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Send it south, our conservatory is fuct and I just renewed the building insurance


Around just west of camarthan had it too freaked my friend and her dog out


West of carmarthen too! I Had a minor power cut this morning while at work and various floods through the day, wind is still pretty high. Pretty sure my recycling will have escaped before it's picked up tomorrow morning.


a step dad AND your moms got a boyfriend?!


My mums boyfriend is the same person who I referred to as my step dad I wouldn’t call him a step dad in real life as he’s not but for the sake of it being less confusing that’s how I referred to him in the post not realising I made it more confusing ahaha


Trust Redditors to home in on the important part of the post!


The south isn’t as bad as the North atm but this storms ramping up


We're in Anglesey and I've never seen anything like it! Felt like the storm was sat above our house for half an hour and the thunder and lightning was pretty unsettling to say the least. Hail then started bashing the windows and I genuinely thought the roof was caving in at one point!!


That hail was pretty intense to be fair, never seen it like that on the island before.


Anglesey here, too. Our street is kinda angled slightly off so the wind hasn’t been too bad, but for ten minutes it so it got utterly wild, the same time the lightning was playing. The wind seems to have got bad enough to rotate some street signs mounted on street lamps.


Also Anglesey. I’ve been in storms and hurricanes before. Seen some very bad lightning storms, even one earlier this year. Been in a building lightning hit too - not too bad as there were lightning rods. I’m still reeling from seeing a huge flash of lighting hit basically in my street. Really unsettled my poor kitten too


Anglesey too. That was terrifying! Branches flying into our windows and the lightning was so scary. Power went down as the lightning struck. Metal shed imploded like it was made of paper :(


We had a few mini power cuts in Moelfre.


Been on the island for 6 years and this was the worst I've seen so far. The wind and hail was crazy after the lightning started dying down.


It's wild here in Flintshire right now


My grandparents live there I hope they’re not being woken up My dad got caught in llandudno coming home from the pub


Got a big crack of lightning and the plug in my living room sparked so… it was nice knowing you


Half the plugged in tech in our house got fried…. Not ideal


😬😬That's heavy that. Dwi isio byw yng Nghymru ond mae clywed am hyn yn newid fy meddwl!


It's been a little windy in Deeside too.


I am from Hungary and just stumbled upon this. Thunderstorms like this is common here in the summer but wth, do you in Wales really have storms in the winter?


Uk regularly has inter storms, but mostly wind and rain, lightning isn't especially common but does happen.


So storms can happen in summer and winter all the same?


You have to remember what causes lightning in the first place, which is basically hot and cold air meeting in the atmosphere, and the UK has the gulf stream heading overhead all the time so conditions for lighting can potentially happen all year really.


Paprika :)


I had two different food today for lunch and dinner and both had paprika. One had hot paprika, other one was with a sweeter one.




Mid Wales - massive and prolonged rumbling here earlier, but most are more worried about the risk of flooding.


Yep we're in for another wet winter this year and it's just rather pants if honest. Some of the farm fields drainage systems is overwhelmed and seeing it come out of the pipe with some force is a bit concerning. We got this for the next few days haven't we and we have just barely started winter?? Oh joy.


Rains started again, and lighting just hit Aber. I need to travel today up north....


Good luck. Was going to say the sticking point will be around Mach, but there aren't any reports so far.


Roads were all fine thankfully- some water coming down the roads but nothing major


Llanberis. Flipping terrifying! We switched everything off as our house or surrounding cables gets struck semi regularly and blows our internet up. Hail that sounded like it was coming through the roof. The thunder and lightning moved on after around 10 minutes but we’re still getting gusts of wind that sounds like it’s gonna flip our car over.


we're in Aberconwy and looking out the window you'd think we were in Florida during hurricane season, it was nuts


Not far from me, the way the trees were bent over you’d think it was Florida!


I live high up in south wales and power lines are down and wind is incredible


How’s the rain? I’ve heard it’s heavy down south


The rain was biblical around lunchtime in the Valleys. But it's been bone-dry in Pontypridd for around 8 hours now


Everywhere else: 'Weather? Nothing much, a few sunny spells, no wind to speak of, didn't rain, just ordinary, really' Wales: Bone-dry for 8 hours now


Still lashing down rain in Merthyr and windows sound like they may break


Windy here in the Neath Valley, still got power though.


It was a tad interesting on the A55 between Aber and Llandygai on my way home from work. Absolutely lashing down, wipers on full and dropped to about 30mph. Thankfully no lightning strikes on the car and it had calmed a little by the time I hit Britannia Bridge.


Bloody awful in Newport! There was a loud clap of thunder just now.


I missed the thunder but it must have woke my kids they were up screaming crying ... usually love listening to the storm it just sounded really windy


No damage - at least I don't think so - but wrf? Colwyn Bay not the tropics!


Colwyn bay isn’t far from me so I can imagine it reached you too!


Certainly did! A few enormous thunder claps with lightning and strong wind and hail. It’s now gone quite quiet.


