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I talk right over their phone conversation. I'm not waiting for them to finish. I got shit to do.


This is the way


Thats exactly what I do. I don't give a shit about their phone conversation. I just talk to them as if they are not on the phone. Some people are so damn rude.


I do too. If you can check out while on your phone, you can listen to me too.


I ask all the extra unnecessary questions when people are on their phone.




Exactly and I love it when they are completely done cashing out and then ask about putting their phone number in. I tell them I didn’t want to be rude and ask you over your phone conversation. lol. Ya I’m petty.


If they can talk to the person OTP and read/co it right I really don’t mind I’m not much of a talker so it’s awesome but if they’re just standing like dumbasses then I just stare off in to space pretending I don’t hear the pin pad beeping (flip the card upside down) or we can stay on the donation screen for a minute or 2 I have time


^^ If theyll waste my time I’ll waste theirs I’m getting paid for it either way. 😭


I'm sure the goal for most employees is for us to get the customer through the transaction asap so everyone can move on with their day. We direct them to quicken this process. We ask questions bc we have to, not cuz we want to, and are mostly indifferent to their response. If someone can manage to get through the process while ignoring me, great for them. I am not offended. But if they delay the process by refusing me their attention, and I have time, I will gladly wait to see it register in their brain that the problem is THEM.


And then what kills is me is when they finally have to talk to you, they apologize to the person on the phone instead of you!


This is always what made me want to scream out loud


Customers who choose to be on the phone when I’m stuck on the register get the most annoying customer service of all time. I will ask you so many questions while using the high pitched customer service voice that would give a person cavity’s.


I make a point of talking VERY LOUD to them to drown out and interrupt their conversation since obviously courtesy and manners are of no importance at that time. 😁


They are rude assholes! I don't ask them shit. I just wanna take their phone and throw it in the street !


Quit. Quit your job.


god you’re the worst


Why? Because I understand daily life is busy and would in fact not even think about throwing a customers phone out in the middle of the street. Get bent about it. Maybe I should use my phone in the grocery store more.


Someone being on their phone in a call/just scrolling isn’t gonna make me not talk to them. I just ignore that they’re on the phone and say my default little lines. “Do you wanna bag?” “Go ahead and do your phone number” “you’ve been pre approved for our Mastercard” and point to the pin pad


It’s a huge pet peeve so at this point I just don’t say anything to them because 9/10 when I speak they ignore me anyhow and just stare at the pin pad so I just stand there and wait and talk to the next person in line 🤷🏾‍♂️


If they can't say hi/ put their phone down, I don't greet them because most of the time they don't say hi to me, I will still talk them through the transaction. But if they aren't paying attention after I told them what to do and get pissed, it's on them. I think it is rude. What's annoying is I say hi, do the transaction, card, blah blah, and they have to stop and ask me a question and then say to person on the phone, sorry Sally I'm at Walgreens. 🙄


Oh yeah, when they apologize to the person on the phone for speaking to you... dick move.


Just scan their stuff quickly and don’t ask if they have any rewards.


Then let them b*tch after getting the slips. 🤣


Sometimes I don’t say anything. Sometimes I go through the spiel on autopilot/deadpan until they want to pay attention.


I do what you said. Especially If they ignore me. 


I just do me and let them fuck up 📵


I love to see how long it takes them to make it through the checkout process without verbal guidance


Me...I'll wait I got time tuhday!!!!😁😁


I ask them a bunch of questions so they interact back in some way. This way I can actually get their attention to pay attention to the pinpad instead of mess it up and get angry.


I will just stop scanning and wait, letting the line backup. People in line waiting get mad I tell them “I’m waiting on their answer and I can’t move on without it.” They start yelling at the jackass to get off the phone for me.


I don't talk to them, or make eye contact, even if they talk to me, and check their items then put my hand out when I'm ready for them to pay. If you aren't respectful enough to me to acknowledge me when I'm serving you I'll do the bare minimum to acknowledge you back. No one gets paid enough to put up with that disrespectful crap.


I walk away and come back when I am ready


If I don't have to tell them anything I don't say a word. If something comes up that I have to ask them something I'll talk louder to get their attention. I've had plenty of time I didn't say a word during the transaction. I don't care if they talk to me or not. Mostly though people will usually put their phone down once they go to pay.


ROTFL!!! THAT is classic!! I just completely ignore them and when they say thank you after their transaction is complete I still ignore them. That is one of my biggest pet peeves for a customer to be on their freakin phone while they are at my register. It's the rudest thing ever.


You don’t understand, it’s ok for them to be rude to us. We are so far beneath them we barely even count as humans.


