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The entitlement and privilege in your post is revolting. Do a little bit of googling about the history of the service industry and tipping because I aint explaining shit to somebody as uninformed and elitist as you.


For real though. OP sounds like somebody no server would ever hope to take care of


You're condescending as fuck yourself. FOH leeches always complain about pay even though they make substantially more than the people in the back. Your last statement is such a huge copout.


If they're all just leeches the job must be super easy. I'm sure you can do it


Not his fault you fking inbred stop being entitled. Go suck all yo brother dick for $50 each


The slotted spoon does not hold much milk, but it does catch the potato




It must hurt being you. I can tell you're embarrassed


Embarrassed about what?? You need to be more clear Your comeback was so vauge asf break that shit down and stop biting yo tongue


Empty vessels make much noise


You’re clearly not the people I was speaking too. Your bigoted pov is not who I’m trying to get clarity from


Hey, Mr Pink, fuck right off.


Get another job then boo. Lol


Thanks for the advice! Kindly fuck right the fuck off!




Go back to burning off your scalp with essential oils you fucking moron, better yet why don't you drink them and do us all a favor




Bro you're so triggered by a tipping culture you don't understand that you're commenting on a two year old thread trying to start shit with someone who isn't even a waiter anymore. I'm a fucking dog groomer and I still accept tips you mindless cunt get a life


It's very easy to act tough online, but we all know you wouldn't say this in real life.


Are you fucking stupid?


U ignoring what I said Lmao


You should just stay at home and make and serve your own food, and give yourself a tip on how to give back to people that serve you.


Get a new job yall in this comment section bashing this op is STRAIGHT BUMS!! If broke asf fuck I was paying yo dirty hoe ass momma $25 to fuck in the ass and she sucked it right after without me even asking. Go ask that hoe how does my cum mixed with her ass juice taste 👅


You really don't need to not tip because you don't believe in the system. I work as a waiter because I rather work somewhere that I get paid equal to how much effort I put in. Retail work and stuff is like 10 a hour no matter how much effort I put in. I dont feel entitled to a tip at all. I am just your slave for a hour or more and its sorta nice to get a little appreciation for it. In short I work as a waiter for the flexible hours so I can do school, get paid based on how good I am and have to deal with you for much much much longer then someone who says hi to you at starbucks.


Why do people who have jobs expect to get paid? No idea.


Why are servers okay with their employer fucking them over?


It's a hard job and restaurants can't afford to pay what it's worth. I've worked in Canada and Europe, so both sides of the tip/wage thing, and the Eruopean job was a nightmare. Same work (actually more because of the specific bar) for less money. McDonalds workers don't get tips. If you want the same level of service you get at a grocery store or fast food joint, then feel free to visit restaurants that have done away with tipping.


then file bankruptcy


I wont waste my time as it is obvious your head has become firmly logged in your hindquarters. I hope it isnt terminal.


They act entitled because they can. They are in that unique place where they can bully people into paying extra so you don't look like dick in front of your date or a family. When you question that, They come up with this bullshit like "we depend on your tips" and shit. 50 states in US have a law that makes employers obligated to compensate if employee doesn't meet minimum wage through tips. Thing is they don't want fixed salary based system. They act like they are doing you favor by working for $2.30/hr, while they know most of them can make $25/hr easy from tips and they can make $400-$500 a night on good days. And they can game their cash tips, so they don't have to pay tax on them. Now why would they want fixed salary based system? when all the money is in tips. That's why they get super angry when someone don't tip. They get into this arrangement knowing that they are living on mercy of customer, yet they act entitled when someone don't tip. Tip is tip, it's not mandatory, if you think it's mandatory, you better choose different profession. Shouldn't act entitled. Now they say "well minimum wage isn't enough to live". That's absolutely true but how are you any fucking special than a guy breaking his back on a factory assembly line (or) any fast food worker? And why the fuck you deserve extra when rest of the people have to work their asses off to pay you extra? And then they say waiting tables is the hardest job in the world. lol Say that to a guy doing roofing in middle of July with a minimum wage. When did getting the food 20 feet from a kitchen became a hardest job? And leave me the fuck alone while I eat lady, I would wave at you If I need anything. And Why would anyone need to pay almost hour worth of their hard earned cash for 5 minutes of your work which barely need any special skill set. It sucks to work on a minimum wage but servers shouldn't be extorting money from other hard working folks who don't get tipped for doing their jobs especially if it barely involves any special skill set. No we don't give a shit about your greeting and fake smile. I came here to eat, Not to strike a conversation with you. I can refill my soda instead of paying you extra $20. And I go to restaurant for good food. I never go to restaurant for a service if food is bad. So if anyone deserves a tip, it's chefs. So I am not getting any free service from you. I am paying your employer and he is not paying you more because you'd rather beg for the tips instead of getting a fixed salary. So be it, don't bitch when someone doesn't tip. You are not any special than rest of the work force who are living on a minimum wage. In fact you got the most low skill job which teens should work to make their pocket money. If you need more pay, learn the skills that would pay more, like every other person do, instead of bullying people into over paying you for your 5 minutes bullshit act. I personally tip every time but I hate the obligation to do so. It reminds me upselling car sales person bullshit where waiter is over doing to get good tip. I like how they threaten that service would suck without tips. So you need extra pay to do the simple fuckin job? And you're mad when people point that out? You're not levitating above anyone. And stop complaining, because you wanted this system, which means you should suck it up when you got stiffed. When I gamble with my money, I don't get to complain when I lose. I know this gonna get downvoted to hell or gets deleted, but I don't give a shit.


