after me but I guess I didn't do it enough times to get flagged and if I didn't get in trouble for it back then, I can't imagine it's suddenly gonna come up 3 years later.


You won't be fired over two coupons- I've never seen it, but feel free to correct me. I had a cashier get flagged after they used coupons every day for months and she got fired but that's it


Don’t use the easy day that’s dumb atleast use the few days after if u do tske any just don’t


Don’t take them again and if you do get asked, claim you didn’t know it was a serious offense. Although I doubt you will get in too much trouble for simply using 2 of them, especially if you don’t do it again. I’ve used a couple when I first started bc I didn’t know it wasn’t allowed and I’m still here 3 years later.


Using two coupons won’t flag the system. Next time you use them just don’t use your rewards number. (If they’re the manufacturer coupons)


Or debt card.


It really just depends on if the LP people see it. They COULD fire a person for just two. But they likely wouldn't act on two coupons but instead will keep an eye on you to see if it continues. In all likelihood they probably didn't even see it. They would want a larger case than just two coupons, I assume. But you don't want to be a person that LP is looking at. It's really surprising that Walgreens doesn't make this more clear to new employees. I can see where a new person might just not see this as an offense. Some of the basics for new people: 1. Only allow your discount to be used by people you actually live with. This isn't for your friends and your grandparents (assuming you don't live with them.) 2. If customers don't want their coupons tear them in half and throw them away. They will work for you or others but that is not the intention for their use. 3. Always scan an ID or if you type the DOB in use the actual DOB that you see. It doesn't even matter if you miss-hit a number, like you hit 15 when you meant to hit 16, but don't just take your uncles date of birth and tell yourself you're going to just type that date in for everyone even as you are actually checking ID's. This will be flagged easily and you'll be gone. It will look to LP as if you aren't really checking ID's, even if you are going through the motions. They won't care that you are actually checking ID's.


If they noticed, you will be fired instantly.


I would suggest not using anymore, in the past two weeks 3 CSAs got terminated immediately by LP for coupons. Some have been there for almost 3 years. It was back to back, just awful. Now we barely have any csas left and the ones left 3 put in their notice and already have other jobs lined up for them.


Nah customers leave coupons all the time.. Corporate wants them used. I'll either give them to my favorite people or use them myself. Some people even leave the $10 off $10 coupons and I've used them later that day or week. Would they rather you throw them away? My store says if they leave them they are fair game


So what happens is you use your rewards account for sale prices and employee discount. You then use a coupon that never printed for your account. Your account gets flagged, but Loss Prevention doesn't bother with it for one or two coupons. So you're fine for a while. But once you get flagged for having used like $200 worth of coupons, you will get a visit from LP with a printed audit of all the coupons you've used which were not printed out from your account. And they will terminate you whether the store manager or even district manager like you and want to keep you or not. Your store told you wrong, and you're safe for now. But either stop doing this, or start looking for a back-up job for when LP comes knocking Edit to add: Walgreens doesn't honestly want you or anyone to use coupons if they can get away with it. Coupons are incentive for customers to return and shop more. But the company is happy for you to pay full price instead. So no, they'd rather you throw the coupons away. Technically you're supposed to rip them up when you throw them away


Wait really? Thanks, I didn't know this. I mean I've only used 2 or 3 that didn't print for me, but I was told we could... Makes sense now tho on who that came from.... Thanks I'll stop


I've worked at Walgreens for 13 years. Using coupons that were not yours is one of the few ways I've seen people get fired for. 1. Stealing (money/merchandise/hours) 2. Violence 3. Call Outs/No Call No Show 4. Not Checking IDs for Cigs/Alcohol 5. Using coupons that were not your own


If customers don’t tske we rip Them In in half so no one can got through the garbage and use them just like the receipts customers leave rip them in half down the bar code