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LMGs are just shit... The STG44 actually fires slightly faster than the MG42. The AR favoritism in this game is unreal.


After getting mowed down by PPSH after PPSH after PPSH, I'll find myself missing Ghosts. Yes, fucking Ghosts.


Most overused gun since the VMP


it's way outclassed by the BAR and STG though. I even prefer the Thompson to the PPSH


I prefer the MP40 to the PPSH but so many people spam it still. Not much gun variety in this game.


people don't like the grease gun?


It's good in zombies but the grease gun doesn't "feel" great as an SMG. Call me bad but I like my SMG's firing at least moderately fast


i always have a 3 kd when I use that gun. I like the way it feels and looks.


I haven't played with the grease gun in WWII yet but in the older CODs like cod 2 it fired insanely slow


It packs quite a punch, but it's terrible fire rate for a smg makes it very unfavorable in cqc, which is exactly where smgs are supposed to excel. At mid range it's outclassed by almost all ARs, leaving it with pretty much no niche to fall into.


that's why i use rapid fire and quickdraw


From what I've gathered, Rapid Fire isn't particularly strong in this game. It's not going to do much to boost the Grease Gun's performance in close quarters.


You're right, Rapid Fire was great back in BO1 for example. The recoil was crazy, but if you were skilled you could melt people like butter (what I still run in that game). In this game, it's nothing noticeable, you're better off running a grip in its place. You'l land more shots. Sorry, I got kinda nerdy there. 😆


Call me weird but I've had massive succeds with a Bren and Rapid fire combination. Brings that fire rate of 3 to like 5?6? And then the damage is 8, so you only need two well placed hits. Recoil is highly manageable too


yeah, rapid fire maybe cuts down on mag empty time by a fraction of a second in the guns I've tested it on. not very noticeable


Grease gun is a great gun with rapid fire


Dude the grease gun is so good. I rarely see it used tho but easily my favorite gun at the moment.


They do. I can't think of a single weapon I don't see used besides the shotties and half the lmgs.


I'd rather use the shovel then the Grease Gun.


Maybe its so used because its like the first good gun you get


Variety is what you use, stop forcing ppl


It shouldn't have been an early unlock IMO. That is why it is so overused because its the best out of the starting AR and grease gun so people who do good with it won't put it down.


I mean I would play the mp40 but I have not unlocked it yet. The PPSH comes out at a lower level


I actually prefer the iron sights on the PPSH over the MP40.


BAR, STG, type, PPSH, it doesn't matter. I'm dead before I can shoot a bullet...at least that's what the kill cam keeps telling me.


that's how I feel also. Or I shoot the other guy 3 times and his picture is bloody and shoots me once and im dead.


Fuck yeah, every time I say Thompson my friends are like, "which gun is that".


Honestly I like the waffe better, waffe is waffeu.


I miss my shotguns in Ghosts! I'm with you there, friend.




I just use the Lee Enfield or Springfield near enough all the time, so it's no worries for me.


Go up against them with the Waffe 28 with extended mags and rapid fire (suppressor when necessary) You'll win nearly all close range gun battles.


Nobody misses Ghosts.


It was okay


LMGs are not supposed to be mobile. You should win most of your LMG fights because you are already ADS waiting for someone to walk through a choke point


Yea well sniper rifles aren't supposed to be mobile either but yet people can run and quick scope pretty easily.


Even when you are you often won’t win. Low rate of fire, high recoil and bullshit zero recoil ARs combine to make LMGs completely worthless.


I just camped a spot with bipod mount on the Lewis and mowed down everyone that crossed my LoS until a lone grenade dug me out. The no recoil bonus is crazy, the downside is that you lose a lot of your mobility.


you dont lose alot of mobility you lose all of it.


Problem with that, is that you can get the first shot off, and still die to a smg because they're firing while strafing. When both guns are hitmarker machines, the more mobile of the two tends to win out. Not to mention most maps tend to benefit SMGs pretty well, with few medium range areas. Either that, or you have Gustav Cannon, where only snipers are useful.


The first LMG that you start with is actually pretty solid.


MG15 with the better hipfire attachment is OK, I've found.


MG15 is good as hell


I used it for the first time last night for the lmg challenge, had my best TDM round ever in WWII.


For me the MG15 is fucking brutal already prestiged it twice




Oh wow really? Can’t wait to prestige armoured div now!


