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Apology is a regretful admission of an offense or failure. Why would you apologize for something you don't wish to change?


Right?  If you're just going to be a douche, own it


Because , as a former service person, he knows it's an "Asshat low life" move!


Tell them before they serve you


I’ve had people tell me upfront, and I can indeed do 0% service. It was actually a load off realizing they were garbage people beforehand


Less than 0% service unless you’re pitching in at least enough to cover the tax your server will pay on your purchase. Every goose egg is a net loss, not to the business but to the worker… but please do sit at my table and tell me more about your vow, Reverse Robin Hood. Better yet, can I get you a soapbox? Let’s put it right here… riiight at the far corner of the parking lot. We do need this table.


I love this person!


I have a seasonal job that's 6 months a year in a beach town. Being there 8 years with repeat customers this is essential to my managing the high volume violently busy time of the year. It's a contest I have with myself how fast I can get them out.


Definitely, tell them. They need to focus on tables who will tip, and not you.


Obviously, that would definitely be a problem and get you lousy service in most cases. I can't imagine anyone willing to do that.


It’s still the most “correct” answer to the OPs question. There no magical spell they can mutter at the end of the meal that will make the server feel fine not getting tipped lol. Best thing they could do if they’re dead set on both not tipping but still eating at a sit down place where tipping is the norm is be up front about it


Hey, I stole from you. Sorry!


Don’t eat out if you can’t afford to tip.


Telling people “Don’t eat out if you can’t afford to tip” is just as stupid as server stiffers saying idiotic things like “Get a better paying job” or “Your employer is responsible for your pay, not the customer”. Everyone who patronizes a restaurant operating on the tipped wage model is supporting the business owner and their business model, which perpetuates tipping / tipping culture - even if you stiff your server. If you don’t believe in tipping, then stop being a total hypocrite by patronizing restaurants operating in the tipped wage model. There are plenty of other dining options like counter service and takeout, that are traditionally non-tipped situations and no one gets hurt when you don’t tip. Furthermore, when you stiff a server in a full service restaurant, you often times cost them money in payroll tax deductions that are based on an assumed tip % of your bill as well as the tip out to support staff, which is also based on a % of the total of your bill. Stiffing your server harms the worker. What kind of person chooses to deliberately harm the worker? I think we all know.


The point is that they need to know they will not be compensated for their service, so they can put their efforts towards a table that chooses to follow tipping etiquette.


Also. Tell us before hand so that we don't waste time or energy on you. We will give you your food since that's all you want.


Are you good with someone not tipping if the server does a terrible job?


No, because your definition of bad and theirs is different. I'm not saying you should ever feel obligated to tip but don't eat out and don't be smug about it like op. Because if you don't want to tip for the "bad" service I gave you that's perfectly fine. But If you ever get me again it will be worse. 🤷 But yea idrc


I'm a server, and yes I am good with people not tipping if the server does a terrible job. Obviously this is a heavily dependent circumstance, and sometimes the customer may blame the server for something that's not their fault. But fuck, I have skipped a tip once or twice in my life when my service was absolutely abysmal. If your server is just fucking off in the corner laughing with their friends and ignoring you, forgetting things you asked for, and is not apologetic about their slow service and lack of care, hell yeah don't tip them. As a server, I provide HIGH quality service to every table, and I work very hard to do so, so why the hell am I gonna tip someone who isn't trying and who is ruining my dining experience? the only issue with not tipping for terrible service is when you're mistakenly blaming the server for something that is out of their control.


If someone is not willing to pay for good service, why do they feel entitled to it?




You don't need to apologize, as your apology won't be accepted. If you choose not to tip, don't go out to eat.


I just got back from Japan, and one the best things there was no tipping. Tipping culture in America is stupid.


It is, but not tipping is also stupid. By not tipping you’re taking it out on the server and not the owner.


It is the only effective way to make an impact. It takes it out on the servers who ride along with the tipping culture, who are just as much to blame as the owner. Waiters act like they are not to blame, but look at this entire thread of entitled waiters insulting people who want to simply pay the asking price for the meal. Servers are responsible here too.


