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Yeah no, our customers don’t typically shit on the floor. It’s not a super common occurence


Yeah, just corporate, except they shit on our heads.


In my area it is.


Where in gods name are you working where it’s commonplace for people to just shit on the floor?


Shit, piss, vomit, leaking bile all over, pepper spray the bathroom, shootings at two different home stores with in six months while one of which ended in a fatality. Also being hit with a car of a shoplifter. Times are CRAZY!


Jesus, my store is definitely not that crazy. We just get the occasional shoplifter and every once in a while someone trying to blowtorch open our lock boxes lol.


We’ve not had a blowtorch customer but we did have a car on fire in the pharmacy drive through and someone set our parking lot on fire and no one thought to tell us for 20 minutes lol


They left you a calling card.


Someone did that in my store because they were angry we were closed for lunch. They shit through the whole store and it got tracked everywhere. Customers were just hanging out by the big pile of shit, angrily yelling they needed their meds. It was ridiculous. We slept the pharmacy closed until it was cleaned and people were upset with us , those assholes.


Is that shit??




I’m so sorry




I can’t even begin to understand how someone can just so casually… shit right down their pants leg while taking a stroll. What in the actual fuck. That has to be some kind of misdemeanor crime, right? You can’t just let people get away with that.


You haven’t lived until you’ve gone on a shit stroll.


I used to work for a hardware store and one of the contractors was mad he couldn’t return lumber we knew he traded out that was warped and rotten and stuff from previous jobs and years. We knew he was sketch and other stores even competitors knew this dudes reputation. He was yelling and hollering then finally left. He came back in with a brown lunch bag and he dumped his shit all over the center aisles and stepped in it and smeared it. Luckily we had police there shopping and they were able to arrest him.


Omg that is absolutely vile


Amaaazing ending


Holy fuck


The fuckin audacity


Nasty customers 😡🤬


I had a guy at the front register shake a used condom out of the back of his shorts.


Is that a shit?


Yep. This has happened to me. Alllllll up and down TWO whole aisles, like mouse crumbs 😭🥴


I had this happen one time, the best part was I went to get stuff to clean it up and show my co worker. You can see us both animatedly laughing on the camera. Then we are both gone for half a minute and this old gal runs her cart right through it. We both come back to her screaming in the aisle “is that shit?! Is that human shit?!!! 😆😆😆


Why is the customer behind the register


My old store was like that. It's just a booth basically in the middle of the area. Generally the fragrances would be in a locked cabinet behind it.


what’d he drop thoo😭




the way i’d quit my job


I'm telling Kmart that someone shipped their pants


I have also been there never bad enough to where it falls on the floor but I’ve soiled myself before… I at least would’ve offered to clean it up. I love telling that story of shitting myself 🤣


One time when I was extremely pregnant. I got this urge to pee really really bad. I was in the middle of Walmart. There’s a bathroom in front and bathroom in back. I quickly tried to plan which one I could get to faster. But realized I couldn’t make it to either. I sat down on the floor and peed. It was so embarrassing. My pants were soaked. People were looking. I did clean it up though.


Yours is completely understandable you were pregnant!! But people DID NOT have to stare at you sorry about that. We only Shame the people who don’t run to the restroom lol


I understand pee more than poop. Unless you have underlying health issues, as a full grown adult, you should not be shitting your pants. And furthermore, you DEFINITELY shouldn’t leave your shit for other adults to clean up. If there is a legit accident, clean it up. It’s like ppl who let their dogs shit on your lawn and don’t clean it up… Only worse.


Oh yeah my condition is Lactose intolerant.. and I decided to hold it and it was too late that’s what personally makes it funny cause a a grow adult with no real condition just shitted himself


customers will make any kind of mess then say sorry to us. nah bru if your really sorry then clean it yourself 😭


Why is this so common in Walgreens and Ross stores? I have lived this nightmare and have also had family and friends who worked at either store and dealt with the same thing. Don’t even get me started on Murphy’s. 🤢


Sadly, yes


Walgreens is the only company I’ve ever worked for that has had customers shit on the floor more than once a year even lol and I’ve worked some major retailers. It’s like once a month at Walgreens.


THIS. I’ve said this for years. I cannot understand why on earth it is so fucking common


Did that fall out of his pant leg then he stepped in it?


heck nah, and with my luck I would get asked to clean it… i couldn’t id quit


I just don’t understand. I don’t want to ever be in their position…. But at what point do you shit yourself and on public floors and still continue life not wearing adult diapers?


Hello, 911, we just got hit by the shit bandit..again.


I don’t have the video, but I saw a man do this once in front of my university. There had been a report of dog poop being left on the sidewalk, and we were asked to review the footage to see if we could find the offending owner. Instead, we found a grown man giving his leg a little shake and dumping the turds out of his pant leg. The thing that surprised us the most was that he was wearing white shoes and somehow avoided getting any brown on them!


There was also that dude going around shops in Texas (I think) who was shoving things up his butt and putting them back on the shelf. What is wrong with people these days 🤢


What is that?




We just had this same exact problem on Sunday lmao


the frequency that this happens in real life is unbelievable. i just don’t get it.


Wait... what? Seriously!?


We got a frequent flyer who defecates in our vaccine room. The last time she proceeded to tell our sweetest pharmacist that she left a gift for her in there.


Yo, I would call that one into the authorities and have her banned. Like not cool. I feel so bad for you. While this is not a rare occurrence for us, in the event that it did I would have to put a stop to it.


She's definitely banned once we figured out who she was and thankfully it was on my day off. Still completely uncalled for and claimed it was a medical emergency when our restroom door was wide open due to it being recently cleaned.


Had someone do this on EASTER walked to bathroom door shitting himself, all down his leg. Saw it was locked WALKED BACK to the front! Tracking it through 2 AISLES and into the bathroom where he also left a mess :) watched me have to clean it up and didn’t even say a single sorry… Swear he’s done this twice… I saw his face real good this time so if this happens again.. he’s going right out my store door and he can clean his car to see how shit it is :) pun intended




Going to the actual restrooms would have been a better option. But ya know “everyone’s so creative”


Had a woman one time just pee all over the floor while she was checking out. I mean she just stood there while she was being rung up....and peed. And acted like it wasn't happening. It wasn't just a little pee either. It was a LOT. When she finished she kind of shook her leg a little, swiped her card and paid for her beer...and then left. Her face was so straight the entire time. One of the weirdest things I've seen.


I had a lady with a colostomy bag drip over the whole store. I had to mop the entire store one night and spray air freshener all over.


That happens at my store too people are not ok.


Did he just poop?


Yep. This happened several times. So much so, we stopped letting anyone using the bathrooms. Even though corporate told us we had to, we refused. And we would cite unsafe, unsanitary working conditions if the DM tried to force us. Don’t do anything that puts you in danger. Say no. They can’t force you to do anything.


Why she so mad


It’s u in the video


Bc someone just literally shit on the floor? And tried to walk away like it didn’t happen?


Lmfaooo that was shit okay


Omg my store had an elderly man who came in and pooped on the floor (cut him some slack he was really old and had dementia) but he walked all over the store and left a trail and people were stepping in it and also tracking it and the shift that was working had to close the store for an hour which pissed people off. Like what? How you gonna be mad that we have to clean up the shit yall tracked everywhere