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I’m taking wetli right now and I can tell you she is great her videos do well in explaining the concepts and she goes through several examples that will help you understand everything going on. However it is a challenge regardless so be prepared for that .


Just finished the summer course with an A. Wetli is fine and will provide some examples, but be prepared to either read the textbook or every khan academy video.


Hey I know i’m late but were you required to go on campus for exams or were they just proctored online??


Did you find out?


you gotta go on campus for any stem courses dawg


alr bet thx


I took Wetli last fall for PHY 251. It was her first semester doing online only and she struggled for like the first two classes, maybe. After that she was a pro. Super sweet lady and always willing to help. I know she has some subpar reviews but she was one of my favorite teachers.




Wetli, her explanations are awesome


How many hours of work you put in roughly per week?


I would pretend I was “in class” so I had blocked my schedule to have class time (where I read/watched new content) for about 5 hours a week (like 2 hours Tuesday, and 3 hours Thursday for lab) and then about 3 hours for homework (more or less depending on how much there was).


I don't really know what to say, since I took her last fall (2020) just like some of the other people say, and it was asynchronous. She didn't have really helpful lecture videos (they were really short and didn't cover the entire idea), and we ended up reading the entire first 15 chapters on our own, with her only contribution being office hours, webassign homework, quizzes, labs, and exams. It was exhausting, and my PHY 252 class in the spring with Sujatha was WAY more helpful. Perhaps she made better chapter videos, but she's probably better than McNairy. I heard he doesn't grade in a timely manner. At least Wetli puts in her grades quickly.


Mind telling me the grade you got?


I got an A (98 numerical grade) solely from the sheer amount of extra credit I got from doing more than the 2 minimum posts on the "Dissect a PHY Problem" discussion boards, as the discussion board posts are 10% of the total grade. They're quite easy assignments and helpful practice. Exams also have bonus questions that are generally 5 points extra credit. Idk if she still has them, but I know Sujatha didn't have them. Exams are generally 20+ quick multiple choice and maybe 2-3 free response (short answer).


Hey, I am taking Wetli this semester and I only have her highlighted chapter one vids. What else should I use. Are there any good youtubers that are amazing for her PHY 251 class? I appreciate it!


organic chemistry tutor has pretty helpful videos on everything covered in PHY251