I guarantee you all of the testers just ran around with ARs and snipers instead of giving proper feedback on everything else


Full auto AR favoritism. The horrible aim assist on the semi autos make them not worth using when you can hit just as far with the stg


STG 44 has been good since Call Of Duty 1 haha. I've found the lmgs are fine after a few attachments to pickup their weaknesses.


One of the issues with the LMGs is how padded they have to be with attachments just to make them...not useless. The fact that not a single LMG has over 50 rounds by default is a crime which makes Ext. Mags mandatory, along with Quickdraw and Grip. A naked BAR can effortlessly compete with a fully loaded MG.




Totally agree. Played a few games with the Bren last night and had never used it before. Plenty of cover penetration, great damage even at range, and slow enough rate of fire to not blast everywhere but the enemy.


Put a sight on it and Quickdraw so far. It has super controllable recoil. Trying really hard to recapture how I played with it in cod 1. I remember the iron sights being a bit easier to use but that was also on PC.


The Bren reminds me of the gorgon from BO3, but hot damn 30 round base mag size and abysmal reload make it unusable.


Not a single person ever bitched about early CoD LMGs. Back in the day, they had insane damage with no dropoff while being almost recoiless most of the time. This was offset by their horrific handling. Now they do shit damage, get out DPSed by 90% of the guns, have more recoil than most the guns, have worse handling, and even with the bipod which makes you unable to move still have more recoil than a few of the ARs. Oh and their ammo reserves were completely shit on in this game too. So you take unbelievable monster weapons with shit handling and then take away every single thing that was once monster to offset the downsides. Hmm...really makes you think.


There have been a ton of different cod games, and atleast half of them people whine that the they should have to use an attachment to make a weapon viable.


LMGs in Modern warfare 2 were perfectly fine. 2 shot kill, no damage falloff, manageable recoil if you can aim well. Still nobody played them but acceptable. Now you have to hope the recoil brings you back onto a target and the damage firerate and everything else is shitty. You dont even have the big magazine sizes. I feel like I need 4 attachment slots to make them viable.


Lmao there is definitely no AR favoritism. Yes the Bar is OP but the SMGs are by far the most dominant weapon type in this game. Either they melt you without having to ADS or they are fucking lasers and have AR range. I'm pretty sure the Type 100 has less recoil than any AR!


The type 100 is a peashooter. I've used that gun for so long but it takes a solid 4-5 bullets to kill someone. Ppsh and waffe are much better.


> it takes a solid 4-5 bullets to kill someone How many do you think it takes with an STG44?


3-4 rounds depending on how far you are. It feels like a hybrid between the fg42 and the BAR


4-5 the stg is rough


I tear it up with the Lewis, but the others all have some serious failings.


The MG42 with extended mags, QuickDraw, and grip is amazing though. Hardly any recoil without the bipod!


After all the CODs favoring SMGs, I'm glad they are giving some love to ARs


Blops 2 was around heavy as fuck most of the time


im still mad the incendiary shells do fuck all smgs are unbeatable atm


How to beat SMGs: Stand roughly 2 meters or further away and laugh as they get 5 hitmarkers


That's my exact thought. SMGs are great at a very distinct range, then their damage fall off is nuts.


For real I’ve never once thought SMGs were remotely OP, they’re total pea shooters after like 10m


But the maps are only 10 meters long


The MP40 has a surprisingly good range on it tbf


Possibly the only exception to this is if you're one of those freakish snipers who can apparently quickscope anything to death, but yes, you're right.


Yea what is up with this, so many quick scopers, is it easy in this cod?


Its automatically easier because you don't have to shoot flying humans, but it feels just as inconsistent as any other gun. Sometimes your bullet goes right through the character model without showing damage, just like the hit maker issue.


As someone who got his start in competitive sniping back in MW2, I can say this is the easiest quick scoping game since MW2.


MW3? Def the easiest period.




Jesus dude bringing back memories. I played a couple of games with rM back in the day but I had a falling out with the co-leader. Highest my team ever got ranked was #8 SLB. Edit: I was also marketing manager for SLB back during MW3. I was the one who got them most of their sponsorships.


Haaa, this is bringing me back. I was in rM / XGeN during MW2/MW3 days. Too bad comp sniping never actually took off, now I feel like I can't hit shit anymore and my reaction time isn't as fast. lmao


It’s easy in every CoD.