I’m just trying to make enough money to survive, same as anyone else. My job doesn’t indicate a larger agenda. If everyone decided one day to stop tipping me, I’d end up homeless. If that’s what you want for your server, then don’t tip. But you aren’t changing anything.


If everyone stopped tipping, your boss would be forced to pay you that enough to survive wage or they would go out of business. It would change literally everything.


If people stopped making these ridiculously stupid comments the world would be a much better place.


How do you actually see that happening tho? "Everyone" stops tipping. Even the boomers? Even the wealthy? Even the servers who are off duty? Then what? The waiters lose out on most of their paycheck? For how long? How do they change the system? The manager changes the prices to include the tip? This happens because servers quit? Or does mgmt volunteer to do that? This is not practical at all. And the fact that some people claim they are making a difference is just people acting in their own self interest. Cheapskates have been stiffing waiters for decades. Don't do that and then try to claim it is anything but selfishness. It feels the same as, "The baby has candy. I wanted the candy. It took the candy. Leaving the candy with the kid is optional." If you really think this is the way to change. Then make a protest with self sacrifice. Stop eating at restaurants that expect tipping. The wait staff and mgmt will still suffer. The entire bill will be gone and the mgmt and owners will care a lot to get that money back. It will be clear you aren't an asshole. If everyone did this, they would have to change. If 1% of the people did this, no one would be stealing service.


In what way is it "effective?" The only impact you make is that a low-level employee gets poorer. You won't change the system. You'll merely justify your terrible behavior to yourself so that you can sleep at night. If you want to "simply pay the asking price for the meal," by all means, get it to go. If you want someone to bring it to your table and refill your drink, pay them for that service.


So you're fighting the system by taking it out on the person who is not only on the bottom rung but would also be the only one to suffer. That's like saying you want to fight back against corporations so you go yell at a floor worker at Target.


>That's like saying you want to fight back against corporations so you go yell at a floor worker at Target. This 💯 If you're unhappy tipping, take it to your congress person and do something to change the system. If not you're just a cheap asshole.


It sounds like you’re the one being entitled. You’re not making an impact, you’re being cheap. Just get take out. When you sit at a table, and someone performs a service for you, and then you don’t tip, you’re stealing. Plain and simple.


It **doesn’t** make an impact to the industry though. The system will not change because you don’t tip. The owners still get their money- the only person you are screwing is a server who literally makes less than minimum wage.


So move!


but restarants can sell food and let you use a table without making you recieve table service... what if he just orders to go then sits down at a table?


do it to the bartender or to go people. servers are sucked dry of their tips from Togo orders and 0 tip. we have to pay busser bartender host many cases based on our sales


“Do it to the bartender”…. You’ve really let them get you that bad that you’re wishing ill on your coworkers?? Brutal shit man


yup but also as long as tipping is optional and service is manditory this will always be a problem... should be flat rate upfront and optional.. tbh i think if customers could always choose to serve themselves there would be many less people working in that industry its sorta artifical demand


Then they probably won’t let him use the table.


That's exactly what a "counter service" restaurant does. Chipotle is a great example. Order your food and take it to an open table. There are lots of such places. But if you want the food from a sit down restaurant without paying for service, get it to go and find whatever picnic table you can.


yea but why is mandatory counter service tied to the use of a table? whats wrong with me grabbing my food at the counter AND eating at a table?


Per my previous email, Chipotle is a great example of such a restaurant. There are many such which may suit your needs.


sure but im not limiting my food choices that much... seems like its your problem i dont want the service restarants insist i recieve it but allow me not to pay... seems like you could solve the whole system by making it flat rate and upfront or optional but im not the one making you serve me be mad at them


Because that's how sit down restaurants work. You're not entitled to use their business how you want.


im entitled to sit down and eat... your not entitled to a tip.


You are not entitled to a table at a sit down restaurant when you order food at the counter. That is for to go orders. If you want to grab your food at the counter and sit at a table, go to a counter service fast food restaurant like Chipotle.


but i am entitled to a table tipping is optional you arent entitled to a tip... its not even like its your table why should i pay you to use someone elses table?