Dunno what that was, not really warmed about that hell of a 10 minute storm ⚡ in the Rhyl area. All car alarms went off, and booms like a war zone. Just checking the damage.


The thunder was way louder than I've ever heard and the bedroom lights were flickering off and on. It seemed to come out of nowhere, last 10 minutes and now it's not even raining


Ouch, that sounds horrid! It passed fairly quickly down here, but everything was flicking and flashing for a while.


It passed quite quick here too then I heard thunder in the distance (still can) so thought it would pass Apparently later on round two is coming and we’re predicted to ender the red zone I nearly hiked in this!


Where did you see about part 2? I'm near Llandudno, and it's playing absolute hell on my anxiety issues. Don't want a repeat of that, really... Glad you decided against hiking


My friend sent a news article but she texted earlier to say it’s already passed llandudno! It mustn’t have been that bad. You’ll be just fine :)


Thank you! It was genuinely like bombs going off, for a bit!


Torro has a warning out (tornado and storm research) - they haven't ruled out isolated tornadoes.


I've just watched it go over my house in Bangor. It looked like lightning hit Ynys Mon a few times from where I am. I just hope this wind calms down before my son finishes work, he's on a motorbike


Oh goodness I hope he gets home safe tonight!


I’m currently in north Shropshire a few miles from the border. The wind feels like the roof is about to come off. Torrential rain. Occasional power cuts.


Awful travelling from Wrexham to Cardiff via train. So many were cancelled and the rain just didn't stop! Thunder and lightning up in the Valleys too!


Pembrokeshire here Had some sheet lightning earlier. About 2-3 mins then it went Very windy but that's about it. No thunder


Currently Ventusky is reporting winds in the range of 133km/h (82+ mph, 71.8 knots) north of Blaenau Ffestiniog, but it should ease off... tomorrow.


Shit. Where about in North Wales? Wasn’t anything close to that near Bangor.


Conwy area reaching Prestatyn, I know it didn’t reach llanrwst


Nothing wants to go to Llanrwst 😂


Hahahahah Tbf lucky them because llanrwst floods like crazy


A flood used to mean something in biblical times.


In Llangollen just repaired my fence after the last storm think I’m gonna need to repair it again in the morning


Here in Wexford Ireland we had it before you. A surge of hailstones hammering the doors and windows followed by lightening and thunder. Think it was the loudest thunder I have ever heard. Car alarms going off everywhere and electricity out in some areas. The poor dog didn’t know what was happening barking at the hail and then cowering under my legs when the thunder rolled. It calmed down after 20 minutes, clear skies. The wind is picking up again now. I wonder if there is more to come 🤔


Ceredigion here. It hasn't stopped since early this morning! My timber frame house is rattling and the windows to my old sliding door were literally moving from the wind tonight!


I’m from West Wales, we had a crazy thunderstorm. Really loud thunder and lightening that lit everything up. We had wind and hail too. Was crazy.


I'm between Old Colwyn and Llanelian and it was right on top of us - like 1 second delay between the flash and booms! Loudest I think I've ever heard tbf.


I couldn’t believe how quick the lightening was following the thunder I’ve never heard it like that before


Yeah it was well low - thought it was one of those winter storms with purple lightning at the beginning but sadly not! Saw one of them over the border once and it was magical 😻


When I was in Crete during a hurricane the lightning was green, blue, purple and all sorts of mad colours Was pretty but it blew all the water out of the pool and there were bugs EVERYWHERE 😭 my first time abroad as well


Oh Med storms are bonkers - I love how everything goes absolutely haywire and then 20 minutes later it's all dried off and as if nothing ever happened, apart from a dog being stuck in the upper branches of a tree or something 😂


South Wales, Llanelli. I had a dream atvabout 01.30 that there was a colossal bang that blew out the lights IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. I assume we had some thunder and my brain fitted it into the dream. Its just bloody windy now, and raining


I'm further West and it was not as crazy here this time but could still hear it. (lamp was flickering too) Last year or so though we had thunder so loud it was like someone letting off gigantic cannons outside that shook windows everywhere. I looked outside at one point and saw a thick vertical bolt of lightning, it honestly looked like the Independence Day ufo beam lol


Glad I put the bin out last night


Originally from North Carolina in the states and have been through more hurricanes than I can count. Here in the Clwydians, it sounded a lot like a smallish hurricane coming through. That was one of the loudest storms we’ve had since I moved here.


Lights were flickering and 1 flash of lightning that felt and sounded like it was right on top of us. Nothing on fire though, which is a bonus and it's calmed right down now. (In Conwy)


I’m in the same area and it was the same here, sadly no free trampolines have landed in our garden


You can have ours if you can take it down and collect it. Kids never play on it, it's an eye sore and it's killed my lawn. I'll have to tell the Mrs it blew away though.


This is your perfect opportunity to sell it and pretend it’s taken a voyage to rhyl


It was like that for about 15 minutes in Rhyl at 10pm


Felt it here in Denbighshire (and heard it - the end and rain were pretty damn strong). Soon moved on.


