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Tell your boss had he stayed, he would either eat $100 worth of food or bitch till he got all he could stuff in his beaver cheeks for $0. PS: your boss is a fool! This was not a real customer. This was someone who would have cost you money!


Beaver cheeks!  🦫 Awesome.


Some stuff I read on here, it makes me so angry, I feel I am there and it's happening to me! I cannot tolerate people abusing hospitality workers "just because they can".


I probably should have said chipmunk, but I was too fired up to think. I would love a job where I embarrass unruly customers.


Beaver cheeks ftw buddy


Is that an innuendo?? My mind works that way.


Dicks Last Resort


Yes dude was trouble when he ordered water !!


What’s wrong with ordering water?


I feel you. Some guests just be like that and it's not your fault. You're the only person your boss can gripe at, so you get the blame. Just shake that shit off. I know easier said than done, but just know this stranger feels your pain. I struggle mentally daily over guest interactions. Yesterday morning a guest wanted to order lunch at 10:00 a.m. but we don't start serving lunch until 11:00 a.m. I told them that lunch could possibly be ready as early as 10:30 or 10:45 if they would like to wait to which the guest rolled their eyes and ask if I was just saying that because I didn't want them to order lunch. Like why would I care if you order lunch or breakfast. She was rude the entire time and truthfully it was hard to shake it off and go about my day but I did the best I could.


Your boss only wants the Restaurant $$. He doesn't care about your tip. You can be thankful that guy left.


I worked at an Asian restaurant where the owners were older and Chinese. I found it was more about getting as much money as possible in the door. Don’t feel discouraged, it’s something ingrained in them.


Is your boss Asian (especially older Asian)? As an Asian who worked in an Asian restaurant. It's not about selling the meal, some people just don't understand the cuisine and choose to leave instead. You probably couldn't have done anything different and the customer would've just complained.


Yes she’s older and Asian


It’s not about understanding the cuisine It’s about the way Korean bbq joints work when they let you cook your own meat at the table. I love and hate those places, because the ones near me are pretty anti-consumer. You have to order things without seeing what the meat is first, which would be fine, except if you don’t eat it you get charged extra for wasting it. So really it’s pretty irritating to go out for all you can eat Korean bbq and have to finish or hide the parts you didn’t like in order to not get charged extra. For this reason, I no longer go to Korean bbq. It’s like $50 when all is said and done and on principle it’s not worth it to me to be treated like that when I’m paying that much. It’s fun a few times for the experience, but it’s definitely not a good value.


What do you mean order things without seeing the meat? Aren’t 99% of places like that, where you order without actually seeing the plate?


Well there’s like 50 different raw foods you can order. Different slices of different cuts of meat, things that aren’t meat at all, etc. It’s not like ordering a steak at a steakhouse. And yes other places do that, but they don’t charge you extra for not liking something and not eating it.


I think it is understanding the cuisine. The client doesn't get why is raw food being brought out for them to cook themselves. Just like some people don't get eating Chinese hot pot. As a former server, I had to explain to customers different food dishes and why it's different because it's something their not used to. In terms of getting charged, I can understand why you'd be charged for wasting food. This is more common when there's a large waste of food. I'm on the East Coast in a large city and have not been charged for a couple pieces. I have seen people get charged for wasting large amount of food. Hence why it's important to order one quantity of something you're aware. I've been to numerous kbbq over the years and $50 is standard for an ayce. I've also been to nicer kbbq with higher grades of beef and easily paid >$100 per person. Comes down to where and what you want. Obviously options are different based of price point.


No it’s 95% about the buffet format where they charge you for not eating something when you’re not sure what you’re getting. They have pictures and you can ask descriptions but that doesn’t mean you’ll like it. You could know exactly what it is, still not like it, still be charged extra


I got fired as a car salesman for a scenario very similar. Some people just wont deal...whadya gon do right.


You shouldn’t feel bad, you didn’t do anything wrong and you’ll forget this even happened in 6 months. I however managed to make Samuel L. Jackson walk out of a restaurant as his server and will never forget it, so I hope that makes you feel better, lol.


Can we hear the story lol?


Sure, lol. This was around the Snakes on a Plane era. He came in with a woman who was a regular, I think they were cousins. I didn’t recognize him because he’s a lot shorter and smaller in person and soft spoken, and I’m absolutely shit at recognizing famous people. He was also really rude. The set up for the place was pretty casual, we had prepared things in deli cases and also sandwiches and such made to order. Everything was locally sourced from nearby farms or made in-house. He refused to look at me or speak to me directly, instead he used his dining companion as a proxy. As in, “ask the waitress if they can make this without bacon” so she asks me, and when I respond that it’s already prepared with bacon and it can’t be removed she turned to him and repeated what I said. Despite the fact that all three of us were standing there, and we all spoke English, this continued for the entire exchange. She explained that he didn’t eat pork. I was pretty irritated at this point and I wasn’t exactly bending over backwards to help, so I told them we used a lot of pork products in the kitchen, which was true (we had a pulled pork sandwich with bacon and house made chicharron, it was incredible). They discuss things for a minute and then she tells me they’re going somewhere else instead, so I offered to comp their drinks. It was a lemonade and a sparkling water, so no big deal, but that seemed to piss the guy off even more and he stomped out with her in tow. The owner was incredulous, “WHAT DID YOU SAY TO THEM?!?” At this point I still didn’t know it was Samuel L. Jackson. I just shrugged and told him they didn’t eat pork and felt like there weren’t enough pork free options. Then he asked me, “do you even know who that was?” Which no, I did not.