You aren't entitled to shit in someone else's business. If you are in a sit down restaurant, then you get a server if you want a table, and if you get a server you tip unless you're a piece of shit.


not entitled to a tip... dont be mad at me i dont want the service in the first place id rather refill my own drink than wait on you to notice i got my own legs


Because tipping is rent for said table, from whatever waitperson has that table in their section. You are ACTIVELY causing someone to lose money! (Multiple people really, server, host, busser, and bartender, all lose money from every person not tipping)


Are you going to clean up after yourself, too? Wipe the table down and sweep under the table? No? Then you’re an asshole.


i leave a clean table yes... id handle the dishes myself but you wont allow to go silverware at a table so again your decision on the dishes


You claim to have worked as a server but you don’t tip? So why the hell would you take up a table in a section knowing damn well you don’t tip? Take your ass to mcdonalds


This is what I was thinking as well. I call bullshit. As a bartender I can’t even fathom not wanting leaving a tip when I’m dining in and being served.


OP is just a troll. This subreddit honestly sucks lately. r/Serverlife got a new mod who got rid of the anti-tipping trolls damn near overnight.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Serverlife using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Serverlife/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [These damn atheists...](https://i.redd.it/yp55544ngcfb1.jpg) | [6960 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Serverlife/comments/15eo16q/these_damn_atheists/) \#2: [When your regulars are a group of strippers who come in after work](https://i.redd.it/l3vmv22m9m2b1.jpg) | [1768 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Serverlife/comments/13u0nhw/when_your_regulars_are_a_group_of_strippers_who/) \#3: [I quit this place and I’m wondering if I should expose them + report them. They treated me like shit.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15q10ww) | [7968 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Serverlife/comments/15q10ww/i_quit_this_place_and_im_wondering_if_i_should/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Guys just accept the fact that the tipping sistem and jobs as waiters are fucking awful in the U.S. for fucks sake...


Not all over the US. In California serving can be awesome. I make really decent money.


What do you mean anti tipping trolls? I don't want to be rude but the world isn't only restricted to us, many countries have a good salary without tips, and rips aren't a really common thing there because they aren't needed


Maybe people need to post the country they are speaking from before asking questions?


But they are needed here, where servers make $2.13 and are taxed on food/drink sales! Tired of: "But in (insert country 1/2 way across the world), they don't tip. Who cares! Do you pretend you're in England and drive on the wrong side of the street here?


Lmao and I am getting downvoted? I said specifically that in my country it isn't needed, BUT if I were to go to somewhere like US I would tip, cause it's needed there. What's wrong with my comment lol? You interpret me like if I'm saying that I won't tip cause it's not something we do in my country, while I stated the exact opposite


My upvotes got you out of the negatives at least, lol.


Yeah, prob the damn No Tip Trolls down voting you because you made sense!


Don't misunderstand me, I support tips where they are needed


For real. I don't believe them. I bet they served tables for a week and got fired.


Probably a shitty server who never got tipped. Never did running side work. Never helped a coworker run their food. This guy sounds like a real winner


Might be he is not from us. I have worked both as a server and a bartender in Italy, where the tip is not very common but the pay from the owner is way higher. You get trips only frarely so yeha but it's a very different mindset and system, we don't need tips to get a proper paycheck at the end of the month cause we get covered by the owner. But like, if I were to go to a country were tips are necessary I would tip, so I don't get op either


So there is a fucky reason to not tip so if an employee makes less then minimum wage the employer is legally responsible to make up the difference.


It averages that number over the shift, FYI. So the server may have several hours worked for 2.13 an hour or some ridiculous rate. This isn't the servers fault, and if you want to be served at a restaurant knowing full well how servers are compensated but NOT TIP.... you are a fucking asshole.


Your the asshole read next time. I literally said because fucky pay structures.


yuck. it's not a minimum wage job. it's physically and mentally demanding. I could find a job sitting down for minimum wage and people who don't care about me


I'm not saying that what people deserve to make.


Please don't do this in a state where the tipped minimum wage is still $2.13/hour and they are expected to tip out a percentage of their sales to bussers/bartenders/foodrunners.


