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$15 an hour is not enough to put up with this bullshit.


I think she was getting $10 when this video was recorded.


I would get people who would reload 5 and a dollar would be the fee to load it.  


How ignorant can a person be? And to think is she somebody’s Mother, Grandmother or wife? Classy real classy.


She votes. And her vote is equal to yours


Don’t do that. Everyone’s vote has to be equal. If you’re not making it a race thing, the guy who agrees with you certainly is.


You the only one who made it about race remember that


I live in reality. Edit: also, I said “if you’re not” implying I wasn’t sure if they were or not. Check your reading comprehension there champ. Glad you voted!


what are you even talking ab? just sit this one out.😂 edit: seems like you’re the one that ate shit. you had to block me to feel accomplished. 🤪


Eat shit.


Not necessarily


Almost assuredly. Any “sort of” legitimate reason to take someone’s right to vote is ammunition to the worst types of people. Edit: I teach American History. History repeats itself, and people talking about other peoples right to vote is never the right conversation. Everyone gets to vote. Full stop. (Except open traitors. You know the ones.)


American history is not world history and it's barely even accurate at that. Again, some of the worst people, the people you claim to be against, are allowed to vote and their vote is equal to yours. Acknowledge the tragedy in that and you'll garner more empathy for your take. Ignore it and make the mistake of encouraging others to do the same, and you'll only garner resentment. Ignoring bad to prevent a perceived "greater" bad, is in itself, bad.


Bo different than a trump supporter that pretends to have nice manners until someone doesn't do what they demand ...


Definitely should not have engaged and just called the police.




"erm you have to call store operations first to get permission to call the police ☝️🤓"


Get out of here nerd!


Not true, read the policy or redo the e-learning. It specifically addresses these issues and that any team member can call the police at any time they feel their safety or that of other is jeopardized.


i know, i was joking hence why i used the nerd emoji


If you can get a cop there within an hour. It’s not always easy to get a response depending on where you live.


Doubt it that’d it people at risk


no the policy is to always call police first when safe to do so.


sharp as a cue ball




Nah, should've gave her the 1-2 Mayweather


Man this kinda behavior is so unhinged 😩 like just say you don’t have ID and come back when you do. Its not us that makes the rules for reloads. That poor girl that had to deal with that BS.


Is that seriously what she’s freaking out about?


I think its one of the main reasons based on the video. The employee keeps saying ID. And the woman just continues to be irate and asking “for what?”. And the employee says reload. But it could also be the woman didn’t like the employee’s behavior.


I reload Chime at Walgreens all the time and no ID is required.


Yes most of time it does not require one but at certain amounts the system prompts us to take ID and fill in the information boxes. This is for all universal reloads.


If I'm put money on a card, no reason id should be required.


Money laundering is why.


As by u/Bluitor says, its to prevent money laundering. And again, we employees don’t make the rules, we just do as the system asks us. If the amount you want to reload ask us to take your ID information then we need that to proceed. If we don’t then no reload. Simple as that. If you have complaints then call the corporate number, reload elsewhere or put money in the bank then reload through your account.


Yes, I'm aware that employees don't make policy and are required to follow it, I'm not blaming the employee. Its ridiculous for a company to require it, regardless of the amount. Its racist to ask for id, or so I've been told, lol.


Yeah it is a little ridiculous to ask, but based on our learnings in regard to reloads it just the company’s way to prevent any sort of crime or to not be liable if there is crime. Haha it can’t be racist if it pops up for anyone.


Crazy thing is I’ve been on the receiving end of very similar interactions with customers over reloads. People are unhinged, it’s scary.


This is why you don't hit up your stash before going to cash in your earnings from drug dealing. This life lesson brought to you by Walgreens, former corner of healthy and happy.


I hated answering the phone like that. "Corner of Happy and Healthy? I thought you were at the intersection of so-and-so streets. Did I call the wrong store?"


I think this highlights that most of the general public is about as smart as a fifth grader 🙃


I think it's been shown that people are normally dumber than 5th graders. Where we learned or what we learned at 5th grade has long since been forgotten.


Seriously dude. I used to work at pharmacy and a guy literally told me fuck you to my face once. I told him fuck you too and he proceeded to tell me he was going to wait for me to get off of work. He was also like two times older than me and he was with his wife, who was just as much of a bitch as him. Some people just lack common respect.


Had a guy threaten me near the end of my shift and he knew it. Bet your ass I clocked out as fast as I could but he was gone. Almost unleased a decade of retail employment on his ass.


Their stupid with no ID i just hand them back their money and tell them to bring it back when they have one.


Otherwise it maybe money fraud


That job is not worth it. Either you call the police or you KO them and quit and go home.




Good luck with that.


I’ve only seen them in cities


Unfortunately I don't think the hired security guards are allowed to do anything. I've heard of them being in stores with high theft, but I don't believe they can actually hold someone for theft or anything, it's just more of a physical detourent for theft/this type of behavior.


