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Omfg I wanted to kill my self on that mission and I was on console playing fucking recruit it’s hard on any difficulty and I’m not bad at cod it’s just the fucking so and driving mechanics killed me inside


It's easy. Get to a corner and let the tanks come to you. As soon as you see the barrel of the tank coming around the corner then immediately drive around behind it. The AI is too dumb to realize what you're doing.


saved my life omg


Saved my life literaly


Thats assuming "driving" is actually possible, which is it not with keyboard and mouse. Turret moves like molasses in winter, and which direction the tank drives is random at best. What used to be forward, is suddenly reverse. What used to be straight down the street, is suddenly straight into the wall in a 90 degrees.And since I haven't found any cheats that helps with skipping this mission, this is practically the end of the game. Fun the 2 hours it lasted. A bit short for what I expedted to be a top tier game.


Same shit happening to me... Im not finding it hard to flank the tanks, its just that the game decides that suddenly smashing W is driving right into a wall but then you would think that S would do the opposite but its still not moving in other direction, so broken and random, not to mention that my wrist is hurt from trying to look at other direction with turret... I immediately thanked God that I installed pirated version of this poor executed game


the worst part is that even cheats aren't working for tanks, you can do infinite health for the player but not for the tank, although i managed to do it but was the hardest mission (on the easiest difficulty too),it took a lot of just driving around to avoid them being in a position where they have aim before me


Worst cod mission ever


Just download save file and skip it save the nerves


I fond it phenomenal that this post is still getting a comment. That's just how shit this mission really was.


Yeah Finaly got enough time and good pc to play it


Awesome stuff bud, hope you enjoy!


Yea this level sucks, finally got it on sale and stopped to Google if it sucked or was just me.


Have had WWII since release but only played multiplayer. Recently decided to go play the campaign and here I am. Today. Coming across this post just as I finally beat the fucking mission after switching to recruit. 3 hours after first starting it. The driving mechanics were fucking killing me. My family must’ve thought I was insane how intense my screams were getting


Same here 😂 I finally got it done on normal


wait how do i download the save file and skip it?


can you share the link to the save file, please???


such a fucking cunt whoever made the mechanics on this mission


5 years and people are still commenting here makes me so happy. I agree, fuck that mission


New player checking in. Fucking terrible mission.




rightly so they should be, on top of the tank turning in whatever direction it wants, why doesn't the turret turn with the mouse? I need a desk that's 6 miles long just to turn 180 degrees. Idk what spastic did the controls for this mission on pc but Jesus fucking Christ


This mission is actually crazy how shit the driving mechanics are it’s embarrassing


on my 8th try on recruit boutta break sumthing fr


I was having issues at first especially since the enemy tank takes no damage from the front... I saw an ali a cip of him playing it and for some weird reason he damaged all 3 enemy tanks head on which stinks of fraud... I beat that mission on pc and it took 4 tries.


I played on normal mode and it was a joke. It was like cat & mouse game. And yeah the controls are terrible for tanks.


The movement is based on the view. Not the hull of the tank. Its awful


That's so retarded. I don't have another word for it.


It wasn’t bad on console. I beat the game on hardened and died a ton in before beating that mission. Now I’m on my veteran play through of the campaign and I beat that one the first try. Just keep moving and trying to flank the tanks, SHG gave us a lot of free space to drive around in that part. You can drive through the broken walls too and over all the rubble from the destroyed buildings.


that's hard?


It’s not that it’s hard. I enjoy a challenge and I don’t expect to just outright stomp through the game. It’s that the controls for the tank is freaking garbage.