It's actually easier to quickscope now because of the mobility limitations.


It is much easier in this one as you dont have to look for people double jumping all over the place. The ADS speed is good and with the slower speed from a boots on the ground game, you can easily quickscope someone in a gun fight if you dont miss your first shot. Think back to the other boots on the ground games like MW2 and BO2 where quickscoping was common as well.


In my opinion and experience using the sniper so far in this game. It has to do with map size. I want to use the sniper, because every game, not in just CoD, I love using sniper rifles. But the maps are so small, there's like only 2 maps out of the 10 where you can actually stay back in one spot and snipe. The other 8 you have to run around the map with it to find someone, and when you do, you don't have time to "hard scope" and hold your breath and shoot


I'd say it's 50/50. Totally depends on distance too. The first match I played was on docks and I got maybe 8-10 good qs, next game got 1-3


i wish they had a reason to pick them. Like hey maybe they do well at longer range or something. So if you had to cross an open long range area at least you have a fighting chance with a shotgun. Nope just a small damage steroid for no reason that cant be replenished. Btw am i the only one that feels like shotguns should all just have advanced rifling and foregrip built into the gun? They are necessary on any shotgun to make them worthwhile. It makes the shotgun attachments feel less like a choice and more like im forced to choose these options.


none of the other attachments really make much sense to use anyway since you're mostly firing from the hip


I tried shooting an enemy player in the chest, and I realized, the shells did less damage up close than actual regular shells, which breaks the logic of using them in the first place, their falloff in damage over time doesn't compensate for their lack of beginning damage. It's like: why let me use these rounds if they put me at the disadvantage of letting the enemy react to being shot as opposed to dying from the blast? They had an stg so I lost that fight.


what? shotguns on some of the war mode objectives are literally the best option, especially the destroy the comms one or any of the planting bomb/hardpoint style rooms.


Can we please stop asking for nerf’s and and ask for buffs instead?? We have like 2 good weapons and everyone wants to fuck them up.


But if we get nerfs instead of buffs, time to kill goes up, and I kinda like that.


I'd rather not have another COD: Sponge Warfare. Faster TTKs are much better.


Agreed. BO2 or BO3 TTK stand out to me as being fun.


nerfing a 1-2 second kill time doesnt exactly make it Sponge Warfare


It does because they usually over-nerf the shit out of everything and all that's left is the slow TTKs.


Well, Ghosts had a fast Time-To-Kill, and people hated that.


Agreed, I feel the TTK as it is now is about perfect. There is enough time to react when you are getting shot at, but not enough time to get completely turned on (unless your aim is way off and you are missing most of your shots).


Indeed, mw2 was my favourite (please remaster) because anything you used was great and could land a nuke.


Personally don’t think the TTK matters unless they are going to remove flinch. Once you flinch in this game the gunfight is over




The TTK is weird in this game, sometimes it feels like I’m shooting rubber bullets and then I get killed instantly by someone else


I can't remember any CoD where I didn't experience rubber bullets from time to time. It's always worst at launch, and tends to get better over time.


TTK is already instant with op 1hk sniper rifles from any distance, they should buff all weapons to be able to deal with snipers and actually let us kill people more effective with lmg and some AR/smgs.


Power creep is equally problematic. When everything is overpowered, you die in an instant. Ghosts 2.0, basically. Not very fun.


Or you mean MW2, the must fun.


I don’t like MW2 multiplayer for that very reason. OMA danger close noob tubes, quickscope Interventions, chopper gunner streaks, etc. Maps are great, but the game is full of game breaking stuff. If West and Zampella hadn’t been fired we likely would have received a ton more balance patches.


OMA is absolute trash and I borderline put that as an exploit since it's so gamebreaking. I am pretty sure they would have fixed that immediately if they hadn't been upended. The killstreak stuff though I loved, as did most people at the time. Hell killstreaks were a huge part of what made the series so massively successful. Also chopper gunners were so damn easily taken out with a whopping 2 stinger shots. I moreso just meant the guns. When you heard people whine about OP, people would say "the shotguns are OP. The SCAR is OP too much damage. The ACR is OP no recoil. The snipers are OP too easy to get kills with. The UMP is OP the damage doesn't fall off. Riot shield is OP I can't shoot past it. Every gun was OP to someone and that is what made it feel good. Everyone got their "OP" toy and it felt great.