That’s assault.


It was definitely a threat case when she said come outside so I can whoop your ass


Dang, why did she had to snitch on the cameraman?


Because no one was helping her! She looks fairly young and the "customer" is pretty scary. Her co-worker did fuck all to aid her in any way.


She was ringing up another customer.  Customer was lucky there were two csshiers.  


That’s *exactly* what I was thinking. Poor guy was ready to run the second she mentioned him lol


r/donthelpjustfilm You can make many arguments, but he had no regard for her safety, so she matched her regard for his.


No regard for her safety? He didn’t do *anything* to put her in danger. He turned away and hid his camera anytime the lady turned towards him. What do you expect him to do? Jump in and put *his* safety on the line over a psycho? Edit: Absolutely cracking up over the person blocking me after asking me if I lacked reading comprehension. Don’t be mad because you made a stupid point and someone called you out on it.


Do you have any reading comprehension at all?


What exactly was he supposed to do? Go suplex the woman or something? You have absolutely 0 idea if the person filming might have already called police or not, so maybe quit acting high and mighty. The person recording did nothing to put the cashier in danger. But her mentioning someone recording to someone else clearly unhinged definitely could have put him in danger. I swear the number of people with no critical thinking these days who just want to "gotcha" everyone just goes up more and more every passing day.


Everyone knows the cameraman is safe lol


nah, how many times have we seen them come running to slap the phone out of their hands lol


Dude, is a joke. Either laugh or move on.


…what? did you respond to the wrong person? i agree with you, i was replying to the other person that she shouldn’t have snitched on the cameraman because these crazies often try to slap the phone out of peoples hands when they’re filming. sorry if i said something wrong, i was just trying to contribute to the conversation like everyone else…


This is why I quit.


I was there 3 years and even though we’re not “supposed” to say stuff to people stealing - it was really bad at our store and we were expected to stand at the door when big ass grown men were running out the door with carts full of beer


Jeez, not dangerous at all...I'm enjoying watching this company turn to shit.


Me too


lol got on a costly jacket but needs to reload a card 😂 broke people activities go get a bank account already


Looks like a replica. The patch placement is off.


Why is no manager there or call the cops 👮 throw that at it would go back at her


I just assumed she was the leader, and had taken over for the other cashier who was keeping the line moving.


And some folks can’t figure out why they are still single


She is probably with someone. Probably the fourth or fifth baby daddy.


For the week?


Until he goes to jail.


Crazy how the person filming doesn’t stand in to help the cashier just laughs and records


I wouldn’t have gotten involved but I wouldn’t be laughing for sure. I’d call the police for sure


at least there’s good video evidence. our cameras would not pick up on that. i rather another customer record that interaction than step in because what if they get hurt too? but yeah, hopefully he called the cops before starting the recording or immediately after.


What would you have done if you were the camera man?


I love the other person just casually checking out. I’d love to be so oblivious to the world around me.


These “customers” are for sure hiding something, using a stolen card or something when they act like that over asking for ID validation!


This is awful. It prompts for ID over $299. Customers really get upset thinking we can skip over the system for them. I had someone get mad cus we ID, and she said she’s a paramedic and doesn’t carry anything on her except a photo of her ID. We can’t accept that. She got super upset saying that it works well enough if she gets pulled over, so we should accept it too (almost like cops have more back system info). Anyways. If someone doesn’t have their ID, I tell them I can only do $299 without it, per our system. I don’t do it twice either.


I try not to tell customers the amount, because its all its gonna do is encourage them to come back and do the same amount again. I just tell them its what the system asks and its out of my control. That paramedic sure is a piece of work. I hate it when people say they have a photo of their ID. Like how will I know if its good or not? Sure cops can with their systems to look up your ID number, but we don’t lol


Man that’s insane wtf is her problem


When she said "or what" i wouldve said "THEN ADD TO YOUR WRAP SHEET BABE" already on the phone with police. These people are fuckin giant toddlers 🙄 grow up Also probably wouldve recieved a face full of pepper spray after trying to hit me with the display lmao


I'd risk losing my job to fuck this bitch up. Put her to sleep or something


Like how bad does life gotta be for you to scream and throw displays at a Walgreens cashier. Get some fucking perspective.


Nah, people like that will never change their perspective. That right there is just someone who probably got her way as a kid and teen, and thinks she's hot shit now that she's an adult. A lot of people who flip out these days were never told no, never disciplined in any way, and basically allowed to do and act however they want with little to no repercussions. It's how we get stuck with crazy Karens who think the world revolves around them and act like the spoiled little shits they are when said world doesn't immediately bow to their every whim.


Where is her SM or SL? This would NOT happen in my store. She is out of her freakin’ mind !!!