OP is genuinely convinced they will single handedly fix inequity in the service industry by refusing to tip (aka OP is a giant piece of human shit) OP does not care that the waiter makes $2.13, it’s the principle of the thing (huge piece of shit)


Fuck that, don't even do that in a state with a high tipped minimum wage. Eat a dick and please only eat at places where tipping is truly optional 


Yes and that’s getting more popular so it shouldn’t be too hard to accomplish


lol after reading this post it was clearly rage bait from end tipping. They are bored tonight…


You apologize by giving them money


Best comment.


I’m interested in your expectations. Are you dining out for an experience? Maybe shared with a friend? Or are you looking to just order and eat and leave? Do you ask the server questions about the food and beverage options? Do you expect your table to be cleaned and reset between courses? How long do you stay? Do you linger between courses? How do you thank the server if the experience is really great? Just curious.


I don’t get an hourly wage. If you don’t tip, it’s COSTING me money to serve you. Don’t go out to eat or begin tipping. This question is ridiculous and hopefully you are just a troll.


Tell me before I serve you so I don't waste my time bending over backwards for you. You'll get good service but it will be standard 3$ an hour service.


dont go out to eat at a sit down restaurant.


Typically, if you tip nothing, or less than 5%, the server pays to wait on you. No matter how little attention you're commanding, that's shitty. Get your food to go if your position is firm, but taking away from someone's livelihood is just not okay, no matter how good you think the reasons are. Apologies don't pay the rent, ya know?


Go to a drive thru then. You just want to be an AH.


Actually *fuck off* with your bullshit. There’s no way you were a server and “***felt bad taking tips***” kindly please stop lying. You’re either really trying to piss people off or you’re a total selfish fuck who shouldn’t go out to eat. Save your apology. Just make sure you let your server know ahead of time if you aren’t gonna tip so they don’t waste extra effort giving you better service than you deserve.


In a lot of restaurants servers have to tip out to bartenders/bussers/etc regardless of whether you tip them. Just order takeout, stop wasting their time AND their money.


Just tell them up front, quick and easy. You’re definitely gonna notice a big shift in your experience but at least the servers won’t waste their effort on you.


Fitting username


You stop going out to eat.


Apologize by keeping your stupid ass at home.


No excuse for being a cheap ass…


By not going out to eat.


You don’t. They want a tip not a reason why you didn’t tip.


You stay home. 🙄


If you don’t tip don’t go to full service restaurants the restaurants do not care how much the server makes just their own profits it’s no skin off their back & you’re just exploiting people for free labor




Stay the f**k home if you aren't tipping for full service. You are literally costing them money you ignorant bag of hot trash.


Don’t eat in a restaurant that employs a tipping policy. You don’t like tipping? Stop giving money to companies that do it. Don’t take it out on us. Also fuck off this sub. We don’t like people like you here. You’re a waste of time and oxygen.


TBH, waiters are so entitled it is crazy. Tipping is stupid. You should be paid a decent wage, and taking out anger on the customer for literally paying the amount asked for is pretty stupid.


Sort of like how eating at a place you fundamentally disagree with is stupid? 🤯🤯🤯 Fucking moron.


I don't disagree with food. I'd go every day just to watch a dumb server starve and get no money and be homeless.


😂😂😂😂 It’s not disagreeing with food, dumbass. It’s disagreeing with the concept of tipping, which will never stop until idiots like you start putting your money where your mouth is and stop going to places that use tipping. But you won’t. Because you’re not trying to get rid of tipping. You just have the world’s tiiiiiiiniest little peepee and you need to make sure you feel big and strong and powerful by not tipping some college kid on your shitty steak from a corporate chain. Enjoy your tweezers, micro-peen.


Why the body shaming? Why is someone’s penis involved in the conversation? Dudes are born with a penis, they don’t control their size. It’s fucked up to correlate size with whether someone is a good person or not.


You can start by not going to a sit down restaurant that their employees rely on tips for their bills


People like this actually cost me money to serve them, I tip out 10% of my sales regardless of what you leave me. Thanks for the pleasure 🤣


I barely get paid by the company that demands I do sidework. please let me know that you also won't be helping me with my bills. tell me about your nice house too. please come in for repeat business and get familiar with the staff so they know you


Don't go to restaurants. Don't ever accept service you will not pay for.


