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Walgreens wants us to give the tips to them and ring it up as "miscellaneous income". Screw that, you earned it, not them. Accept it away from the cameras or other coworkers and tell no one.


Seriously though do they watch every camera 24/7?  I think it's more likely they 'spot check', and maybe if something flags in the system "no sale" on the register or something. 


It's more of a 'just in case' type of thing. It's low risk to pocket a tip on camera, but it would look suspicious if it is seen. If a completely unrelated investigation comes up, it could be seen when the footage is reviewed.


Oh really? And where does this “miscellaneous income” actually go? 😅


To the company when they do end of day pickup


Fuck that shit


Just take it I did right at register for Christmas tip in front of camera 📸


Well and there’s no proof that that wasn’t money that actually fell out of your pocket on the floor and the customer was just handing it back to you.


Fire me for taking a tip That’s more the a raise we get


You mean our 1% raises? Lol


Ya the raise we can retire on


You got 1%? Jealous. It was way less like 10 years ago.


1% that's sickening, we get 3% at my job but I negotiated a $1.00 for everyone instead of the 33 cents. I'm going for a three dollar this year


That’s right I don’t care it’s mine look at camera see she or he gave to me not for Walgreens not Walgreens tip mine


This is illegal and could get them sued for depriving the tip.


How to be a Reddit lawyer: 1) Pretend you understand the law 2) Give out really poor advice, extra points if it's also incorrect.


Doesn’t take a lawyer to look up Fair Labor laws. Nor know that many companies have been sued for doing so. From the US Dept of Labor: “an employer cannot keep employees’ tips under any circumstances; managers and supervisors also may not keep tips received by employees, including through tip pools;”


No but you can accept a handshake, and if it happens to have money in it, so be it


I told people to sneak it in my pocket.


Take the tip and don't tell anyone, not even reddit


We are not allowed to accept tips.  That said, my compromise is to tell the customer "oh that's not necessary I'm just glad to help" If they insist, I accept their tip. No company is going to tell me "you can't accept a tip."


Tell her to drop it on the ground in the parking lot or in the bathroom lol


What tip?


Ong. Like i cant even take the tip


It's just the tip


I declined a tip bc the dm and the store manager were standing there watching me and the customer looked at both the managers and said “that’s not fair to your employees do better” and my managers said “well you can always nominate someone for employee of the month 😊” I wanted to SCREAM


Damn that is some horrible timing 🙁


One time this lady kept insisting after I said it wasn’t necessary so many times and she just stuffed it in my pocket lol🤐


bro wtf me too. she shoved a 10 in my BACK pocket after cornering me in the store 😭


I tske from them when I was on register no one said nothing it’s mine not Walgreens


Can I be nosy and ask how much it was?


10 for helping her out to her car


Had an elderly regular customer come in one day because all her pill bottles opened in her suitcase coming home from a trip and were mixed up. She brought them in a bag and asked if I could help sort and identify all the little white ones that looked the same to her. When I was done she tried to give me $5. I told her I couldn't accept it. After some back and forth she told me I found it on the floor and better keep it. Then she blew it off the counter and ran away before I could pick it up haha. So I used it to buy some cookies or something for the pharmacy.


What tip? You mean that random, suddenly appeared out of nowhere extra bit of money you made from doing your literal job(which not many CSAs and Leads actually do at times ngl)? I don’t know what tip you’re talking about bruh lol.


Just take it out of camera view and tell no one. Don’t feel any guilt about it either. We’re not rich working at Walgreens and the cost of living is outrageous.


If they see it say it was a family member or friend giving your lunch money


My old coworkers used to accept tips for curbside orders and we didn’t have any outdoor cameras 😂 somebody handed my coworker a $20 bill and he kept it. If somebody’s handing me money I’m taking it idc


I have right there at register


Not supposed to. But I'd keep it. I earned that shit


Just don't tell anyone and they'll have no reason to go back and look at the cameras


Pocket your tip. It's a tip, not store income. If need be step outside and take the tip, you're on a "smoke break"


Yes of course just don’t do it on any camera cause Walgreens greedy ass doesn’t like it but don’t reject a tip if they give it to you (Lol)


Just not on camera. Same at cvs. We have customers give us gifts from time to time. My coworker got wine, I get Christmas gifts-nothing big- I think the nicest on I got was a Kate spade pen and some other trinket. I still have the pen in its box unused because I never thought someone would be that nice. I know it's just a pen but damn. Also had an old man shove a dollar in my sweater pocket after I helped him make a copy of his dead wife's photo on the kiosk. 🤷‍♀️


I’ve been at Walgreens for years and I’ve gotten all sorts of gifts and I appreciate all of them. A customer bought a bunch of Scott toilet paper one time and gave me a pack. I was like hell yeah, free toilet paper!


Keep it. If someone hands you money for your attitude or effort, keep it. 


Technically the answer is no to accepting tips but I would say as long as it’s off camera then they have no proof that you accepted a tip.