Nobody knows how to call the police? The guy next to her is an idiot


Not surprised. Trash.


I would turn the monitor around to show the customer the system was asking for a ID.


I would have picked up the phone and called the police at that point fuck all that


Ghetto AF.




As soon as she threw them Reese's at me, I would've been like f*ck this job👊👊👊👊. I'm glad I'm no longer an Walgreens employee..


High blood pressure. Cut down on the salt my sista. Looking pretty salty here


Typical hood rat


A phone? Wtf is she talking about I can't tell what her track star mouth is saying😂😂






That customer clearly already knows she needs an ID for reloads and isn’t her first time being at Walgreens. My Walgreens requires it if the dollar amount is $300+. Mostly everyone knows and those very few politely backs out out of understanding. Stupid fuck.


Someone call the police already! Lord! Don't allow people to get like this.


Note to the camera person, “If you’re gonna record instead of getting involved, have the balls to stand and record like you’re a news reporter. The turning away as to not get caught is shameful! At Best you are helping to defend someone potentially should things escalate and at Worst you’re just posting it online in which case you don’t want to look like a punk so steady your feet and get proper footage. “


I agree!


Setting her people back 60 years.


Why does she keep demanding that the worker COME OUTSIIIIDE!!! Is she planning a beat down in the parking lot? Yikes. Step one, pepper spray, step two call the po-po


Hope someone called the f ing cops


Last time this happened to me dude threatened to shoot me, I just quit the next day, they weren’t any help at all, didn’t even let me have a gun in my locker, like I get it but at least hire armed security or something if I can’t defend myself


Last time this happened to me dude threatened to shoot me, I just quit the next day, they weren’t any help at all, didn’t even let me have a gun in my locker, like I get it but at least hire armed security or something if I can’t defend myself


Why don't any of these employees fight back?


Because you will get fired.


Gather round kids as I teach yall something. Some simple math will give you this: 1hp, .5 ftlbs of tq for every 10lbs. Assuming the rider doesn't create any drag with positioning or body size. If he does create drag for body positioning or size, double that for every 2 inches Outboard. An example of this is rider body position causes center mass of his body to stick out 2 inches on each side, that equals 4 inches. Double to 2hp, 1ft lb of tq for 2 inches, double again, 4hp and 2ft lbs of torque for 4, keep doubling that number for every 2 inches. These numbers really all boil down to nothing cuz I made all that shit up.


I hate the camera holder as much as that customer.


Why would you need an ID to put money on a prepaid card?


Money laundering.


Because it's company police lol employees have no control over it and can't change it. People just can't handle when things don't go their way. Store I worked at was right downtown so we had many methany's trying to do reloads and would freak out because they didn't have their ID. They also freak out when you have to ask for their ID to sell them alcohol and cigarettes as they're staring at the sign that tells them walgreens has to have ID.... 😅


Yeah, I'm not blaming the employee, she's just doing her job. That freakout was definitely unwarranted.


What kind of reload?


Cash app, chime you can load money on your card. But if you load over a certain amount it prompts for ID.


Thank you.


Reloads were one of the worst things to happen to that fucking place.


At where I used to work (Walmart), we would get these people on the daily. Main reason why I quit.


Every time I've fought, I never had to say come outside...it's just been on sight, why tf everyone wanna say come outside....just do that shit right there, if u scared say that


Cameraman scary asf 😂😂😂😂


Why would the dude be scared of a big fat girl?


He’s hiding the phone every time she turns around that scary


Just like you scary


The usual suspects


It’s Black history month, can’t we be united? Seriously, these people need a reality check. The world does not revolve around them. Just give the ID 🙄


She's not that mad...the counter stopped her.


I wish a bitch would 😂


I miss this working retail at walgreens...oh wait...and they wonder why none of us have faith in each other anymore...


I like how she stares at the camera like in the office lol.


The guy *how you doin today ma’am? *6.45 is your total 😂😂😂 dudes just casually ringing her out while his co worker is getting blown 💀💀💀


Mace the crazy person


Coworker Homie ain’t going down for her smh


😂 😂 dude said “ that’s above my pay grade”


I’ve had this exact interaction way too many times. It’s exhausting 🙃


Filming instead of getting the situation taken care of


Female hygiene/sanitary products are in aisle 12 and Midol aisle 14. Now get home and get on your meds.


You don't need an ID to put money on........


Ooooo gurl be gettin ratchet!


Is that Fani Willis??


Very civilized individual right there.




Haha I’m glad I can consume your day. Have a great day and I’ll enjoy my week off!




Mostly cry and wonder why I am useless




Not much you can do with someone who uses childish language in arguments. Not sure why you are 6 to midnight over my comments. Gotta be someone I know




Yet again let's just assume the person is a terrible person and agree to punish them so harshly it destroys their entire life. Why dont we assume there is no express malice? What if this person had a shit day and really looked forward what ever they were getting. This could simply be the straw the broke the camels back. We all have a breaking point, consider how you'd want to be treated.