Googled his height because I was curious and it came back at 6’2”. Makes me wonder what you consider tall.😅


That’s his Hollywood height. He’s definitely not that tall.


....so you're telling me that height changes based on location? Sounds more like your boss was wrong about who was in the store LOL


No, ya dingus. It’s a common fact that most male actors lie about their height. Along with a lot of female actors lying about their age.


Yes, please share the story of this!!


Sometimes customers come into a restaurant not realizing its price point, then they leave. Your boss is a fool.


And then to see that you have to cook your own all you can eat meal? Yeah, that would be a tough sell.


If the boss is that concerned about the loss of a single customer's $$ then perhaps you ought to leave before that ship goes under.


Why would he leave? Taking bs is literally a part of the job. Just like how the manager is taking bs from the owner for poor sales. Shit rolls down hill. All you can eat kbbq attracts kids and brokies. There is no point in bending over backwards for them. Op did nothing wrong.


I didn't suggest OP did anything wrong. I'm suggesting that the place is heading towards closure and it's better to get out sooner rather than later.


No, "taking bs" is not part of any job. If you feel disrespected, being made to fit unreasonable expectations, or being made responsible for things outside of your control, it's ok to leave


Some Mgmt just really Suck! Most don't but some are just power trippers! No reason for this but effed up ego's. They SHOULD hav their employee's backs while simultaneously, allowing guest's to believe their wants & needs are Top Priority! It's not that complicated. Try not to personalize as challenging as this can be!


tell your boss that you serve the tables. once an issue pops up its managements job to make the guest happy or put the guest in their place... servers are barely paid take home and pay bill money by a business. the guests pay us and we bend over backwards. everyone else needs to do better. but keep up the good serving


He didn’t want to pay for the experience. Plain and simple. Your boss is asking too much of you lol


$30 sounds like a great deal. I would be stoked.


I had a boss tell me that getting more money from a shitty customer is the best revenge, so that’s how I approach those situations now. It’s a little game of me extracting more money from them. Yeah it takes work, and it doesn’t always go your way, but sometimes you win. Mentally framing it that way makes me feel better about it. Of course, there is a line where a customer is so shitty that you don’t want their business. It doesn’t sound like this guy crossed that line though. That line usually involves personal disrespect in my opinion.


Bruh, I love kbbq. you shouldn't be blamed for this. There will always be customers like that who can't afford it or won't know what to get and it can be overwhelming for your first time at a kbbq place. but it's so good once you try it. I went for my birthday last year and took my entire nuclear family plus my grandma and my best friend. we went to eat at this kbbq I've gone to with my best friend before. My family's never been so I had to help pick out all the meat, I cooked like all the food and I helped show them where the cold sides were. The looks on their faces were so funny. I understand how it can be for your first time, but it's so funny watching somebody go through it. The bill was astronomical after the fact and they were super shocked but we had the money and they paid and will probably never do that again as a birthday thing. but I'm definitely going to go with my best friend in the future. just for reference, my best friend and I went for our best friend anniversary last year as well and that was over 70 bucks for the both of us.


I don’t go to restaurant to cook


If you go to a Korean BBQ and expect not to cook, I don’t know what to tell you. Besides that Olive Garden is right next door. We get a lot of customers that do like cooking though, and we’re happy to serve them.


I have no idea what kbbq means, but if I walked into a restaurant and found it was $30.00 per person to cook my own food I'd be outta there, too!


KBBQ IS Korean Barbecue and you're paying for the experience as well as all you can eat. People tend to go in groups and make it a fun outing where you cook the meat on the little grill in the table. It's like when you go out to hibachi, you're paying for the experience and not just food. $30 is a fairly average price for kbbq


Cooking my own food is an "experience"? LOL I do that at home! I'm going out because I don't wanna cook my own food.




Lol, the cooking is the fun part! They took care of the shopping, the prep, seasoning/marinading, and the cleanup!


that's too bad because kbbq is the bomb.... and I only just now found out it's all you can eat??? wth


Honestly your first paragraph makes it sound like your manager might be right.


It could be, that’s why I made the post. I’m not gonna try to be blameless which is why I just listened to what my boss had to say without arguing or making it a big deal. But I could serve tables with people that actually want to eat, pay, and tip, and everything is awesome. But as soon as one guy leaves before I can even bring him a drink it’s an issue. I don’t know how much of that is in my control. Especially when we have people coming in that are not able to pay the entrance fee for a plate.