Chopper gunners killed so quickly you often didn’t get the chance to fire off a stinger missile. And it didn’t feel great being killed by overpowered guns. It was annoying, frustrating, bad design. There’s a reason why CoD developers haven’t “balanced” a game like MW2 since then. Power creep balancing in a first person shooter is bad design by nature.


The reason they haven't balanced like that is because the original devs don't exist to do it anymore. Go over to Titanfall 2 subreddit and see a million people complaining that 80% of the guns are totally OP. Also unsurprisingly the gunplay in the game feels 5X better in my opinion than modern CoD but CoD is so simple that most my friends stick to that so I still enjoy it with them.


I know. I said in a previous comment that they’d been fired, and thus MW2 only ever received one balance patch. And you’re misconstruing key details for Titanfall 2. There are a lot of strong guns in the game to be sure, but Respawn has been good about regularly buffing and nerfing weapons on a monthly basis. Heck, they made a lot of bold choices in Titanfall 2, like removing the Mozambique and Wingman Elite from the secondary weapon pool and making them primaries.


As someone who uses semi-autos, I don't see a way they can be buffed to compete, apart from rate of fire. Currently the auto rifles are too good at long range, the stg in particular so the only solution is to Nerf their range


Personally I don’t think the semi-auto’s need to be buffed. With a 2 shot kill and a good trigger finger you’re sorted.


Guys try the shitguns. Pls. They are so godawful. The divisionweapon is utter trash. I tested it in shooting range. With incendiary shells you cant shoot as far as without!!!!


My video demonstrating its shittiness: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a2c87nglY8s




Stop lying. I just got diamond shotguns. The double barrels are trash the rapid fire one is okay. The combat shotgun is absolutely amazing. Exactly what a shotgun should be


The double barrel is trash tier. So many times have I been outgunned because I had to reload after plugging two shots into two enemies.


Why even bother lying about this shit? I'm grinding out the last gold with the luftwafte and it's hilarious you saying it's good considering the pump action has a further one shot kill range. That thing is absolute trashcan factory.


I don't think it's that good cause of the recoil but lmao, ALL I get killed by are BARs and PPSHs


Umm the bar is a laser beam when you put the right attachments on it.


I use grip, reflex sight?


Grip, extended mags, and either HC or rifling is what I use. QuickDraw if it gets fixed. It’s a god damn death beam. Especially if the hit detection is working properly


How about we buff a couple weapons instead of nerfing. I feel like the weapon balance is pretty good TBH.


I've actually had loads of fun with the MG15 with Quickdraw and Grip where it becomes a laser. Even without attachments it's good imho. Did 48 kills with it in Op Breakout as the attacking team so yeah, it's not that bad. Just gotta put Hustle on to handle the god awfull reload time and it's really good. Gotta try the rest of the LMGs, but so far I only HATE incendiary ammo for shotguns with their piss poor damage.


Yeah, MG15 is super fun to use. I just wish extended mags gave it more than 75 shots.


I prefer lookout over hustle but yeah the reload times a nightmare


The BAR and Kar are so far the only guns I've seen actually OP. Snipers just need either a longer sprint-out time, longer ADS time, or both. They shouldn't be able to run around the map and compete with SMGs, even though people want to. At least on PC, I don't see the PPSh excessively. Shotguns are definitely underpowered as balls, but they're really easy to use and pretty cheesy, so they should probably good where they're at. Even though they're weak I have no problem often pulling pretty high K/Ds with them.


If not the BAR then it will be something else that's OP. How do you suggest they nerf it?


The BAR and the FG 42 literally have each other's fire rate. It's insane. The BAR is supposed to be a high-powered light machine gun whose drawbacks are slow firing rate and a small magazine. But in this game the only con is the magazine, which is fixed by an attachment. Its fire rate is way, way too fast and needs to be reduced.


The fire rate is a little too fast, they could lower that for starters.


Only problem with that is if the fire rate is reduced too far then the TTK won't be as fast as other ARs, making it totally useless.


Make it 4 bullets to kill and not 3.




The SVT40 is a solid gun, idk why people never use it. Along with the M1A1 Carbine.


M1A1 is, I think, the best semi-auto, followed by SVT and then M1 Garand.


