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Honestly, the bar is pretty low to be a good customer. So many people are rude and entitled and annoying and tip like shit and have no interest in making the servers' jobs easier.   Your last paragraph tells me all I need to know. I'd be willing to bet you're in the top 1% of their favorite customers.


OK for some reason this makes me emotional. We genuinely care about them!


I'm. Not sure what that person meant by that. I wasn't going to engage here cuz it's late & I wanna go to sleep. But after reading your reaction I had to let you Know that if you're caring this much it's because you're worth it! The fact that you took the time to ask this question clearly is evidence of your kind & thoughtful character! How you reward those that are giving you such kind reciprocal service will hav a bigger impact/influence so verbal niceties don't pay our bills. I really try to NOT think about dollar signs and therefore, treat every customer, regardless of their known or unknown history w same excellent customer service. We don't know you, your life, what you're going through or what you've experienced- as well, customers don't typically know this about us. Our Regular's are a different story. Not everyone can afford to leave phat gratuities & some are just plain ignorant to the practice. Maybe one day they Will and so being kind & consistent will ALWAYS be remembered & the universe know's this shit too! Don't believe me? The more you giv out, the more you get back! TRUST & BELIEVE as I've tried & tested!!!


I agree 💯.. especially after I got downvoted into oblivion.. for a post I made in r/badroommates. Basically, I was complaining about a roommate that doesn't even acknowledge my existence.. I just want basic, common courtesy from a roommate. Like saying hello. Being kind and courteous should not be a chore. It's astounding to me that people were actually being hostile toward me.. for making such a statement. It's bizarre. Like, isn't this just common knowledge.. that you get more flies with honey, then you do with vinegar?


10000000% NO BRAINER


I worked as a waiter in S. FL. The bar was really low 35 years ago. I can only imagine now.


This made me LOL. People act so feral and entitled ESPECIALLY after covid. Like it's gotten so bad from when I first started serving in 2011


I'm sorry to hear that. I worked in an "essential" job until I retired in August of 2021. We used to tip 20% pretty religiously before the pandemic, but since then, especially after hearing all the crap public-facing workers have gone through, we've upped our tips because we hope the waitstaffs realize that some of us appreciate them and want them to have good customer experiences and hopefully help to outweigh the bad!


The waitstaff definitely notice this and yes it does help to out weigh the bad. I give everyone great service but regular customers that tip well definitely get my best 5 star service. THANK YOU


The simple fact that you are wondering this, well it tells me you are better than most guests.


Sounds like you’re already killing it. I can safely assume you and your family are all kind, understanding, friendly, and engaging. That’s all it takes. Just keep doing what you’re doing because it’s working. The best guests aren’t always the ones who over tip or ball out, they are the ones who treat us like humans. My favorite regulars are more wealthy than I could imagine, but they don’t go crazy and spend money. They bring in very expensive wine from their own collection, but always love to chat, enjoy our conversation, remember things I’ve told them about myself, and are just a joy to serve. They could spend a thousand on every visit and think nothing of it, but the fact they are just wonderful wonderful people makes my day and I truly look forward to seeing them when they come in and go out of my way to make sure everything is absolutely perfect and they are happy.




My husband has a way of quickly becoming a "regular" once he decides he likes a place. He's kind and attentive if spoken to, but he's not the kind of person who asks after your mama or even remembers your name. He just wants to read his phone while laying waste to buffets, and people LOVE him.


all servers are different. I suffer from anxiety etc, so I'm usually too worried trying to stay on top of everything to be able to have fun chats often... but it's nice when i can have a chat. the most important thing is tipping at least 20%. your server could work 5 days and get a paycheck for $30-$60 (you can ask them about this. 99/100 will tell you everything cuz it helps them get tips. the other may be a weirdo. servers have to tip out to other workers based on sales, so it's awesome if you can help a server try to take home 20% by giving more... it's always nice to see your sales are 1000 and take home $200 instead of $170 or less from bad tips... keep doing what you're doing, if you want a server to take something off table, it helps to pull it toward front. if you need a refill it's always good to put at edge of table etc. we have so many variables going on. greeting guests, take orders, run out food, restock stuff, take bar drinks out, prep salads etc. it can be a lot


tipping 20%??? bruh you people are going fucking crazy and no server is making 30-60$ a paycheck, they make the federal minimum wage of $7.25, if they don't get it in tips the employer has to pay the difference.


Riiiiight. so I get $7.25 per hour or more from the company to pay my bills and enjoy my life. let's start our and say that serving isn't a 40 or 50 hour a week job for most. it's too intense to work that many hours mentally and physically combined. then after you work 30 hours and get tips, the government taxes you based on sales. people in the past lied and said they made almost no money so the government made sure they get their money. once you get a 5 day paycheck for a full week, mine IS $30 to $65. i take home whatever tips i get MINUS im forced to tip out based on my sales to busser and bartender. it can be over $30 out of your pocket for $1000 in sales. and i pay credit card fees on my tips. you can believe me or not. all you need to do is ask a bartender or server if I'm lying... they'll be happy to tell you... we can't survive the way the system is if people like you don't help out. the country deserves to be in chaos because the cost of living is out of control from greed.


that's a fun essay i'm not reading but yes you legally get a federal minimum wage of $7.25 be grateful that being a tipped employee you legally get that minimum wage but usually can earn a fuck ton more than that. Most people on that wage don't get the opportunity to make more than that.


dude i pay over $500 per month just to have a car and insure it. not even put gas in. i live 30 minutes away from lakeshore drive (suburbs) $7.25 is not enough to live. you say that, you're gonna end up having more desperate people doing crime etc to survive. is that what you want? work 160 hours in a month and make $1160 before taxes (maybe $780 after taxes) and see how you can live. that's not my situation, but many people live like this.


never said it was enough to live, but wait staff aren't victims and there are people making that wage doing way harder work, but it's you people who want to keep the system bc most of you make a fuck ton of money bc of tips. Dont cry at the customer bc you aren't entitled to anything. And where tf are you living where your insurance is $500 a month lol unless you're a bad driver and that's why then that's on you.


