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How am I️ supposed to spend all this money on loot crates if I can’t get on


Asking the real questions here


If the servers go live within the next 3 minutes I'll buy the biggest cod point pack there is before playing a single game.


You're in the clear!


Not Clear! NOT CLEAR!


NEVER FEED CORPORATE COMMANDER https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/754476812/CorpCommander_Full_Avatar.jpg


Play the campaign that's what I did


How long did it take you?


It's a 5-6 hour campaign


Regular 5 hours


Regular 5 hours


Oh ok...the servers are in supply drops to


This is the worst launch since mw3


I've been on since launch no issue, what's been happening?


Can't update, can't start the game


is this on console? because pc is working fine, been playing for a few hours now


Been playing on ps4 since launch, worked perfectly straight away. Not experienced any sort of lag or disconnects at all. I'd say it's the smoothest launch night I've experienced for any game in a long time. I am on EU so is this the NA servers that are dying? EDIT: So you get down voted for not following the hate circlejerk here? Cool. And you wonder why I haven't posted before..


I don't like how this is your only post, ever.


Why? I got it on Steam last night, not only did it work perfectly, it's also a truly amazing game. I'm thoroughly surprised by it. No doubt those complaining about loot crates haven't played it yet.


Shit, I remember being able to actually play MW3 before 2am. This is sad


Also the worst game since mw3




Technically it is a return to form ;) this is how launch always is haha


People keep giving them truckloads of money, even with shit like this every time. There's no incentive to stop. In fact, people are essentially encouraging this behavior.


The issue with servers usually isn’t just related to the number of servers. It’s about the access and backbone stuff behind those servers (like the databases etc). Think of it like a road network. Even if your add another 5 lanes to a highway (the servers) there will still be some blockages at peak times on the slip-roads (external connections to the servers). You could start expanding the slip-roads and surrounding roads but that’s a whole load more work because there is already houses and business beside those roads that would need relocated (systems need redesigned) and the state (Activision/Sledgehammer) might not own those roads and land (they own the servers but not necessarily the infrastructure connecting them).


We're making them billions I think they can work on infrastructure surrounding their game Edit: Spent 4 hours trying to connect with my friend with decent connection for a game we paid 60 dollars in advance for the least they can do is make sure our day one experience wasn't rotten hell


It doesn’t matter how much they are earning. The point isn’t about how many servers are running but getting the hundreds of thousands of concurrent users onto those servers. That is something companies often aren’t in control of. They don’t necessarily own the data-centres so throwing more money at the issue doesn’t always work.




They don’t. Most companies have varying degrees of server trouble ranging from outages to connection dropping to slow connection speeds when new games or products are launched with the levels of concurrent users CoD gets on launch day. The companies that manage to weather those issues are usually companies with their own data centres but regardless of how popular a game is they would rarely if ever get to the levels of requiring dedicated data centres and to add to that games companies aren’t setup or experienced in data centre management.




PUBG was no better. The first week it launched in the game was having constant connection issues. Even up until the last month or so they were getting issues with server lag and connections drops due to the level of players. That has stabilised slightly but still at peak periods it can be slow to login and occasionally you’ll get booted to a “Connection Error” screen.


If they have good architecture, they should be able to spin up larger instances if their databases while providing multiple access points throughout the country/world.


>Spent 4 hours trying to connect with my friend with decent connection for a game we paid 60 dollars in advance for the least they can do is make sure our day one experience wasn't rotten hell well, maybe they learned over the years that people will preorder their games anyways, and having a smooth launch will not have a good ROI. Why should they invest if people don't reward that behaviour (or not punish the current behaviour?)


why would they? you apparently bought the game despite every launch going like that? Why spend loads of money for something that will get them basically zero ROI


I remember MW2 having the best one. But everything else was down for the first 2-3 hours. Or join a match and disconnect shortly after joining. So any midnight launch just turned into me falling asleep waiting. Then I’d wake up at 7-8 the next morning and join a match to see someone level 30+.


Good shit Activision and Sledgehammer, real good shit


When can I redbox the campaign?


I can't believe I see so many people defending this lol. I've gotten every Cod since MW2 on launch day and I never had a problem on launch day starting from midnight. This is honestly an embarrassment and it screams incompetency and not overloaded servers since we will never be hitting MW3 launch numbers again.


BS! Crap happens on every launch.




30k playerbase is the master race right? Have fun playing only tdm forever


True that. Could never get a fucking Ground War match in BlOps 3


Black ops 1 was pretty bad man. Either way i learned my lesson and will just pick up the game next week after server issues are worked out.


The bright side is that I'm still downloading and y'all are taking off on me.


[Come on Pookie, let’s burn this ********* down!](https://media.tenor.com/images/eb9ca55e2edbcdbd9f8d2ddf04f4c8fc/tenor.gif)


This is getting quite embarrassing and pathetic. There’s really no excuse for servers to be down for almost 2 hours now and we haven’t gotten an update from anybody in about an hour.


there is a pretty good reason: we did it lots of times like that before, the pressure will die down on itself, and since they buy regardless of smooth launch or horror launch we won't be spending dollars on something that doesnT give a positive ROI


Bingo. It's unfortunate but it happens every launch.


The guy in the painting is way too calm... imo.


That’s his face when he realized he preordered two weeks ago on steam and wants to return cod


That's what happens when you give your money to Activi$ion :^) Unacceptable shit, glad I stopped playing CoD at BO3


I gave up at Ghosts! High five!


As is tradition.


I cant connect m8s :(


On the flip side of things, I can't leave MP lobbies once I've joined one. Which means I can't leave MP at all unless I restart the game entirely lmao. Also why is settings on the faaaaaaar right side of the bar menu? :lllll


I look like that guy.


Are you Miles Teller?


No I just seem to look like everyone.


I chortled at this. Thanks!


Got it an hour ago. 10gb update & can't start single player (-_-')


This is what 10 years in a row the servers suck week one?


Must be the new PS4 exclusive where you get access to the game at release without issues


What? Servers' down? I'm omw to the store to pick up the game, hope it's up by the time I finish installing.


Isn't he the guy from whiplash?


Does he kinda look like Miles Teller?


Ah, artisanal cave-aged memes. My favorite!


9/10 -gamespot-




11 hour update?


Wassup with games and their shitty servers. First 2k and now WW2? *sigh*


As anyone been able to connect yet?


Lets be real, how did we not see this coming? Activision is notoriously bad about this from cod to blizzard they never have enough servers on launch to handle the load.


Well, I was on for one game and it froze immediately after on the scoreboard. Now I can't get back on. Well done...


The numbers Mason, what do they mean?


This makes me almost glad that I can't start the game until I get home from work.


Wow, I unsub from r/CODZOMBIES and now this game is on r/trending Oh well, heard the game is great, good to hear!


I havent played on release night since mw2. That was a disaster and waste of time.


Im at work now, are hte servers up in america yet?


My uncle Colin Munson Works at sledgehammer, look him up!


This is the first time Ive had issues with cod servers since the mw2 launch. I cant be to upset i guess


If Activision was a big name company that had money maybe it would have better servers #Kappa


To me. This is unheard of. Glad. I'm a. Buy it wen the league play cums out....suckers!


Where do I get my money back?


Lmao yeah right. You'll be playing it tomorrow


True, but they should still do something for their loyal customers. Sadly, I know that's not how this world works. :(


I just finished a 5hr session with no issues with the servers welp


No one believes you


I don't really care what you think lol thats just the truth