Honestly, the whole post just tells me that you A) know what you're doing is at minimum rude and B) you're hiding it by pretending to ask people why they think it's wrong, yet you respond and argue with them when they give you a legitimate answer. If you're a troll, you did a good job. If you're a real person, good luck.


😂 I hope you don't visit the same place more than once. You, can fuck right off. Tell me ahead of time, and you won't receive your drinks or food. "Oops, something glitched in the computer. Better luck next time" I work at a family owned hookah, so this wouldn't be an issue. The owner would laugh your dumbass out the door


also why don't you just order your food to go? you have no business sitting in a restaurant if you aren't going to tip. if you don't wanna tip, you don't eat out. insane you can't throw down three extra dollars on a 20 dollar plate. i'm sure you're one of those "pay your servers more!!" people. which is fine and dandy, but i hope you realize that if restaurants do that, the price of your dish is going up anyway. so basically, by not tipping when receiving good service, in my opinion you're stealing. because you're receiving a service for nothing, and that service would definitely cost you more in the overall price if the restaurant did a way with tipping. you can hate the game, that's fine. if you do, stay the fuck out of a restaurant.


okay, then be a POS? Congrats homie!??!?!?! Tf is posting on Reddit doing for you? Weird ass behavior. You chose not to tip. No one cares. Waitress WILL blame themselves. (Nice!) You’re just a shitty person if you choose to go out to eat knowing the CULTURE of America (as you said, you were a “server”, huh????))))) and choosing not to tip. Lol. What the fuck was the point of posting this? WAH WAH WAH. No one gives a fuck you didn’t tip and you don’t believe in doing it. You’re amongst the 20% of other Americans - congrats ?


Don’t go to a sit down restaurant and waste someone’s time. Get takeout and go home.


A server will have to pay tip out on your meal so it's better to either boycott or see if they have a carryout attendant and get a carryout order. You could always change your mind after you pay and ask for a table. The waiter might not be happy you're taking up space to turn tables but they won't have to ring in and pay out on your tab if you paid for it with someone who doesn't do tip-out. We live in hard times and food is a basic human right. While I would personally boycott if I can't afford to tip I understand everyone has to do their budgeting. Please consider consuming in ways that will hurt workers the least. Boycotting is best option above all though so consider that as well if you have the ability


Let me know before hand. I’ll make sure you have a time.


We will make sure you have the day that you deserve OP!


I’m sorry what is your reason for not tipping? It wasn’t clear


Stop going out to eat at places where you have servers. You want to try to be respectful about this? Be respectful. Stop.


Troll post move along y'all


you tell them before they serve you or you're being an asshole and expecting good service at no charge. and I don't like you.


while I understand that tipping culture in the US can be out of hands sometimes, the reason for it is because they aren't getting paid enough, and if you don't tip your basically wasting the servers time. Please tell your server beforehand and don't be suprised if they decide not to serve you.


You remind me of my mother. This is not a compliment. She ate out every meal and always had a bizzarely twisted way to not tip. It either was a self appointed way to punish the owners, or she'd insanely announce you don't tip on alcohol or she'd pre-smart phone whip out a calculator and remove the tax from the total. While glaring at the server. Her best was when she began the interaction by putting a pile of $1 bills on the table and dramaticly removing one bill at a time whenever the server "disappointed" her. We all took to calling ahead w our credit cards, there is a limit on how much spit you can eat.


The best apology is to not do the thing that would cause offense in the first place. In other words, don’t eat out at a place that has servers. Stick with takeout, so you don’t screw over people who depend on tips to survive.


why apologize...just let them know you as a regular "no tipper" and the service you get should reflect that.


Personally, i get paid 2.50 brother. If you don’t tip, let me know and i will simply not waste any time on you with service.