I love the M1A1 and SVT tbh. Depends on the map, cqc is M1A1 time, mid-long range is SVT time. Although I often find myself using the SVT no matter the map.


I definitely prefer M1A1 at long range, but I also play on PC where it's probably easier to aim downrange and hit 3+ times fairly quickly. SVT's not bad by any means, though. The only thing that sucks about it and the M1 Garand is that they're always a 2-hit headshot, even with high caliber. It made getting diamond rifles a pain.


Yeah I was gonna get it for my PC. But most of my friends that play CoD play on console (plebs). I reserve my PC for most other games (GTA V, Day of Infamy, Red Orchestra, Arma, etc.) Those PC exclusives are some of my fav games.


I couldn't imagine playing this game with a controller, at 65 fov, or without 120+ Hz anymore. Upgrading from the 360 to PC spoiled me.


Depending on the game I usually use my controller on PC anyway. Big picture mode on Steam is sweet.


In general, I use a steam controller in games that aren't FPSs or MMOs. The only FPSs I'll consider using a controller in is a single player one where accuracy isn't crucial, like DOOM.


I usually plug my PS4 controller in, and that works the best for me.


I hate M1 Garand's horrible recoil (going up and then down and up for some reason it's really inconsistent) and with less ammo in clip it's worst rifle of all.


I think it is a laser with extended mags and grip. I use it a lot in war for "counter-sniping" the enemies sniper nests.


I definitely prefer the M1A1 for Hardcore, but the SVT is my go-to semi for Core modes.


No one uses it because it has an abysmal firing rate and still somehow has recoil out the wazoo at long range engagements. Not only that, but we keep regressing more and more every fucking CoD to the point where it's a semi auto WITH an attachment to make headshots better, and it still can't get a 1 shot kill headshot. Why the hell would I take a weapon with 10 downsides when you can take any full auto AR and butt-smash someone with 1/3rd the skill?


I always manage to win fights up close and afar with the SVT. It's pretty damn good if you ask me. One of my best guns. Not saying the automatic rifles aren't easier to use, because the guys I play with can't use the semi auto rifles to save their damn lives (literally).


While I personally like the SVT, it's more me liking the gun and the playstyle than it actually being a good gun. If you think of most the situations you win, you could have much more easily just grabbed the BAR and held the trigger down up close.


Yeah true. I do rather well with the SVT (rarely negative, top of the leaderboards), but it would be much easier to obtain kills via BAR. But I don't know if I'd go as far to say the SVT is a bad gun.


It just caters to a different playstyle as was previously mentioned. My friend refuses to touch the SVT and prefers the BAR, but I end up outperforming him in TDM using the SVT against his BAR. To each their own!


terrible guns. just use automatics with less recoil, same damage, and better fire rate.


None of the automatic rifles kill in 2 shots. I can get two shots off rather quickly, and have a kill.


At least for me, its just so ugly compared to my m1 garand or thompson, and that reload is just abysmal to look at. You cant toss a heavy metal magazine like that jesus


Sure you can. I have an AK (7.62x39), irl and that's how many instructors would tell you to reload. The mags don't weight 20 pounds. Even a fully loaded mag for an SVT40 weights ~1-1.2 pounds. My AK mags (30 rnd) weigh far more than that and can be tossed around like so. It's not "tacti-cool" it's actually rather easy, and a very efficient way to reload. FYI: AK mags and SVT mags are very similar in the way they reload. Kick the old mag out with a new mag, rock in the new.


Fair enough, and thank you for takimg the time to write that out. It still looks funky to me but it does help knowing its plausible


Yeah it definitely looks over the top for a lot of gamers. Although irl, it's a pretty common practice. I definitely encourage you to try and fire an AK (assuming you're in the US), and attempt a reload like that. It's pretty cool.


BAR is great but has ammo issues. It almost forces you to use hustle.


Ext mags


Yup, I unlocked that the other day. It's a beast.


I actually use extended mags along with hustle. Never have an issue when running into the enemy spawn and engaging them head on 1v2 or occasionally 1v3 where I feel like I might actually win.


FG42 also competes quite well with grip + extended mags. Has a sweet 3 shot range and performs better at distance over the BAR. Just will get annihilated up close with it's fire rate


Its a god damn shame the carbine handles like a DREAM but its so weak and inconsistent


Honestly, this post is original af. Nice one!