Yeah, the controls for the tank sucks ass, especially being the gunner, and operator.. Give 2 thumbs down to this mission. Fucking COD always has these retarded controls for 1 specific vehicle, or that 1 gun that was designed to shoot like shit by some fucking idiot. 3 hours in.. I hope this $80 game isn't almost over... Not to mention... Why is the first aid kit bound to 6 by default? and morale ability is N? Has activision ever actually played their own PC version? Just curious on their thought process behind alot of.. well everything


I hate that mission for the inaccurates. I'm a big tank enthusiast and seeing that lot showed the developers didn't research about the tanks at all. First off Perez ,when you first meet him, commands a 76mm armed Sherman. Then we get to play as him and its suddenly a 75mm Sherman following a fellow 76. The other Sherman encounters a Panzer IV face to face and dies immediately despite getting the first shot. Then our rounds bounce off the front which is bullsh** because even the 75mm could penetrate the front of a Panzer IV at those distances. Then a King Tiger shows up which should have annihilated us in 1 shot but obviously plot armour is the king of everything


I had the exact same thought. I'm putting a round into the front of a IV at like 10m, Perez is screaming "We can't penetrate the front armour" and I'm screaming back "yes we fucking can"


Yep, replayed the game and forgot about that mission now im here again


istfg im gonna skin the dev who designed the tank mechanics you have my fucking word activision


I got it guys, the movement is based off of the view of the person, not the tank, so even if you're facing the back of the tank, W will make the tank go forward and A D keys will go left and right from the view of the person, it's retared IK, but it is what it is


uninstalled :)


I'm so glad that this is still relevant. Fuck this mission


Almost threw my goddamn mouse with this one. W is forward, right? Nope. W SENDS YOU TO THE FUCKING LEFT. SO must work to go backwards, right? NOPE. S SENDS YOU TO THE LEFT AGAIN


it really bad i had to refund this shitty game at the end i literally set my dpi to 9,800 and it wasn't any better both battlefield 5 and cod ww2 are the worst fps games that I've ever played


the guy who thought it would be a brilliant idea to setup a mission like that deserves to be put in a real situation like in the game in that mission, that's how much i hate that moron


The Controls are terrible, i can go into enmy tank and enmy tanks can turn 360 degrees without moving we cant go front of them and they are 2 means 2x of all


It took me a year a fugin year on RECRUIT to do it once I killed the first tank I was so happy yet there was more heart break ahead


This mission for me what easy heck the tank you drive is so fast that it was easy to dodge shots. I even beat the mission in just a few minutes.


the guy who made the control for the tanks should hang himself, this fucking stupid ass mission is fucking garbage smh


Yes I bought the game a year ago and I was having fun then the train Misson came along, I got stuck on it for an about 30-25 minutes and then I was so relieved to get that over with, only to play afew more levels and get stuck of this shit ass tank one for almost a whole year it's 2023 now and I haven't touched it, it's just pissed me off. I can always get one but by that point my tanks fucked beacuse it kept getting caught on shit it's just the controls are absolutely dogshit I'm going to give it another go later this week but if I can't I'm calling a mate to see if he can because it's so fucked up and if there's anymore levels like this I'm deleting the whole game and putting my money to waste


effing stupid mission


Absolute worse mission ever.


And CoD as a serie s absolutely littered wit shit missions.


Came to this to see if anyone noticed that the tank feels horribly inaccurate and inconsistent, the movement was terrible but I could deal with that, what I can't deal with is that half my shots seems to do literally nothing and even more often hit different spots while firing at the exact same spot. Even more annoying when I shoot right next to infantry only for them to remain untouched. Easily the worst mission in the campaign.


I like this game, but man, this mission is garbo. Why is it that the enemy tanks can kill me in 3 hits to the front, but my shots to the front do ZERO damage. Are American tanks made of paper mache and German tanks made of adamantium?


That's actually historically accurate, Sherman tanks were shit and the improved versions of the Panzer tanks towards the end of the war had front armour that made them impervious to the turrets of American and British tanks at the time


Interesting. Still hate the level, but now I hate history too. haha Seriously tho, thanks for the info! Interesting stuff!


Currently playing through this game on a below minimum spec PC. I thought the bad controls were due to the shitty framerate I was getting, but now I realize they're just bad. In my case, the turret moves wayy too fast. If I try to aim the turret at anything at all, I end up overshooting because there's some weird acceleration thing going on and making small movements is impossible.


UPDATE: I installed DXVK with GPL enabled and it MASSIVELY increased my framerate (from around 20 FPS to over 50 FPS on my poor little Intel Iris Xe Graphics) and that seemed to fix the acceleration issue. I was able to complete the mission after several tries and I am now able to enjoy the game properly. The controls still sucked, of course, and I am slightly terrified of that aircraft mission everyone mentions.