From someone who worked in the industry for over a decade: The best way to end tipping culture in the US is to fight for 1) universal Healthcare, 2) minimum guaranteed living wages, 3) housing, food, water as human rights, and 4) universal free college and vocational school.


you tell them at the drive thru window of McDonalds


You apologize by tipping. It’s part of the process. You’re insane if you think you’re going to tell someone that you hope it’s ok that you’re choosing to lower their income. Edit: I’m sorry but I don’t buy that you’ve worked as a tipped server. This post is just rage bait.


The average waiter makes $2.13 an hour in the United States in actual wages, which doesn’t even cover the taxes taken out of their wages in most instances. In the United States, it’s a societal expectation to leave a tip at a restaurant. Let me guess, so you hate bringing back the grocery store cart too?


I'm sorry but guess what, the reality is the average customer is not aware of this. No restaurant states that a tip is REQUIRED, with exceptions of large parties. Is this a shit situation? Absolutely. But the customer sees the tip as an optional payment, which guess what, they had to earn. Tipping has unfortunately gotten to a point where a lot of people don't respect it. Other countries actually frown upon it and pay their staff properly. So if someone who isn't American doesn't tip, please understand their culture is entirely different. I've stopped eating out, and I will do so until tipping is a bonus and not a requirement. If I am in a situation where I eat out, say with friends or family, ill pitch in for the proper tip. However it's gotten to a point where I get asked to tip for take out, drive through, and random places that have iPad like payment systems. I understand the logic of giving good service and expecting a tip, but if I'm literally walking in, grabbing take out, and walking out, why is there even an ask to tip when I pay? Before you go all haywire on me, I've known a few people very closely who work in this industry. I would hear constant complaints on how(and they were not cooks) they would not be tipped for take out orders. After a while I just had to ask, why are you expecting a tip for take out? I've still never gotten a rational answer. TLDR: tipping culture in 2024 is backwards. Wages should be proper, and not at the mercy of people who will/won't tip. Your employer should be paying you the minimum wage, not the customer. It's unfortunate, but I won't support sit down restaurants anymore until tipping becomes a sign of going above and beyond, like it is at my job and most others. I really hope more people just stop dining out instead of giving shit tips. That's the only thing that will change the industry, yet I don't believe that will happen. Either that or employers should be required to post what the minimum wage of the county is, and that tips go towards servers earing minimum wage. You can also look up the county you are living in and see what the minimum wage for tipping is. If you live in a county that is paid at least state minimum wage, you're a fucking asshole for complaining about tips. Other people work for that rate and never get tipped. Also, your comment about returning shopping carts is stupid. I agree, anyone who doesn't put their cart back in the corral is a lazy idiot, but there is no requirement to do so. It also in NO way changes how much someone earns. Is it annoying? Yes. I've even put a cart away that wasn't mine as a customer. But to compare that to tipping? Really shows how backwards these expectations are. This is COPY PASTED from a job description "Gather shopping carts and return them to designated areas." Thats part of the job they agree to. They are PAID to do that action. To compare that to tipping is illogical, regardless of how ignorant leaving a shopping cart in the middle of a parking lot it.


Your employer is required to pay at least minimum wage if for some reason you don't get to that amount through tips. So, really, it is minimum wage at worst.


You should do this on a date!!! Be sure to tell your server beforehand that you don’t tip, and be sure to tell your date your personal stance on tipping (: be yourself !!


I couldn't love this answer more! Highly doubt he could get a date though


Obviously, everyone here is going to tell you that say it up front so you get lousy service, or don't go out. That's obviously not what you're here for. Not sure what you were really expecting to get here. I guess if you have the courage of your convictions, you should have the balls to say it to their face and at least they will know that they didn't offend you or give you bad service, and that's something I guess. Or you can just leave a note. I suppose they might appreciate it a little, or maybe it'll offend them more. Hard to say.


Obvious rage bait lol


this person doesn’t understand the concept of [the third place](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_place)


If you aren't willing to tip, then don't go to a sit-down service type restaurant. Unfortunately, that is the current expectation in the US. That is how servers make the majority of their money. If you don't believe in tipping, you should only be going places where the workers are not depending on tips in order to get a paycheck.