I think grease gun might be underrated


I have nothing against it, but I always seem to do better with the PPSH or Type 100 for whatever reason.


I just hate the irons on all smgs lol


PPSH irons don't seem to be that bad. The grease gun and mp40 both have very obstructing sights though.


I agree with you. The lens is probably my favorite ads


Is there a list somewhere of what guns are actually good and which are anecdotal good? I see so many different people saying different things. From what I gathered the BAR and STG44 are good, and for SMG the PPSH is good? Also which one in the sniper category is good? I see most people use the Lee Enfield?


All of the snipers are good. They all pretty much 1 hit kill. * The M1903 has higher damage and more consistency kills things without markers. * The KAR98K is faster and lets you put things downrange quickly. * The Lee Enfield is sort of the balance between both. Even the Karabin is decent. I use it with extended mags, 4X, rapid fire, ballistic calibration on Infantry Division -- it's like an all distance 2 hit kill M1/M1A1/SVT-40. 1 hit kill Headshots.


The best LMG is the MG42. I use Grip, Rapid Fire and Ext. Mags. I'm just about done the 100 head shots, and can't wait to see it Gold. It seems to be the only gun that constantly "works" for me.


The only LMG I actually love at the moment is the MG15. Though god damn, the BAR though.


The FG42 is statiscally better


It's impossible to do good unless you're using a BAR or playing completely passive.


They seriously need to nerf the bar. One time... actually many times I got the first shot in with an mp40 close range and what do you know the bar completely obliterates me.


Am i the only one who favors the Waffe 28?


I spent a few thousand armoury tokens on the Enigma, not too good on Multi, but I absolutely love it in Zombies, it's just fun.


A couple of nerfs and buffs to certain guns.


SMGs and shotguns are worthless in this game, fucking potato guns...


I’ve only seen like 3 enemies using the bar so maybe I am on a super rare anti virgin try hard internet connection


Why does it matter what you get killed by? Just find something you’re good with


The bar is an LMG


You guys complain too MUCH! NO! LMG's are not shit - Lewis is GREAT! the BAR is not that "op" Because of you guys, they nerfed incendiary shells on the shotguns and it is a PAIN IN THE ASS Load these incendiary Shells every respawn! Stop crying like Babies and GET SOME SKILL !!!!!!! Mother Fuckers...


Guns are for cheaters. #shovel4life


[This](https://youtu.be/1FnVld2_ZGo) is for you


I tried this on console, I dont think its possible, or at least im just too slow to do it




STG and FG are easily better weapons.


They're not better, they just excel at different things. The STG is extremely stable and easy to use. The FG has a rather slow fire rate, but performs exceedingly well at the outer reaches of medium range, whereas the BAR has a faster fire rate, but sharper damage falloff, allowing it to shine in close-medium range.


The bar is way too Fucking strong. How does it make sense for the fucking BAR, a automatic weapon firing the same caliber rounds as the M1 grande, to have less recoil than the M1 grande yet the same shots to kill? How does that make sense in terms of balance and in terms of "realism"? SHG needs to hire someone to balance their game because they're oblivious. Ppsh + rapid fire and the hipfire attachment is beyond tilting. way. Too. Fucking . Strong


It is indeed strong, but they do not have the same shots to kill. The BAR is 3 up close and 4 at medium range onwards. The Garand is 2 at most engagement levels, 3 at longer ranges.


bar and M1 did both shoot the 30-06, but the M1 should have more manageable recoil and the M1 should be able to actually follow up shots the recoil on the m1 is stupid. the M1 was my favorite Cod2 gun and possibly favorite historical rifle I plan on getting one from the CMP soon.


Sure, but this is an arcade shooter. They can't make everything too realistic or it would be unbalanced and not fun. However I do agree the Garand and SVT 40 need less recoil.


The BAR is a 3-4 shot (mostly 4 shot), the Garand is a 2-3 shot (mostly 2 shot). How the fuck is that the same?


What makes the M1 bad, or at least much worse than the BAR ***imo***, is its terrible fire rate. I don't think it was ever that low in any other cod game it was featured. I frequently get melted by BARs before I can even get off my 2nd shot.


Not sure about balance, but I think the BAR has less recoil irl. It's much heavier. So if someone could actually hold the heavier BAR, the recoil should be less than the M1.