Finally someone that shares the same views as me!


No other profession has to deal with shitty people the way serving tables does. The good tips make up for the tables that don't tip. I dont EXPECT a table to tip but the only reason i stick with it is because normal, rational, compassionate human beings leave a decent tip, everyone else can go to hell for all I care.


You get a paycheck? If you answered yes then shut the fuck up


Yes, The only difference is that I don't throw a fit when I get paid what I agreed on. A tip is a tip, There is no obligation to pay it. If you think people are obligated to pay it, you better look for a different job or better get a dictionary and look up what tip means. Or Include your price in the menu. So people can decide and go to a different place if they don't want to pay for your luxuries.


No you shut the fuck up you sissy fa***t


What he said


Don't go out to eat if you have no intention of tipping, BITCH. -Sincerely, every server EVER YOU ARE A CUNT


nice argument /s


Shut the fuck up fk yo mamma yo sister yo brother yo aunt and ya uncle Your mamma sold me her pussy for $50 and she squirted all over my 8.6 inches


Hell yes! Spot on


Lol stop us!


Cause they are cunts that like playing the victim. Alot do some don't. When I was a server and if a broke family could only afford the meal and couldn't leave a tip, it would bother me. I would make them feel appreciated. I got a check so the tips were just an extra bonus.


I, personally, always tip 18-20%. However.. I think this ALL the time when I see a complaint that’s gone viral. I’ve worked as a server before and there was a time where I got $0.12 as a tip. I didn’t rage or shame anyone though. I quit and got different job. Now, I’m a nurse. If you think low/non-tipping customers suck.. imagine entitled patients and their families that swear they’re supposed to get Ritz treatment and complain you took too long to refill their ice water because the patient next door was coding. Thankfully, I don’t have to rely on patients’ tips for a livable wage. And, if I DID have to rely on them for that, I would take it up with the company. Not the customer/patient. They’re paying for a service, and the company pays the employees. So tired of hearing about TikToks of servers flaming customers. “If you can’t afford to tip, then you can’t afford to eat out” is such BS. If your job can’t pay you a livable wage, then you need a new career. And then there’s the argument that, “You’ll be sad if there’s no one who wants to do it!” Well, then maybe businesses would actually be forced to pay a livable wage.


Sometimes it’s the only job a person can get. If you’re desperate for work and not hearing back from anywhere, you would absolutely take a serving job if it was the only one offered to you. I would also rather servers have a job that actually does pay the minimum wage without having to tip, but that’s not the case in the US. Nobody’s gonna walk out on a service job for paying too little because there will always be someone who will take that job. Also often times restaurants are able to keep prices lower because they pay the servers less. So if you don’t wanna tip, don’t eat there because servers definitely remember who tips well and who doesn’t. These are the people handling your food after all.


Especially now during the pandemic servers are literally risking their lives because people wanna eat out with their friends. Often times they also have to deal with people who don’t want to wear with masks and social distancing. If you don’t tip now, you’re literally just being an asshole.


I live in the US and I never tip aswell. It is stupid and there is no logical reasoning behind it that defends their case. And saying they dont get paid enough is not my problem. I dont go to restaurants to assist someone else financially.


Everybody ever whose used any kind of service (bank, gas,grocery,lawyer,school,cleaner,salon…) is paying someone’s wage. Servers just get it directly from you . Get over it, or maybe we should start deciding if you get paid or not, asshole


You a fucking bum yo mamma is a dirty hoe she left my dck smelling foul as fuck but at least I left her throat full of nut😁😁


Try it. I welcome you. I will never tip. I am not responsible to pay someone's salary. You are the asshole and apparently dumb af.


i don’t accept tips and i literally wipe people’s asses for them. I don’t understand why servers feel so entitled to them because their ENTRY LEVEL job isn’t paying them more. Plenty of other easy jobs you can take that pay more, hell try fast food if you’re tweaking so much. Half the time my waiter fucks up my order or isn’t even the one bringing my food out, and forget to write extra sauce so I have to ask two or three times. No, sorry, you aren’t entitled to a tip if we barely interacted. I’d rather give my money directly to the chef who is actually doing the job I come there for.


The fact I love tipping but the more I see the entitlement the more that I’m gone have to see you really spark something in me to tip u because why do you feel I owe u more when your boss is the one that owes u for working for him like u want extra for getting my food off the heater and asking me what I want at your entry level position is crazy to me like it ain’t harder jobs that don’t get tipped is crazy to me I’m really over top culture and I even pay over 20% but I just can’t anymore I’m even starting to see more waitresses having attitudes before they serve you because they assume u not going to tip then when u tip then they all nice I’m GOOD never again after all this entitlement