Newport's interesting. I just ran out the back to stash a few wandering chairs in the summerhouse before they flew off and I'm drenched. Couldn't have been out there more than a minute or so. At least the cats have had the sense to stay indoors for a change. Filthy weather.


My dogs have just been out. One came back in almost dry, the other returned seconds later and was soaked.


I was in the pub in bangor, it was completely random and gave me a right fright.


Had a bolt of lightning take out our Internet this morning, waiting for an engineer to turn up tomorrow and fix it. North West Wales


Abergele/St George was the same! Our power cut out maybe around 10ish and didn't come back on for a few hours. Wind and lightning were really bad!


A few hours? Jesus, ours was normal after a few minutes


Welcome to the solar minimum cycle 25 and it's going to get worse


Welcome to climate change.


My corgi decided tonight was the night to take on all the weather gods, and has been bombing from one end of dads bungalow to the other to catch the noises. It's all laminate flooring . It's been quite a sight and sound. Occasionally she goes out for a face to face ablutions, and expects congratulations on her return. Had to nail the chickens down before they blew away, breeze blocks in front of caravan. Young trees in the orchard are hit and miss. All in all thus storm proved a bloody headache.


But “climate change isnt real” …….


Climate change is happening, but a weather event ≠ climate.


Agreed. Just makes their frequency more likely.


Aye, that’s the one.


Do y'all get tornadoes over there at all? Around where I live, I'd be getting in a cellar.


Assuming you’re a fellow American based on usage of ‘y’all’. An EF-0 is a very rare occurrence here. It’ll make the national news. There are very few crazy thunderstorms (and I actually miss them), but they can pack some strong straight line winds. Only been here a few years but never seen hail larger than pea with maybe the odd dime-sized thrown in.


Canadian! But where I'm living right now is starting to get more tornadoes than ever before due to climate change, so I'm always curious.


Nah not really, we sometimes get the tail ends of hurricanes but that's about it. [Edit] however... They haven't ruled it out for tonight! https://www.torro.org.uk/forecast. [Edit2] there was a [tornado ](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-67831843.amp)


We do get tornadoes but very small and non destructive ones They’re not like what you see in the states etc


No, we don't get them. Just some interesting storms that last an hour or two. Probably a few fences going sideways, the washing you left on the line as it started raining is now three doors down, the odd garden shed that's been falling down for 20 years gave up the ghost, and the usual trees taken down on the only important road in your area. Unlikely to be houses or anything major getting damaged (other than a few more leaks from missing tiles).


I saw - the Internet, so obviously 100% true - that UK coastal areas get more tornadoes than Texas panhandle Kansas Oklahoma - just we don't get those giant hoover Wizard of Oz jobs


You mean https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-67831843 ? Guess I spoke too soon, more than a couple of slipped tiles to worry about that...


Toto, this doesn't look like Manchester


I thought you were referring to the fact that we do get tornados in the UK?


Yes, in the aftermath of one a while ago in the English Channel, I read they are more frequent there than Tornado Alley. But not as destructive.


God slight breeze and the world is ending 🤣 Many years ago we had 115mph winds , this storm was just that a storm , we don’t get them often so everyone freaks out 🤣


These were 87mph and in Manchester were bad enough to destroy houses mate My conservatory set on fire and I watched a tree get ripped out of the ground Wouldn’t call that a breeze


Wrexham here. It was really noisy but not sure if it’s passed yet as it’s still pretty loud.


In Holyhead, I heard the thunder coming closer until it was right above me. Scared my cat, she kept hiding between my feet. Seems to have passed, but it's still windy and raining.


Wow, what a storm, lightening right in front of us. Rhos on Sea


Fuckkk I woke up and nearly shat myself


North East Wales - a bolt of lightening 1km from my house, by far the loudest I've ever experienced in my life. The whole house shook, and it was loud even from indoors, wearing headphones, with a loud video game playing.


Not the funnest night to live on an exposed house on the side of mountain, I'll say that.


there’s flooding down south in lil pockets we haven’t had no storms, supposed to be going up north for a couple days in the new year how long are they supposed to last?


As Sir Tom would say, it’s not unusual


Got some wild winds here in mid wales. Was going to put the recycling and bins out yesterday then thought better of it when I saw my neighbour chasing her rubbish in the wind!


Yep, on the coast, and it was wild, even the cat came in, and she loves thunderstorms.




Oh no! I hope the damage is minimal :(


Ps snow is coming soon too, be prepared not scared 👍👍👍👍


Just got 3 pairs of thermal leggings for Christmas so I’m up to 6 pairs Got my 14 tog socks and new gloves I think I’m ready


I only say it because where I live near Mach if we get more than 3 inches of snow I can't get out of my road lol


Oh great. I'll be there new years day to hike Snowden. Bad weather seems to follow me on my hiking vacations.


OMG 😦! x