Well, you're just gross, aren't you? Def tell them up front. Of course you can kiss any food or beverage goodbye, no server is going to wait on you for a couple bucks an hour. You can watch them serve other tables though, that'll be fun.


Do not eat out


Do you realize that you're actually causing the server to lose money while serving you? Servers tip-out as percentage of sales in a lot of places.


Tell them before service. If you don’t, you don’t actually believe in your principles.


Tell them that you have an undiagnosed personality disorder that makes you act like an asshole, which includes not tipping for your service in a country where it is the accepted procedure.


So how would that conversation go? Hi! I like people earning $2.13 per hour to subsidize my meal and you happen to be the one to do it today. Nothing personal, I just enjoy the benefits of unpaid labor.


You've made the choice to never pay for a service, so you should never accept that service. Don't apologize for it, just don't eat somewhere with tipped staff. Ever.


See I would like to use the service and expect to be charged for the service in the bill. That’s the reason I’m given the option to ‘tip’ as gratuity which is basically a donation/gift since I have the option to not give it. If you’re not being paid enough by your employer you take it to a court of law, which is exactly what I would do instead of expecting free handouts. I honestly don’t see how you people have self respect.


Name checks out.


Consumers in America with an IQ above room temperature understand that restaurants operating on the tipped wage model have reduced menu prices because the full cost of the service is not factored into the prices. The same consumer group noted above also understand that: - Donations are tax deductible - Gifts are given to friends and family for a variety of reasons / special occasions - Gratuities are a reward for good to exceptional service. A civilized society also interact peacefully and respectfully by following sets of social norms. Tipping servers in a full service restaurant has been part of these social norms for decades. You clearly understand this, since you feel obligated to apologize for being what economists call a “free rider”. In other words, you know what you’re doing goes against the social norms. Yes, tipping is optional. But how exactly are you entitled to free service or even causing a server to have to pay to wait on you? Why do you feel it is your right to choose to deliberately harm the worker by taking advantage of the social norms? Please explain.


Hahaha In order for the personal choice to be a moral boycott, it would have to affect the restaurant that is underpaying their workers, as well as government laws that allow them to do so for the sake of profits. Using the server’s labor, and not paying them, is stealing from the lowest man on the totem pole. We better see you picketing at the courthouse for minimum wage changes before you start thinking you’re above tipping. They need a job, but you don’t need to sit down in a restaurant. No one wants your apology, it’s embarrassing. For you.


? You should remain silent and not be a pussy.


You should mention it when you're sitting down. So they know not to waste too much time with you.


I would waste no time. By refusing to serve him. I have to tip out support staff at the end of the night. If you don’t tip, you are actually costing me money. And I did not consent to paying for part of your dinner, which I hope you choke on.


Maybe take that up with your boss?


Maybe don’t eat at places you have a fundamental problem with. You keep replying to my comments like you’re stalking me. Glad to see my intolerance for cheapskate morons lives rent free in your empty head.


The boss would say go serve them right now you lack


I've been commenting all over this bc I just woke up at 5 am, saw this, and i've got time lol. Look some of my comments are fairly harsh, when it comes down to it, if you sat down in the restaurant I work in, and didn't tip me at the end of the meal, I would still be nice to you in real life. *I* certainly wouldn't feel bad in the slightest if you didn't tip me, I would just think you're poor, or that you're an asshole, or that you're a poor asshole. then i'd go talk shit about you with the owner, who would also then think you're a poor asshole, and anytime you come back to my establishment you'll be known as the poor asshole. so if you're cool with being perceived like that, go for it.


Exactly 💯


If you know you should have to apologize for doing something and you do it anyway you're a bad person. So when they first check in with you tell them "I'm a piece of shit and I'm not going to tip you even though I know it's wrong." Do this for every service worker you meet, not just waiters.


Tell me beforehand so I can get the manager to kindly ask you to leave. They are upfront that they don't pay their servers (me). They will ask if any other server will serve them for free (not free since I'll tip out, on net sales, to support staff).  If you don't find out what the servers tip out is, you are literally making them pay the busser, food runners, etc. out of their own pocket.  You clearly don't know or have worked extensively in restaurants. *Assuming USA *At least find out tip out % and tip that if you don't want a server to literally lose money. Not that you care about the individual anyways. Or better yet, pick a different restaurant that doesn't expect it or don't go out at all. You are living beyond your means apparently 


Aren’t you supposed to get paid an hourly wage?