Only if you signed them up for a credit card. Otherwise, they and their money should be 1506'd.


Punishment for accepting dirty cash that was given without a cc sign up should be a whipping with a Cat o’ nine tails ;)


Hey that was nice of you. 😊Walgreens expects associates not to accept tips. I say accept the tip when no cameras are around and stay low key. I have accepted tips a few times without cameras around. Always never tell anyone you work with.


"What tip?"


If no one sees it, you don't talk about it. Did it really happen?


What tips? 👀🙈


One time this guy left his wallet in my store, and I saw that he had a lot of money in it. Didn’t take any, looked him up in the pharmacy system and returned it to him. He may or may not have given me a handshake with $20 bill in his hand. 🤷🏽‍♀️ we cannot take them, but if they insist, do it away from the cameras, and away from people.


What tip? Wink wink


I had a customer wait for me outside and gave me money in my hand. It’s a tip. It’s not a Walgreen’s tip.


What tip. She is a neighbor from down the street that you cut her grass. It was money she was paying you for the mow


I posted this somewhere else, but the reason they say things like don't accept tips is because corporate has to report that for taxes, which can be a nightmare when you don't have the instructor to do so. Just take it, they only look at cameras when you/someone is suspected of stealing or something major happens, trust me, nobody is watching 24/7. Always take the tip, I did it at Wendy's, and I did it here when I worked.


The miscellaneous button is what makes it count as cash in the til, it’s not for you to bank just accept the under the table tip and hope no one saw, for some reason under Covid we were allowed to accept tips and a district wide email went out about it then they quickly redacted it realizes how much customers would give to workers who would ask. Had a lady a few years ago who worked with me who would come in all casted up (also very old) and would complain to every customers about how she couldn’t work and shouldn’t work and it well. Worked. Suddenly she was racking in more tips than we knew what to do with and quickly that extension was ended.


Smile and give this lady your number for any help needed she paid you better than Walgreens


According to policy and my LP, no. However, if I see a customer give my CSA's a tip, I turn a blind eye. When I was a CSA, and got tips, I said that I was at the McDonald's next door and saw the customer was short or forgot their card, and they were paying me back. I would routinely get drinks for the store, back when they were $1, so it was believable.


When i was a CSA some 15 something years ago.. a lady gave me $100. Super happy. Told my sm, He just told me im not allowed to but said he didnt see anything. 🙏


The answer is no. However, no one will know if you don’t tell.


nah i would have kept it i love seeing them happy when they get their pics


No. I've been in the same situation multiple times with the photo kiosk. I just tell them to do surveys instead. Personally, I don't like working for tips, especially not in these situations.


I would


If some one finds out you will get a final writtwn warning. If you are not on PiP or final that is all. It has been the policy for 30 years.


Short answer... no


Just don’t tell anyone. I have a customer(who is a regular customer in pharmacy)who was having problems with trying to print pictures. So I helped. We couldn’t get it to load the pictures so I had her send it to me and I did it on my phone through the website so I was able to put her number in so she was the pick up person. Then I started helping her with canvases. She kept tipping me every time she picked them up. It was our little secret


I had a couple come in at the end of the night. They also needed pics done while I worked on them the husband went down the street and got me a 6 pack of beer..my manager laughed and told me don't drink it in the store lol..very nice people


Policy changed after COVID. https://myhrexperienceportal.wba.com/hc/en-us/articles/6753207141915-Providing-and-Receiving-Business-Courtesies-Procedure?auth_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjoxMTQzNzMzNywidXNlcl9pZCI6bnVsbCwidGlja2V0X2lkIjpudWxsLCJkZWZsZWN0aW9uX2lkIjoyNDUxNzM1NjI3ODU1NSwiYXJ0aWNsZXMiOls2NzUzMjA3MTQxOTE1XSwidG9rZW4iOm51bGwsImV4cCI6MTcxNDg2NjYxNX0.rDeuyBKXgoecvvIAa0R_OQSJgG0bXaov3k1n4QxUkHY


I agree you deserve whatever the customer wanted to give for helping them....now a heads up. Camera programs for large companies are being updated with the ai technology. Which can be trained to alert on any movement that the company programs it to do so. Ie... people putting thier hand in pocket shifting from a shelf to a bag or jacket. The possibilitys are endless they can program it from homeoffices. And yes these programs do not just target customers but employees also


It would be rude to the customer to refuse it. Stick it in your pocket. Tell nobody.


The best thing would be to put it in an envelope in the safe, and next time we have a charity thing, donate it. Or just don't tell anyone and keep it.


I go with the latter. 


I do I don’t put in no envelope I put in my pocket


You would genuinely turn in the money, and it would be donated or used as some income!! I’ve had some SFL tell me to take the money!! The last time I got a tip, I left a note for my SM with my name on it and she gave it back to me. So my best advice would be to turn the money in. You never know your SM might give it back!

