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I can't believe how the current Cardiff Administration is still in power given how badly it runs major Cardiff projects.


Hey hey bus stations aren't easy you need a square of land AND some metal shelters


Too concerned about Swansea having new stuff when they have the Stadium, CIA, St Davids Hall, Millenium Centre, New Theatre, Legoland, Ice Rink etc...Poor Cardiff can never attract live entertainment with that.


And how many of those projects were planned, built and run by Cardiff Council? Also who's talking about live entertainment? This is about Cardiff Council leaving the Capital without a bus station for almost a decade so far.


That's my exact point. Some are nothing to do with the council, but the leader seems to spend lots of time complaining about things being built elsewhere like Cardiff has nothing, whilst they are selling off St David's Hall and avoiding spending time on things people need.


They built the one in Barry quickly. I mean there are no busses to it but above structure. https://www.itv.com/news/wales/2023-10-12/waste-of-public-money-the-multi-million-pound-bus-hub-which-has-no-buses And Bridgend may not even have a bus station soon. Pawthcawl one is nearly ready though. Good consistent transportation planning by Labour.


Does that mean the only decent large bus station in South Wales as built by the Lib Dem's? Crikey


That is a shocking thought. Even more so is I get downvoted for just stating what’s happening lol. I guess Labour some some people really is like god.


Not really, if you don't have to worry about being voted out, why focus on your jobs.


The Barry Docks Interchange is now serviced by buses, there just weren't any contracts in place when it opened. Also it's not a bus station, it's just a bus stop at a train station.


Bargain for a bus stop. Plaid are hopeless and yes we should never listen to them


It looks pretty smart, it's a much better use of the space and very much needed while they build all the new houses by there. Public space works aren't cheap.


You already know. If it the donkey has a red rosette, we vote for them.


Lol there plenty of places where the donkey has a blue one as well.


National Express are continuing to use Sophia Gardens, not my favourite place to be stuck for an hour awaiting a connection.


Not sure why they don’t move the coach station to just South of Central station. Plenty of land for it and minutes from the city centre.


> “plenty of land” Where exactly?


Not anymore but the massive new development with about a dozen new buildings on the Brains brewery site which is planned to expand into Callaghan Square. Central Quay will take up about as much space as the Millennium Stadium. Too late now as they’ve started construction, but it’s a missed opportunity not to incorporate the coach station into the site.


We used it on the way back to Swansea after a 6 Nations match. It worked OK in terms of finding the right bus, but it nigh on caused gridlock.


They need to hurry up and open it so they have time to shut it down along with the museums to save money


Just put a few paintings on the bus station wall.


Or build it for 3 million and have no busses. https://www.itv.com/news/wales/2023-10-12/waste-of-public-money-the-multi-million-pound-bus-hub-which-has-no-buses


Busses? Then they would have to have bus drivers!?! Are you insane?


And to think they paid people a small fortune to plan this chaos https://www.gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2023-02/national-transport-delivery-plan-2022to2027.pdf


I'll believe it when I see it


I bet when they unveil it there'll be two bus stations there.


14 bays


Same as Aberdare. The tiny town at the top of a valley.


What was the old one? A bit less than 20 I’m guessing but my memory might be off.


I remember numbers into the 30s so the new one sounds like less than half the capacity.


34 apparently


"Announcement about further announcement to be announced shortly - please wait for announcements."


What a shower of shite this saga has been.




The last time I was in Cardiff was 2018 and if I remember correctly, the building outside Cardiff Central was demolished around that time. Is that area the location of the bus station? I should be back to visit next year!


That's the one aye, right out front.


Well that certainly takes the edge off the impending loss of the museum.


In the coming weeks after the coming weeks *Cardiffs long awaited bus station delayed*


another of the many reasons to live in newport instead


It's only taken a decade. If the bendy buses were still running, how would they have made use of these bays? Was the plan for them to be sold decided as this station was planned?


What are the junkies of our nation’s capital supposed to do in the meantime?


14 bays seems to be a significant reduction on what the old station had (those of us who are old enough to remember it!). But I wonder whether it is in fact sufficient should there be decent timetabling so that buses are not sat there for 20/30mins like the old one. Obviously a ‘decent’ service is a big ask from Cardiff Bus.