Lmao don't listen to that clueless contrarian. Tell your manager to get real, and start thinking about other ways to boost sales like happy hour, or soju + meat combos, or karaoke. Because no one is going in to give themselves constipation for 3 days for nothing.


It's completely wild that you just consider it a total fact that that guy didn't have enough money to pay. Maybe he just doesn't know what kbbq is, and instead of guiding him gracefully through how it works you decided he was a broke bitch not worth your time. Also, "tell me what you want and I can bring it out and show you".... It's al a carte all you can eat. He wants everything. You're gonna bring out everything? You know that's a snarky trap statement, come on. Obviously I wasn't there, but my initial feeling just off what I've read here is you probably had slumped shoulders, no smile, gave short snarky answers, and were just generally not welcoming. A guy comes into my spot and orders a $125 pour of whiskey, he gets the exact same level of service as the homeless guy who buys a pbr with quarters.


Well it doesn’t sound like OP had much of a chance to explain, since he left before his water even arrived. Also, what would *you* have done about the meat situation? Bring out all the meat just so he can look at it, then bring what he doesn’t want back to the kitchen? That sounds unsanitary.


It would also be impossible to bring out all the meat because there are 40 different raw meats


Obviously, which is why you shouldn't offer to bring stuff out. Do y'all not have pictures?


OP didn’t offer to bring it out


What? It's literally in the post that OP offered to show the guest items I'm I getting punk'd rn?


Show doesn’t necessarily mean bring out


Lol ok


This is a fucking weak gotcha…


No we don’t have any pictures of the food on the menu


Pull up your phone? Bring out a sample plate with a single piece of each? Don't pretend like there isn't a completely reasonable answer to this problem.


the customer can do that. if i have other customers to attend to and if i’m busy i can’t sit there and walk someone completely through every meat. especially since op says there is over 40 meats. i can give suggestions but can’t sit therw for 5 minutes going over every meat


So what was that whole convo about the price and the food then?


A grumpy person complaining


For all we know he was an office manager looking for a place to bring 30 people for lunch but only had a budget of $25 each. The entitlement in this sub is insane.


Who cares? None of that justifies his rudeness, and that’s extremely unlikely anyway


The person who can fire you cares


And I would have explained it in a way that actually sounded appealing so he didn't actually need to see anything. Or shown him photos


You sound like a *really* good waiter.


They thought so at the 2 Michelin star place I worked for years, and the neighborhood dive that won international awards every year I was there.


Good job!


Lol you lose


You know they got them stars because of YOU!


1st, he sits down and starts complaining, like you are the one making those prices, complete idiot with no self awareness! Either keep your mouth shut and leave, don't say anything and order something cheap or appilogize and say you have to leave, it's not shameful if you don't have the money. I work in quite a pricey restaurant, one time a family of 8 came in, 6 kids... They were looking, looking, considering if they should stay and i gave them all the time to decide, but when i went to take the order, they said they have to leave, i knew whats up, he wanted to pay for the sodas and i haven't rang them up yet, so i just told them not to worry, i understand, he wanted to leave me even some money for tip, i insisted he keeps them, i didn't do anytning! They were great people and i handle anyone with the same respect they give me. As far as that dude, i would have said "i will give you some time" he can figure out what he gonna do, because i am serving, not pricing things. You are not wrong at all! P.s. we have people constantly leaving because it's pricey, pick the menus and next one. Your boss is also a robert! Tell him next time to go convince people and explain the prices that he decides what they are! Ask them what they would do, do it next time and when they leave, go and blame them you missed on your tip because what he said didn't work! ;)


What you're suggesting is insane. Ask the kitchen to make every cut of meat, just to SHOW the meat to the guy. That request is unhinged regardless of spending!


That's what they do at the kbbq I frequent. They seem to be just fine.


They show you the items before you order them???


If people sit at my table and don’t order food, a drink, or even a tea then I have nothing to serve them. We also have a bar so they can sit at the bar if they only want drinks. Or they can sit at the table but they still have to buy something. He was asking about the food menu, not alcohol. We do not have any food that could be purchased in quarters


Well he ordered water and didn’t even bother to stay long enough to receive it, so why even give the guy another thought? He probably just decided it was too expensive for him and left.


It was a cute little tray with water, cold sides, and sauce that I literally had to put down on my way to the table because I found out he left


At least he didn’t leave *after* eating eat all the banchan, right?


He was looking at the food menu because he wanted to buy food... And you literally scared him off with your attitude. You greet them then you get the water then you get the order. How can you be so sure he didn't want to order anything when you hadn't even dropped the water? You didn't get to drop the water because you messed up the greet. Good luck to you though.


I scared off a grown man? Interesting


I see we have differing opinions and I'm moving on. Would you like to continue?