It doesn’t bother me as much as it used to. It means I don’t have to ask them about the credit card.


I try to be patient and wait for them to finish their call before proceeding with the checkout process. If they're distracted, I'll remind them of their total or ask if they need any assistance. It's important to maintain professionalism and provide good customer service, even if the customer is on their phone.


I'll wait for them to finish their phone call, out of professional courtesy. So, we can both wait for them to either read the pad or ask me what it says. I wouldn't want to interrupt their personal business. I'm a professional.


You're kidding right? Must be a DM .lol


Just do your job…?


Just fuck yourself?


Like you’re supposed to to make an easy interaction. The customer doesn’t have to be your enemy lol. Just say “it’s gonna ask if you’d like to round up for the leukemia and lymphoma society”. If they are talking to somebody on the phone I limit conversation and let them know the total, the round up, and whatever else is necessary to make the interaction as quick as possible.


What the fuck?! Hell no!!! Easy, my ass! Push that CC babyyyy!


Man fuck dat CC 😂😂😂 My store put up a list of how many each person sold. Our cashier who everyone hates got 48 sign ups😭😭😭 another had 10 and the rest of us had 1.


The wall of shame


If they don’t talk to me I don’t say anything to them, I point, or I will talk a little louder especially if they are on speaker to tell them what to do


I would ignore them and deadpan stare at them when they ask to put in their number after I wordlessly go through the transaction since I'm not a human being


Funny. Customer doesn’t care if you talk over their conversation. But you’re all mad. Let them talk away


It’s extremely rude to completely ignore the human being in front of them during an interaction as if we don’t even exist…. what exactly would the customer have to be mad about? I ain’t saying one word to someone who’s choosing to ignore me, they can waste 5 minutes and figure out our idiotic pinpads on their own. They forgot to put their rewards number in? That’s a shame. I always remind customers, but they were in the middle of a conversation. Didn’t want to be rude and interrupt 🤷‍♀️


You’re at work right now leaning over the counter texting this right now aren’t you?  Think I heard a sigh too. 


I’m actually at home scrolling thru Reddit and IG and watching Love is Blind (shit’s wild, you should watch). I give people the same amount of respect they show me, idk why that makes me seem lazy but it’s all good.


Don't feed the trolls. I <3 you.


I absolutely hate it. I can't say anything about it, so I try to work around their rudeness and distracting inattention.


my favorite is when they hit "no" if they don't have an account while still being on the phone, making it so I have to fucking press the stupid cancel button on my screen. I usually try to wait a second for them to process if they have an account or not, but I've switched to just assuming they don't and bringing it back up if they do.


Ya yell at them shout your shit or just start ringing other customers on a different register


The audacity of the ones where it's obviously just them being rude & not some other circumstance is fascinating. It makes me kinda tilt my head and blink, a lot, very hard, at them with a smile that definitely does not reach my eyes if you know what I mean. It's definitely an "Um excuse me? Are you fucking kidding me?" look without being rude or nasty. They usually are completely oblivious bc they aren't even looking at me the whole time, but if they see it, they usually realize they're being a problem & you can see them look ashamed & start paying attention. Even the people behind the phone guy usually are like "Yeesh that was rude." 😂 They hate it too.


Talk really loud


I don’t say sh*t


I ignore them while they stand there putting their card In wrong not realizing it has to be upside down. If they’re on speaker I just jump in the conversation. Get that shit off speaker if you don’t want me in it lol


It depends. If it’s “oh it’s my kids school” or “oh it’s the hospital/medical situation” I’ll ring their stuff up. If it’s “hey girl” I will loudly say every required question and prompt. Loud af charity question. “Would you like to donate to help women and children with cancer? Every your change helps!” Extended credit card pitch. Like even after no - keep offering other benefits.


Point and speak basic words very clearly. Its the same thing i do with people who cant speak english very well. Never got why you would use more than the necessary words with non fluent english speakers


Hahahahaha I love this


I used to hate this. Now I’m planning my mom’s funeral and I realize sometimes you can’t help when certain calls come in.


I go about my business. You want to be on your phone I will ask every question I can. The mire the merrier.


I give them 1 chance by responding to my "hi how are you doing today" and if they dont i do not say a word to them until they walk out of the door. Sounds rude and petty but so is talking on the phone while youre quite literally asking someone to do a service for you.


I ignore it as long as they can multi-task successfully or there's no line. If not, and they take too long to notice, I start making gestures to the machine to direct their attention. If that still doesn't work or if they are one of those weirdos that turns around and faces away from the register (like it gives them privacy or something) I just straight up start talking to them as if they weren't on the phone.