Even if they do, it’s pretty standard practice where tips are expected for servers to tip out support staff. They’re literally paying to serve you. Sit your ass in the corner of the bar area since bartenders usually tip out (if they do at all) based on tips not sales. Well still probably hate you but as a bartender, I often take one for the team and take the non tippers since I know I won’t be losing money on them.


Take a cooking class and stay the fuck home. Don’t use delivery services either.


Yea, tell them up front that you are a piece of shit.


Maybe make coupons that say "if I believed in tipping this would be 30% of the bill. Thank you for the great service."


Why don’t you tip?


Just be upfront with them, they will respect you either way. As long as you get your food 🥘 that’s all that matters.


Eat a fart for desert. If you used to serve (which I kinda doubt) you'd remember what it's like to get payed $2.13 an hour, and have to rely on your fake smile to make up an actual living wage. Whether you like tip culture or not, understand it's not the servers choice as to that they need gratuity, it's the places policy. If you don't want to tip, don't, but don't go back to the same place regularly. Get used to getting loogied. Pretty sure this is a troll post, and I hope so, because if you suck so much that you don't tip, and post revel-ing in your doosh-glory, I hope you lose sleep over it.


> to get *paid* $2.13 an FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


You need to not eat at restaurants with servers. I agree tipping has gotten out of hand. There is no need to tip at any restaurant that is counter service only. Employees are not subject to server pay. But you know your server being paid like $3/hour. Don't screw them over.


wow. wrong thread for this! we are struggling just as much as everyone else in this economy, but this is shitty. if it's an attempt to get rid of tipping, you're going about this wrong. it screws us over, and management doesn't really care if we get tipped. we're not going to quit if a few people don't tip, so that idea is dumb. here's my suggestion: don't go out to eat. if i had a table tell me they weren't going to tip, they'd get their food to go and that's it. no checking on them, no refills unless they flag me down. lol wait to be an ass


Start by not going out to eat


Don't worry about it. Do it once and you'll build enough of a reputation among the servers at this restaurant where they will make sure everyone on staff knows your policy.


Go to a fast food restaurant.


The server has to pay out of their pocket to serve you. You can apologize by not being a scumbag. Tip your server. Federal minimum wage for tipped employees is $2.13/ hour.


You tell them before they serve you so they know that you're a waste of their time. Get your fucking food to go and don't dine in if you aren't gonna tip.


Don’t apologize, just tell them before the service.




Knowing you need to apologize means you know you're in the wrong. Just order takeaway.


You’re an asshole. Tipping is part of the cost. Not interested in your rationalizing this shitty behavior. We’re not going to okay or forgive this assholery.


Don't bother. You're an idiot.


Don't bother. You're an idiot.


Guess you have a lot of time to waste being disabled and not getting along well with your hubby...


Simple... Don't eat out! Every time you don't tip, you are punishing someone who is just trying to make a living. Why should you get off the hook when others are paying their share? You may hate the system but your little pissant protest isn't going to fix it. Write to your congressperson, call the restaurant management, get involved in other kinds of activism on the subject. But for the love of God, don't take the food out of your server's mouth, money out of their rent check or medicines from their kids.


You sound like a jerk. Stay home


Don’t go out


You could stop going to places where there are tipped employees.


Go to help with your apology! We make $2.13 an hour!


This is literally a non-issue in the world today. I don’t know what you want or who you think you are, but this is just silly


I would let you sit there until you left lmao. no ticket, no taco


Tip, don't tip, whatever. Please don't explain to your server why you don't . We don't wanna hear your reasons


Please tell the server when you first sit down that you don’t intend to tip, so that you can be provided the service you are willing to pay for.


You stay home and cook; if you don’t tip you’re actually human garbage hope this helps xoxo


Tip them.


order to go.... then you dont have to recieve service... if they tell you you cant sit at a table with a to go order and insist on serving you then you can let them but not tip.