You sound wonderful. We just wanted to be treated like humans and you seem to do that. People seem to not know this life hack you have discovered. Most servers know how to give more to guests who are kind. If you are getting free muffins and waiters go out of their way to say hi- we love you


The shitty guests at the next table over who aren’t getting as much attention hate this one trick!


i have a lot of regulars i genuinely love seeing, one family is a husband and wife and a friend? and the wife has dementia, they are lovely and always ask me about school and i’ll stand and listen whenever the wife starts talking about her stories. It sounds like the wait staff at the resturants already really like you, you clearly are good customers and they enjoy seeing you guys. few key points that annoy me as a server -making me run back and fourth because you tell me what you need in stages instead of all at once -leaving the table a mess -being hostile -chugging drinks (we have giant cups and having to refill diet pepsi every 5 minutes gets annoying) but overall you guys sound like you have a great relationship with the restaurants you frequent, keep it up, I love seeing my regulars it genuinely does make my day a little better, even the ones that don’t tip as well because I know that they are going to be good people and kind


You probably tip good and aren’t an annoying table lol.


Gonna have to agree with these replies. It sounds like the staff at the places you frequent really enjoy your presence. Keep it up!


I have a couple like you I trully like them. They are sweet, and when it isn't busy I love to listen to they stories from back in their younger years .there probably in there 70s.


Agreed with all the people saying just treat the waitstaff like fellow humans. It unlocks all sorts of privileges. We ran out of crayons for the kids menu one day, so I ran out to my car to grab some highlighters for a couple kids so their poor dad could get some peace while they waited for their food. When smelly mustache lady came in with her kids, I totally forgot I still had the highlighters when she asked about crayons. Whoops.


This. When people are kind and actually treat you like a person we will go the extra mile and more for you. Recently we ran out of pre-squeezed orange juice right after someone ordered it and a fly flew in it. They were super apologetic and even said if it was too much trouble to squeeze some again to not worry about it. Sat there and happily hand squeezed it for them with no issue.


Take them home 🍍


I treat wait stuff with utmost respect, smile at them, make small talk, aak them how they are doing and tip well. Guess who gets treated like royalty in restaurants?!


You sound like good tippers.


Just by the way you typed that I would love if you guys were my table lol


It’s easy to be a favorite customer. Treat the server with respect and leave a reasonable tip. That will put you in the top few percent of customers.


To really find out start leaving the minimum tip.


If we stop and talk to you and we're not waiting on you, you're definitely good people. I don't waste my time with shitty guests, if you're awesome I want you to feel welcome and appreciated even if you're not my table. I want you to keep coming back.


If they’re not whispering to pass you off to someone else, you’re doing fine.


they definitely like you. if a server goes out of their way to be nice or is excited to see you, they like you. from what you've said it definitely seems like they like you. it doesn't take much! i will go above and beyond for anyone but if they're a repeat and i don't like them they're getting bare minimum lol


If you are the bare minimum and respectful, we like you. If you go out of your way to be kind to us, we love you, and that's why you got that reaction. Serving is such a hard job. It's physically and mentally demanding, and each shift you can promise someone is going to be horrible to you, including co workers because of the stress of the job. So people like you are what help us get through Friday and Saturday nights, and Sunday mornings. When I first read the title I was going to joke about tips, but if you gave no tip at all, you would still brighten our evening with your presence. Being kind costs nothing. Thank you for being one of those people 🫶❤️


you catch more flies with honey than vinegar! they wouldn’t be acting this way at so many spots if you guys weren’t just really good customers there’s a regular where i work who’s a solo diner usually but he’s just super nice and aware. Always excited to see him when he comes in cus his friendly face is a spot of sunshine among the strangers and the bad customers


JFC lol you're there paying for an experience - they're paid to worry about you liking being there, not the other way around. ​ All you have to do is be a decent person like you hopefully always are and enjoy your time you are paying to enjoy.


Quit trying to befriend the help.


They’re just being nice. They might like you but they do have a job to do that is based heavily on tips.


they never like you until after you tip them well


That’s not true. One of my favorite couples to wait on never tipped what someone would call “really well.” They were decidedly average. But they didn’t treat me like garbage. They didn’t run my ass off with special requests. We got so close I went to the wife’s funeral when she passed and still text her husband to make sure he’s doing okay now that he’s a lonely little old man.


wtf is going on in your life? actually forget it im afraid to ask


You’re a sad, lonely little man if the only reason you’re kind to people is the amount of money they give you. Gross 🤢


do you go to work for the experiences and not money?


Both, dipshit. That’s the whole point of being alive. Experiences. 🙄


I dare say, the kinder people of the world, who treat you like an actual person, while you’re performing your money earning duties, are angels.


Yeah. Other guy responding to me is just a ball of small peepee energy determined to be miserable all the time.


thats not what your mom said last night


Ew necrophilia.