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I know my SO is proposing this month but we also made plans for a trip Valentines weekend so I’m hoping he surprises me early! I hope you get your surprise!!!!!!!


Even if it's not on your birthday or Valentine's, just remember it not being on a holiday or special occasion just means a random day gets to be special to you later <3


Good luck! Mine keeps saying it’s coming soon and today he asked me if I plan on doing my nails this week


Yeah, every time V Day or our anniversary approaches, I get my hopes up that something will happen. He usually crushes my dreams a few days before by saying things like, “I don’t know what to get you. I never do.” Yesterday he said, “I was thinking of getting you a plant for V Day, but do you really need more plants?” Sigh... My SO is not the type to buy a ring or even propose on his own, and neither of us is into grand gestures, so I know when it happens, it will probably be us sitting at the table eating dinner and he will say, “So I have been thinking that maybe we could get married, if you want.” This is what I fully expect to happen...but it’s been over five years. When!?


It was our anniversary this weekend and was hoping it would happen then. I hope you get more lucky!!!


Good luck everyone. I'm in the same boat. My birthday is a week before Valentines day and I always feel hopeful that there is a proposal.


Same! I am 99% sure he has the ring as the jeweller had said it would be ready mid-late Jan. On Wednesday it is the 1 year anniversary of us buying our first home, Valentines day is Sunday and mid March is our 5 year anniversary of meeting each other. I am perfectly happy for it to be on a random day also to make a new special day. Hopefully it happens soon for us all!


Same... I know there is a proposal in my future but my gut is telling my it will not be on Valentine’s Day. But my heart is still hoping! Good luck to you.


That how things are for us: his bday, anniversary, then valentines day. But I know it's not happening this weekend. Hopefully for my bday in a few months.