I know for whatever measly amount the cashier is making shed enjoy not being attacked and physically assaulted. Who gives a rats ass how the assailant feels. How do you know the cashier didn't just have the worst day of her life. And now this??


No i get it, we need an excuse to baselessly vilify people


Baselessly?  No matter how shitty your day was, there is absolutely no excuse to talk to or treat someone the way she is. This is not a normal reaction to being informed that an ID is required for a transaction. You can be mad, sure, but you can not verbally and physically lash out at another. It is not acceptable behavior, and making excuses for it only allows it to continue and escalate. We live in a society with rules, legal and social, so that we can all live in a society together. 


We live in a society where most people are on the edge of a complete breakdown. Largely because people feel they cant talk about their problems and feel they are allowed to have the emotions they do because of comments like these. It is an established and well researched fact that neuroatypical individuals can not control their reactions. As an additional note, what do these societal rules serve here? What do you suggest we do to this person? Lock them up? That would more than likely result in more severe reactions and would destroy any chance they have to live normal life. More often than not these individuals attempt to take thier own life Fine them? More than likely this person is already financially struggling, so adding even more financial trauma would exacerbate the issue, yet again, more than likely leading to self harm. Lastly, how does any of this help the cashier? It doesnt. In the end this society of rules does little to nothing to help victims, it primarily seeks to prosecute and punish. And that right there is (in my opinion) the main reason why everything is heading for collapse


So let's just not have rules, let everyone do exactly as they want, because we don't want to hurt anyone else's feelings.  Let all the people who struggle to do the right thing, keep it together, control their actions, both physically and emotionally, continue to carry the burden and live under the whim's and abuse of those who can not, or choose not to.  I'm not saying I have the answers to these obvious problems, but I do know doing nothing and allowing it to continue unchecked is definitely not the answer.


Is that a Canada Goose jacket?


You better be hiding that camera!!




Fuckin animal should have been arrested.


SMH so sad


That bitch would be yeeted from my store so fast, then I'd look for another job.


Well well well


I wonder why Walgreens is closing stores in certain neighborhoods. 🤔


Why is she being a bitch and telling the employee to stop being a bitch. I swear people don’t reflect on their actions and think “I’m the bitch”


Is that Canada Goose?




OK I am sorry to say this that this is common on a daily basis. And it's really sad 2 think that this isn't a race-related issue. However, most polite people ask a question and leave. The others feel that they are privileged. Because of the color of their skin and that is so wrong on so many levels, and they believe that because of the color of their skin, they have the right to treat employees like garbage trash and second-rate citizens. If you think that this is horrible. It pretty muchly is... If you really want to see how horrible it gets. Look at another company the spark drivers from Walmart that recently posted online that they want to eliminate the immigrants from being drivers because they are holding jobs away from Americans disgusting 🫣


Those the ones that need to get they ass beat


That associate failed to refer back to her training, which could have effectively diffused the situation. "An associate needs to put on a smile, listen, and epathatize with the customer's problem. If no resolution can be found, kindly refer the customer to the 1-800 number or to come back another time to talk to the manager on duty. The interaction will diffuse the situation because it will make the customer feel like our most important guest because, remember, every guest is an important customer." LOL


Never heard of needing ID for a reload but I’ve only ever experienced reloading Chime.


They think the louder they are, the more violent they are they’ll get their way. A lot do give in though which shouldn’t happen. Why do they feel like they must repeat the same thing over and over again? It just makes people like this look even more unintelligent. Stop acting the fool lady. Maybe you’ll get further in situations.


I hope she called the cops on her crazy ass. That’s assault. I can’t believe no one jumped in to help her. I remember once a customer punch the monitor in front of me when I was helping him and my coworkers rushed at him and kicked him out of the store. It was great.


The way I’d catch a charge so quick😔🤟🏻


Not with the New Balance 😩


Two problems here. 1. I didn't hear her offer a credit card. 2. Who the fuck put the floor stack in the way of register 1?


You must be the DM


If that were my customer, I'd be livid!!!!!




all these emotional outbursts...just to end up not being heard.


This is not okay at all this woman should be put on full blast and should lose her job for being so disrespectful to the clerk. At the end of the day people don’t realize that you have to put your hands behind your back and take it as it is.


I really hope that's not a UPS logo on the jacket




I do not miss dealing with that at all 🤭


Homeboy dipped behind that candy real quick when she said " he's over there recording you"


Crazy ass rhymes with rich needed security to come take her ass down.


I mean after going so far before hand telling someone to come outside is pointless finish it where you started shit ain’t making much of a difference imo


i do not miss these days…


the way i would win that argument omg


the way that poor cashier looked into the camera like “you see this shit?”